Omni Genius

Chapter 1357: Others!

Chapter 1357 cuts him!

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Wu Jian, this kid is now a lot stronger, and the previous scorpion is not a concept at all, and it has begun to harm women. (--network.)

Of course, Wu Jian still belongs to the kind that is more valuable. It is the kind of money that you enjoy, and what you want, and he can’t do anything like bullying a male tyrant.

It’s just that this girl is obviously a virgin who is not a human being, but she is being swayed by Wu Jian. It’s no wonder she will blush.

However, the girl seems to be familiar with Wu Jian. Although she made the action to be played, the shy smile on her face is obviously just an action. It is not really a matter of hands.

"Oh... this is all seen by you!"

It was such a joke by Qin Fang that Wu Jian did not conceal it. It was acknowledged by the generous side. It seems that it is really interesting for other girls.

"Ice Bing is very good, it is a bit difficult for him to do..."

But Wu Jian’s face was bitter, and some helplessly said that his eyes were unnatural and he was rushing to the busy figure outside the door.

"It is estimated that the old man is watching you like a playboy..."

Qin Fang couldn't help but smile. Wu Jian is a good kid. It is a feeling of being too awkward. It is really not very reliable. It is no wonder that the girl's old man does not agree.

What's more, this girl is only about 18 years old, a little smaller than Wu Jian, far from reaching the age of marriage, and the old man is naturally reluctant.

Qin Fang, they are not the kind of picky people, they soon ordered the dishes. Several people asked for two boxes of beer, then they sat there and drank, then chatted...

"Qin Fang, are you really going to Japan?"

When Qu Da knew that Qin Fang was going to Japan soon after, his brow could not help but wrinkle up, and seemed to be quite worried. --network.

Although the relationship between Kong Er and Qin Fang is very close, it is like a brother, but it is still slightly worse than Qu Da. After all, Qin Fang and Qu Da are cousins.

Now Qin Qing has just returned to Qu Family. The family feels that they have owed the aunt who has been away from home for 20 years, and Qin Fang is the only son of Qin Qing. Naturally, it is of great concern.

“There are some things that need to be dealt with in the past...”

Qin Fang glanced at Song Qingshan, where he was sitting there, and found that he was just drinking lightly. It seemed that there was nothing unusual. He also gently nodded and explained it.

During the trip to Japan, Qin Fang is impossible to give up. This is related to one of his very important tasks. At the same time, Qin Fang also wants to find an opportunity to break through the master class!

The strength reaches his level. It is impossible to make any breakthroughs by hard training alone. Only when you are killed and killed can you realize a deeper level.

For example, when Qin Fang broke through the master class, it broke out in the death battle with the **** slayer, and thus crossed in one fell swoop...

But the master class and the master class are completely different levels of two people, and the gap between them is extremely huge!

At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, although the realm did not enter the master class, but the combat power is almost comparable to the master level, and even the peak period.

But this time it is obviously a lot worse. If Qin Fang breaks out, the strength can faintly cross the threshold of the master level...

However, this is obviously not enough. Qin has no time to slowly accumulate and accumulate. When everything is gone, it will break through... The time spent is too long, and Qin Fang can't wait.

Therefore, he can only take a different path and take a fast but extremely dangerous road...

Helping Qin Zi win the control of the Mitsubishi Group, it is doomed that the actions of Qin Fang will not be very smooth. It is not only the people of the Mitsubishi Group who are offended, but also the giants hidden in the underground of Japan... teach!

This is a powerful force that has been passed down for a long time. The strength of strength can be compared with the ancient sects like Shaolin and Kunlun. (--network.)

It's not that their bottoms are so deep, but because they are so many people, almost all of Japan's underground is under the control of them.

This is the case, Qin Fang did not intend to give up, after all, the reward of this task is very rich ... not to mention the Qin side also has a task to find a map of the secret, now only got the first one, the other three still The little devil is in the hands.

On the whole, Qin has no reason to give up this trip to Japan...

Even if this time failed to complete the task at one time and failed to break through the level of the master class, Qin Fang still felt that there would be a huge gain.

"You must be careful, now it is not very flat..."

Looking at the face of Qin Fang, Qu Dajun knew that he could not persuade him. Although he did not know why the Qin side was so determined, he could not say anything more. He could only be careful to remind Qin Fang.

