Omni Genius

Chapter 1294: Amazing stones!

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These Fu family members did not believe it. When they were preparing to start, they saw the hot stamped invitation that Qin Fang had thrown on the table. All the expressions were almost completely solidified.

These people are just some of the slaves of Fu's family. They have always been arrogant and arrogant in the name of Fu's family. Generally, few people dare to stop them.

I didn't expect them to come out to do things today, but they met the kind of hoes like Qin Fang. When they just wanted to learn the lesson, they suddenly saw the invitation.

There is nothing special about invitations, just a voucher to invite guests...

However, this invitation by Qin Fang is not ordinary, because this is the official invitation to invitation that Fu Jia sent out, and only a very small number of talents can receive.

When these Fu family saw this invitation, the whole face was completely green.

If they remember correctly, the invitations will only be sent out to a total of ten, all of which are sent to those who have heads and faces, and this is to invite those big people to participate in this game of the sword.

Qin Fang’s age is too light. They naturally don’t think that Qin Fang is coming to judge. But Qin Fang is not alone. There is another Liu Xianhe who looks at the age and looks completely different. It is.

After reading this invitation, I looked at Qin Fang, Liu Xianhe and others, and finally looked at the woman who had already fainted behind Qin Fang. These Fu family members were also uncertain.

"Mr. Two, I am very embarrassed, I am also ordered to act... This woman is ordered by the owner to arrest, please don’t bother us!"

This group of Fu's children came out of a young man who seemed to be a bit of a status. He respected Qin Fang and Liu Xianhe and asked him a good voice. Then he was very embarrassed.

It seems that this woman is really very important to Fu. Actually, I have to send so many people to arrest, and Qin’s investigation skills show that the woman’s strength is not even level 3. That is slightly stronger than the average person.

Such a woman. However, Fu Qingjia’s master Fu Qinglin personally ordered to arrest him. He said that no one would believe it.

"Oh, really?"

Qin Fang was sneer a little, not to say it. "The words of these people are really unbelievable. This woman is guaranteed today. If the family of Fu really wants to arrest people, let him come in person..."

Originally, Qin Fang did not want to involve this matter, but Liu Xianhe, who was on the side, kept giving Qin Fang a wink. It seems that I do not want the Qin side to have any conflict with the Fu family.

Competing with these people. Qin Fang also felt quite boring. He intended to drive people away, but the woman behind him suddenly moved slightly. Qin Fang vaguely noticed something and immediately said so.


The young man also noticed Liu Xianhe’s eyes, in their view. Liu Xianhe was the righteous person invited by Fu Jia, and his eyes showed him. Most of the Qin party will hand over the people.

I did not expect that Qin Fang would not buy it at all, not only refused to pay people, but even said such words, and suddenly let these Fu family children angry.

If it is not for the scruples that Qin Fang may be a guest invited by Fu, these people are expected to have already started to grab people...

"What? Not yet rolling..."

The Qin side was too lazy to ignore the look of these people, and the tone was very unkind.

Fu Jia may be a big cow in the stick country, but if you put it outside, then the fart is not...

Fu Qingjia’s master Fu Qinglin is a master of the master class. Qin Fang’s strength is not good now. He does have some taboos. However, if Fu Qinglin really wants to do something with the Qin side, Qin Fang will not care if this guy is a master-level master!

Fu Qinglin is only a warrior. Qin Fang does not think that every such master-level master is the master of martial arts and guns that are extremely powerful.

"let's go……"

These people of Fu’s family are waiting for Qin Fang, and the anger in their eyes is about to burst out completely. However, looking at the hot stamping invitation still on the table, they can only shake their heads and lower. After a drink, a group of people immediately turned and left.

However, leaving and leaving, there are still many people who look back at Qin Fang. It seems that they want to remember the face of Qin Fang in their hearts. When the time comes, they will definitely retaliate back.

"Qin Fang... Hey!"

Liu Xianhe looked at the Fu family who had gone far away, and looked at the spectators who were scared and feared. The face was also quite helpless.

As a stick, and also the owner of the second-rate family, Liu Xianhe naturally knows that Fu is a huge family. Except for Cui's family, other families are not in his eyes.

