Omni Genius

Chapter 1304: A pair of silly forks!

Chapter 1304 A pair of silly forks!

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The youngest judge of Qin Fang attracted a lot of people's attention. Almost everyone felt that it was too ugly for Fuji to eat this time. ""

It is only the Fu Jia and Qin Fang who are the parties, but they seem to be very calm. It seems that they have not been affected by a little bit, and continue to follow the process of the game.

"I don't accept it..."

It’s just that Qin Fang is sitting on the judging panel. It seems to be very indifferent. Naturally, it is necessary to provoke some people’s dissatisfaction, and this is the most prone to some disharmony.

Those spectators are just coming to observe the ceremony. Although they are very powerful, they do not have any say. If they dare to say nonsense, the Fu family will not hesitate to drive them out.

No one wants such a precious opportunity to be wasted, so these spectators feel that the Fu family is too ugly to eat, but at most it is whining, but not too much fluctuation.


These spectators do not have a voice, and do not mean that those players have no say.

This is not the case when the game's competition is about to begin, and immediately the players have issued such dissatisfaction, and the source of the sound is... Cui's side.

Almost when I heard this, everyone’s attention was concentrated on this position, not only those who watched, but also Fu, Cui, and the judges.

"Mom, Cui Mingjun, what is this idiot?"

However, most people are waiting for the player of this Cui family to speak, and Cui ** is directly open, and his face is full of anger.

If it is not now that he has entered the process of competition, he really wants to rush to fly the dissatisfied Cui family's children.

"**, don't be excited, let's see it!"

On the other side, Cui Zhezhen also vaguely felt that things were a little bad. I felt that this Cui Mingjun might have a bad thing, and it seemed to be a disadvantage to their Cui family. (the church)

"The player Cui Mingjun, what is not convinced?"

As the host's general manager stood there, reaching out to smooth out the commotion of the crowd, this inquisitively asked, but from his calm face, it seems that there is some scorn and irony.

"Master Fu, the Yi Jian Conference is a grand gathering of Fu and Cui for a hundred years. Every session is invited by the martial arts to come to judge..."

Cui Mingjun obviously didn't know how stupid things he was doing, and he said confidently, and basically he knew what he was going to say.

Or, what he wants to say is what everyone wants to say.

"The seven highly respected predecessors are judges. I have no words to say, Cui Mingjun, but why can he also serve as a judge?"

Cui Mingjun pointed to Qin Fang, who was sitting at the end of the judges' seat. It was very uncomfortable to drink. This is quite rude, even if it is too ugly to say that the family's eating is too ugly.

Of course, if it is placed in the past, his behavior of playing Fu's face will definitely be unanimously recognized by the Cui family.

It’s a pity... He seems to have chosen the wrong time and chose the wrong object!

"Mr. Qin is the judge of our family, and it is naturally qualified to sit here. If you think that Mr. Qin is not qualified to sit here, then... you can ask him to come down!"

Mr. Fu’s face was indifferent, and he was not angry at the fact that Cui Mingjun’s face-to-face act was even arrogant. He even specifically indicated that Qin Fang was the judge of Fu’s family.

When the words came out, all the people present at the scene were all stunned. The Fu family was calm and calm, but the Cui family was obviously fluctuating.

Challenge judgement?

When I heard this sentence, I was shocked by the people at the place. I was all amazed at the words of General Manager Fu. Church

Of course, there is no problem with Mr. Fu’s words. In previous Yijian conferences, it’s not that there has never happened such a thing, especially when a certain genius master has emerged. This is often the case.

There are a total of eight judges in each game, and each invites four. Generally speaking, these four are slightly biased towards the one invited.

However, in the case of four to four, the number of the two sides is equal, and it is generally a very fair decision. Only when the party has a particularly ugly taste, this will reflect the quantitative advantage.

However, if a player challenges the judgement and will also judge the judge, then this balance is naturally broken in an instant.

In the obvious four to three, the fool knows which side is dominant, and if it is not used, it is really stupid.

This is also a way of cheating...

However, this kind of cheating is really good, but it may not be successful every time. For example, some judges seem to be not strong, but if it is really hands-on, it is very scary.

The players are provocative and judged. This is a matter of judging the face. Most of these judgments will not be polite. Although they will not shoot the players directly, the injury is inevitable.

