Omni Genius

Chapter 1347: Killing one foot!


I have been slap on the shoulders of Akao Liangtian. The strength is not very big, but it is enough to make him feel clearly, and it is faintly sensible to feel a little warm through the thin clothes and directly to the skin of the red-tailed skin. From another aspect, it is confirmed that this is not an illusion in the red-tailed field!

A glimpse of the red-tailed field, the body is also slightly stiff.


There are only three people in the whole room... Xu Yuanshan, Xu Yuanshan's guests and his Chiwei Liangtian, but now Xu Yuanshan is in front of themselves, then...

"Who is shooting me?"

The Chiwei Liangtian is also stunned, and such a question arises in his mind. Obviously, it is also a bit embarrassed by this slap.

Akao Liangtian is already a master of the late master class, and it is also the top of the ninja, the strength is quite strong, and the perception of danger is quite powerful.

It’s always that he can get close to the target without knowing it. No one can walk behind him, but he still doesn’t feel it at all...

In addition to the fact that there are few powerful horror priests in Taoism, it seems that few people can do this...

But the problem is that the few priests are all masters of the master-level level, and they are much more powerful than the masters of his master class.

“Is there a master-level protection around Xu Yuanshan?”

The thought of Chiwei Liangtian quickly crossed such a thought, even if he could not believe it, but this seems to be the only reasonable explanation.

However, Chiwei Liangtian did not have much time to consider this. He is now to assassinate Xu Yuanshan. The master of this slap affects his mission, and he can't do it anyway!

Almost subconscious. Another hand in Chiwei Liangtian is such a quick swing to the back...


I heard a series of such slight sounds, and the black shadows of the road were shot from his hand. The speed was quite blocky, and it was continuous and looked extraordinarily fierce.

At this moment, the hand was placed on the shoulder of Akao Liangtian, showing how close the distance between the two is. At this time, suddenly shot, Akao Liangtian confident that he can still make the other party suffer...

As a ninja, but also the toughness of the ninja in the horror of the endurance, Akao Liangtian believes that the accomplishments of the skills of ninjutsu are still quite good.

Stealth is quite powerful, at least Xu Yuanshan has not found his existence until now...

The hidden weapon is also quite good, and Akao Liangtian has been immersed in this for many years. There have been records of killing four masters and masters...

Although never killed a master level master. However, on these ninja darts, when Chiwei Liangtian came over, it was specially smeared with poison. It was afraid that when he killed Xu Yuanshan, he encountered a master and obstructed...

Although the master of the master class is powerful, but in his poison darts, perhaps in a short period of time can rely on strong internal force to suppress the spread of toxins, but also lost the ability to attack.

A master-level master who can't make a full effort. Although it is still very horrible, Akao Liangtian is confident that he can win a very short mobile phone conference for himself.

Of course, it is not for this master-level master, the dead camel is bigger than the horse. Once this master-level master faces the death threat, most of them will sneak out.

The angered master-level master, Akao Liangtian is confident or can't fight, and may even throw his life here... so he wants to start the target. The person he wants to kill, that is, the Xu Yuanshan sitting in front of him. Chairman Xu!

Chiwei Liangtian is still very confident. After the ninja darts were shot, he did not even go to the situation of the man behind him. Immediately holding the dagger will kill the unsuspecting Xu Yuanshan.

It is worthy of the top forbearance, and the shot of Akao Liangtian shows how terrible his strength is. The dagger shimmered in the cold cold light and ran straight between Xu Yuanshan's neck.

Xu Yuanshan seems to be a bit like it. He is talking to his friends. Suddenly his brow wrinkles and his eyes have changed a little.

However, he is just an ordinary person. In the face of the top end of the red-tailed field, even if it is a confrontation, there is no way to live. Not to mention that the red-tailed field is still being assassinated in stealth, and it is even more protective. No……

When the dagger of Chiwei Liangtian was about to pierce the neck of Xu Yuanshan, the boy suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind, the speed was very fast, and the wind was violent, giving a totally irresistible feeling. ......

Feeling this change, the face of Akao Liangtian has also changed. I have a bad drink in my heart, almost subconsciously wanting to dodge.

But this time is too late, and the attack from behind is really too fast, even a few levels faster than he is.

When the dagger was a few centimeters away from Xuyuan Mountain, Chiwei Liangtian felt that the spine on his back had a very heavy impact...

