Omni Genius

Chapter 1153: Yuxiong is late!

This woman is not too young, at least thirty-four years old, but the maintenance is very good, it seems to be just the beginning of the thirties, quite a bit of charm. (7*

It’s just that this woman is definitely a rare beauty when she is young. It’s just that now that she has passed away, it seems that she has experienced a lot of things, and the original soft face has become hard.

When I saw that the detective was a woman like a strong woman... I was used to it, and now I am facing such a faint gesture in the face of the Thai side.

The Thai side looked at the woman quite a bit, and then ignored it directly...

This woman is a card. The Thai side has not used the detective skills to detect the tactics. Most of them are like He Jialiu, who is the master of the Ho's gambling industry group. He is the heir to the gambling group of Wang Qinding. ...,

A woman who controls a large group of assets with hundreds of billions of dollars is also imaginable.

It is a pity that this woman is usually strong, but now it is so violent to the Thai side that the Thai side will give her a face to blame.

6, my six sisters are asking you, didn't you hear? Still my ears are stunned...,"

The Thai side ignored the entertainment ice, but did not expect that the young man sitting on the other side of the ice was very unhappy.

This young man is sitting on the other side of the ice, and the other side is naturally extraordinary. At this moment, he just looked at the Thai side with a kind of grievance, but he didn't say anything.

The young man’s face was hung with a stunned gesture. It seemed that the world’s boss, his second child, seemed to be in a mess.

‘6 spokes, you guys’ people seem to be ignorant, I suggest you still quit directly...”

For this kind of smashing giants, the Thai side is too lazy to step on it, and smiles directly at the side of the body and seems to be watching the lively, and then the tone seems to be quite serious. The latest chapter of the

But look at the smiles revealed in his expressions and eyes, and find out what it means in his heart...

"Mr. Tai said with a smile, these two are my family Miss Six and the fourteen young masters..."

The spokes were calm, and they did not sigh because of the obvious ridicule of the Thai side. Instead, they did not seem to hear the Thai side's meaning. It was also a smile.

, 6 radiation regrets. . . ..."

The more you can, the more surprised these people are.

The status of the spokes is very high, almost equivalent to the gambling king himself. These younger generations are very respectful and fearful of the spokes, that is, the detectives are the ladies, and they are all polite to the spokes. of.

Because they all know, Fu Bo is absolutely loyal to the family!

But even so, in the face of the Thai side, Faber did not help them, but it was obviously turned to the outside of the Thai side, which is very abnormal.

The young masters of He’s family were also stunned. They were all stupid, and only a few frowned.

For example, Miss Six, how to entertain ice, what is wrong with it...

He Feifan will have such a reaction. It is quite normal. It is really a Thai day to be invited to He Jialai. This is very strange.

Now the Thai side is not only coming, but also in such a home is still so arrogant, indicating that he is fearless, which is quite bad for He Feifan.

He entertains ice, and he is the helm of a large-scale gambling industry group with an asset of hundreds of billions of dollars. It is not necessary to say that the ability of the cultivating industry has been quite thorough for the world.

The performance of the Thai side made her very angry. This is inevitable, but at the same time it made her very strange... It is strange that the Thai side has any dependence, that is, the detective is a strong face to the huge family.

This is also that she knows too little about the Thai side. She only knows that the Thai side has won nearly three billion yuan of tired coins from the Lisboa Casino in the evening...

In addition to the part that Saki Ichiro said, the rest of the money was originally able to quit the casino's profit, but the most bells fell into the pockets of the Thai friends. It is difficult to know if you want to know the ice!

What makes her even more strange is that the Thai side is the spokes of the spokes, and the only one who can make the spy, the only one who is over 90 years old, who is almost ruined by the father who is not very good at it. .com

Why do you want to bring the Thai side?

This quits a huge question mark in the hearts of all the family members, including He Yingbing.

After being so stunned by the Thai side, everyone was more honest, and no longer took the initiative to go to the Thai side to have no interest.

Even these young masters are as ironic as the Thai side, and the spokes are just a slap in the face of the four or five, and they provoke the incident again, and it is purely the head being kicked!

These people are silent, and the Thai side will naturally not take the initiative to include these people. It is really meaningless to care about these people, let alone the home of the family.

