Omni Genius

Chapter 1321: Two masters!

~ "" ~ Chapter 1321 two masters!

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Regardless of how Mr. Fu guessed, these have nothing to do with Qin Fang. Qin Fang is also happy to stay out of the way. Even if Fu Jia and Cui Jia fight, Qin Fang will only look at the lively as a bystander. .

The results of the two blood samples test came out very quickly. One naturally belonged to Ishihara Ishihara. Another Fu manager did not get Cui Zhimin's dna sample comparison, but he was basically sure.

Then the whole thing becomes clear and clear...

Ishihara is obviously dead in the hands of the Qin side, and Cui Zhimin is also likely to die in the hands of the Qin side.

As for the fact that they had guessed that unidentified militants had sneaked into the Pak Kung Mountain, perhaps they had estimated that they were wrong. Perhaps these people are coming to the secret of Fu’s family, but obviously these people are not Cuijiapai. Coming...

Even if Cui’s head is really caught in the door, it is impossible to cover up their conspiracy, but to lose such an important person as Cui Zhimin.

The secret of Fu Jia has already existed a lot. The Cui family is also aware of the roots. The two people have even studied each other for hundreds of years without any clues. It is even more impossible to lose Cui Zhimin for this.

I can guess about the general situation of Fu, but I also explained it to Fu Qingjia’s master Fu Qinglin. As for the explanation with Cuijia... This is absolutely impossible.

The game sword conference is still going on, and now it is gradually entering the heat, and the young masters of the two families are also struggling to fight. In an effort to win for their respective families, almost all of them have tried their best...

Even in a contest, it should have been the end of the test, Fu Jia’s failure of a young master, used the trick of conspiring to attack, resulting in the young master of the winning opponent Cui’s suddenly Suffering from heavy losses...

Qin Fang stood by and watched, the injured player was very hurt, almost life can not be saved, as long as he is willing to take it, he can definitely save him a life.

But... Qin did not do this, but looked at it as if nothing had happened, and even the expression had never changed.

The result of this is... The resentment of Fu Jia and Cui Jia has deepened again, and I will see the eyes of Cui’s family looking at Fu’s family.

The result of this match is naturally Cui Jiasheng, but the Cui family is not happy, because the injured Cui family master is afraid that he will not survive, even if he is lucky enough to survive, this life is nothing to count on.

This is really not a general bad news. I just learned that Cui Zhimin has disappeared. Now the younger generation has suffered such a heavy blow, and it has made this fire more fierce.

The one-day test ended very quickly. A total of five games have ended four games, leaving only the last one... and the final victory.

In the first four games, Cui Jia and Fu Jia each won two games and temporarily became a tie. Although Cui Mingjun and Fu Junhao were eliminated because they failed to challenge the Qin side, they did not have much influence on the situation. The final decisive battle is still in the fifth game...

The final result of the contest is actually not related to the judgment of Qin Fang. They are coming for the sword, or they are not the face of these two families. As for the final result, they are not at all concerned. The winners who win and who do not have a few cents with them, the final treatment is the same.

"I heard that Cui Haoyu, the owner of Cuijia, is already rushing over... It seems that I want to find a fair person!"

Qin Fang did not care about the results of the contest, but he accidentally heard the news, but it made him slightly surprised.

Cui Haoyu, the master of Cui's family, is one of the two most masters of the great strength of the country. Apart from Fu Qing's Fu Qinglin, he is almost invincible in the country.

Of course, as far as Qin Fang knows, the Guozi Country seems to have some masters who are incognito, such as Liu’s secret land, there is a master-level master who might be more powerful than Cui Haoyu and Fu Qinglin...

Cui Haoyu is the owner of Cui's family. Like Fu Jia's master Fu Qinglin, he rarely leaves his family. Most of them are practicing in retreats. Only some very important things can come out.

The Yijian Conference has become a very important event for the two major families. In fact, neither Fu Qinglin himself nor Cui Haoyu has revealed anything.

It can be seen that this Yijian Conference is a very good opportunity for young masters, but for these masters, it really does not make much sense.

But now, Cui Haoyu, who has not been out of the house for a long time, suddenly came here and said nothing. The Qin side obviously does not believe it.

"More and more lively..."

Cui Haoyu came for the victory of Cui Jia, or for the disappearance of Cui Zhimin. Qin Fang is not very clear, but he does not care.

Let’s not say that Cui Jia can not find his head, even if he really traces his head, with his current cultivation, although it is impossible to defeat the master of the master class such as Cui Haoyu, but Cui Haoyu wants to put him That's the same is not possible...

