Omni Genius

Chapter 1210: Devils are murderous!

Chapter 1210 The Devils Are Fierce!

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The Qin side has just finished this, and the young man has already come along with Chu Yu. When he saw this dying boss, he suddenly screamed.

The eyes were full of tears in the eyes, and the whole person looked very sad and regretful...

"Boss, it's all my fault... I killed you, hurt the brothers in the gang... I am damn, I am damn... I will go with you!"

The young man took a slap in his face, then suddenly his face turned awkward, and immediately took out a sharp dagger from his body, and then stabbed his heart to his heart, watching the posture is indeed intended to commit suicide. Up...


When the tip of the dagger had just penetrated his skin, he was surprised to find that his wrist could not move. He couldn’t help but glance at it and found his hand caught by Qin.

"I said how can you have a little bit of eyesight?"

Qin Fang also said with a look of contempt, "Your boss is still not dead, what are you so anxious to do..."

During the speech, Qin Fang also gave the boss a pulse, while using the investigative skills to observe the situation of the person, until it was confirmed that his life value was gradually recovering, and the breath and pulse were gradually strengthened. This is a slight relief.

"Call~~ is finally saved!"

Until this moment, Qin Fang really brought this person back from the ghost gate!

"Really not dead?"

The young man’s glimpse is obviously unbelievable. The face of the boss just looks like a dead person, and he doesn’t feel any breath or heartbeat. It seems to have been thoroughly swallowed. It’s no wonder that he will have This reaction...


Qin rolled his eyes and really wanted to smoke this guy. "In a few minutes, he can wake up. You will know when you wait..."

The young man still believed in the letter, but at this time he did not rush to commit suicide, but sat quietly, waiting for the boss's movement, apparently this boss did not wake up for a moment, he could not give up the death. intend……

Chu Yu is also a doctor, and he is also a doctor with high medical skills. He looked at the boss's temperament and began to improve gradually. He also understood that Qin Fang should be true.

However, she is too lazy to talk. After all, they are not familiar with these two people. They say nothing, and everything is left to the Qin side to deal with it.


Sure enough, about four minutes later, this seemingly completely breathless old man suddenly made such a snoring sound, it seemed a little painful, but there was a little bit of ease.


The young man suddenly rejoiced, grabbed the boss's hand and shouted excitedly.


Was called by this young man, the boss was also struggling to open his eyes, he saw the younger brother in front of him, the pale face showed a little blood, squeezed a little smile, it seems very happy Road.


Hearing the voice of the boss, this young man named Han Tsai, who had no dry tears, broke the **** again, and immediately slammed down.

"Cough and cough..."

Originally such a touching scene, Qin Fang should not be so loud in the scenery, but this time it has to be heard, because...

"What do I say, can you not grind like a woman..."

Qin Fang was very uncomfortable to say, but it was a white eye that had a dissatisfaction with Chu, and he could only helplessly smile. "The enemy is currently, you really have this leisure time..."

"Come out, don't hide..."

In the surprise of Han Tsai, Boss and Chu Yu, Qin Fang looked at a corner of the bamboo forest with a look of disappointment.

The area of ​​this bamboo forest is not very large, of course, it is not very small. At this moment they are in the middle position. The small map function of Qin Fang can cover most areas of the bamboo forest. Basically everything around him is under his control. .

At the moment, the original empty bamboo forest not only had more than a few of them, but also gathered about twelve people in the fringe area of ​​the bamboo forest.

These people have just arrived, perhaps the excited shouts of Hanzi just attracted these people, but when the boss wakes up, these people have already lurked on the edge of the bamboo forest.

Although I don't know what these people are waiting for, but Qin Fang is smashing their lines, these people are obviously surprised, but they still choose to go out, obviously there is no fear...

"It's you..."

Upon seeing these people appear, Han Zi’s eyes with tears and tears suddenly became red and bloody. The anger in his eyes seemed to burn through the nine heavens. It is obvious that these talents are his true enemies.

Until this moment, Hanzi really realized that he had misunderstood the Qin and the two before. Now Qinfang saved the boss's life and immediately rose to the level of the savior in the heart of Hanzi...

