Omni Genius

Chapter 1367: Right!

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The night is a relatively young killer, and it is about 30 years old. It is in the most golden period of life.

Whether it is strength, physical strength, or nerve reaction, etc., it is almost at its peak. Therefore, in the past few years, he has suddenly become a master in the killer league, but the rate of rise is very terrifying.

Of course, basically all the famous killers started to break out at this age, and then they will gradually decline for various reasons.

Although there are individual killers who are old and strong, it is very rare. The older they are, the more they are unwilling to continue on this road.

Dark night is a very strange killer, or the original intention of becoming a killer is slightly different from other people. It is not specifically for money to join this business.

The real reason is a bit similar to Qin Fang, just to pursue his own strength and climb the limits of the human body...

If you carefully analyze the tasks undertaken by the night, you can find that almost all of the killer missions he performed, the targets of assassination are not ordinary people, all of them are very powerful masters, not those who are in layers of protection.

This time, Qin Fang’s killing order did cause quite a stir, especially the killer alliance, which made many killers incited.

However, there are natural reasons for the huge reward. Although the killer’s assessment of the target Qin’s risk is four stars, but the night has carefully analyzed some relevant information of the Qin side, it is felt that Qin Fangyuan is not so simple on the surface, and the degree of danger is absolutely reached. Five stars, even stronger...

It is precisely because of this that he will come to the Dragon Kingdom and prepare to carry out this task...

Outside the spa, he also witnessed the performance of Qin Fang, the six killers in general. He still doesn't look in the eyes, but Qin Fang can complete the instant kill in a very short time, and it is still done by hand, it has confirmed his little guess.

However, it is also vaguely obvious that Qin Fang killed the six people very easily, and the strength was not fully displayed. In the heart of the night, the degree of danger immediately reached his pre-estimation. So he did not hesitate to keep up with the Qin side.

Although he did not intend to do so quickly, but Qin Fang has discovered his existence, and deliberately led him to such a remote place, quite a bit provocative. The night was a little surprised, but it was a bit irritated.

For their own strength, the night has always been very confident, Qin Fang's strength is very strong, but has not reached the point where it can directly scare away the night.

Two people fight one battle, who wins and loses, this is really hard to say, the night seems to have a greater grasp of their own victory, naturally want to fight a battle.

As a killer. And it is still a genius killer, the night is very confident, although it may not be possible to kill Qin Fang, but he at least wants to walk away, there is no difficulty.

Qin Fang looked very cautious and left the two women in the middle of the road. Although she knew to arrest the two women in the dark. Perhaps it can threaten the Qin side, but he does not bother to do so.

Although he is a killer, he does not complete the task in order to complete the task. More is to improve his strength through constant fierce battles...

To threaten a woman to win, it is better to pick up low-star missions that are not difficult.

When he followed Qin to the mountain side and watched Qin quickly flash into the jungle, he knew that the two people's mobile phones would arrive.

He has recharged his batteries on the road, and his spirit, spirit and spirit have been adjusted to the most powerful stage. Nature did not hesitate to follow.

"What about people?"

As a great killer, the night is almost impeccable in killing skills, whether it is tracking, hiding, assassination, etc., is almost very good.

However, when he chased the jungle, it was almost the first time to start tracking the Qin side, but he was surprised to find that... he actually could not find a clue.

If it wasn't for him to witness the Qin party getting off the bus and getting into the jungle. He may have thought that Qin Fang did not come in at all.

"Sure enough, it is a very powerful opponent..."

But the night to believe in his own eyes, this is one of his greatest reliance, because his vision is far more acute than the average person, absolutely not wrong.

It is also affirming this point that he feels the power of the Qin side, and he can even find that he can hardly find a flaw.

The more so, the night is more excited, because this is an opponent that is very exciting for him, and more sure of the correctness of this mission to Longguo.