If the Qin side was forced too hard, Qin Fang wouldn’t mind letting Cui Haoyu’s master-level master also follow Cui Zhimin’s footsteps and let the bullets “communicate and exchange feelings” with him...

The stick country is very small, and it can basically appear in any position within a day. Although Incheon is not a particularly large city, it is very convenient to come here.

The news that Qin Fang received in the evening, it is said that Cui Haoyu had already arrived at the Bagong Mountain of Fu's family that night, but they did not see the people in Qinfang.

This evening was quite calm. Ishihara and Cui Zhimin died. The small courtyard of Qin Fang was also quiet, and no one was disturbing.

The third day of the Yijian Conference was also the day to decide the final victory. Qin Fang also came to the venue early. Basically, after the end of the contest, the tasks of these judgments were completed. When they received the Yi Jianshi sent by Fu and Cui, they could leave on their own.

Of course, if you are willing to stay, Fu will not stop it, or even take care of the good food and good food, and will definitely give you a face.

However, today's atmosphere is obviously much more tense than the previous two days. Whether it is the two family members or the spectators who are watching the ceremony, they are almost a little nervous and excited.

Relatively speaking, Qin Fang’s judgments are relatively indifferent...

Although the strength of this last pair of players is above the master level, it is only the beginning of the master class, and the gap between them is not generally large.

These two players want to grow to their level, it may take ten years, twenty years, or even longer time, perhaps it may not reach this level at all.

How can players who are at this level expect such judgments to be treated so seriously?

However, today's comparison test is different from yesterday's. It is that in the stands of Fu Jia and Cui's, each of them has a middle-aged person who looks like a heavyweight.

Fu Qinglin!

Cui Haoyu!

The two top players in the Guozi Country actually appeared at the scene of the Yijian Conference. This is definitely the most exciting news of the day.

Although listening to the next Mu Mu, the two masters appeared at the same time at the scene of the Yi Jian Conference, or two of them as opponents of the final appeared in the ring more than a decade ago.

Since then, Fu Qinglin and Cui Haoyu have almost never appeared in the scene of the Yijian Conference, and even the occasion where two people appear at the same time is very rare.

But now, not only Cui Haoyu has rushed over from Cui, but Fu Qinglin, who was rumored to have died because of the injury, also came to the scene. Some people immediately felt that the sparks between Fu and Cui were getting stronger and stronger.

Although there are two masters in person, but the competition depends on personal strength, the two players who can win the final victory, still depends on their strength and presence.

"The contest started..."

With the command of General Fu, the young masters from the two families immediately roared and immediately broke out the strongest fighting power and greeted the opponent opposite.

Compared with the previous competitions, the competitions of the two master-level players are more visible, and both of them have a strong sense of mission. The pressure is also very large, and almost one shot has already exploded. The collision force, and directly hit the real fire.

This kind of competition is not very attractive to the Qin party, but the spectators around them are watching the relish.

The Guozi country was originally the barren land of martial arts. The masters of the masters are already the top, and the number can be counted even with one hand.

Although the masters are slightly better, the number is very limited. They are basically famous, and they are the masters of Fu and Cui.

The result is that these spectators who came to observe the ceremony, although they are basically martial arts people, but the strength reached the master level, almost 30% are not, most of them are still below the master level.

Therefore, the desperate battle of such masters has suddenly attracted the appeal of the vast majority of people. Everyone who looks at them with relish and intoxication seems to have already surpassed themselves to the two contestants of the contest... ...

This contest is also considered to be the most exciting one at the moment. The strength of the two players is quite the same, and the masters of their respective families are quite well mastered.

Although in the eyes of Qin Fang and their masters, the strength of these two people is slightly worse than Cui Mingjun and Fu Junhao, but it is already quite good.

The two people played quite hot, almost the best tricks, but the strength is too close, and he has played hundreds of strokes in succession, and they have not been able to win the game.

After a thousand strokes, the physical strength of both of them has dropped very badly. The strength of punching and kicking out is obviously much weaker than before. It looks light and fluttering.

After more than a hundred strokes, the physical strength of the two players was almost exhausted. The two men eventually gave up the strength to eat, and seemed to want to go with the other side.

However, the strength of the two people seems to be even the same as the mosquitoes. Although they are also photographed on the ground, it is better to say that it is more suitable for themselves.

Both players were exhausted and fell on the ring. Both sides sent a judge to go to the inspection. They found that the two men did not have the strength to move their fingers.

This contest is over, but who won the victory?

"Please judge the result of voting to decide the contest!"

