Omni Genius

Chapter 1310: Can you help me!

Chapter 1310, can you help me!

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Almost at this time, Qin Fang and Shi Yuan touched each other. Both of them were separated quickly. They each avoided a dozen steps behind them. Only then did they look at the figure.

"Stop! Stop..."

It was only when General Manager Fu saw that the two men had been separated. It seemed that there was another sign of continuing the war. Before General Fu jumped into the two people, he reached out and separated the two people.

"Master Fu, you let it go..."

Ishihara's face was unusually ugly. When he saw that General Manager Fu actually obstructed him, he suddenly burned in anger. He was very rude to drink, and he also planned to continue to work with Qin.

The body of his apprentice was still there, and the enemy Qin Fang stood there, let him say so, how could he swallow this breath?

As a master of the masters, Ishihara has always been a slap in the face, whoever has to give him a few faces, even if he came here, he is still the same.

This has always been extremely contemptuous for the Dragon people, and it is very despising, which is why he is not a good reason for several judgments from the island.

This is not only against Fang Zonglin, but the relationship with Mu Lao is not very good...

And he knows that Qin Fang is also from Long Guo, and still comes from the dragon inland, he almost immediately got up.

It is a pity that he thought that the repair of his master's peak was enough to suppress the Qin party... and even the Qin party could be bullied.

However, this result is not as he imagined. The Qin side is still the same, not only has no damage, but it has killed his apprentice.

Even two people have just fought a dozen strokes, but Ishihara is not a bit cheaper... Of course, Qin Fang did not take up the stone.

"Mr. Ishihara, here is the place of our Fu family. If you have any questions, please wait until the Yijian Conference is not too late..."

Seeing Ishihara actually didn't look at his face at all, Fu's face was not so good-looking, and the tone became cold.

Although the mouth still uses the tone of negotiation, it is obviously much tougher than it was just now. Even if he looks at his posture, it seems that Ishihara would dare to do it. He does not mind the calculation of the original with Shi Yuan.


Ishihara's face suddenly changed, and a pair of hazy eyes were staring at Fu, and the anger in his eyes was clearly visible.

However, he obviously realized that this place is not the site of his Ishihara, but on the land of Fu's family... Especially though he is the judge of the Yijian Conference, he was invited by Cui, Fu The general manager is a Fu family, but he may not necessarily sell his face!

"Good, good, very good..."

Ishihara’s face was very gloomy and looked at Fu’s manager. He looked at the opposite side of Qin’s face. The mouth was even more gloomy and drank these words. The anger in the words was obviously suppressed, but that The hate is undoubtedly very strong.

"let's go……"

In the end, Ishihara did not do anything, but sighed at another disciple next to him, and then he did not even eat the meal himself. He went straight to the sleeves.

The little devil apprentice had been slammed into the table by Qin Fang. It was indeed a slumber for a while, but in the end it was a master master, and this time he had already awakened.

Although this kid has not figured out what happened, but look at his brother and brother has become a cold body, the master Shi Yuan and Qin Fang are squatting, he can vaguely guess something.

Now Ishihara is gone. His little devil apprentice is picking up the body of the well. He is also chasing Ishihara. It is obvious that it has not been left.

"Everyone, I am really sorry about this happening. Please continue to eat..."

Mr. Fu did not have much reaction. He did not say that Qin Fang was the judge that Fu Jia invited. If Qin Fang had something to do with Fu, then their Fu family was also very shameful.

What's more, now that during the Yijian Conference, he must maintain normal order. If Qin Fang and Shi Yuan really want to take full action, the destructive power is quite large.

Moreover, the strength of these two people is too strong, and the aftermath of the palm of the hand may directly damage the warriors below the master level, not to mention that Shiyuan is really desperate, then it is absolutely fatal to attack, who if not believe In the case of Zhong Zhao, it is difficult to keep your life.

For the sake of safety, Mr. Fu will not continue to fight with Qin Fang and Ishihara...

Ishihara is gone, then naturally it can't be played. These judges have also sat down to continue eating. Anyway, they don't care about themselves, and they won't care.

As for the dead individual, for those of them who have climbed to such a position, that is not a matter, and no one will pay attention to it.

In particular, Ishihara seems to be really not very good at people. Basically, there are not many people who really tend to be him. This is really a lot of offending people.

Ishihara has gone, and Qin Fang shrugged indifferently. It seems that he did not take this matter too seriously. He also returned to his own table.

However, the surrounding spectators around the eyes looked different from the Qin side. It seems that the Qin side was observed as a miracle.

If you say that before, Qin Fang alone picks two master level masters Fu Junhao, Cui Mingjun can only explain that Qin Fang is qualified to sit on the judges.

So now it’s totally different. So many judges are inside. Ishihara is almost recognized as the first master. But Ishihara and Qin Fang have been fighting dozens and twenty strokes in a row. Not only are they not cheap, but they are their apprentices. Killed hard and hard...

This is certainly the speed and body of the Qin side, but there are also many reasons why Qin Fang’s cultivation is extremely powerful. At least Qin’s cultivation is not weaker than Ishihara.

There may be a little bit of a small gap, but it is definitely not as big as the imagination... maybe it is just a very small gap.

"Qin Lao, you... it’s too bullish!"

Qin Fang just sat down here, and Fang Zonglin’s old man couldn’t help but admire it. The two small characters, Chen Liang and Ling Fei, were very revered to Qin.

At this time, Fang Zonglin really learned the cultivation of Qin Fang. The strength of Ishihara, even in the strong of these masters, is considered to be very high.

