Omni Genius

Chapter 1290: Fu Jialai people!

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"The road here is really complicated..."

Breaking into the cave, although temporarily rid of the pursuit of the old master behind, but he seems to fall into the maze. . . Com/ "" advertising full text txt download

The road is quite deep and well-connected. It is almost a step away. It is that the roads that have come in are no longer recognized, and it is almost completely unknown where to go.

However, Qin Fang was not in a hurry. He turned over in the props box and found a military detector. This was the loot that was seized when the Devil's Hand mercenary group was destroyed. Now it comes in handy. It is.

Although this kind of detector can also be positioned by satellite, but now the Qin side is in the mountainside, the strong signal can not be transmitted, but this kind of detector has some other functions besides this function.

For example... ultrasonic automatic scanning and so on.

Qin Fang is now using this function. He is not very clear about the specific principle, but this can bring Qin Fang out of this labyrinth cave.

When Qin Fang came in, there was only one road. Although I still didn't think there was any terrible thing in this cave, but now I accidentally broke into the dazzling caves of this road, it is really quite depressing. .

Fortunately, there are a lot of things in the hands of Qin Fang. All the props that can be used in the court are taken out, such as compasses, and many of them are all taken out.

In this way, the Qin side is much more convenient. The most feared thing about this kind of cave is to circle around. Now you only need to look at one direction and go to the end. Even if the road is wrong, you can go a few times.

Qin Fang’s investigative skills are also used constantly, ensuring that there are no problems with the tools in his hands. For example, the compass may be subject to magnetic field interference, resulting in inaccurate direction and the like.

This is equivalent to using the investigative skills in disguise to find the way back...

Although this process is quite complicated, it is quite troublesome. Fortunately, Qin Fang is still a good luck. After about two hours or so, I felt a little cold.

"It’s going to be cold..."

Although the Millennium Hanyu was taken away by the Qin Dynasty, the temperature of the cold pool has been very low after so many years of gestation.

This temperature wants to fully return to normal. . . Com / "" advertising Full text txt download fear also takes decades, the water of the cold pool, the surrounding stone walls and so on. It all seems to be assimilated by the millennium, and although it is impossible to become a thousand years of cold jade, it is no problem to become a special cold attribute stone.

Plus, this cold pool contains countless cold ice crystals. It is also guaranteed that this cold water will remain the same for many years to come.

This is why Qin Fang must secretly take away the thousand years of cold jade. Anyway, even if this thousand years of cold jade has been taken away, Liu family is estimated to be difficult to find, Yunluo tea tree can still grow...

Even the seven-star grass can grow as usual, and it can continue until the maturity period.

"I don't know if the old man is still there?"

It is almost time to return to the side of the cold pool, and Qin Fang is also somewhat worried.

The strength of the old master is too strong, and he is still far from his opponent. If the person has to go through with himself, Qin Fang can only escape.

"People are gone?"

It took another few minutes. Qin convenient has been able to see the location of the cold pool from the small map, but also pay attention to the surrounding environment, but on the small map, but can not see the old master and his master mid-level master, do not know where to go .

"It's not bad, just leave..."

As long as the old master is not there, Qin Fang has nothing to worry about. He immediately and quickly set off on his way home. There is only one road there, but there is no need to worry about getting lost.

All the way, still did not see the half-personal shadow, not only the old master, the two are not there, Liu Xianjun three are also absent, the entire cave seems quiet, exceptionally strange.

However, this is also good, Qin Fang can safely leave here.

"Call~~ is finally out!"

When Qin Fang walked out of the cave, he couldn't help but sigh, and quickly sneaked into the darkness and quickly passed toward his room.

"I actually escaped?"

Almost when the Qin side flew away, the white-haired old man walked out from the side of the stone wall and looked at the back of Qin Fangyuan. He could not help but shake his head and smiled.

However, it is very strange that he does not seem to have any malicious appearance on the Qin side. It seems to be quite appreciative... This is what Qin Fang himself does not know, otherwise it will be very strange.

Except for the old master, there is no one in the entire Liu family who is Qin’s opponent. Naturally, it is even more difficult to detect the Qin party’s coming and going.