Fortunately, this side just finished, the detective saw that Faber went to the room, and a wheelchair was detected... The wheelchair was sitting on a 90-year-old, white-haired old man’s door.

How to gamble!

Obviously, this old man is a gambling king who is known as the legend of Tuen Mun, a man of the North Wow for decades!

It is a pity that the Thai side did not see the most powerful period of the gambling king, and he was nothing but an old man who was dying.

Moreover, the Thai side can view his fine gas, and the detector can estimate that the old man will not linger for a long time in the world, such as a hang on his life.

"You are the Thai side?"

When the Thai side is looking at the gambling king, the gambling king is also looking at the Thai side.

Although the gambling king looks very old and weak, when this sentence is said, it seems to be so full of anger.

Although the gambling king is quite old, but the momentum of the tyrant is how many years to raise the ring, a simple eye, the tone of speech, with a strong sense of pressure.

He is not a warrior, but it gives a huge pressure that a super master will have.

That is, the detective is Qin’s face to such a gambling king, and he can’t help but frown slightly... It’s obvious that he doesn’t like the arrogant gesture of the gambling king.

"Not bad..."

Although my heart is not good, but why the gambling king is not an entertainment ice, but it is not a non-fan, for such a cow, the Thai side is still resistant to the hand to respond to a sentence.

Nothing else, only when you are respectful to the older generation...,

, 6 think? "

When the gambling king looked at Qin Fang, his eyes became extremely fierce and he looked at the Thai side in a motionless manner. It seemed that the knife could completely cut the human heart.

This kind of oppressive oppression, a strong man who has a generation of hands, that is, the detective is in the final stage of life, it is still that strong.

This investigation is the momentum of the superiors, a powerful momentum completely different from the military, that is, the military who is the Thai side feels the deep pressure.


However, the more gambling the king is, the more enthusiasm in the heart of the Thai side is also rising. He is not a soft persimmon hand, and he can not be free to take it.

The Thai side’s mind was moved, and the momentum of the body immediately rose. The shape of the ring was similar to the existence of the gas field, and it was faintly opposed to the gambling king.

This old and young, the detectives are smashing each other, and the card does not mean to put on the plane...,

The seemingly very kind of spokes, standing behind the gambling king, the hand is in the wheelchair, but the turbid eyes are also exposed to light, always paying attention to the movement between the gambling king and the Thai side... ...,

The surrounding air seems to be completely stagnation, and those of the family don’t even dare to make a sound, that is, the entertainment ice is slightly better, but it is also a kind of unknown species that blinks in the eye. Light.

As for He Feifan, at this moment, it is full of surprises, surprises, sorrows, and remorse. It seems that many things that he did not understand before, now fully understand the moment, "...

Perhaps because of this, He Feifan’s handsome face is becoming pale...

Others of the family did not understand the Thai side. Even many people have never heard of it. Naturally, there is not much thought, but it is quite awesome for this young man.

The gambling king is a generation of masters, although not a powerful military, but the momentum is definitely not comparable to the average person.

The detective is the birth hand of these gambling kings. When they face the gambling king, they are also treacherous. But the Thai side can face the momentum of the gambling king, not only does not have a little bit of retreat and fear, even There is a faint temperament that can be used to fight against the court. It’s just that this detectives make them feel terrible...

One old and one young are facing each other, making the surrounding air seem to be completely stagnation, and it seems that even breathing has become difficult.

"Good, good, good... It’s not a Thai old ghost, hand!"

This kind of dignified breath, until the gambling king suddenly laughed and ended in summer, why the gambling king laughed, very hearty hand.

But at the same time, when speaking, the Thai side clearly felt the faint fatigue of the gambling king. . . ...

The hero is late, the Lian quite old man...,

I feel the change of the atmosphere of the gambling king. Rao is the Thai side who has not yet asked for the position of the gambling king, but he can't help but sigh.

Once the generation of the North Wow, the heroes of the North, such as one is just a smashing old man and squatting, that is, the Detective is in the final stage of life sorrow, but also to wipe out his **** for his own handcuffs, This may be a sad thing...

"Thai old ghost?"

But soon the Thai side was arrested, because he was completely stunned by the words of the gambling king...

Listening to what the gambling king meant, it seems that the gambling king of this heroic life actually knows the Thai tea that he has never seen before. . . ...(unfinished

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