Omni Genius

Chapter 1179: Crossing the river

Chapter 1179 Crossing the River Bridge

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"Oh, my best friend, what kind of person is she still I don't know? Don't think that you are hiding, I can't catch you..."

Helen is quite excited and seems to be proud of his own intelligence. The latest chapter of the church

Only when she said this, she looked at the Qin side with a very weird look. It seemed to be very interested in him. The Qin party had to be defeated.

This foreign beauty is quite beautiful, especially the eyes of the blue eyes are even more beautiful. Almost anyone who sees it will have something to move, and Qin is no exception.

But this beautiful woman is also awkward to let Qin Fang feel a little shameful. Some of the words used to make the Qin side directly flee and escape...

"Miss Helen, let's talk about this cooperation..."

Qin Fang didn't want to continue to honed those idle things with the beauty who once sipped and wanted to accompany him with Qin Fang, and naturally shifted the topic to the business.

"Okay, then let's talk about business..."

Helen nodded and went back to the bedroom to get a document back. He began to discuss cooperation with Qin.

Chu Yu has a great say in drug research and development, but the specific business is not his strengths. Naturally, he is just sitting quietly beside him, watching Qin and Helen discuss.

This discussion is actually the first simple cooperation intention of Helen and Qin Fang. It gives a general outline of intentions first.

As for the specific details, then after the cooperation intentions are almost drafted, the two sides will let the professionals negotiate again...

After all, those details are also related to the injection of costs, the distribution of benefits, etc., which are the key issues that determine who makes money, of course, must be compared!

However, this kind of thing is naturally responsible for specific, Qin Fang and Helen can not stand up to compete with the red face of the people. ("")

But at this time, just before Qin Fang and Helen’s side, Helen’s phone suddenly rang...

Helen didn't look at the number. He just smiled and smiled at the Qin party. He hung up the phone directly. This is a must-have in the business field.

It’s just that this side just hangs up, Helen’s side has to continue, and the phone rang again...

However, Helen still simply smashed the phone.

However, the phone rang again soon, and it seemed that there was something urgent.

"You still have to answer the phone first..."

Qin Fang smiled and immediately said to Helen that the phone was so anxious. Anyway, Qin Fang was not in a hurry for this moment, and immediately signaled Helen to answer the phone first.

Helen nodded and smiled apologetically at the Qin side. He glanced at the phone number above. The brow was slightly wrinkled. However, he hesitated and stood up and answered the phone.

Qin did not care, so he sat there and talked with Chu Xiao, saying something like where to go to eat tonight, where to live at night...


But they were talking, and Helen, who was on the phone, suddenly raised his voice a few degrees, almost screaming.


Even the glamorous, awkward beauty hangs up the phone, and then slams the expensive mobile phone on the ground, and faintly can hear something that seems to be "**". The swearing words of "**"...

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang and Chu Yu are also stunned. I don’t know what it is, and it will make Helen’s big beauty react so much.

Especially Chu Yu, she and Helen have known each other for so many years, it seems that for the first time, Helen is so angry!

However, she has not asked in the past, Helen has come over. ""

"Qin, I am sorry... our topic may have to stop temporarily!"

Helen’s face was extremely embarrassing and said, with obvious anger on his face.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Qin Fang also felt a little strange. Just now, how can this call go out directly?

"It’s all a group of idiots at the head office... It’s said that this cooperation is a big event that affects the future profit of the entire group, so the head office will send the highest-level negotiation team to negotiate with you... so we also It can only be temporarily stopped. Even if the results are discussed, the head office may not be recognized..."

Helen has tried to make herself look very peaceful, and luck is as calm as possible, but her anger is still not completely gone.

Qin Fang quietly listened to Helen, but also felt that this thing is a bit strange, but it is not easy to say anything, this reason seems to be very reasonable, even for him, it is still very face-to-face...

But after careful analysis, you can see that this is actually disguising the power of Helen in disguise, and it is no wonder that she will be so angry.

This time, the cooperation was initiated by Helen from the very beginning. Everything behind it was arranged and responsible by her, but this time she was about to enter the negotiation stage. She was suddenly inserted into a tank and took away the book. The power that belongs to her does not say that it seems to be intended to directly exclude her from the negotiating team.