"Right, I will give you a call. When you get there, when you encounter a difficult problem, you can find someone to help..."

Quda hesitated a moment, then took out the paper brush and wrote a name and a phone call, very solemnly handed over to Qin Fang's hand.

"This is the person of our Qujia, and the person who can be trusted. It is best to encounter something that is very difficult to solve. You will go to him again. Otherwise, er, it is not so easy to cultivate one person!"

Obviously, the owner of the telephone that Qu Da gave to Qin Fang was cultivated secretly by the Qu family, and loyalty should be OK.

It's just that good steel is going to be used on the blade. If it's just a little bit of a sesame mung bean, you need to ask such a person, it is a huge waste.

The little devil's mind has never been very good. Once he finds that this person is too close to the dragon country, he is afraid that there will be a lot of trouble.

"Do not worry, I understand..."

Qin Fang is very solemn to leave this number, although his heart is also a reminder that he should not be implicated in this person, but if it is at that time, this may also be considered a talisman!

The barbecue was quickly sent up. Several people were eating barbecues and drinking beer. On the other hand, they were chatting, and even Wu Jian did not entangle the girl named Bingbing. Instead, they joined together with Kong. Listening to Kong Er v. telling his history...

This process is still quite lively, and several people soon became a piece of one. They all called the brothers and brothers up, and they just bowed now.


It was just such a good atmosphere that was interrupted by a loud noise outside the door. Several people were slightly stunned and looked very surprised.

Several of them were sitting at a table near the door, so they were more realistic about what happened outside.

The middle-aged uncle outside the door is the master responsible for the barbecue. He is also the father of the ice-cream. The owner of this barbecue shop, but at the moment, he has been pushed to the ground, surrounded by seven or eight bad young people. They all seem to be fierce and evil, and they look extraordinarily embarrassing.

The middle-aged uncle, who was already busy, was sitting on the ground at this moment. His barbecue stove was also pushed down. Fortunately, he was a little far away, otherwise he was afraid that the charcoal still burning in the oven was still burning. I was burnt.

The table with the ingredients next to it was not spared. At this moment, it has already been overturned. The fresh food is spilled all over the place...

"Old things, today is just a warning. If you know each other, then you should sell the house quickly. Maybe our brothers will tell you about it, maybe you can get a lot of money..."

A few unscrupulous young people also have heads, that is, a young man of about 18 or 20, which looks quite handsome, but the thing he did is people can't help but shake his head.

"You kid, still cold, why not help your future Laotaishan... If the kid dares to talk nonsense, you can knock a bottle directly on his head, as long as it is not a bottle to kill, there will be no big problem... ...."

Seeing such a scene, it is Qin Fang himself is a bit blind, but he still slaps a hand on the sword of Wu Jian, very uncomfortable.

"But they are so many people..."

It’s just that Wu Jian looked at the way there were as many as seven or eight people. Although Wu Jian is much better now than before, it’s just a little recovery of the body. If you want to use a pair of eight words, don’t say there is no chance of winning. I am afraid that it will be repaired by hundreds of millions of people. That is the real thing that should not be called every day.

"Don't worry, everything has us, afraid of a ball...we are not less than them here!"

Qin Fang was directly kicking Wu Jian out, and he slandered, and he immediately turned his head and continued to whisper with Qu Da.

I heard that the Qin Fang will rush for himself. Wu Jian suddenly hit the chicken blood, directly picked up an empty beer bottle placed on the table, and went straight to the little punk outside the door. And went.

"Where is the kind of scorpion, I will give it to the old man immediately, otherwise..."

I just didn't think that Wu Jian was rushing out, but people didn't give a little face, and they sweared directly.

However, what they never imagined was that the sword carrying the empty beer bottle on hand, in the face of this seemingly awkward confusing, almost did not hesitate, and directly greeted the boy’s head...


This time, the speed of the shot was quite quick and very clean. The ice beer burst directly on the head of the man, and the flying glass debris was sputtered...

The glass became slag, and after the edges and corners came out, it naturally caused many people to be injured. It was also faintly heard of some cracking sounds.

The head of the gangster suddenly filled his head with red blood, and when he stunned Wu Jian, he fell down directly...

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