Omni Genius

Chapter 1385: Lead the snake out of the hole!

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The case of Tang Huaiyuan was over, and the threat of Tangmen was lifted. The next antique exhibition, Qin Fang did not participate in it, and even went through a simple transition and never went.

The little trick of Kui Ye’s youth gang became a stop after Tang Huaiyuan’s death. The entire Qing gang was understated. Some news even indicated that the prince ordered the Qing gang to avoid the Qin side...

The truth of this news is not very important anymore. Anyway, the people of Qingbang have been more disciplined recently. Some important halls, such as Drunken Jiangnan, are all Anan’s business, even some businesses that have been very popular but have exceeded the limits. It has stopped now.

Of course, this will bring about no small loss, but they have really done so, and there is nothing to say...

Everything seems to have calmed down, but for the Qin side, Jiangzhou is still in crisis.

Aside from the hatred of Qin Fang’s offense, the huge reward in the underground world has already made Qin feel the murder.

However, after Qin Fang took out the six killers, and then the mysterious disappearance of the killer night, some of the killers who wanted to do it became cautious.

In particular, some of the killers who intend to hold the Chu or Helen to threaten the Qin side, after seeing the **** means of the Qin side, they are also honest.

Of course, this does not rule out the identity of Chu Yu, and there are some factors that protect the armed forces that are not weak.

The same is true of Helen. Reid Pharmaceuticals seems to be sure that the contract can be signed smoothly. They are more afraid of Helen than anyone else. They specially sent a bodyguard team from the United States to protect Helen.

Both women are safe, and these killers can only concentrate on the Qin side...

Of course, the killer in the underground world is staring at the Qin side. Is Qin Fang staring at them?

Only one is in the Ming and the other is in the dark!

Those killers are naturally in the dark. Qin Fang is in the bright spot, but Qin Fang still has a back hand in the dark, there is the younger brother Ji Xiang, who was newly recruited by Qin Fang, which is the genius killer night that the killer alliance has just risen...

"Qin Shao, a little bit..."

The night has not been related to the Qin side recently, but in the dark to inquire about some of the movements of the underground world, with the help of world-class famous hackers "ghosts", intelligence gathering work is relatively easier.

But those killers are not all soft persimmons, because these killers can rise to four stars, five stars are very knowledgeable to protect themselves, usually looks like an ordinary person. It doesn't make people feel like a killer at a glance... It's imaginable to find these people from nearly 20 million people in Qijiang.

Difficulties are difficult, but Ji Xiang and Lai Wen still took over the task, and now it seems that the completion is quite good.

It's not realistic to find all the killers, but it's relatively easy to find some killers that are more conspicuous or more famous.

For example, Ji Xiang got in touch with Qin Fang this time because he accidentally discovered a person, exactly two people!

"Shadow python..."

When I heard the name. Qin Fang was also slightly surprised.

Although the same five-star killer, Ji Xiang rises very quickly, and his reputation is also great. He has even been praised by the underground world, but it is still slightly inferior to the old five-star killer of the shadow python.

There are two people in the Shadow Viper, one near the other, both offensive and defensive. In the case of a single-on-one, Ji Xiang thinks that it is easy to kill any of these two, but if these two people are together, then Ji Xiang will only have a road to the head...

It can be said that before the six-star killer did not move, the pair of Shadow Viper is definitely the present. The most threatening.

Even the threats of these two are not at all under the Tangmen elders and masters of the masters, Tang Huaiyuan...and even have it.

This is not to say that the strength of these two is stronger than that of Tang Huaiyuan. Even Tang Huaiyuan is too far away, but their threat is far more than that of Tang Huaiyuan.

Of course, for such an opponent, it is really very difficult, only the threat is too big...

With the current strength of Qin Fang, it is necessary to retreat from Tang Huaiyuan. I met these two... almost impossible to compete.

However, as long as the key means and opportunities are seized, the two most threatening killers are the easiest to deal with.

As long as the two people are separated, then Qin Fang or Ji Xiang can easily kill the two... and the two fall one, the other is the grasshopper after the fall. It won't take long!

Although I know how to deal with these two killers, how to implement it is the most difficult, how many people have tried it, but the two of the Shadow Viper are still alive, but the enemy who designed them has already gone to hell. ......

"You keep me a little tight, I will arrange the rest of the things..."

The Qin side is also the same. If you know the method but you can't do it for a while, you can only stare at the two, and then slowly find a solution.