It is estimated that in so many people, in addition to Mr. Fu can suppress Shiyuan, other people can't really move Shiyuan's... But Qin Fang is young, and he is not defeated by Shiyuan for ten strokes. This is enough. It shows how powerful the real fighting power of Qin Fang is.

Chen Liang’s brothers and sisters are all green. They will think that they still have to work with the Qin side yesterday. If Qin Fang does not want to toss them, it is estimated that they are already lying in the hospital.

Even their master Fang Zonglin thinks that he is not an opponent of Ishihara. Although this is not a dozen strokes, he can't see what it is, but it is also enough to show how strong the Qin side is.

However, Liu Xianhe seems to be relatively calm, mainly because his strength is too weak, although I know that Ishihara is one of the eight judges, the strength must be quite strong.

However, since the last time Qin Fang cleaned Kim Jong-Ming, which he almost could not deal with, his nerves became a little thicker. This time he had a big fight with Ishihara. He was very calm and seemed to have long since I guess the Qin side will not lose.

In the face of Fang Zonglin's admiration, Qin Fang just smiled indifferently, but he did not care too much. The strength of Ishihara is good, but it is not a master class, and it cannot pose any threat to him.

"Qin Laodi, Ishihara is very simple, and his mind is very small. I am afraid that I will not be so good."

However, Fang Zonglin is still very kind, and soon his face is quiet, and he is also reminded of Qin Fangdao.

He has spoken to Ishihara and knows what kind of person Ishihara is. It is definitely not a man of magnanimity. He even said that it is a small belly.

Not to mention, this time, Qin Fang also killed his apprentice in the well... Even if it was not the Qin Fang’s own killing, it was also the case that Qin Fang took the well to be the back.

"it's not a big deal……"

Qin Fang smiled, not very carelessly waved his hand, and then continued to eat and drink.

However, what he said on his mouth seemed to be very relaxed. It seemed that he did not put Shiyuan in his heart, but the afterglow of his eyes was actually constantly scanning.

"Sure enough, no..."

After a few, Qin Fang’s heart was stunned.

Just now he simply looked at it. After Ishihara left, it became calm here. Although many people are whispering about the Qin side, most of them will not come to the Qin side again.

However, Qin Fang noticed that Cui Zhimin, who should have stayed with the wine, had nowhere to go.

However, Qin Fang did not feel that there was anything strange about it. It seems that it has already been expected, as if he had already guessed that Cui Zhimin would leave.

Fang Zonglin saw that Qin Fang didn't seem to care too much. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say it.

This latter meal seems a bit dull, and basically few people talk again.

At noon, several judges took a break and took a look at the competition in the afternoon. This time, the contest was still as boring as the morning. The two players were quite powerful, and it was difficult to beat a small half afternoon. The player of the family defeated the player of Fu's family with a slight advantage and won the victory of this second match.

In this way, Fu Jia and Cui Jia won each one, and for the time being, they were tied one to one.

It is only the Qin side that is not very concerned about such a result, or that no one of these judges will care about it. Winning or losing has no meaning for them.

But this game is not completely nothing special. Many careful spectators have noticed that the eight positions on the jury seem to be empty.

Careful comparison, I found that Ishihara Ibaro did not seem to appear, who made the position of Ishihara Ishiro so conspicuous.

It’s just that they feel very doubtful in their hearts, but this is the Yijian Conference jointly organized by Fu Jia and Cui. The real masters of the tournament are Fu Jia and Cui Jia. These people are just watching the game and watching the fun, although they feel that It's a bit strange, but I don't dare to question anything.

Why did I have not appeared in Ishihara, Fu Jia and Cui Jia are also very clear, this old devil just had a big fight with Qin Fang, and the apprentice was also killed by Qin Fang, he could not be revenge, but also It was forced by Mr. Fu to force a meal. It is estimated that this is not to mention the wrongs in the heart.

Ishihara squatted, and naturally he wouldn’t give Fu and Cui what face. He just didn’t come, let the position be there, and he didn’t eat anything anyway.

Fortunately, such a contest, in fact, the role of the judgement is not much, even if it is a lack of a judgement, there is no much impact.

What's more, Ishihara is the judge that Fu Jia invited. If you really need to judge to decide the final outcome, the lack of a person's Cui family is naturally more anxious than Fu.

Therefore, the Fu family did not care about this matter, only as if nothing had happened. How should we persist?


The contest of this day was completely over, and Qin Fang returned to his own small courtyard. He simply checked the old house. It seems that no one secretly gave Qin Fang hands and feet. Qin Fang is also suddenly I feel a lot of relief, and I am not completely nervous as I used to.

"Tonight, I am afraid that it will not be so peaceful..."

Just looking at the weather outside, the night is black and windy, isn't it the best time to kill?

Although the outside looks quite quiet, but Qin Fang can clearly feel that a chilling atmosphere is coming quickly...

"It should be coming soon!"

Qin Fang did not care, but stood quietly at the door, his body was only wearing a thin coat, so quietly there.

It seems that he had expected who would come here, and his eyes were slightly lifted up, looking in the direction not far away, as if he had already noticed the path of the other party.


Almost immediately after Qin Fang said this sentence, the empty courtyard of the air suddenly became a wind, and the scent of the chill was also become more intense, even Qin said.

Come out, don't hide....

This kind of chilling atmosphere is indeed very easy. Soon, the scenery of Qin Fang at this moment is more and more familiar, and his eyes are slightly more intense.

"They have already arrived, or come out quickly... don't miss the time!"

The Qin side seems to have discovered that the other side’s whereabouts have occurred, and the eyes are very calm, but for the other people, but the mouth is very rude.

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