Omni Genius

Chapter 1354: Make up your heart!

Qin Fang stunned a bit, and looked at Chu Wei some strangely. Even he did not understand what it meant when she stopped him from being rescued.

"I brought the medicine over..."

However, Chu Yu seems to have already guessed what the Qin side suspected, and immediately responded with a whisper, and then saw her groping a small jade bottle from the carry-on bag.

"Buxin Dan?"

Seeing this small jade bottle, Qin Fang is also a slight glimpse, and then understand what is going on, the original Chu Hao actually brought the heart of Dan.

"I was originally planning to bring it to Helen. I didn't expect it to come across... I used it first. I am returning to Helen."

Chu Yu explained it briefly, while on the other hand, he opened the jade bottle and poured out a black medicinal medicine from the inside.

From the point of view of the sale of the drug, it seems that it is not too good-looking, but it is indeed a genuine and reliable heart.

Of course, this is not the kind of heart-filling that Qin Fang refines, but it was developed by Chu Yu using various alternative materials.

In terms of efficacy, the effect may not be as strong as the original replenishment that Qin Fang refines, but it is not very bad.

Take the one in the hands of Chu Yu, Qin Fang looked at the investigation skills and found that its efficacy is equivalent to the quality of the original Buxin Dan 20 to 30.

And Qin Fang's own refining of the heart of Dan, the quality is almost more than 50, the best can reach 80, or even 90...

Of course, the better the quality, the better the efficacy. It is just that the material of Buxin Dan is too difficult to collect, and the success rate of refining is really not high. These high-quality Buxin Dan are only a few. However, it is really gone when you run out.

This kind of substitute can be much lower in quality than the original one. Only one-third, one-quarter of the way, perhaps for the treatment of disease can not achieve such immediate results, but it can definitely alleviate the condition, if it is continued to take, it is not impossible to cure the cardiovascular and cough rickets!

In front of this old man is a sudden heart and blood vessel disease, the situation is quite fierce, if not treated in time, this life is afraid not to expect to be able to survive.

Qin Fang did not hesitate. Immediately took the help of the heart from the hands of Chu, the other hand is holding a silver needle, gently to the man's jaw.

I saw that the old man was originally closed, even the biting teeth. Actually, he couldn’t help but open up. Qin Fang almost did not hesitate, so he would feed him with this heart-filling Dan...


But at this time, an anxious scream came from the side, and even saw a pair of men and women about 30 years old rushed over quickly.

The man hurriedly ran, while he was shouting in horror. Even as soon as he came over, he immediately reached out and grabbed Qin’s hand with blood-filled Dan...

Qin Fang’s brow wrinkled, apparently also expressed considerable dissatisfaction with the man’s movements.

Only he found that this man's eyebrows are somewhat similar to the old man in front of him. There may be a certain relationship between the two people. Qin Fang did not directly fly this man who stopped his own.

This is the case, such a master of Qin Fang, it is impossible to let an ordinary person steal things from his own hands, even if he is unconscious, it is very difficult.

It is the same now. The other hand of Qin Fang’s silver hand flashes, but the hand is free. Pressed directly on the man's shoulder.

Seeing that the man’s all-in-one force was almost stopped by Qin Fang’s hand, even his shoulder was buckled by Qin Fang, and the body could not move even!

"If you have something to say..."

Blocking this man, Qin Fang said calmly, everything is still to be harmonious, and Qin Fang does not want to cause trouble.

"What do you want to give my dad?"

At this time, the man was surprised, but still very strangely asked. The anxious color on his face did not fade, but it was more intense.

"Helping medicine..."

Qin Fang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and said directly, "Your father's condition is very serious. I am afraid that I can't wait for the ambulance to come. If it is not treated immediately. I am afraid..."

It can be seen that this man is very worried about his old father. This filial piety is still quite good. At least Qin Fang looked good and explained it to him briefly.

"Er... so serious?"

The man stunned and his face showed some hesitation, but the fear in his eyes was even more intense.

As the son of the old man, he knows what the old father's body is, so he usually rarely leaves his side.

But without him, he just walked away for a while. The old father had a medical condition, and it seemed to be quite heavy. His heart was also more worried. For Qin’s words, he also believed that it was seven or eight.

"Can't take medicine anymore, who knows..."

But the woman who followed the man couldn’t help but talk a little, and his face was quite bad, but Qin Fang noticed that she didn’t have much worry in her eyes. It seemed to be a little faint...