Even after Qin Fang’s return, no one found that there was a slight abnormality. This is the end of the matter, and at this time Qin Fang changed back to the original face.

When I first went out, Qin Fang naturally would not use her own face, so it was too easy to be discovered, so he specially used the faces of others, so that even if he was discovered, he would not doubt the Qin side.

The old master is the same. Don't look at him as he seems to see the Qin side, but it is just an illusion. If Liu Jia really wants to investigate, kill them and don't want to find that person.

What's more, the thousand-year-old jade thing, I am afraid that few people know it, and now the millennium cold jade is lost in the props box of the Qin side, even if it is a thousand times to search the Qin side.

"The millennium Hanyu finally got it..."

It was not until this time that Qin Fang had a long sigh of relief, and the millennium Hanyu had arrived. This trip to the country of the stick was a complete one.

The millennium Hanyu is too overbearing, and the compelling chill is really not suitable for use in such a room. It is too easy to reveal the secret.

After Qin Fang intends to return to China, he will ask someone to build a practice room of the hail type, and then put this thousand years of cold jade in it. Qin Fang is practicing in it, and it can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, the benefits of the Millennium Hanyu are not only this, it is also a very rare precious medicine, which can be put into many prescriptions to configure drugs, which can not only improve the success rate of drug refining, but also effectively improve the drug. Pharmacy...

Although this piece of millennium cold jade in the hands of Qin Fang is not particularly large, it is definitely not very small. It is more than double the size of the general washbasin. Qin is convenient to sit on it and still have no left. A small one.

Such a large piece of millennium cold jade, really used to dispense medicine, I still do not know how many drugs can be configured...

However, Qin Fang can only temporarily throw it into the props box, and when it is needed, it can be used out. Now it is not suitable.

Although this night is not very quiet, but it is absolutely no lively, even the Liu family thought it was a calm night, so it was so peaceful.

Liu Xianjun did not seem to be exposed to the chaos, but he disappeared directly in the Liu family. As for where he went or how he was disposed of, only the individual talents of the Liu family knew it. Anyway, the outsider of the Qin side. I definitely don't know.

This is also expected. After all, the thing that Liu Xianjun has done is really unforgivable. If he is allowed to go his own way, it may be a disaster for Liujia.

Liu Xianjun not only commits chaos, but also colludes with outsiders trying to get rid of Liujiabao. If this is not punished, then it is too much to say.

Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with the Qin side. Although he is an eyewitness, no one knows that he is an eyewitness, and naturally he can think of himself as nothing.

After getting the thousand years of cold jade, Qin Fang was quite comfortable sleeping this night. He had been sleeping until the next day when he was on the third day of the day, and then he woke up slowly.

It was only when Qin Fang planned to go out to practice boxing and warm up as usual. Liu Xianhe had already come to the door and brought a very strange news.

Fu Jia sent someone!

This is not only to make Liu Jia feel a little unexpected, even the foreigners of Qin Fang feel very strange.

"Fu Jia?"

For the name of this family, Qin Fang was not the first to hear it. It was the famous martial arts giants in the great country, and it was a face in East Asia.

"What are they doing?"

However, Qin Fang is very puzzled. Fu’s life is not small. It is not only the hegemonic level in the three-point land of the country, but it is also famous in East Asia.

Although Fu Jia is completely incomparable with the ancient sects of the dragon's inland land, but because of the master of the high-level sword master Fu Cailin, the inheritance is quite terrible. It is difficult to protect Fu family from any very amazing people. .

However, Fu has been competing with Cui family in recent years. Basically, there are two conflicts. For those small families behind them, they have always been dismissive.

How can a family that even the masters of the sects can't find out get into the eyes of Fu's family?

This is also why Fu Jia and Cui Jia are like that, but they rarely combine with other second-rate families. Part of the reason is that those second-rate families are not willing to come in. Another reason is that Fu Jia and Cui Jiashi are not looking at these. Second-rate family...

But this time it was quite strange. Cui’s side sent Cui**, and Fu’s family actually sent people here. This is really counterintuitive.

"Is it because I came here?"

Looking at Liu Xianhe’s words and words, Qin Fang’s heart is actually like a mirror. He couldn’t help but smash it up. It’s a bit confusing to know what medicine Fu’s gourd was selling.

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