Omni Genius

Chapter 1233: Floating at sea!

Chapter 1233 The Floating Body at Sea!

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Qin Fang went out of this cabin of Xu Ling in such a grandiose way, leaving only the terrible Xu Ling, who was stunned by the face, and the body of that place!

He did not move Xu Ling...

The identity of this person is not simple. There is no problem in killing it, but the trouble brought by it will make Qin Fang quite a headache. Church

Therefore, the Qin party still does not want to move him, let him leave a life.

It was only the Qin side who pondered. After seeing Xu Ling once, he killed the people around him. He didn't believe it three or five times. Xu Ling still dared to play tricks with him.

These people around are old people who have followed Xu Ling for many years. They are all close friends in the confidant. It is not easy for such people to cultivate. It is less to die!

Like Qin Fang, it was a one-time killing, enough to make Xu Ling sad for a while.

Moreover, these people were cultivated by Xu family. Now Xu Ling’s own heart is in the fire, and at the same time he has to face the family’s doubts, and it is enough for him to have a headache!

Qin Fang had just left the front foot, and after a few minutes of hard work, someone came in with his hind legs. It was the big man who was inquiring about the news of Qin.

However, as soon as he entered the door, he felt that something was wrong in the cabin.

"Xu Shao, this..."

Seeing so many bodies on the ground, this person is also completely green. He used to go well when he left, but it took only a few minutes before and after. These people are all dead!

"Handle the body first..."

Xu Ling was helpless and waved his hand, but he gave orders first.

This happened. He didn't think about it beforehand. He just wanted to give a simple lesson to Qin. Even if he couldn't take the Qin side, at least it would be a victory. The latest chapter of the church

It’s just that Xu Ling’s self-confidence is superb, but he also thought of the beginning, but did not think of the end. Qin Fang, who did not press the cards at all, not only cleaned up those people, but also actively found his head.

What he did not think was that Qin Fang did not touch him, but almost killed all the people around him, and suddenly turned him into a light pole commander.

If it is not the last one who just went out, I am afraid that it is the footsteps of these people on the ground at this moment. It is already one of many bodies.

"Qin Fang... I won't forget it!"

Xu Ling's face is quite ugly, and it can even be said that it is ugly.

As the pride of the sky, a child who is best known as the family, who grew up almost under the aura, has always been a model of the best.

However, I did not expect that Tang Feifei, who had always admired and even thought that he could easily meet, resolutely invested in the arms of others, and even missed him or even gave up.

And the man’s name is called...Qin Fang!

At about that moment, Xu Ling listed Qin as his enemy. Even in his heart, this person has already been on the death list.

However, the capital of the city, Qin Fang not only took out the name of Hehe, but also destroyed all his small attacks invisible, let him eat a boring loss.

It was only the first time for two people to play against each other. Even two people did not really take the photo, so it really counted that Xu Ling had a small loss, but it was not a defeat, and at most it was not known to the Qin side.

But this time, the two people are not only face to face, but also really shot each other...

As a result, Xu Ling’s little trick was completely useless to the Qin side, but the Qinfang’s counterattack almost had a great impact on Xu Ling, and even it was already hurt.

These results, I am afraid that no one expected to expect it. ("")

Qin Fang left from Xu Ling, and did not go too far into this matter. If a person kills, he will kill. He does not regret it.

Because he wouldn't care at all, and he also guessed that Xu Ling had nothing to do with him, naturally there is not so much scruples, this loss Xu Ling is to eat.

"This person is really a trouble. If you have time, you can erase him. The province always has to be on guard against him..."

Qin Fang’s heart is also like this.

Today is obviously not the time to start. The forefoot Xu Ling just concealed Qin Fang and screamed that Xu Ling was killed on the ship. If Qin Fang is not suspect, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

That would not be the hands of Qin Fang, and finally Qin will become the biggest suspect... It’s really yellow mud falling into the pants, not awkward!

This kind of boring black pot, Qin Fang does not want to carry his body for the time being, at least until he solves those troubles, he does not want to carry the black pot.

For example, this situation is not suitable...

Soon, he had to fight the **** demons three times. If Xu Ling was killed in the middle of the journey, the ship’s voyage will stop here, although the Qin side will not have any major events, but this The battle will inevitably be delayed.