"To shut up……"

However, the man heard his own woman say such a word, immediately sighed a little, his face was also a little angry, and suddenly scared the woman to scream again.

However, Qin Fang noticed the bitterness in this woman's eyes, and couldn't help but shook his head. He realized that this woman is not a reliable woman. The man in front of him is really worthy of his eyes...

"Your medicine..."

However, hesitated, the man said that he was worried. His eyes were naturally concentrated on the black pill in the hands of Qin.

Qin Fang is too lazy to care about the man's choice of a woman's vision, but with his filial piety, Qin Fang is still willing to explain to him.

"This is a new type of drug that has just been launched. It is a cure for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. You can rest assured that the efficacy and safety of the heart and the brain have already been produced by our super-large pharmaceutical companies."

Although Qin Fang is not trying to advertise his own heart, he can't lift this reason in order to win the trust.

“I am the president of Reed Pharmaceuticals Asia, and Mr. Qin has indeed reached a cooperation agreement with us to jointly produce this very potent drug...”

At this time, Helen had already come over. When she heard the words of Qin Fang, she immediately took out the business card and proved it for Qin.

The two sides have not negotiated on the cooperation matters, but the cooperation agreement has already been drafted, but there is no formal signing of the contract.


Looking at this business card in my hand, I looked at the bright and beautiful Ocean Ma Helen. This man obviously also believed in seven or eight points.

It is quite a coincidence to say that Qin Fang himself does not know the details of this young man. This man does not know Qin Fang, but he knows Helen... although he is only a few far away. But this is enough, at least Helen’s identity is not fake!

"Okay, if so, then please..."

With this kind of cognition, the man also believed a lot. At this time, the ambulance still has no shadow at all, and the old man who fell to the ground is getting weaker and weaker. It is really impossible to continue to drag on. He also Had to bite my teeth and agreed.

Qin Fang nodded slightly. Holding the one that fills the heart, he directly plugs it into the mouth of the old man... The entrance to the drug is instant, and the Qin side is a palm on the chest of the old man, slowly guiding with internal force. This drug flow flows down...

The situation of the old man is very bad now. Almost half of the consciousness is gone. Qin Fang can only help himself, so that this kind of heart-filling Dan can start treatment with the fastest medicine effect...

"Garden, how can you promise? Who knows if this medicine will have any side effects. If the father eats this medicine, the disease will not be better, but heavier, even..."

Qin Fang was busy here, so he was not too weak to breathe a sigh of relief. The woman behind the man seemed to be a little unwilling, and immediately jumped out and roared.

It seems that it is such a thing, people listen to the vaguely feel that there are some truths, even Qin Fang's brow can not help but wrinkle up.

Fortunately, the Qin side is now busy. I didn’t have the heart to think about it with such a woman, and I continued to bow my head and be busy with my own affairs.

"Hey, they are good. Just come up with a 'no matter,' and then stay out of the way, then we are not losing money! I think they should be asked to find someone to guarantee. If something goes wrong, they don't want to run. Drop..."

I did not expect this woman to be unwilling, but it seems to be very unwilling, and the mouth is also very rude.


When I heard this, not only did Chu’s face change, but Helen’s face was unnatural. Even the busy Qin party could not help but hesitated a little.

I don't know if I don't know. When I was scared, the old man's physical condition was so bad that he had a bit of admiration for his professionalism.

"Yes, there must be a guarantee... and find a person with a weight to be the guarantee, not something like a cat or a dog!"

This woman is still unwilling, even when the man is ready to dissuade, she pretends to see nothing, still hiding from the Qin Fang roar!

“There is a guarantee for the weight of the person...”

When I heard this sentence, Qin Fang and Chu Yu’s face became a bit ugly.

They are saving people in the treatment of diseases. It can be said that everything is their own pockets, but they did not expect that the benefits were not falling. Instead, they made people complain about it... and they felt quite depressed.

"I will guarantee..."

At this time, a clear and hearty voice came from behind the crowd, almost immediately stunned everyone present.

The crowd spontaneously let go of a road, so that the person who spoke gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Xu Yuanshan!

This speaker is the initiator of this charity dinner, and is also the well-known top rich businessman Xu Yuanshan...

"Xu Dong!"

Seeing that Xu Yuanshan appeared, the man’s face was also very surprised. He was almost subconsciously called, and his attitude was quite respectful.

"Xiao Qin is my guest, and also a very amazing person. Since he said so, it must be that the condition of Zun is no longer to be delayed..."