This time, directly let his body completely stiff, and there is no power to move the bullet. The dagger who is about to pierce the neck of Xu Yuanshan is also awkward.


The small body of Chiwei Liangtian is like a small steel gun. It is directly smashed from the ground, and then kicked in the air with a very beautiful parabola.

The speed is very fast, and it’s almost perfect. Even Akao’s Liangtian himself is frightened. Unfortunately, his body is completely paralyzed, and there is no chance to move. He can only watch his head in a pole. The high speed hit the wall not far away.

The red-tailed farmland was smashed, and the body almost flew out of Xu Yuanshan's neck. The person who took the foot was quite in control of the power.

This foot went down, not only kicked the red tail Liangtian, but also saved Xu Yuanshan's life. The dagger was close at hand but even a hair of Xu Yuanshan was not touched.

Xu Yuanshan and his friend were also slightly glimpsed, looking at the sudden appearance of the "humanoid cannonball".

They have been talking in the room all the time, talking about some important business cooperation, there have been no other people in this room, how come suddenly there is a person?

Wrong, not a person, but... two!

One is the ninja killer of Akita Ryota, and the other is naturally the Qin party that has been traced.

The red-tailed farmland was originally invisible, using a special secret method, which is the legendary "ninjutsu."

It's just that this kind of mystery is easy to be cracked. As long as someone hits the red-tailed field at this time, the effect of this stealth is useless, and the red-tailed field will also reveal its shape.

The previous one’s footsteps are so heavy that it’s not as simple as a small bump. It’s straight out of the Akao Liangtian’s stealth state, and I can’t hide it...

It is very coincidental that this "ninjutsu" Qin Fang is also a meeting, and even more proficient than him... To put it bluntly, the ninjutsu is derived from the five elements of the martial arts that have been circulated from thousands of gates.

The Qin side itself has hidden skills, and he has a master class level after the Tianji Ring. Even if he still plays the Qimen armor, it is not too difficult to pack a small ninja.

The strength of Chiwei Liangtian is good, and the skills are quite skillful. Unfortunately, he shouldn’t have to do it. He should be in an inappropriate place at an inappropriate time, and he should meet someone who shouldn’t run into it...

So, when these coincidences come together, they are doomed to the tragedy of Akita Ryokan!

Just when Xu Yuanshan was amazed, there was already a result in the red-tailed field. The body lost its strength to move and could only watch as it slammed into the hard wall.


After a dull crash, the head of Akao Liangtian immediately opened the flower, and the red blood was like money, and the rushing thoughts seemed to be extraordinarily miserable.

Not only that, but the red tail Liangtian body, especially the back spine, is even more faintly able to hear a series of humming sounds...

And almost every time this sounds, the body of Akao Liangtian is not naturally twitching, it looks extraordinarily weird...

Such a scene naturally fell into the eyes of two people, Xu Yuanshan, who was surprised. It was too unclear what the two people who suddenly appeared were doing!

"Sarui, Mr. Xu... a little trouble, already done! You two continue... I will take it away!"

Qin Fang did not explain anything carefully, but his face smiled lightly, and then he said very kindly to Xu Yuanshan.

At least the work of Mr. Xu Yuanshan, for the Qin side, is still very worthy of his admiration, so Qin Fang did not want to see Xu Yuanshan killed for no reason, especially by the little devils.

The red tail Liangtian is not a light hit, although it has not completely died, but this life can be regarded as going to seven seven eight eight.

Qin Fang sealed his body and lost all his defenses. He could only use his own body to fight hard with such hard walls. The result is imaginable.

Xu Yuanshan was thoroughly stunned, and his eyes were extremely strange. He looked at Qin Fang. If he could not see that Qin Fang had no malicious intentions against him, it is estimated that this person had to be exclaimed for help.

However, Qin Fang did not pay attention to these, but walked quickly to the side of the dying Chiwei Liangtian, like the dead dog, the soft body of Chiwei Liangtian was put in the hands, so it was not given to the face. Slowly raised this room to go...

A very powerful ninja like Akao Ryada actually ended the curtain in his mission in such a way. It is estimated that Akita Ryokan himself did not think of it beforehand.

But the fact is that it can only be said that he is really unlucky, and he managed to fool the strict security into the mix, but did not expect to see the task is completed, but suddenly there is such a thing... If you don't kill it, you can forget it. Actually, he will confess his own Akita Ryokan!

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