After delaying this battle, Qin Fang could not break through. The people in Tangmen were found again. Tu San was still staring at it. If it involved a big political game, then Qin Fang would be really troublesome.

In the middle of the night, the cruise ship continued to sail in the sea. There were several floating bodies on the sea, but no one noticed it.

Xu Ling’s identity is special. The people on the ship don’t know much, but at least the top level of the captain knows it. The things like floating bodies on the sea usually send people to check it, but this time no one cares, only I saw nothing because I saw it...

In this way, the body was so discarded in the sea, and eventually it would only become a nutrient for the fish, and finally ended up with a boneless end...

These things have little to do with the Qin side. They are all handled by Xu Ling. Qin Fang does not even know, because he has returned to his cabin to rest after he has finished the matter.

Xu Ling couldn’t sleep in the evening, and the Qinfang, who had gone there without a trace, brought him a lot of pressure. He was afraid that he would never wake up when he slept. He didn’t know that Qin Fang would When he was asleep, he suddenly appeared in front of him... This night is naturally very difficult.

On the contrary, Qin Fang’s sleep is very fragrant. The beauty is in the arms and the spirit is comfortable. Naturally, it is a sleepy day, and the spirit is full.

He doesn't need to be as scared as Xu Ling, don't worry that someone will tell him when he slept, suddenly shot his hand...

On this ship, only those who can really threaten him are painted by three people.

Although Tu San has numerous murders and blood on his hands, he is a very credible person who will definitely do it when he says it.

He said that after three days of fighting with Qin Fang, it will inevitably be started in three days. Before that, it will definitely not be shot by Qin Fang... Even if he dares to be unfavorable to Qin, he will also be against Qin. The party is alert.

Of course, he will not help the Qin side to eradicate the enemy...

If the enemy is very powerful and powerful enough to kill the Qin side, then he can save some trouble, and he does not need to take it himself.

Some people may think that someone who grabs their opponent will feel very uncomfortable, but he will not... help the Qin side kill the enemy, and he has no half-dollar benefits, but may hurt He himself, how can he do this stupid thing?

Except for Tu San, no one else can threaten Qin Fang. Of course, he can sleep very sweetly... Although Xu Ling hated Qin, he could not deal with Qin Fang. People can only figure out that they are sad, and they are wounded!

Qin Fang’s sleep was very sweet this night, and it’s been three days in the past. It’s only faintly awake. Chu Hao changed his clothes early and sat on the small deck outside the cabin to soak up the sun.

Luxury cruises have the advantage that some small rooms with a very good location will have a small deck so that guests staying in this cabin can place some beach chairs and lie on them, quietly feeling the baptism of the sunbathing... ...

Unfortunately, the weather is still a bit cold, even if it is exposed to the sun, it is impossible to wear a swimsuit directly, so Chu Yu is just lazy in the sun.

"Hey, what happened outside?"

Only very soon, she found the large deck at the bottom of the cruise ship. I don’t know when a lot of people gathered. It seems that they are all pointing at the sea under the boat. It seems that something happened.

Such a scene immediately attracted her attention, but their cabin was at the top, only to hear the noise underneath, but could not understand what happened.

"what happened?"

Just when Qin Fang came out in his nightgown, and prepared to sunbathe, he noticed the curious affection of Chu, and looked at the crowd underneath. It was also a bit strange.

"It seems like something happened..."

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkled, not very clear.

"Then my name is Shen Liang to investigate..."

Qin Fang did not care, he touched the phone and gave Shen Liang a fight.

It was only after he had just dialed out the phone. Shen Liang had already come to them. In fact, he had already inquired about what happened below. At this time, Qin asked him and he immediately came over to report.

"What happened in the end? I don't think many people's faces look very good..."

When Shen Liang came over, Qin Fang was also curious to ask.

The following must have happened, or it will not gather so many people onlookers.

"I found several bodies and soaked in the sea for a day..."

Shen Liang also reported the news he had heard to Qin Fanghui.

Just Shen Liang said that Qin Fang couldn’t help but groan, and his face became a little weird, but his heart was straightforward. "The two idiots of Xu Ling will not be so casual. Let the body throw it into the sea..."

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