Omni Genius

Chapter 1165: Except evil!

Chapter 1165 is evil!

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After the blade passed, the little devil suddenly stood up. After a long time, there was a red mark on the wound, and then a spurt of a **** line...

This little devil also has no chance to shoot, just by being wiped by the blade, he is directly killed by the spike...


The killing is still going on, and Qin will not stop because of the death of one or two people. ("7*"

These people are the core members of this organization. Everyone's hands are covered with blood. For example, Nagata, which has no fart, has a sin value of more than 2,000 points. People who die directly in his hands. It is even more than 20 people... These fierce wicked people, Qin is convenient to kill him and also to kill the people.

The other members are all carrying the boundless blood debts. The one with the least sinful value is more than 400 points, and the most is more than 3,000. It is a butcher at the executioner level.

The knife in the hands of Qin Fang flew up and down. No one was his opponent. Almost no chance to play with him. The knife in his hand has already harvested a piece of life again and again.

The screams came one after another, and they were spread in this management room.

Unfortunately, their own people must not be inaudible, most of them are in this management room, others are in the sterile room, where the sound insulation effect is very good, even if it is called the sky, no one can hear.

But those who were locked in the cage heard the screams here, and they looked up and seemed to want to know what happened, but their position was too low to see what happened.

Only the blood of the red blood slowly dripped, and a small part of it fell in the cage just below it. It seems that there seems to be a killing, because the blood is like a small river, it is not a person. Can be put out...

Qin Fang’s killing is on the rise. These little devils have no threat to him. He can naturally cut vegetables and cut vegetables, and it is very easy to kill. The latest chapter of the church

However, the evil values ​​of these little devils are not low. Every time Qin Fang kills a person, the value of justice can be increased by a small amount. The effort of a few moments has increased by nearly two thousand points, which is equivalent to the massacre of Darren. The sin of the priest’s gang was worth...

This shows that the little devils of this sinful factory have murdered many dragons!

"Death, death, death... all give me death!"

The more this is the case, the more Qin Fang feels that these people are hateful, the more they are not planning to show their mercy, and each knife will almost slash and chop a little devil.


When the Qin Fang was raised, he suddenly felt a smog in the back, and a threat was quietly coming.

Obviously, someone intends to count him from behind, and the person who seems to be shooting is not too weak.


It’s just that the Qin side is cold and the body is slightly turned, and the Japanese sword in the hand is also quickly raised.


The two knives collided together and the two men quickly retreated.

"Is there some strength? Unfortunately... not enough!"

Qin Fang is also a little surprised at the strength of this little devil, actually still quite good, has been regarded as a master of the knife, with his level 5 repair, it is to play with the ordinary master master, can also occupy a certain advantage .

"It seems that you should be a Japanese kendo...but today you still have to die!"

Although it is a bit strange, but it has not been put in the eyes of Qin Fang, this little devil should come from the Japanese kendo stream, this has such a knife skill, but there is still a big gap with the strength of Qin Fang. Can't stop the killing of Qin Fang...

I saw that Qin’s footsteps were slightly moving, and his body shape was like that of a ghost. He clearly slashed his knife here and slashed at the other’s head, but when the Japanese warrior’s pupil narrowed slightly and subconsciously wanted to dodge The Qin Fang in front of me suddenly disappeared. The latest chapter of the church

Before he could react, a sharp Japanese knife immediately stabbed in from his back. He didn't even have a chance to dodge. He was directly stabbed in a pair.

The strength of this warrior is very good, and the timing of the shot is quite good, the only pity is that his strength is still a little worse.

If he really reaches the master level, he can still bring a great threat to Qin Fang. Unfortunately, he has not achieved such strength, and he can only become the soul of Qin Fang.

After all, Qin Fang is now wearing a snow-free body, and the speed of small-scale movement is almost lightning-fast, and it is difficult to guard against it.

Killing this master, there is no living thing left in this management room. The only one that can still breathe is a little devil, but he has lost an arm.

"Don't... don't kill me..."