Then the players have to formally compete, a player with a full-fledged status and no injuries, compared with a seriously injured player, the final result is actually quite clear.

Cui Mingjun is looking at this point. It is a huge opportunity for the Qin family to be ugly by the Fuji family.

"This group of idiots!"

Cui's face is green. If it is not the time to enter the process, and these elders have not allowed to intervene, he now wants to go up and fly Cui Mingjun.

He most understands what Fu’s idea is, and deliberately looking for Qin to be the judge, is to lead the Cui family to be fooled.

Although Cui has already known the existence of the Qin side, except for Cui, he knows only his own people, but he does not know the details of what Qin Fang looks like, how old he is.

Not to mention that Cui's position in the great country is outstanding. Apart from Fu, they don't put other people in their eyes. Together with the strong self-confidence of the stick, they imagine them as the world's best players.

"Competent Cui Mingjun, are you sure you want to challenge Mr. Qin?"

Mr. Fu’s face was very calm, as if he was completely neutral, just looking at Cui Mingjun who was stunned below, and said with a light face.

"Not bad... I want to challenge him!"

Although Cui Mingjun feels that something is wrong, it seems that the reaction at the Fu family seems to be too calm.

But now, in the presence of hundreds of people, he can't choose to retreat, which will only make him lose his face.

"This idiot! I really want to slap him to death..."

It’s really ugly to hear Cui’s stupidity. The face of Cui’s leader is also very ugly. He is unable to sit down. He knows that this is a bad thing, but in addition to the angry roar, Powerless.

"Mr. Qin, this player questioned your judgement..."

I got Cui Mingjun’s affirmative answer, and Fu’s eyes flashed a bit of color, and then he was polite and said to the Qin party on the judging panel.

"It’s a confident stick..."

Looking at the unruly face of Cui Mingjun, Qin Fang was also helpless. I really didn't expect it to be foolish.

In fact, some rules of the Yijian Conference, when Fang Zonglin chatted last night, have already been introduced in detail with Qin Fang, including the rules of this challenge.

Fang Zonglin said at the time that Fu Jia specially invited Qin Fang to come over to judge this. It is simply that this kind of peace of mind is to bury the Cui family.

Although Qin Fang knows that this is the case, although it is a bit uncomfortable to be used by people, he and Cui have nothing to do with each other. They even started to work with Cui, and now they come to the pit family, so it doesn’t matter. It is.

Originally, Qin Fang thought that Cui Jia should not be at this meeting. After all, Qin Fang and Cui’s Cui ** had already met, and they didn’t even dare to work with Qin. They were very jealous of Qin’s right. .

I did not expect that the Cui family would dare to raise this blatantly, and Qin Fang was quite helpless.

"Since the player is dissatisfied, then I will have two tricks with you..."

Although it is not difficult to get into the master class with this kind of master, it is necessary to behave in a timely manner. Therefore, Qin Fang also immediately stood up from the jury and was ready to go to the stage.


However, Qin Fang has just stepped down from the judging panel, and actually someone has spoken.

"Jun Hao..."

Mr. Fu was slightly stunned, and Fu Junhao, who was surprised to see Fu’s coming out, was quite puzzled in his face.

"Mr. Qin is the judge of my family, although there may be some gaps with the other seven judges, but I think his repair is definitely quite good."

"Ming Jun's repair is very good, but I think there is still a slight gap with Mr. Qin... So, I think, for the sake of fairness, I will join forces with Ming Junxiong to challenge Mr. Qin!"

General Manager Fu was very surprised. The people on the Fu family were also full of fog, but Fu Junhao suddenly said such words.


Almost at the place, everyone was smashed by Fu Junhao’s words. They didn’t quite understand what medicine the guy’s gourd sold, but one thing is very obvious. Everyone on Fu’s face is Instantly became ugly...

"Ha ha ha... It’s really helping me with Cui’s!"

When I heard the words of Fu Junhao, Cui ** first gave a slight glimpse, but even after laughing, even the tears came out directly.

Originally thought that Cui Jia was going to be miserable this time, Cui Mingjun obviously wants to deliver food. It would be very difficult to get the final victory, but I didn’t think that there was a stupid force on Fu’s side.


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