In accordance with the rules of the Yi Jian Conference, Mr. Fu continued to follow the rules of many years, and adopted this kind of voting to determine the outcome of the draw.

When General Manager Fu came up with this, many people stunned each other and then subconsciously counted the number of judges on the judging panel.

Originally it should be four to four, a total of eight judges, but because of the "absence" of Ishihara, there are only seven judges, which makes it easier to determine the outcome.

Four to three!

Without any suspense, Fu Jia finally killed Cui Jia with a score of four to three, and finally won the victory of the game.

The four of them in Qin Fang were invited by Fu, and they have always been "special preferential treatment". Not counting other things, this face is still to be given. At this moment, it is natural to vote for Fu Jia.

The game of the sword was ended with such a dramatic ending. The face of the Cui family was also quite unsightly. The absence of Ishihara Ichiro allowed them to eventually swallow the bitter fruit of failure.

But compared to this defeat, Cui Zhimin’s disappearance and the death of a promising young disciple almost made their hearts bleed...

On the other hand, at the Fuji family, the contest of the Yijian Conference won the victory. Several players under the door were very good at the end, and there was no degrading of important figures. It was almost a big win.

The more such a comparison, the more the Cui family feels very comfortable, so...

Fu Jia and Cui Jia have some temper, and some commotion has occurred in private, and some even started directly.

In fact, after such a commotion, almost every time after the game, it will be staged as scheduled. The losing party loses the contest, but it does not mean that they accept the result in such a calm and calm manner.

The hatred of the two families has been around for a long time, and it has been going on for hundreds of years. Naturally, it is not so easy to smooth out. Soon the scope of the conflict between the two sides has expanded a lot.

In order to calm down the two families, Fu Jia and Cui Jia immediately sent high masters to obstruct them. The two contradictions contradicted each other. Even if they really started to fight, they should try to control the conflict within a certain range. This is the most sensible choice...

Once the two families are fully engaged, the results are really hard to predict, and they may be truly the same... The two families disappeared together in the long river of history and were replaced by other families.

However, these relations with the Qin side are not great. This is something that the two families need to worry about. The Qin party’s judgments are relaxed. The contest ends. The judges can even try to persuade them. Saved...

What surprised Qin Fang was that the two families had already made a big fight. The owners of the two families of Cui Haoyu and Fu Qinglin not only did not stop it. Instead, after the end of the contest, the two men gathered together and greeted the judges. .

"You are the Qin Fang?"

Especially when they saw the young and horrible Qin Fang, all the eyes were sparkling with strange light. After carefully examining the Qin side several times, I still couldn't believe it.

"If you change it..."

Qin Fang can only touch his nose, and he is very helpless to affirm his identity.

"The young people have had such extraordinary repairs at a young age. It is worthy of the young Junjie from Longguo... I don’t want to accept the old guys!"

Cui Haoyu looked at the young man in front of him who might not even be half of himself. He had a rather weird expression on his face, but his mouth was a courtesy of courtesy.

Fu Qinglin, who is not on the side, is not as straightforward as Cui Haoyu said, but it is almost the same meaning. It is only a bit strange for Qin Fang to think that the two men are said to be quite nervous, but now they can hardly find a similar point. trace……

The special constitution of Qin Fang is extremely deceptive. Don't look at his real realm has reached the peak of master level, but in the eyes of the two masters, Qin Fang is so ordinary, as long as the Qin side does not use the true Qi, then it looks like no difference to ordinary people.

Even if the Qin side slightly used a little instinct, it also showed the master's initial repair as a whole...

However, these two masters are not ordinary people. Naturally, they will not think that Qin Fang is just the strength of the early masters... After all, Qin Fang once easily abolished the two masters of the early masters, and then followed Ishihara Ichiro, the master of the master class, fights and fights without losing.

"Cui's predecessor is a well-known master of the masters. Qin is just a junior who has just crossed the threshold. How can he afford to be so praised by his predecessors... I dare not be afraid, don't dare to be!"

For Cui Haoyu's compliment, Qin Fang also smiled very lightly, and took the haha ​​with him.

In the face of these two masters, Qin Fang is not a bit timid, these two are very strong, very powerful...

But it is only limited to the early stage of the master class. Although it is quite close to the middle of the master class, it is not easy to take this step.

As for the feelings brought by these two masters to Qin, it seems that their strength is comparable to the repair of the old Ala, which is more than the old master of the **** hand, and Liu’s secret land. To be weak...

In this way, Qin Fang is still very jealous of these two masters, but it has not reached the level of avoidance.


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