Without any hesitation, the night quickly flashed into the jungle, the speed was quite fast, but it was very careful. Almost no sound came out. The only thing that happened was that the leaves shook slightly, but Did not cause much fluctuations...

With such a means, it is enough to allow him to stand proudly in the killer world, absolutely more powerful than most killers.

It’s just that he obviously believes his eyes too much, but he didn’t expect him to be cheated by his own eyes. Qin Fang did not get off the bus...

For a master who can control the master class, there are thousands of enchanting cheats, and in such a mountain where the lights are dark and unclear, it is too easy to play a blind eye.

Qin is so convenient, he created this illusion, but even the powerful killer of the night is almost unaware of a little bit of flaws.

The night was too much to believe in his own eyes, so that he ruled out the first instinct in his heart and continued to follow.

Qin Fang used this time to easily get his driver, and he did not spend much effort. After all, the power gap between Qin Fang and the driver was too great.

The night is very confident, and Qin Fang is equally confident. In the face of such a rival of the same level, Qin Fang is also somewhat excited. Plus, he can’t retreat. After he got the driver, he quickly got into the jungle and went. Looking for the fall of the killer night.

The night is a very good killer. Although the killer star is much lower than the night, the various killer skills are not necessarily much worse. Even with the help of investigative skills, he can do better than the night...

The night thought that he was very cautious and very careful. He rarely left flaws along the way, but he still could not escape the investigation of Qin Fang, and he followed it all the way.

In fact, the night is also very depressed, although he firmly believes that Qin Fang must have entered the jungle, but he carefully looked around here, but there is no clue, which makes him feel quite Incredible...

Between the vagueness, he also felt a little abnormal, it seems a bit foolish.


But when he was ready to turn around and return, his ears were faintly aware of what he had just sold, and he couldn’t help but stop.


It is also this discovery that the night did not hesitate to choose to hide, the body flashed silently after a big tree, and easily disappeared into the darkness.

It was already very midnight, and there was no light in the mountains. It could only be followed by the bright moon in the midair.

But the moonlight was not very bright. When the branches and leaves of the trees fell to the ground, it was even weaker. Even if the eyes of the night were different, they could only vaguely see everything around them.

However, he was hidden behind the tree, his eyes gradually adapted to the surrounding darkness, and the surrounding scenery was gradually clear. He was even more nervous and excited to see the direction of the subtle sound source.

"I thought it was hidden?"

These sounds are naturally derived from the Qin side. He did not hide himself as carefully as the night, and he couldn’t talk about how to keep a low profile. It seems that he still looks awkward.

Of course, he dares to be so high-profile, that is also a reason...

The night is cautious because he needs to beware of the sudden killer in the dark, but Qin has no such concern, because he is within the range of 50 meters away from his small map.

The distance of 50 meters is not a big deal, but it is definitely not too small. Basically, it is surrounded by his control.

This jungle is no better than that on the ground. The 50 meters on the ground is almost for the master. It is almost just a blink of an eye. It is not much different from face to face.

But walking through the jungle, the distance of 50 meters is enough to spend a short time. If the speed is too fast, you may not need to make a move. You will kill yourself like the rabbit waiting for the rabbit. ......

So the night thought that the hidden ones were hidden, and even the breathing was very well controlled. When almost no flaws were found, Qin Fang had already found his position on the small map.

It can only be said that in the face of Qin’s opponent, even the genius-type killer of the night has already lost a lot.

The Qin side is very high-profile and walks slowly toward the night. Without deliberate hiding, the whole person seems calm and calm. It seems that at this moment he is not facing a killer whose strength is not weaker than him, but between the mountains. Strolling around...


The killer night hidden in the dark, the expression on his face is quite weird. Although he has not seen the figure of Qin Fang, from the footsteps, he has already felt a little abnormal.

In other words, the opponent is too calm, calm and let him feel the kind of dim sum, but it makes him nervous, and even the hand that has followed him for a long time can not help but hold It’s getting tighter...

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