Omni Genius

Chapter 1274: One-sided conflict!

Chapter 1274 is a one-sided conflict!

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Although Lamborghini Rewinton is the top sports car, the quality is definitely not to say, it is definitely top-notch, but after the billboard with the weight of more than ten tons of steel structure is broken down, the car body is also awkward. Completely crushed...

This kind of impact may not be as good as the collision of the vehicle at high speed, but it is no less than the weight of the big trucks. Church

At least such a powerful impact, although the main structure of the car body withstood the pressure, there was no collapse of the Japanese car, but it was also a disaster.

In particular, the four tires are even more squeaky, and all of them are blown directly...

The alarm sounded, and the security guards in the parking lot immediately rushed over here... At this time, the monks who were the initiators and the Qin party behind the scenes had quietly left.

Although there are monitoring on the parking lot, Qin has already prepared for it. Before the hands-on, he has already sealed the possible angles.

Not to mention that the direction of the billboard is originally the dead end of the camera, and the monks will not be photographed at all... Most of the other cameras will capture a simple black shadow.


After the monk completed the task, he was immediately taken back by the Qin Fang in the prop box. Even if more people searched, he could not find it.

The culprit behind the Qin side is naturally impunity...

This incident is just a small matter. After it has been fixed, it may not be long before the Qin side will directly forget it. At least after he left the parking lot, he was thinking about this.

Only when Qin Fang went to find Tang Feifei three women who bought diving equipment, they saw the three women rushing toward him, and their faces were slightly flustered.

"What's wrong? Panic..."

Qin Fang is also a glimpse, very unexpectedly asked.

These three beautiful women are just to buy equipment and tools for diving, how it seems to be doing something illegal.

"Qin Fang, we... we are in trouble!"

As soon as I saw Qin Fang, Tang Feifei's faces of the three women were also a little easier, but Tang Feifei said that she was somewhat worried. Her face was a little anxious and she was still confused.

"What is the disaster? What is the disaster?"

When Qin Fang heard a glimpse, the three beautiful women in front of him, even if it was a disaster, it seems that nothing can be done. "Break up the things of others? It’s a big deal to lose money..."

Qin Fang said with a smile, the problem that can be solved with money, that is not a problem, at least the money for the Qin side, just a string of numbers, does not mean anything.

"Not something... is a person!"

Tang Feifei carefully looked at Qin Fang and then said very carefully.


Qin Fangyi, a vague understanding of what Tang Feifei meant. ("")

"what's going on?"

However, Qin Fang knows that Tang Feifei is not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble. Now he has broken the person. It must have been something, and immediately frowned.

This is the case with Qin Fang. People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. Tang Feifei is almost like this. If they are not motivated by others, Tang Feifei will never take the initiative to others.

Tang Feifei is now also an intermediate ninja. The strength is equivalent to a 5th-level master. It is more powerful than the general special forces. Naturally ordinary people are not her opponents at all. It is not surprising that she is injured by her.

The problem is that Qin Fang is a very short-term person. His wife is being bullied by others. Although he has already broken people, it does not mean that Qin will definitely be willing to give up.

"Is such that……"

Tang Feifei hesitated, but still prepared to say things through the process.

"Where! There..."

However, at this time, not far away, there was such a voice. In Korean, it was obvious that people came from a group of sticks, but they went straight to the Qin side.

Even the phrase "where" actually refers to the three women of Tang Feifei, who have smothered one by one and immediately surrounded Qin Fang and others.

These people are obviously locals in Jeju Island, and it seems that the dress does not seem like a good person, it is estimated to be a mix.

But these mixes are not the same as the dragon country's mixes. The dragon country's mixes are mostly dyed with a colorful hair, or a tattoo on the body, but in front of them, the nose ring, the tongue ring, or The whole messy shape...

These gangsters look like circus clowns more like a mix!

"No matter what they say, you will say what happened..."

Tang Feifei, the three women appeared to be a little nervous, very alert to watch these sticks and gangsters, but Qin Fang did not care about it at all, but rather interested in the passage of things.

Tang Feifei hesitated, although he was a little wary of these little punks, but Qin Fang was present, they felt a lot safer, and their hearts were relaxed a lot. They simply said what happened just now.

In fact, this is also a story comparing dog blood.

Qin Fang left to carry out his evil destruction plan, and Tang Feifei three women went to the resort to rent and sell diving equipment stores to buy diving equipment.

