Omni Genius

Chapter 1236: Learn the secret!

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Qin Fang originally did not care about the behavior of the people who came to the door. He really wanted to catch people, let alone block the door. Even if the person had already entered, he could still go out.


Only when he heard the words of the coming person, Qin Fang’s action to push people out was a hard-pressed one, and then looked at the surprised person with a look, it was quite amazing.

"Qin Shao, what I said is true... I should have apologized yesterday because it was to investigate this matter, which delayed the day!"

The person who came is convinced that he really knows what is secret.

"Advanced is coming..."

Qin Fang thought about it, but let the people come in.

This man just nodded and walked inside, but he had not yet stepped out of the two steps, just to see Chu Yu coming out of the inner room, and the two of them met at the head.

"How did you come?"

Chu Yu saw the coming, but also feeded and licked it, and then it was very uncomfortable to drink, obviously not very happy to see this person.

"Sorry, Miss Chu... I was reckless that day. Qin Shao has already taught me. If you are not satisfied, I will do whatever I want... Anyway, I am too much, I can live!"

This is a very bachelor. While apologizing to Chu Yu, it is also a sincere gesture.


Chu also did not expect this person to be like this, so that the fire that she had risen up suddenly disappeared without a trace. "Forget it, I will not care about you..."

She also remembered that night, Qin Fang let Shen Liangzhen teach this guy, and also played him quite miserable, originally a little fat, directly beaten into a second brother and pig!

"Thank you Miss Chu..."

As soon as this person heard this, he immediately thanked him happily. It is even more so that Chu Yu is quite speechless.

This person is naturally not someone else. It was a day when he said that he should have said something that should not be said and teased Chu Xu’s little fat man Zhang Xu.

That day, the little fat man was very badly beaten by Shen Liang. Later, he knew that his good friend Zhang Wei had sold them, and he was even more angry.

I did not expect to take the initiative to apologize to Qin Fang today, and also brought some information that Qin Fang should pay attention to... If this is not the case, Qin Fang will not give him the door.

"How did you get him over?"

Chu Yu did not go to take care of Xiaochu Zhang Xu. Instead, I got together and met with Qin Fang. I asked some strange questions.

Although the original thing has passed, the little fat man has been stunned by Shen Liang, but Chu Yu’s heart is still a bit awkward, and the little fat man gets into the room. She is still a little uncomfortable.

"It was this kid who came up with it, but I didn't call him... but this kid seems to know something, I will keep him useful!"

Qin Fang shook his head. It is also somewhat helpless.

"Then I don't care... but you should be careful!"

When Chu Yu heard this, he knew that Qin Fang’s call for a small fat man was definitely an important reason. She did not care about it. After all, Qin’s affairs were more important, and her point was already Out, it’s boring to think about it now, but it will make her look short.

"take a break……"

Qin Fang nodded, if the little fat man dared to play with him. He will definitely make him die very badly, very miserable...

"Say, you know what?"

Chu Yu went back to rest and did not stay here to bother them. After Qin Fang sat down, he asked directly to see the mountain.

The little man had done it before, and Qin Fang had no longer wanted to pursue it. But if the little fat man dares to play with him, Qin Fang will not mind letting this little fat man know what is the real "fat"!

Xu Ling’s purpose this time, Qin Fang asked Shen Liang to investigate, but he could never find a clue.

First, there are too few insiders, most of them have been killed by Qin Fang. Secondly, Xu Ling is very cautious. It is difficult to grasp his handle, especially Qin can’t make anything too In the case of excessive behavior.

It is precisely because of this that there is no progress in the investigation of Xu Ling, which will allow the little fat man to come in, and also because he has some secrets that Qin Fang needs to know.

"Qin Shao, things are like this..."

The little fat man seems to have long expected that the Qin side would react like this, and he did not need to continue to be tempted. Instead, he explained some of the things he knew to one by one.

It is quite coincidental to say it. The reason why I was able to get these secrets was thanks to the Zhang Wei who had pitted the little fat man Zhang Xu.

Originally, Zhang Wei wanted to come over himself, but he is now a target of the public. If he doesn't love his mother, he will not easily go to the Qin side to die.

As for the thing he did, Qin Fang was offended and killed. It was already light, and he did not work well. He did not discuss it at Xu Ling.

This is directly because neither of them is pleased, it is not a person inside or outside...

Xu Ling had just been killed by Qin Fang, and it was not depressed. Zhang Wei was only looking for death. If there is a good result, it will be strange.

