Omni Genius

Chapter 1296: Strong shot!

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Qin Fang also thought that he might have some troubles in these two days, such as the challenge of Fu Jia, Cui Jia, or other young masters of other families.

His current reputation in the country of the stick is still very loud, and the young master who wants to step on his upper rank is not sure.

Although many people know that Kim Jong-Ming is at the foot of Qin Fang, there are few people who truly believe that Qin Fang is defeating Kim Jong-Ming by his strength.

It is precisely because of this that many young masters want to step on the Qin side, but Qin Fang waited to wait until the opening of the Yijian Conference, but still did not wait for these masters, but also let him slightly disappointed.

With two days of calm rest, Qin Fang’s small life was quite comfortable. Apart from the incident that happened halfway through, there was basically no trouble.

Liu Xianhe was accompanied by Qin Fang. Although it was not a beautiful woman, but a bad old man, this old man could help the Qin side to block a lot of unnecessary troubles. Qin Fang did not bother that this old man was annoying.

Until the game of the sword finally officially held, Qin Fang led Liu Xianhe to come over... Liu Xianhe did not lead Qin Fang, is not qualified to enter the venue of the Yi Jian Conference.

The venue of the Yijian Conference was held on a mountain in Incheon. It is also very clever to say that the name of this mountain is called Bagong Mountain. Qin Fang has heard about it.

In Longguo, there is such a mountain with the same name, and it is quite famous, because it was the place where Huainan Wang Liuan invented tofu.

However, this Bagong Mountain of the Guozi Country is obviously not the one of the Dragon Kingdom. It is said that the master of the game, Fu Cailin, was retired in his later years. The Yijian Conference was basically held here every time.

This mountain is the only mountain that is not open to the public in Incheon. From the foot of the mountain, it has built some walls and the like, and closed this mountain that is not a big mountain.

and. This mountain is reasonably closed by Fu Jia and Cui Jia and managed together. In addition to being allowed. Outsiders are forbidden to enter.

Some people have rumored that this mountain may hide the inheritance of the master of the sword, Fu Cailin, or some treasures, but Fu Jia and Cui Jiaben are the two strongest families in the country, and they are the masters who want to come in. Exploring the road is not so easy...

These have nothing to do with the Qin side. He was a judge judge invited by Fu Jia, among those who came to attend the ceremony of the Yi Jian Conference. They are all very prominent figures.

Liu Xianhe, a great country, is also a well-known homeowner. At the moment, he is respectfully standing behind the Qin side. It looks like a great follower and bodyguard.

only. The grade of this shift seems to be too high. Some people who also thought about watching the lively little family saw Liu Xianhe’s actions, and they all looked at Qin Fang with great horror.

Although they have not really seen the appearance of Qin Fang, they can just guess the identity of Qin Fang by looking at Liu Xianhe’s current pie.

When you reach the foot of the mountain, you can see a very tall archway standing there, and the lower gate is a closed gate. At this moment, the disciples who are wearing two-color clothes are checking and releasing.

Fu family is a clear blue color, while Cui is a black body. The two groups of people stood on the sides of the gate, blocking, welcoming, and releasing those who came to observe the ceremony.

When Qin Fang led Liu Xianhe and swayed to the side, he looked at the people who were waiting in line to watch the release. He went straight to the main entrance.

As the judgement of the Yijian Conference, it is to enjoy the highest privilege, that is, even entering the mountain can also go directly to the main entrance, instead of the small door on the side, and it needs to be inspected before it can be released.


The main entrance was guarded by the two disciples with the highest positions, Fu Jia and Cui. When they saw the Qin Fang swaying, they immediately shouted.

The two figures, one left and one right, blocked the way of Qin Fang’s way, and his face was also hung with a cold face. It seemed to be a bit of selflessness.

"Please ask the two to line up and walk the side door..."

However, these two are not to be hand-in-hand with the Qin side, but each of them reached out and gestured to the side door of their family.

Obviously, these two people look at Qin’s age is too light, it is not quite like the predecessors who came to judge... Liu Xianhe is a bit like, but at the moment, Liu Xianhe’s look is like a follow-up. It is too much difference with the temperament of their predecessors, which will prevent the Qin side from entering.


The Qin side was too lazy to ignore them, and they immediately found an invitation from the body. When they lost it, they saw that the invitation was like a string of arrows, and quickly flew toward the other side.

The speed is quite fast, although the angle looks very straight, but the two disciples suddenly changed their face, and even showed some horror, because they found that they avoided it anyway, this invitation It seems to be like a sharp blade, flying quickly between their necks... as if they have been avoided.

But when they were shocked and thought that they were going to die, the invitation suddenly changed. In the rapid fall, the question fell on the hands of a Fu disciple.

"this is……"

Such a scene suddenly made the two disciples stunned. However, the spectators around did not really face such a dangerous sense of powerlessness. They just felt that it was too rash and too impolite for the Qin party to lose the invitation.

The disciple of Fu Jia looked at the invitation in his hand. It was the invitation that Fu had sent out this time. So far he has seen five or six, and the rest have not yet arrived.

When you open the invitation, you can see the contents inside. This will scare him a lot, and his face will become a little pale.

"Please ask inside..."

Almost without hesitation, he immediately reached out and opened the door, let Qin Fang and Liu Xianhe enter it, while others could only look at Qin Liuxianhe with envy and hate.

The Qin side was quite calm, and walked slowly toward the mountain. With such an invitation in hand, Fu Jia and Cui’s family would not dare to despise him.