But in that store, I met a young man. The young man almost immediately saw Tang Feifei and the three women immediately joined in, but unfortunately the three women ignored him.

But this young man didn’t give up, he was always entangled there, even when the three women were facing him, ignoring his existence, and picking those diving equipment, this guy actually sneaked out his hand and wanted to go. Touching Tang Feifei's hips...

In the end, Tang Feifei was an intermediate ninja. The perception of the outside world was much stronger than that of ordinary people. Before she reached the position of the salty pig hand of this kid, she immediately noticed that almost a subconscious cuddly leg was drawn... ...

Consequences... This is imaginable.

The strength of Tang Feifei, a 5th-level master, is already quite strong. It is also a trick for the man’s lethality. He almost went down, and the kid screamed directly and fell to the ground and stunned. The body is still twitching there...

It was such a scene that frightened the three women of Tang Feifei. At this time, they did not care about selecting diving equipment. They immediately ran to find Qin. ("")

However, they just walked out of the store and they met the group of gangsters in front of them. When they saw the kid being stunned and asked the store owner, they immediately chased them. It seems that these people are not The younger brother of that kid is a relatively close relationship with the kid.

"Malle Gobi, even the woman of Lao Tzu dare to reach out..."

After listening to Tang Feifei simply said the truth of the matter, Qin Fang suddenly became violent, and the men were very stingy, especially on the woman, it was not allowed to suffer.

The kid actually dared to start with Tang Feifei, although he did not succeed, but Qin Fang’s fire was immediately ignited... a face instantly became violent.

The eyes gently crossed the faces of these little punks on the scene, and the fierce murder was almost unstoppable and the body shivered.

In the anger of the Qin Fang, the momentum of the master's peak is completely violent. These little gangsters are just ordinary people. They are oppressed by such breath. It is rather courageous to not turn and flee immediately.

Of course, this is also the Qin Fang is still suppressing his anger, otherwise murderous, these little punks are estimated to be scared to sneak.

"Where are the three women?"

However, Qin Fang did not start this yet. He immediately heard a violent voice snarling behind the crowd. The crowd also automatically separated a road and let the person walk in.

To be exact, this person came in with a battery car in the resort, but from the point of view of the movement of the leg, it should be the ghost that was smashed by Tang Feifei's cunnilingus.

Qin Fang is still stunned by this kid. He is preparing to repair this kid in the past. I didn't expect that this cockroach actually ran, and it was really awkward.

"Get it to Laozi...Smelly girl, dare to beat me!"

This kid is obviously also the anger of Tang Feifei's leg, and the temper is very bad at this time. When he comes in, he will tell the little punks next to him.

"I want you to dare to marry me. When I wait, I will let you survive, and you can't die..."

The original handsome face of this kid, at the moment, is extraordinarily horrible, obviously also stunned by anger, even the Qin side of Tang Feifei three women are selectively ignored.

"Catch people... Hey, who dares?"

Qin Fang originally did not intend to spare this kid, but did not expect this kid to be even more angry than himself, or to look at the crowds around him, and did not put Qin Fang in their eyes.

Such a move, as well as his words, suddenly provoked the Qin side, immediately went to the front of the station, a sharp eye to quickly patrol, and suddenly how many people could not help but shrink the neck.

However, Qin Fang himself is a slight movement, almost disappearing from the place...

The little punk hadn’t had time to react. He saw that the kid on the battery car seemed to be caught by something. He flew straight out of the car and flew quickly in midair, heading straight. The trunk of a tree not far away hit the past...


This little stick is also scared, and the good end is lost. The body is completely incapable of autonomy. What is more important is that the trunk of the tree in front is particularly strong. If it hits it, it is estimated that it will be on the spot. Scooped up.

At this time, this little stick could not afford to be restrained, and immediately made such a scream, it seems to call someone to save him.

Not to mention that his call was really useful. At this time, the crowd immediately took out a person and quickly chased the little stick.

The speed of this person's movement is quite fast, even faster than the speed of the small stick, perhaps it may be saved by the small stick before hitting the tree.

The idea is very good, and it is also very feasible, but the question is, will Qin Fang give them such an escape?

"Hey... is it out?"

Qin Fang was sneer, and once again, the whole body suddenly turned into a black phantom, and quickly chased the small stick that was still flying in midair.

The advantage of the snow-free body is extremely obvious, and the explosive power of the Qin side is very powerful. Although it started slightly slower, it has only been caught up in just a few steps.

The later master appeared to grab the little stick's leg. At this time, suddenly a foot appeared in front of him, and then...