"Two, these two are a bit too late for us. If they have nothing to do with you, please leave here as soon as possible, we will never be embarrassed..."

Inside these people, a young man in his twenties, carrying a sword behind him, looks like an ancient swordsman.

The man stood at the forefront, his eyes swept through the Han and the boss, and finally swept Qin Fang and Chu Yu, which was said to be long.

"If you want to intervene in this matter, then don't blame me for being rude..."

The words in front are quite polite, but these latter words clearly reveal deep disdain and strength... but I don’t know where their strength comes from, at least Qin Fang did not see it!

"If I don't leave?"

Unfortunately, this guy seems to be very arrogant, but Qin Fang did not listen to it at all, but it was a smile.


The young man with the sword back suddenly looked at his eyes, and his eyes became cloudy. He stared at Qin’s face motionlessly. After a long time, he only slightly looked at the body of Qin Fang. It seems that he also wants to see what Qin Fang has. I just dare to talk to him like this...


This backsword man has nothing to say, but a man on the side of him is immediately pumping back to him, suddenly a Japanese knife is in his hand, and at the same time, his mouth is angry and roaring.

"Sure enough, they are all little devils..."

Hearing this guy's opening, Qin convenience has already confirmed the origins of these people, and all of them are all from Japan's little devils.

In fact, when Qin Fang knew some of these people from Han Tsai, he had already vaguely felt the origins of these people.

It was only his guess at the time, and when these people really appeared, Qin Fang really confirmed the identity of these people.

"I don't care who you are. Here is the land of the dragon people. I have saved these two people today... If anyone dares to move them a hair, then don't blame me."

These little devils dare to be so arrogant in the land of the Dragon State, then the Qin Dynasty, the dragon country, naturally has more reason to be arrogant.

Standing there, looking at the little devils in front of him, Qin Fang said very disdainfully, it seems that he did not put this 13 people in his eyes.

"You really want to marry this drowning..."

The face of the back-sworded man also became quite ugly, and his eyes became even more sullen. He couldn’t wait to tear the Qin Fang into pieces directly with his eyes.

"It seems that we need to let you know what it is that is the most powerful warrior in Japan..."

The backsword man was also provoked by the Qin side at the moment, and with one hand stretched, he immediately grasped the hilt, and then gently pulled it out. The long sword slammed and released a little screaming sound, which was really pleasant. of.

"Good sword..."

Just listening to this voice, Qin convenient can not help but admire it.

This sword of the back sword man is really a very good sword. It is definitely a level of the weapon of the gods, quite sharp...

"I still have some eyesight..."

Hearing the praise of Qin Fang, this young man couldn't help but reveal a little bit of color on his face. He actually responded to the face very much. It seems that this time the Qin side is pleasing to the eye.

"What eyesight? I just say hello to you... guilty!"

It is a pity that Qin Fang did not appreciate it at all, and even voluntarily sneered, this is quite vicious.


This young man seems to be a dragon country. When Chinese speaks good, it means that many words in Chinese can be understood.

"you wanna die……"

It is precisely because it is too clear that this backsword man was so ironic by Qin Fang, suddenly anger can not be suppressed, the tolerance for the Qin side has reached the limit, and immediately could not help but burst.

"I am looking for death... I am afraid that you still have no qualifications!"

Unfortunately, when it comes to the lethality of the language, this back-sworded man is quite good in Chinese, almost the same as the Dragon Chinese, but he is obviously not the opponent of Qin Fang, and he is easily beaten by Qin Fang several times. It’s not a big problem...

Of course, Qin Fang is not idle, and the little devils on the opposite side have all been angered by him. A big battle is already inevitable.

The Qin party is not very concerned about the lives and deaths of others. Even the Hanzi next to him and the boss who has been rescued by him are the same. Even if he is killed by the little devils, Qin will not have anything too. Great reaction.

However, Chu Wei’s safety is that he must strictly guarantee it, so Qin Fang thought about it and immediately took out one thing from it...


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