Omni Genius

Chapter 1326: Break the mess!

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It is a pity that apart from his Qin party, he can no longer see half-personal shadows. In the vast cave, he alone stood there quietly...

"Magic array..."

As for the formation method, Qin Fang knows a little about it. This was originally learned on Hong Kong Island when he was in contact with thousands of chess and Song Qianqiu.

Although I can't talk about proficiency, at least it is a little involved.

What's more, the tactics of the tactics belong to the category of thousands of techniques. The Qin dynasty has now piled up to the advanced level, and there is a slight rumor in this.

Although there is a huge gap with the thousands of chess, Song Qianqiu, but the general skills are still quite powerful...

Just, looking at the seemingly complete real space in front of him, and everything around him, he can't see a little bit of embarrassment, as if everything is real.

"Awesome magical array!"

Although Qin Fang is not willing to admit this, but this is the case, this illusion is really very powerful, definitely from the hands of a very powerful array of cattle.

However, considering the identity, status, strength, etc. of the master of the game, Fu Cailin, there is nothing strange about knowing such a master of the formation.

It’s just that Qin Fang is in trouble now, there is...

"How can I get out of here?"

This magical array is very real, almost impossible to find a little bit, Qin Fang simply walked inside this cave, but did not find any exit.

That is to say... he was trapped inside this cave.

In fact, this is a magical array. Maybe this cave does not exist at all. Everything around it is illusory, as long as he finds the way to crack. Perhaps everything around you may be broken in an instant.

But the problem is...

Everything in the illusion is so real. Qin Fang reached out to touch the stone walls. The cold chill is so clear that it is not illusory at all.

Even Qin Fang hammered a heavy punch on the stone wall, and the hand came up with obvious pain. The stone wall is also a smashing gravel.

The true degree of this magical array made Qin Fang feel quite helpless. It is really impossible to find a little bit of flaws. The strength of this array of people in the formation is absolutely super strong, and thousands of chessmen, Song Qianqiu, are in front of this person. I am afraid that there is no contrast. Not at all on one level.

Qin Fang has been in contact with thousands of chess and Song Qianqiu for some days. The two have also had a small confrontation in the formation. Song Qianqiu is of course the Qinfang, but Qin Fang is a master scouting skill plus advanced skills. Skills coordination, but also can find some flaws from the array method of Song Qianqiu.

Although such flaws are extremely subtle, it is enough for Qin to solve the dilemma...

but now……

Qin Fang is a bitter smile. Under the promotion of the Thousands of Rings, his advanced skills are equivalent to being upgraded to the Master. Coupled with the same master-level investigative skills, it is hard to find a flaw.

So Song Qianqiu is more imaginable than the strength of the master of this array of methods in front of him...

"It seems... there is only one way!"

Since the break is not to be expected, Qin Fang’s line of sight is also concentrated on the front of the game, which may be the only way for Qin to get out of trouble.

Originally, Qin Fang fell into this magical array. The first reaction was that he was given a pit by Cui Haoyu and Fu Qinglin. This almost flawless fantasy array is not something they can control.

Moreover, a few other disciples of Cui and Fu also entered this magical array. If they want to hang in the Qin Dynasty, they must also have these people together.

So think about it, the final solution is still on the end of this game, this illusion is just to ensure the existence of this endgame.

For Go, Qin Fang knows a little, not so much proficiency, and this is still more or less studied with Song Qianqiu.

Song Qianqiu claims to be a thousand-door chessboard, but its own chess power is ridiculous. Even the level of Qin Fang is not a good opponent, and generally it is better than less.

Sure enough, he stayed with his main energy in the way of the formation, but his level of chess is indeed quite stinky.

At the beginning, the Qin Dynasty was also idle, and accompanied Song Qianqiu to study chess. He even went to Song Qianqiu’s home to read some of the chess art books collected by Song Qianqiu over the years. There are modern chess techniques. Master's works, there are also some lost games and so on.

"It doesn't seem to be any kind of endgame I have seen..."

Looking at the endgame in front of him, the Qin side compared the game of the game in his mind, but ultimately did not find any identical or even similar endgames.

However, in the eyes of this party, in the eyes of Qin Fang, it is really subtle, not even worse than those who passed away.