Even the burning hand of the money, the hot in the country of the stick, the boss of the seven-star Li family, who is almost known as the innocent king of the stick country, saw that Fu Qinglin was well-behaved and did not dare to have any high-profile.

As for the specific reasons, Qin Fang may not be very clear, but Liu Xianhe is vaguely aware of some, but this kind of thing is not the party itself, it is impossible to understand the true and false.

Fu Jia is very powerful, only Cui family can compete, but for many years, Cui has not occupied any obvious advantages, even one is slightly weaker than Fu.

Otherwise, there will be no such thing as Cui’s family joining the second-rate family to deal with Fu’s family, because Cui’s family is slightly weak...

This is to make Fu family in the country of the stick, and Incheon as the base of Fu family, these strong hegemony is even more revealing.

In Liu Xianhe's view, it is not a wise move for a foreigner in Qin to make a blatant confrontation with Fu's family on Fu's site.

"This beauty, the crisis has been lifted, you can go..."

However, Qin Fang was not worried about it. He ignored the worry of Liu Xianhe. Instead, he turned his back to the beautiful woman who passed out, and said with a light face.


Liu Xianhe was a glimpse. Somewhat strangely looked at the woman on the back of Qin Fang. The situation was really fainted, and it seemed to be very miserable. Was it so awake so soon?

The woman behind Qin Fang still lingered on Qin Fang’s body, but after a while, it seemed that he was a bit less authentic, and this only faintly climbed up, and the white face was exposed. A little look.

"Thank you……"

Hesitated for a moment, this beautiful woman is still very embarrassed, whispered a thank you to Qin Fangdao.

"Thank you no longer, you take the thing in my pocket together... I don't want to save someone, but I was pitted..."

Qin Fangtou did not return, but did not go to see the beauty, but the tone was indifferent, said that it was like a joke, but the woman was a sudden change in face.

"You... how do you know?"

The woman suddenly became shocked and her face became pale and pale. The eyes of Qin Fang also showed some horror...

When she shot, the movement was very concealed and very gentle, even the average master master may not be able to find out.

And that thing was thrown into the small pocket that Qin Fang is not commonly used. Most people don't even notice it, but Qin Fang is a broken mouth. How can she not let her be shocked?

"How do I know, don't ask more, this thing is yours, or take it back..."

Qin Fang was very indifferent and smiled. He touched the thing out of his pocket and handed it back to the woman who was very mysterious.

This woman was thrown into the pocket of Qin Fang is a stone, specifically a gem, a blood red gem, looks quite crystal clear, it seems to be valuable.

But this is not what Qin Fang will care about. Gems are nothing more than valuable, but they don't make much sense to Qin Fang. It is nothing more than a few more on the balance of the bank account.

But this stone can't be left in the hands of Qin Fang, even Qin Fang has to respect it...

"Beauty, advise you, this kind of thing is best to throw away, otherwise you will not have time to regret it one day..."

While returning this blood-red stone to this woman, Qin Fang also reminded me of goodwill.

This woman knows what this stone is. Qin is not very clear, but Qin Fang himself already knows.

This blood-red stone is not a gemstone, but a crystallization of blood. It is exactly the crystallization of a cult of a sinister evil.

It is similar to the legendary evil emperor relic, but this crystallization does not have a little bit of relic, but it is evil.

This woman threw this thing into the pocket of Qin Fang. This is indeed very concealed. If Qin Fang is an ordinary person, I may not feel the abnormality of this stone.

However, the Qin side itself is the strongest of the masters' peaks. The sense of various breaths is even more tyrannical. When almost this stone falls into the Qinfang pocket, he immediately discovers it, and this will temporarily change the decision. The people of Fu’s family were sent away...

"What the **** are you?"

This woman has also become very vigilant. Although Qin Fang saved her, now Qin’s feelings for her seem to be even more dangerous than those of Fu’s family.

Especially for this stone thing, the people who know it secret are rare, but looking at the appearance of Qin Fang, it seems that I know a lot of insider, but also makes her face change.

But at the same time, this woman's heart is also very strange...

Because Qin Fang knows some special features of this stone, there is no temptation, not only will she immediately return this stone to her, but even put a posture that makes this stone farther and farther away from her. ......

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