The Fu family disciple personally opened the door to Qin Fang and released it. Moreover, he also respectfully handed over the invitation and the original to the Qin side, and watched Qin Fang and Liu Xianhe slowly ascending.

"what happened to you?"

The disciple of Cui family looked at Fu’s silly expression. I can't help but question. Although he was also shocked by Qin Fang, it did not become like this.

The Qin side has already gone a long way, even if it is a little offended, but this Cui family disciple feels that his Cui family is so strong. For the teacher, I am afraid of an "ordinary person" at the 3rd and 4th levels of a district?

"He...he...he is..."

The disciple of Fu’s class is stuttering, and it seems that the mood has not completely recovered. Still quite excited.

"Who is he? Look scared you..."

This disciple of Cui Jia is also looking at the other side with some strangeness. He can't understand how they will become like this.

"He is... that is the dragon who surnamed Qin!"

For a long while, the emotions of this Fu disciple were slightly stabilized. I immediately said to my companion.

"Ah? Actually it is him..."

A disciple of Cui Jia’s disciple. Then a face was completely green, and there was something in the heart that I was glad that I didn't do anything too much. Otherwise, I have already been stumped.

Although Qin Fang is not a household name in the country of the stick, it is definitely very famous, and can even be described as notorious.

The so-called people are afraid that the famous pig is afraid of being strong, and the Qin side is now being frustrated by the famous. Not only does the Qin side in the mainland still have great strength, but also a very strong armed force. If there is nothing in the past, I will see you still have a formal training, which is much easier than calling you to kill.

Many young disciples feel that they can defeat the Qin side, and they can step on the Qin side. Even the two disciples are no exception.

The reason why they let them come here to manage the door, in addition to supervising the people under their work, is also used to defend against some unexpected accidents.

However, when they really met the Qin Fang’s eyes, the obvious shame and jealousy were completely exposed. At this time, they were allowed to rush to fight with the Qin side, but they could not lift their courage. .

"Oh, forget it, let's be honest. The battle of the above is not something we can participate in!"

Looking at the edge of Qin Fang’s far away, these two guards had to be so stunned. They didn’t have the courage to collide with the Qin side. They all hated what they had just said.

"You said... Is this Qin name coming to trouble, or is it a simple position to attend?"

After a short break, the disciple surnamed Cui couldn't help but smashed up. Even the fear of Qin Fang was gone.

"It’s time to judge..."

Fat Li smiled a bit, but still often stuck those parking spaces, but also caused no one else to stop parking...

"When judge?"

When I heard this decision, the other Cui's homes were also drastically changed. Some people couldn't help but sigh.

Qin Fang’s age is a lot less than many of them. Compared to the white form, the shape of the white is still not done. The interior has not been completely finished, just lost a little thing.

I ordered such a expensive table. If I played according to my usual needs, as long as I was a little bit unhappy, he would sneak a sigh and immediately regained strength.

"I don't want to say anything else. This kind of thing is not something you and I can reconcile. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, we will only have a life of black pot..."

Seeing that Qin Fang has already walked toward the mountain, this Fu disciple is also shocked. Fortunately, Qin Fang does not seem to have a plan to see them. Plus he is busy, he can’t help but go out. I am looking for something.

The Qin side went up the mountain like this. No one dared to block his path. Who made him one of the judges who came forward, and his status was quite remarkable. Even the disciple of Cuijia couldn’t help but shrink his neck.

Others may not see anything unusual, but this person's wallet, mobile phone or something, but it is deeply seen to sell Su Qiye.

If you are not careful, the Qin side may not be so fat. In particular, the medicinal figures like Fengjie are really unable to withstand such scrutiny.

"What awesome..."

"Don't even need a card for a pair, just go through an invitation and go with it..."

Thinking of this, Fu Jia and Li Jia’s newspapers have already reached the cuteness of the people, but this kind of cuteness also has to incubate the cost, such as...

"Fuck, definitely what a great big man's son, come over for the elders of the family... This is really... really disrespectful and disrespectful..."

First of all, they expressed quite disdainfulness than their predecessor's behavior. Qin Fang was interested in finding these two people full of sails, but they still gave up after they were laid off.

These two people did not make any mistakes. They also helped the Qin side to save a lot of things with all their heart and soul, but at the same time they also caused a lot of trouble.

Now the little devil seems to have figured out that some of the organs of the two words can't be seen.

"He came to judge..."

Who is Qin Fang and who is it?

This seems to be a problem. Now it seems to be very famous in the academy, but now it is suddenly a mental illness. It is a long time to go inside, but it is really scary.


Hearing the fact that the disciple’s disciples suddenly burst out here, the people present at the scene were all stunned. Qin’s strength is very strong, but these children are not afraid of many people.

However, when I heard that Qin Fang was not simply enough to come to observe the ceremony, I came to see the information of each player personally, so that I could better understand the people in this mountain and ambush the enemy on the way to Anlang. This last two legs, this saved his life.

The ordinary viewing ceremony and the real audience, this ratio is also quite disparate, it is said that the difference is hundreds of times, this is only a slight reduction in profits, but this status is not easy to die.

The audience is also divided into several types. Some people can't even enter the door, and some people line up to enter, have the qualification to watch the ceremony, but they are not allowed to dictate.

The rest of the ones are completely different. It is judged by the people who come in. In the end, who will win, the decision-making decision is a large part of the content.

It can even be said that in the end, who can laugh at the end, the strength of one's own strength is one aspect, and at the same time, you need to be judged to be able to recognize, and this will be eligible for continued...

It is precisely because of this that the status of these examiners is high, and they don’t care what others say, what they want to do, and the one that passed this day is called a comfortable...

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