As soon as he saw Qin Fang’s eyes, he shot a few bodies on the ground and finally looked at him. The little devil immediately squatted and squatted down. It was a fearful pleading.

"Where is Kondo Good Field?"

Qin Fang did not care about his begging for mercy, and slowly walked to the front of this little devil, the samurai sword in his hand was also placed on the neck of this little devil, the tone was very harsh.

Kondo Ryota is the main character that Qin Fang is looking for, that is, the Japanese master who has cultivated the blood of the blood, possesses the bloodthirsty grass, and also makes the one that counts the sword.

Although he is not a member of this organization, he is now employed by this organization and is now in this underground factory.

The Qin Fang killed so many little devils, but they were all a little embarrassed. They have not seen the true Lord he really has to deal with.

This kid has been scared and timid, and he has smashed the Qin side's shackles. Now it is the knife holder on the neck. He still dares to have a little hesitation.

Almost no hesitation, twitching raised his fingers and pointed to the door at a corner of the underground factory, it seems to be the direction.

"You are useless, go see the king of Jurassic..."

Only the direction he just pointed out here, Qin Fang’s knife has cut his neck, and the blood suddenly shot, this unfortunate child can only helplessly hold his neck, seems to want to stop the blood. It’s a pity, but it’s all about doing nothing... he can’t live anymore!

After killing this little devil, basically the little devils on this side were cleared. As for those who were busy in the sterile room, Qin Fang did not go to clean them up.

These people are just forced to do this thing. They themselves are forced to do so. Even the family members are still secretly controlled by these little devils. They dare not have any resistance.

Even if Qin Fang killed them, it doesn't make much sense. They don't really want to do this. They have to make such choices for their families and for their own survival.

What's more, although these people have taken their organs, they are meticulous, from the beginning to the end of the operation, and try to be perfect.

Unfortunately, the conditions here are really bad. Many of the wounded are still unfortunately infected and eventually die... so it’s really worth it.

Qin Fang did not go to find their troubles. He came to see Kondo Ryota and the leader of this organization, Inoue Hiroshi. This is the main culprits he has to deal with, and naturally he will not care about other people.

The little devil just said that the truth is that Kondo is indeed behind that door.

Not only is Kondo good, but Inoue is also living there. It is the harem of these people, and it is also the real core of the high-rise.

"It seems that this fierce battle is inevitable..."

Looking at the door, Qin Fang’s face showed some excitement, and after a slight movement of his hands and feet, he immediately went to the door and killed it.

Just killing these is just a small meal, an appetizer, and the real dinner is still in that door.


When Qin Fang had a big foot, the iron gate was immediately kicked by his foot and flew toward the inside. It seemed that he heard a slamming sound, and he did not know whether it hit the person or hit the object. .


When the door opened, Qin Fang did not take a step, and immediately someone took the knife and killed it. The speed was very fast, and the speed was very fast, and the shot was very sudden. If the average person really didn't want to stop it.

Unfortunately, he met Qin Fang, and that is his price tragedy...


Qin Fang's face was unchanged, and the Japanese knife in his hand moved quickly. He quickly brushed a few swords in the air, and even did not even have a hand. His knife had already pierced the other's throat, and a knife was deadly.

The blood spurred slowly along the blade, and Qin Fang only flew his body with one foot, which did not let the blood stain on himself.


The killing is still going on. From this door, Qin Fang is completely exposed, not only has a master attack or besieged Qin.

However, the Qin side is very calm and calm, and the Japanese sword in his hand is waving, like a leisurely walk, moving through the crowd, waving the Japanese knife in his hand from time to time, or stabbing, or licking, or Cut... Each time is random and different.

However, when Qin Fang finally stopped, there were already seven or eight bodies left behind. Almost one who was just involved in the siege of him was still alive...

It was only at this time that there were not many people left in this organization. Basically, there were two or three kittens, and they did not know where to hide.

Even after this step, Qin Fang did not intend to stop it, but he did not wait for him to continue to shoot, but he had to stop the killing, because there is already a look in his eyes not far from him. A touch of deep hostile eyes is already waiting for him...

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