Omni Genius

Chapter 1213: Mysterious master!

Chapter 1213 Mysterious Master!

Second, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket ~~~ continue to fight, seek comfort! ! !


Qin Fang killed so many people, and now there is only this young swordsman with a back sword. The initiative of the battle has also reached the hands of Qin Fang.

Chu Yu, who is the party of the Qin side, is naturally a winner now, but everyone’s face is not particularly good. It is really too violent and bloody.

In comparison, the Qin side is much calmer. Although this scene is bloody, the effect will be the best...

As for the ability of the individual to bear, there is no problem.

If you really want to count that **** scene, go to the boxing match of the Black Boxing League, then it is called real stimulation, there are individual madmen, but what **** means are made out...

For example, the wicked list has a torn demonic with the **** demons. The opponent of the guy has never had a complete one. All of them are killed by his heart. As for the heart, it is generally Tear the heart of the devil, this guy is definitely a metamorphosis!

The people who are similar to him still have some. Some people are more famous, but some of them are obscure. The **** means is absolutely amazing. It is wrong. It should be mad!

Some people who are used to the underground world of life and death can't help but see the scene. How terrible it can be imagined.

At this point, the little scenes at this point can only be regarded as small cards.

"How? Don't continue..."

After destroying these messy shackles, Qin’s attention was concentrated on the young Japanese swordsman who was back-sworded, with a faint smile on his face, which is indifferent.

"Oh... don't think that if you attack, you will win me!"

The young swordsman is not vegetarian. He understands that Qin Fang is playing psychological warfare and letting him not fight before, so the next time is really the time for Qin’s personal performance.

Once his heart is gone, he can't resist the imposing Qin, and eventually death is his only way back...

As a genius who has the opportunity to become one of the top ten young swordsmen in Japan, this young swordsman is not afraid to be timid, nor can he be timid. Only death is his only way out.

After defeating, he can naturally kill easily.

The defeat is defeated, it is just a dead end!

At least this fight, he still has the possibility of survival...

During the speech, the young swordsman was in the hands of the sword, and the mind was slightly gathered up, concentrated energy, and seemed to be planning to fight back.

Breaking the boat, fighting the water, the sorrow will win!

At this moment, he is such a situation. The look of Qin Fang is also extraordinarily dignified. There is no arrogance and arrogance before, and some are deep jealous, and even a little bit of fear.


Feeling that I have such a feeling, this young swordsman is also slightly surprised.

Undoubtedly, the amazing sword of Qin Fang just brought him tremendous pressure, especially the consequences of that one, which made him unable to bear the chill.

Between the knives, there are dozens of people!

Such a thing, he may not be able to do it himself.

I just want to squat all the twelve people around him and cut the body in half. This is not what he can do...

What is needed is not only the sharp knife, but also the strong penpower and the speed of speed...

That knife, the young swordsman saw the magic, but did not see the damage caused by him. Until these people shot, he felt that something was wrong. Only then did he find that the power of Qin Fang was strong.

"Actually... we don't have to be like this!"

Seeing that this young swordsman seemed to want to do it, Qin Fang did not care at all. Without any little precautions, he stood up with his hands and his mouth was extremely kind and expressed. It seemed to be a reconciliation.


This young swordsman is also a glimpse, with an incredible look in his eyes, apparently also wanting to understand what the Qin side is playing.

However, from the current posture of Qin Fang, it does not show any hostility... Even if he is now shooting, he may still be able to kill Qin Fang by a surprise!

Just recalling what happened before, this young swordsman is also somewhat fearful, and dare not easily launch a surprise attack on the Qin side!

"What do you want?"

People are cherished. The more people feel that their lives are more precious than others, then they care more about their lives than others. Even for themselves, other people’s lives and deaths can be ignored. For example, this young swordsman This is the case.

Considering this, the young swordsman felt that the Qin side seemed to have the intention to talk about conditions. His mood was slightly relaxed, and he simply asked.

The mood is relaxed, but the alert is more rigorous than before. After all, when people are relaxed, they are also the weakest when they are vigilant. It is easy for opponents to seize such opportunities!