Of course, this is understandable. If it is not, then the game of the sword can not be retained until today has not been cracked.

Go is originated from the Dragon Kingdom and has been inherited for thousands of years. However, in modern times, the dragon people's accomplishments in Go are not the strongest in the world.

On the contrary, this is a very bad country for the Qin party. The level of Go is beyond the dragon in the level of Go, and it is stronger than Japan. The world champions who have been for many years are all great people.

The status of Cui and Fu in the country of the stick is absolutely detached. Even if both of them are quite low-key, they must say that they have not copied the endgame to find those masters of Go to crack. Qin Fang will never believe it. of.

For many years, there have been a lot of amazing Go players in the country, but this game is still the same, and there are some problems.

Is it that these masters are not strong?

Qin Fang shook his head, and this answer is definitely not reliable.

Is it a problem with this game itself?

With this in mind, Qin Fang almost subconsciously thought of the precious chess game in the novel of Jin Laozi. It seems that there is no strange place in the game itself, but every time the player plays, the player who plays chess will fall into a fantasy. Among them, this illusion is the most soft place to hit the heart, it is almost impossible for someone to get out of it.

Of course, only those who are simple and pure in mind can be immune to these illusions...

However, Qin Fang thought of it here but it was a bitter smile. Obviously, he himself is not a rafter like a bamboo. His heart is quite impure.

"Forget it, take a step and take a step..."

Whether the game of the sword and the chess game are similar, Qin Fang does not know it himself, but even if it is the same, Qin Fang can't crack it. It is also a dead horse as a living horse. Anyway, Qin Fang has no intention. Cracking the game of the sword is naturally much simpler.

Looking at the board in a simple way, the black and white pieces are intricate and in a state of being glued, but it is obvious that the black side is absolutely active... even soon it will be able to kill the white dragon.

Unfortunately, Qin Fang can only choose this side of White.

Qin Fangzi carefully studied for a while, and the chance of this big dragon of White is too small, and even if it is killed, Black basically controls most of the area, and will still The bigger advantage is to win.

"There is nothing better about this... directly confessing to lose!"

Seeing such a game, perhaps Qin’s own interest is not great. Perhaps his level of chess is too bad. He didn’t even have the mind to continue. He took a piece and directly lost it.

The voter recognizes the burden!

Anyway, it won't win, and it's better to be a bit more sinful. It can save a lot of trouble.


Almost at the same time as Qin Fang’s contribution was recognized, his voice immediately came to his ear, and almost Qin’s ears were deaf.

Fortunately, this feeling is only a moment, and soon disappeared without a trace, but Qin Fang’s eyes suddenly changed a lot.

On the huge chessboard, Black and White were lying there quietly, like dead objects... Of course, the pieces were originally dead.

However, now it is completely different. Qin Fang even feels that these pieces in front of him seem to contain infinite vitality.

Brush ~~

Almost when Qin Fang was surprised, he saw a black chess suddenly jumped up automatically, and then flew toward the Qin side at a very fast speed.


Qin Fang’s eyes suddenly shrank. This scene is too strange, but at the same time he is still quite vigilant.


However, that black chess is not at all polite. When it comes to the body of the Qin Dynasty, it seems to suddenly become a swordsman who has been repaired. It is turned into an amazing sword light. Going to Qin Fang to kill.

"It’s good..."

Originally, I saw the change of this piece. Qin Fang just felt extremely surprised, but when this Jianguang appeared, Qin’s eyes changed instantly.

This sword is absolutely brilliant, as if it can completely open this piece of heaven, so that the masters of the master class like Qin Fang feel a little tremor.

But at the same time, this sword is not here, but Qin Fang has a feeling of mysterious and mysterious, it seems that this Jianguang let him slightly understand what.

Looking at the sword light that is getting closer and closer, Qin Fang is not a little nervous, and even slightly excited. With both hands together, the internal force springs, and a sword slams out from his **** and goes straight to the A sword went away.


The sword of Qin Fang is not very strong, but it also gives people a sharp feeling. It collides with the sword light that the chess piece has made, and then sends out such a crisp sound, and it is completely annihilated. ......

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