This hand played by the head office of Reid Pharmaceutical Group is really quite wretched and quite sloppy... it is simply crossing the river to break the bridge!

"You don't worry, we talk about us... If your company doesn't approve it, then I can't recognize them!"

However, the Qin side was quite calm, while he gestured to Chu Yu to comfort Helen, while on the other hand he said with a smile.

In the hands of Buxin Dan, they are the real negotiating body. Naturally, they also have the right to decide who will be their negotiating object.

What's more, the prescription of the prescription in the hands of Qin Fang, who he wants to give to whom, who to work with whom to cooperate with ... Reed Pharmaceuticals is only a little bit of opportunity, and this is still in Helen's Share.

If you let go of Helen's relationship, Qin Fang will be blamed on Bird Reid Pharmaceuticals...

The clinical trial of Buxin Dan in the United States can be passed. Helen has made great efforts. Even Qin Fang feels that she owes her a favor.

Now that Helen has been put together, Qin Fang naturally has to find her back for the scene... Otherwise, how can this person still go back?


Helen’s glimpse, then the look is a hi, but still some speculative looking at the Qin side, it seems very much to know whether Qin Fang really.

"Of course it is true... you are a good sister, I will not help you who will help you?"

Although Qin Fang is not very interested in the struggle for power in this big family, he does not want to intervene. However, as far as things are concerned, he does not want the object of negotiation to be changed from Helen, an acquaintance, to another stranger who has not dealt with him. Coming...


"Qin, you are so good... I found that I fell in love with you!"

As a result, when Qin Fang’s words came out, Helen’s face immediately showed a bright smile. Then, the enthusiasm of the Qin Fang’s face came with a big kiss. Even if it was said, Qin Fang was once again Shocked.

"Helen, or if you come over to Qin Fang, you can still be a companion..."

On the other side, Chu Yu saw that the good sisters were in a much better mood. She couldn’t help but joked, just joking, not really.

"Small 妾... is it a lover? This is very good... I can think about it! It's not as good as... We are now three farts..."

Helen's Chinese is not particularly good, although a lot of fluency, but the understanding of individual vocabulary is really quite speechless.

Xiaoying’s vocabulary, she seems to have heard it, vaguely knows what it means, immediately said it with a smile, even took the initiative to pull Qin Fang and Chu Yu, and shouted for three farts. ......

Although Chu Yu is quite embarrassing in front of Helen, it is actually inferior. In fact, Helen’s movement is to be a fart, but Chu Yu heard this, although it is said that it is said to play. However, I still couldn’t help but have a shy red color on my face.

"Don't... I can't afford you, can't you?"

The Qin side was also speechless, and immediately put on a stance to escape. It is really that the beauty of the ocean horse is too embarrassing, even if he is such a macho, it seems that it can not be saved...


As a result, when Qin Fang’s words came out, Helen’s face immediately showed a bright smile. Then, the enthusiasm of the Qin Fang’s face came with a big kiss. Even if it was said, Qin Fang was once again Shocked.

"Helen, or if you come over to Qin Fang, you can still be a companion..."

On the other side, Chu Yu saw that the good sisters were in a much better mood. She couldn’t help but joked, just joking, not really.

"Small 妾... is it a lover? This is very good... I can think about it! It's not as good as... We are now three farts..."

Helen's Chinese is not particularly good, although a lot of fluency, but the understanding of individual vocabulary is really quite speechless.

Xiaoying’s vocabulary, she seems to have heard it, vaguely knows what it means, immediately said it with a smile, even took the initiative to pull Qin Fang and Chu Yu, and shouted for three farts. ......

Although Chu Yu is quite embarrassing in front of Helen, it is actually inferior. In fact, Helen’s movement is to be a fart, but Chu Yu heard this, although it is said that it is said to play. However, I still couldn’t help but have a shy red color on my face.

"Don't... I can't afford you, can't you?"

The Qin side was also speechless, and immediately put on a stance to escape. It is really that the beauty of the ocean horse is too embarrassing, even if he is such a macho, it seems that it can not be saved...

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