A dull crash.


Accompanied by a man's screams, he saw that the master was like a shell of art. He was immediately smashed high and slammed into the crowd of people who were not far away.

No one here came to the rescue. The little sticks themselves and all the hopes were instantly shattered. They could only watch as they got closer and closer to the trunk of the tree...

At this moment, it has been inevitable. Whoever comes will not be able to save him. This little stick is secretly stunned in desperation. The body is slightly shivering and the body angle is slightly adjusted.

It was originally the head and neck position that hit the tree. It made him become the back and greeted the trunk of the tree...


The body of the small stick hit the trunk and made a dull sound. The tree was also slammed and the trunk was violently shaken. Some of the leaves also continually fell, showing this collision. How heavy is it...

And the poor little stick, now lying under the tree, once again happily fainted... but even then, his body was hit with a very serious impact, the ribs broke at least four or more... ...

As for other bumps and bruises, there are countless, and there are also heavy internal injuries that are inevitable. Just like this, enough for this kid to drink a pot, I am afraid that I have to be at least in the hospital. Two or three months.

This little stick is considered to be reimbursed. Even if Qin Fang does not continue to shoot, this kid is already a bad horrible retribution...

And the master who was flying by Qin Fang seems to be the master who secretly protects this little stick. At this moment, the situation is no better than his master.

He was flying by Qin Fang, his body flew out like a cannonball, and he slammed into the crowds of the stunned little punk. The huge impact immediately knocked at least three people into the sky. And there are another ten people who have been slammed into the ground, so it’s hard to stop...

Just like this, at least ten people were injured and four people were in a coma!

After chasing the little punk, just like this, they were directly reimbursed for more than half. Now it is quite complete, and it adds up to five or six people.

But these five or six people are all in a treacherous manner, apparently also frightened by the performance of Qin Fang just now... At this time, they can only stand there, and it seems that they don’t dare to move.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it is only a matter of seconds, but the changes before and after are enormous.

Before the moment, there were many people on the side of the stick, and they were very arrogant. It seems that they have occupied an absolute advantage and can do whatever they want.

At the last moment, the number of people on the stick still occupies an advantage, but it has become trepidation. I dare not act rashly. The ground is the wounded lying on the ground. It is not already comatose, but it is lying there and mourning... ...

Everyone who looks at Qin Fang’s eyes is full of awe, and is really frightened!

"Qin Fang, this way... will there be anything?"

Seeing such a scene, Tang Feifei naturally knew that the crisis had been lifted, but the wounded who looked at the place could not help but ask.

After all, it is not a domestic country. They have no privilege. If the sticks here are pursued, it is quite troublesome. It is no wonder that Tang Feifei will have this question.

"Do not worry, there will be nothing..."

The Qin side said that he was greatly embarrassed. It seems that he did not put what he just said.

"Don't worry, I am looking for someone to handle this..."

However, Qin Fang also understood the worry of Tang Feifei three women, afraid that he would suffer, immediately comforted, took out the phone and immediately dialed out.

There are not many people who know Qin Fang in the country of the stick. In addition to Li Enhui of the Seven Star Group, Liu Xianhe of the Liu family is here, and his phone call is to Liu Xianhe.

"I have a conflict with the Jin family in Jeju Island. How do you handle it?"

What surprised Tang Feifei was that after Qin Fang’s call was connected, he did not say anything nonsense. He simply said this and immediately hang up the phone.

"Golden family..."

However, the three women of Tang Feifei accidentally captured a word in the words of Qin Fang, that is, this little stick seems to have a head.

They didn't know what kind of come, but it was also the Qin party who met for the first time. It seems to know that it is also a surprise to them.

Jinjia and Liujia are both strong martial arts families in the country, and even their status and strength are almost the same. Another point is that the two said that they are a pair of feuds.

It is coincidental that this little stick is from the Jin family, and the master who was just flying by Qin Fang should be his bodyguard, etc., so it is enough to show that this little stick is also in the Jin family. of.

Jeju Island is the site of the Liu family and the root of them. But the little stick of the Jin family is unexpectedly here, and there are so many local punks, the Liu family don’t know, once they know If that, then this thing is more interesting...

The Qin side is now taking this matter to the side of the Liu family. With the feudal relationship between the Jin family and the Liu family, he is doing the same thing by directly dealing with the things he has made.

In this way, Qin Fang himself is relaxed, and only Liu Jia is the most hard-pressed one!

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