Omni Genius

Chapter 1242: Insider, hidden!

Chapter 1222 Insider, hidden!

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Tu San had already had the strength of a master's peak in the past, but such strength is on the verge of death on Devil Island. It can be seen that the Devil Island is far more sinister than the Qin Fang estimates. Church

Qin Tiannan has been mixing on Devil Island for nearly 20 years. This is definitely not a simple matter to mix. There is no kindness at all. If you don’t pay attention, you will lose your life.

On that Devil's Island, the tester is an absolute individual, not only to face the raid from the trial, but also to resist the killing from the law enforcers.

The law enforcers are the same. They certainly occupy the home court advantage, but the testers are not all weak. It is also a common occurrence that the weaker law enforcement officers are killed.

Therefore, as a law enforcer, Qin Tiannan can live for nearly 20 years, and even save the life of the powerful Tu San on several occasions. How strong his strength is, it is hard to imagine.

"Your old man was already a master of the master class a few years ago... In the past few years, I have not crossed the hurdle, I am not very clear!"

Tu Tu did not conceal the Qin Fang, simply said a bit.

Although this answer is still somewhat general, it has given Qin Fang a general understanding of the strength of his old man.

Twenty years ago, Qin Tiannan was taken to Devil Island. The strength at that time may be reluctant or master, and may not even be reached.

But now that twenty years have passed, Qin Tiannan’s strength has been steadily improved in such a brutal slaughter. It has been a master’s peak a few years ago. So in the past few years, it may have really crossed the key. One step, reached the level of the Grand Master...


Although Qin Fang has already overestimated the strength of his old man, when he can actually say it, he can't help but take a breath. The latest chapter of the church

At the top of the ranks of the masters, this is definitely the top figure in the high level of the military.

Such a master, except for some talented geniuses, seems to have only outstanding disciples from all the ancient sects.

Qin Fang is very clear that although Qin family can also be regarded as a family of martial arts, his old Qin Tiannan is a master. His grandfather Qin Yuyuan seems to be a master of the first class, but Qin Fang is not very good at which family is inherited. Clear, but I don’t think it’s coming from all the ancient sects.

These martial arts are more important to the martial arts in the door than anyone else, and will never be circulated. Therefore, most of the Qin family is just a lonely martial arts family.

This is so, my grandfather Qin Yuyuan was quite horrible. If it was not the original turmoil, and unfortunately got a gun, maybe it is still alive.

He did not even mention Qin Tiannan. In the past 20 years, he has never been to the master level. In the endless killing, he stepped up to the peak of the master class, even the master class. Absolutely can be called against the sky.

Look at the masters who have been contacted by Qin Fang. The old men and the old people of Ala are already the coveted old men. The strength of the old man has reached the rank of the Grand Master, but he is also lucky to enter it. It is said that he also entered the guru level after he was fifty or sixty years old.

Tu San's age is relatively small, but now it is already 30 years old, more than a round of Qin Fang, even only a little younger than Qin Fang's old Qin Tiannan.

Can be compared, Qin Tiannan a few years ago is almost the same age as the current Tu San, but at that time it is already the strength of the master level.

Such a comparison, now firmly standing at the level of the master level, seems to be weaker a lot...

"Right, since my father is so strong, why didn't he leave the Devil Island with you?"

This is what Qin Fang has always been unable to understand. Almost every day, people enter Devil Island. Every time, people try to end and leave Devil Island. Church

But his father has been on Devil's Island for nearly two decades, and his strength is already against the sky, but he still hasn't left Devil Island. This is really puzzling.

"Do you think he doesn't want to leave?"

Tu San is despising Qin Fang's eyes. "I tried it that year, trying to leave with him... but unfortunately it is impossible to succeed!"

“The Devil’s Island is located deep in the ocean, and the sea is nearby. The beasts and fish in the sea are widely distributed. Even if you want to escape from the water, you will basically be drowned or eaten by sharks. Life!"

"As for the ship that wants to leave with the pilot, it is impossible.... Everyone in the law enforcement is equipped with a positioner, which is always under monitoring wherever they go, once they have been monitored. The locator immediately sends a signal to the base of the law enforcement... As a result, other law enforcement officers will immediately chase the escaping law enforcement!"

Listening to Tu San’s explanation, Qin Fang knew how difficult it was to escape from Devil Island.