Xu Yuanshan waved his hand and did not care about these vagrants. Instead, he explained the identity of Qin Fang. Then I said the point, "Since you want someone to guarantee this, then... I am coming!"

When he said this, Xu Yuanshan’s eyes crossed the woman inadvertently, and his eyes showed a rather disdainful look.

"Xu Dong said what you said..."

This man called the idyllic can't help but smile. The cockroaches on his face can't be said, but he is still more worried about the comfort of his old father. Others can be temporarily thrown aside.

but. The pastoral is very dissatisfied with the woman's incision in the back, but it is because of this is the female companion she brings, in front of so many people. He can't handle this little woman so gracelessly...

Xu Yuanshan did not care much about it, but waved his hand at the garden next to him, and asked people to go to rest.

At this moment, Qin Fang is busy treating the elderly for the elderly. Where does the gods dare to relax? Even Xu Yuanshan volunteered to make this guarantee for himself. He did not say how...


Time passed slowly, and the ambulance still had no shadow. At this time, Qin Fang couldn't help but feel a long sigh of relief, and his face became a lot easier.

Chu Hao took out a handkerchief from the handbag. The Qin side slightly wiped the sweat on his face. It doesn't seem that his movements are not very fast, but the hidden secrets in it are what makes Qinfang miserable.

However, Qin’s efforts were not in vain. When his side’s massage was over, the blood of Dan’s blood was fully rolled out. It is quickly impacting which small air mass in your mind...

This is actually a kind of calm, as long as it can be safely passed, then it will be a smooth road...


At this time, the old man lying on the ground suddenly made such a wailing sound, and the foam in his mouth suddenly became more and more.

"Garden, you see... you don't want to listen to me, this is going on!"

When the woman saw such a scene, she suddenly came to the rescue. Busy said that it seems that she has a deep hatred with Qin Fang, and she must stare at him everywhere.

"Wake up, wake up..."

However, the pastoral has not yet had time to meet, and when I was watching it all the time, I couldn’t help but scream. The sounds have become a little trembling.

"It's really useful!! This is really... it's God..."

"This medicine is too powerful. Even this situation can be treated. If it is... I don't dare to go down and think about it!"

Others are also all sorts of arguments. After all, the situation of the old people is indeed quite a crisis. It is also good for them to know that they cannot move patients safely. Now it is the same!

Buxin Dan was originally a very precious drug. If the material is too rare and precious, Qin Fang will not think of this alternative.

Even if it is a substitute, there is still no problem in terms of efficacy. At most, the course of treatment may need to be extended slowly.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang and Chu Yu also looked at each other at the same time, apparently quite satisfied with this result.


The idyllic side is simply, and it is directly on the side of his old father. He does not care that the old man’s retching has already ruined his valuable clothes.

I can't care about the garden, I don't care about the vomit, I even took the initiative to wipe the old father off.

As for the woman, although the person is behind the idyllic, but I have been squinting from time to time, it seems that the scenery outside is better!

The things that have accumulated in the mouth are spit out, and the atmosphere of the old man is gradually stabilized, and the health is slowly recovering.

"Dad, what do you think?"

However, the countryside is obviously not very reassuring. While supporting the old man, he is careful to ask.

Although the woman feels that she is a little bit broken, but the pastoral does not care, because the woman said, in fact, the garden is also planning to ask, just by this woman to give priority, the pastoral will temporarily Silent.

Then Xu Yuanshan personally came out to guarantee for the Qin side. From this point of view, the look of the garden to the Qin side has been quite wrong.

However, simply thinking about it, the pastoral knows that this is also beneficial to them. At least the old father will stay in the private hospital under the Yuanshan Group and will be treated like an emperor...

"Much better, much more comfortable..."

The old man gasped a few breaths, his breath was completely smooth, his face looked a lot back, and he gradually became bloody.

"That's good, that's good..."

Although it is still too early to make a conclusion, the pastoral time has already believed a bit before Qin.

The old man sat quietly there, no one to bother him, and no one to pull him up, but compared with lying there before, the result was completely different.

"There is no problem at all..."

After Qin Fanggong retired, he naturally returned to the side of Chu and Helen. Looking at the reaction of the old man there, Qin Fang could not help but sigh.

No matter what, the trial effect of this time is still very good, although the Qinfang did not give the old man to Tang Lao and the old mother Qin Qing, but at the moment it still gave birth to an almost dead old man. Pulled back...

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