The number of killers who sneaked into Jiangzhou was quite large. The threat of the Shadow Viper was very large, but Qin Fang could not concentrate all of his attention on these two.

God knows if there are still more powerful killers hidden in the dark, such as the strength of the "death" in the shadow of the python, or the "bad spirit" of the violent and tyrannical ... and so on. Wrinkle, carefully guard against the presence around.

Of course, if there are any boring six-star killers who come in and come in, then the threat that Qin Fang faces is even several times.

Any one of the six-star killers, the strength of a single individual, is almost all above the master level, and when performing the assassination task, they can easily kill the existence of the master.

The Qin side is now barely regarded as a respected master. There is still a certain gap between the masters and the ranks. In the face of such strong presence, he can only escape far.

However, this possibility is not too big, the average six-star killer can not see this money...

Unless very few are the masters of the King of the Killer, they will continue to take on a variety of killer missions. I don't mind if I have less money or less points. After the average killer reaches six stars, I have rarely shot. One is that they are not bad, and the second is that there are not many tasks worth shooting.

For the reward task like Qin Fang, for the six-star killer, the amount of the reward is a bit low, and the task points are not to mention, equivalent to no... the temptation is immediately reduced to the extreme, it is strange to attract them! It takes time to prepare for the task. It’s better to have a few other killer missions...

The reason why Qin Fang is worried is that he is afraid that the six-star killer whose head has been kicked is suddenly itchy. After all, although this kind of thing is rare, it is not without precedent!

However, worried about returning to the situation, Qin Fang did not hide directly in the hotel like some cowards, and everything is still the same as usual. He should eat, drink, and drink. When he goes out to play, he never Will refuse...

At the same time, the cooperation between Buxin Dan is also accelerating progress, and Alex was taken back to the United States by his dad. Helen not only completely controlled the power of Reid Pharmaceutical's Asian division, but also gave her a 15% stake to Helen's hand...

In this way, Helen and Alex each own a 20% stake in Reid Pharmaceuticals, which is already at the same level.

Of course, this does not mean that the two are at the same starting line in terms of inheritance rights, and Helen is still in a weak position.

Their veteran Andrew is still more inclined to his son Alex, and it is estimated that when he is dying, the remaining 25 percent of his shares will be left to Alex... this way. The ultimate winner is still Alex.

But that’s how many years later, at least from the moment, Helen is already a big winner... I heard that Alex, when he knew the news, almost angered his villa. Oh.

"Qin, I will rely on you in the future!"

Helen did not hide these things, and all gave it to Chu. This is equivalent to paying the balance with the Qin side.

Perhaps in terms of inheritance, she is still at a disadvantage, not even a half-point, but she is full of confidence... as if she is already a winner.

This woman can do this position, in addition to her origin, with more than just the beauty of her day, more of her personal ability and intelligence.

Helen is a smart woman, very smart... with amazing talent in business. At the same time, the foresight of certain things is far more than many people.

For example, this is the heart of Dan, almost just got it, Helen knows that the opportunity for the rise of Reid Pharmaceuticals has come, which is why she will put her posture so low when she first proposed the cooperation agreement...

At the board meeting. In order to promote this cooperation, she even confronted some high-level counterparts, and she was not loose at all... even almost smashed the table!

Once the heart is put into production, it will definitely not only be a reputable reputation, but also a huge fortune.

Helen can even foresee that Reid Pharmaceuticals has directly rushed to the forefront from the bottom of the top ten pharmaceutical companies in the United States.

Although it may not be the number one pharmaceutical company, the first three estimates are unstoppable... It is really too strong for its market prospects.

It is precisely because of this that Helen did not care about his share of the shareholding in Reid Pharmaceuticals, and perhaps Alex will eventually be more than he is.

However, after the addition of the Qin side, after a large dilution of the equity, that point of equity can make Helen become a billionaire, but in this new company's share is not a big deal.

There is even a point that Helen has not broken, as long as she can get the support of Qin Fang, then the shares in her hands plus the Qin side, not only can easily eliminate Alex, even more than other directors add up Want more...

Don't forget, in this cooperation agreement, Qin Fang's personal share has reached 70%, and Reed Pharmaceuticals only has 30%.

These things, Qin Fang are also in the eyes, but did not participate in deep, as if it is just a bystander, just listening to Chu Chuan, he rarely published any opinions.