Because of this, Zhang Weixin did not mention more pockets, and happened to be a little fat Zhang Xu heard the identity of Qin Fang, can scare Zhang Wei a big jump.

When he thought about it, he told Zhang Xu, a little fat man, what he had known inadvertently, and let Zhang Xu come over to Qin to discuss this good...

"Xu Ling came to Jiangzhou this time and boarded the ship mainly to see a person and see a person who is very important to him..."

The news was that Xu Ling was looking for Zhang Wei when he was working. When he left to pick up the phone, Zhang Wei happened to go to the toilet and heard it unexpectedly.

The content of the phone, Zhang Wei did not listen very clearly, just intermittently from Xu Ling said a few words to guess.

"Who is this guy?"

Qin Fang brow slightly wrinkled, and immediately asked.

Just to see a person, but to sneak into this, then this person is obviously not simple, and may even be related to something very secret.

Xu Ling’s identity is special and he is a person in the system. However, he has just entered the career and his position is not high. Generally speaking, there is nothing too sensitive.

Even so, Xu Ling chose to meet people on this ship, then the identity of this person is very problematic, and the things that two people want to discuss are even more problematic.

"I don't know about this... but it seems to be related to a multinational group in Japan! It seems that Xu Ling has any secret cooperation with the other party..."

The little fat man shook his head. He didn't hear the original phone content. These are all relayed by Zhang Wei. The world is not particularly sure.

“Japan? A multinational group?”

When I heard these two keywords, Qin Fang’s face suddenly became stiff. Obviously, he did not think about it beforehand, but now that he heard this, he suddenly felt that the greasy stuff inside was really not small.

As a child of the family of the dragon kingdom, the identity is inherently quite sensitive. Even if such a person does business abroad, many multinational groups are avoided as much as possible, that is, they are afraid of any political factors.

Of course, nowadays it is much better than before. Various trades have become more frequent. The powerful children like Xu Ling are the objects that many multinational groups are pursuing. It is because of this background that they are doing in Longguo. Business will be much simpler...

Therefore, such pure commercial contact, generally do not need to avoid so many, but Xu Ling this time seems to engage in a thief-like, it is a bit wrong!

"Secret cooperation..."

Especially the chubby mouth also mentioned such a vocabulary, which makes Qin Fang can not help but a little curious, what kind of secret cooperation needs to do such a secret arrangement?

"Do you know when they will meet?"

Qin Fang thought about it and asked immediately.

The more detailed he knows, the more difficult it is for him to investigate. If he has made clear the meeting time, he can completely let Shen Liang start with the original surveillance video.

"It seems that I haven't seen each other. On that day, Zhang Wei also heard that they are planning to meet. The specific time is not clear!"

The little fat man shook his head and said that it seems that this matter is not clear.

"What about Zhang Wei's kid?"

For such an answer, Qin Fang is still not satisfied, immediately asked.

This is only the most clear thing about Zhang Wei. It may be more reliable to ask him directly.

"He was a little scared to see Qin Shao, he had already left by boat. At this time, he should have landed on the land..."

What surprised the Qinfang is that Zhang Wei’s courage seems to be a lot smaller. It may also be that knowing that this matter is related to the fact that both backgrounds are stronger than him, he does not want to be a victim of two people’s battle. So I flinched early.

The reason why this thing was told to the Qin side through the mouth of Xiaofeizi Zhang Xu, one is to vent their dissatisfaction with Xu Ling, and the second is to sell to Qinfang.

"This kid... it’s very fast!"

When Qin Fang heard this, it was quite speechless. In the end, he could only helplessly despise it. "You can find a way to get in touch with him. It is best to make this clear to me..."

Although I am not satisfied with the lack of detail in this news, it is at least much better than the previous ones. It is also a clear understanding of the purpose of Xu Ling’s trip.

The task of figuring out the truth of the matter was directly handed over to the little fat man Zhang Xu to continue to understand Zhang Wei, and Qin Fang also added some useful clues to Shen Liang.

Xu Ling hadn’t met the man yet, or he didn’t arrive at the appointed time, or the man was not on the boat at all, and thought that their ship is now sailing on the sea, so close to the Japanese waters, Qin Fang must suspect that Is it right for people to board the ship and meet Xu Ling?

Because they are delaying, they can only wait until the ship meets and then meet again. Then Xu Ling’s arrangement is unnecessary...

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