Seeing that Qin Fang and the Japanese swordsman not only did not fight, it seems that they are still talking about conditions. Han Tsai and the boss are very surprised, and they are even more confused about the intentions of Qin Fang.

Originally, Qin Fang killed 12 other people, and they avenged their brothers who died for them. But now they are talking and laughing with the leaders of these enemies. They are also somewhat uncomfortable in their hearts.

Even the one that just saved the life, there is the kindness of the **** sea, and the hearts of the two of them are slightly weaker.

It was really Qin’s move that made them feel very disappointed. I thought I met a big hero, but I didn’t expect it to be like this...

However, Chu Brow frowns, vaguely feeling that the Qin side must have some personal intentions, especially when he heard that Qin Fang said that the young swordsman’s brother died under his men’s hands. There is something else hidden!

The reaction of Hanzi and the two people is also in the eyes, but she does not care, these people are not familiar with them, and catching up with this matter is just a matter of hand.

Saved their lives, it is their luck is better, as for their revenge, it is only Qin Fangshun to remove some of the enemy, but not for their own.

I want to understand this, but Chu is not in a hurry. The hand is pinching the rain pear flower, and the eyes are staring at the young swordsman. At the same time, the ears are also erected. I am ready to listen to what the Qin party wants. What conditions are you talking about...

"The conditions are simple... I just want to know who your master is!"

Looking at the eager eyes of the young swordsman, Qin Fang said this leisurely.


The young swordsman has been waiting for the conditions of the Qin side, and his heart is also very urgent. He only wants to leave here as soon as possible, even if he is paid a price, he is acceptable.

However, when Qin Fang said his own conditions, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes flashed a bit of panic, and the sound of such amazement sounded between the breath.

The condition of the Qin side has been proposed, but the young swordsman is there, and there are some weird looks in his eyes. It seems that the heart is also fighting with the gods, but he never said anything in his mouth. It seems that It's hard to tell!

"What? Can't say..."

The Qin side said it was a light face.

Just this young swordsman took a slap in the face of God's effort. He did not deliberately attack him. He asked him to consider it there. It seems that he is really interested in this answer.

"What do you want to do..."

The young swordsman hesitated, but still did not say the answer, but instead squeezed out such a sentence from his mouth.

This answer was originally a very simple question for him. He could fix it as long as he opened his mouth, and then he could leave safely.

The answer to this mouth can be biased, but he is particularly nervous, even fearful. It seems that he is not his master, but a big devil.

The Hanzi and the boss over there seem to be seeing the signs. I know that Qin’s purpose is really what they do. They think of the things they have in their hands, the things that bring disaster to them, they are in their hearts. As the face became confused, they also knew that they accidentally stepped into a circle of right and wrong.

"You don't need to know what I want to do. Just tell me who your master is..."

The Qin side is still the same, and even yawned, said with a smile.

Compared with the fear and fear of this young swordsman, he seems to be not at all concerned, not afraid at all.

Is the ignorant fearless?

Or is Qin Fang a daring person?

The young swordsman is also in the heart of the puzzle, but he is looking at the Qin side, and his heart is also considering it.

But he didn't know. At this time, his mind had already had a gap. The Qin side seemed to be inadvertently, but he kept using his mind-reading skills...

The more powerful the person, the more stable the mind, if not to know the secret, Qin Fang has already smashed the young swordsman.

This person thinks that he is a very powerful master, thinking that he can fight a hard battle with the Qin side, thinking that he still has a chance to escape the birth...

In fact, this is all ridiculous!

Even if the young swordsman broke out with all his strength, and then played a stunning knife like Qin Fang, then at most, he could only play the master's later period.

Even if the Qin party does not break out, it is already comparable to the late master class. Then use the blood explosion technique. Basically, the master level is invincible...

If he really wants to kill this young swordsman, he can already do it directly, but such a secret is impossible to understand.

The last time Kondo’s good things have revealed a deep surprise. Now this young swordsman is reacting like this. There is no problem here. It is estimated that the ghosts don’t believe...


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