There are only two roads to leave... you can cross the sea or take a trial ship!

This is basically a death, and even if people are even more powerful, it is quite powerful to be able to swim in the sea for a hundred and eighty kilometers. But such a distance is nothing for the boundless sea, and ultimately the physical strength. Exhausted can only be drowned in the sea.

And this is not the beasts in the sea, what octopus, sharks, eDonkeys, sea snakes, and so on, whatever they touch, are fatal.

As for the departure of the pilot’s ship, it is even more impossible. The inspection on board is very strict. It is almost impossible to steal the column. Secondly, the law enforcer has been under surveillance. It is very difficult. Escaped.

When Tu San of the first division level, together with Qin Tiannan, who was the peak of the master class, the two people could not get rid of the pursuit of those law enforcement officers. It is obvious how difficult it is...

"What about the pass token? What is the use?"

Qin Fang thought of this pass token in his hand, and then asked about it, at least to know the point of use, otherwise he did not know what to do in his hand.

"I am not very clear about the specifics. It seems that as long as the pass token is taken, those law enforcement officers will not embarrass you..."

Tu San's role in this pass token is not particularly clear and can only be speculated by his own understanding, but this result does not seem to be very reliable.

"I have to walk in person when I see this trip to Devil Island..."

The Devil Island is even more terrifying than the Qin Fang expected. His old Qin Tiannan has almost the strength of the Grand Master level, but still can't leave the Devil Island, and he knows how difficult it is.

Therefore, Qin Fang felt that it was necessary to take a trip to Devil Island. If he wanted to bring his daddy out, he would have to go out in person.

If there is someone in the world who can take people away from Devil Island, then it is none other than him!

"Okay, I should tell you, I have already told you... I should go!"

Speaking of this, basically the purpose of the three trips has been reached, he does not seem to want to continue to stay, and he is ready to leave with the Qin side.

"This is the sea, you don't plan to leave like this..."

The Qin side is a glimpse, referring to the sea under the boat.

"It’s very close to Okinawa. It’s just that I took a mission and it’s near here. Now, don’t you wait longer?”

It’s indifferent to say that it’s indifferent. It’s obvious that he was ready early, and the reason why he chose to fight in today’s battle is actually his own.


Only when Qin Fang heard the word, he immediately thought of the victimization of the fishermen not long ago, and at the same time thought of the purpose of Xu Ling’s trip.

Now Tu San is going to take a boat and go straight to Okinawa from here. Then will the man who Xu Ling wait for will also board the princess from here by boat, or will Xu Ling take a boat to meet with the other party?

"You don't have to care about the death of Han Long. I will handle this matter well, and I will not be tied to you..."

Seeing Qin’s hesitant expression, Tu San smiled and said, he estimated that Qin Fang was worried about this matter.

Qin Fang is the son of Qin Tiannan. Qin Tiannan has a life-saving grace for Tu San. Now Tu San is also treating Qin as his own, otherwise he will not help Qin.

The death of Han Long has certainly had a certain impact on the reputation of Tu San, but Tu San will not care so much. If someone kills Han Long, Tu San is definitely not polite.

But the person who is killing now is Qin Fang, then it is another matter...

Tu San has been mixed in the underground world for so long, and his reputation is still the name of the evil. The notoriety of this is that people rarely pay attention to his equally high task completion rate.

However, this is also true. With such a notoriety, it is a neglect of his tragedy of protecting Han Long from being weak and causing Han Long to be killed.

"Thank you..."

Qin Fang is still grateful for the kindness of Tu San. After all, the two people were originally standing in opposites, but now they are in the same camp. But not long ago, Qin Fang was still smeared and painted, but Tu San was thrown. Opened this hatred, and he helped him a lot. This thank you is also from the heart of Qin.

Thanks to Qin Fang’s thanks, Tu San just nodded slightly and he was ready to leave.

It was just that he was about to leave here, and suddenly he stopped his footsteps. It seemed that he suddenly remembered something. He immediately turned his face and looked at the strange Qinfang.

"Right, Jiangrou, this woman, you must be more careful, she is not as simple as the surface... I can't tell you too clearly, you can be more careful with yourself!"

Hearing this, Qin Fang also slightly bowed. The relationship between Tu San and Jiang Rou, Qin Fang had guessed before, but now it seems that it is not as I imagined, it seems that two people The relationship is still relatively simple, even... still have some scruples!

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