When wealth reaches a certain level. It just doesn't make much sense, it's just that a number is growing.

Compared with the growth of wealth, Qin is more willing to see the growth of his own strength...

Even Qin Fang is imagining, if it is possible to use wealth to exchange strength, what a wonderful thing it is... Unfortunately, this is impossible.

Even if it really becomes a reality, the exchange ratio is definitely the kind of pitfall that Qin Fang can't help but love.

Helen represents Reid Pharmaceuticals and is negotiating with the lawyers led by Chu Yu. The two sides are arguing about every clause of the cooperation. They are not allowed to be divided. The scene is more lively than the bargaining of the vegetable market. . Really must be more than a degree.

The Qin side did not have so much interest in this, and it soon became a flash. If it wasn't for Chu, he would have to come over and press him.


Qin Fang escaped from the hotel and drove in the city of Jiangzhou. He was preparing to contact Wu Jian by phone. When he came out to mink, he suddenly felt a cold breath lock him.

As a martial arts master and a killer between the dark and the bright, Qin Fang immediately understood that he was being targeted.

And you can lock yourself like this. That must be a very powerful killer, Qin Fang estimated that it should be a five-star killer, and the most is the top four-star killer...

"I can't help it anymore?"

These days, it has been very calm, and even people feel that the huge reward is just a display for people to see.

However, the Qin side knows that the latent killer has long been eager to wait. The reason why he did not start, but has not found a suitable opportunity.

But as long as these killers feel that this opportunity is coming. Then they will definitely not be polite...

After all, most of the killers are for money, for the sake of points, like Ji Xiang is simply a powerful opponent to stimulate their own killer, it is too little and too little!

These killers are looking for opportunities to start, and Qin is not waiting for the opportunity to fight back?

He is clear, and those killers are in the dark...

If these killers refuse to attack, it is difficult for Qin Fang to find out where the killer is. Naturally, these threats cannot be killed.

Therefore, in order to attract these killers to show up, there is no suitable mobile phone meeting, Qin is convenient to create such an opportunity to actively attract these potential power shots...

This is not the case, Qin Fang has just revealed a little flaw, and immediately there is a master who smells like a flies, and immediately looks at it.

This breath is very cold, even if Qin has not found his whereabouts. It is already very clear that he is aware of his existence.

Not only did the Qin side not be nervous, but they were not in a hurry. They still did not happen with anything. They drove in the bustling streets of Jiangzhou without any slowness.

Qin Fang did not contact Ji Xiang, and at this moment he has been stared. If you rush to expose Ji Xiang, although it may not necessarily scare away the killer, it is easy to expose Ji Xiang... This is obviously not necessary.

"Oh, another one..."

The Qin side was very calm, not nervous at all, but rather relaxed, and the cold atmosphere always locked him.

I have to say that Qin’s plan to lead the snake out of the hole is still very good. The first killer stared at him for ten minutes, and another faint breath locked him.

"This strength is a little worse, it is estimated that it should be a four-star killer..."

However, the strength of this killer is obviously worse than the previous one. Qin Fang secretly estimates the strength of the killer...

I haven't seen anyone, and I can't know each other's body. Naturally, I can't know their level and strength. I can only estimate it roughly by this rough method.

It may not be accurate, but in general it can be estimated that a ** is not separated from the ten...

Only two killers, one is relatively strong, has a small threat to the Qin side, the other is weaker, there are some power, but obviously much weaker than the previous one.

Both killers were eyeing the Qin side, and after locking in the Qin side, they have not slackened, obviously it has been tracking.

Qin Fang did not care, and did not want to take the meaning of driving, driving to continue to stroll, only two killers, there is still a big gap with his expectations.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of killers who sneaked into Jiangzhou and tried to assassinate Qinfang was more than 100, and there were more than a dozen or so killers with four or more threats.

These masters are the objects that Qin Fang really fears and should pay attention to, and it is also the key to be dealt with by Qin Fang...

The remaining killers, although occupying a large part, can be a lot worse in strength, and the threat to the Qin side is really negligible.

The reason why they will come over, after Qin Fang’s powerful shot killing six killers, he did not leave. In fact, it is also the idea of ​​touching the fish in the water.

A dozen masters encircle the Qin side, even if only one succeeded, as long as the Qin party was seriously injured, although these people are inferior in strength, the ability to sneak a cold gun may not be much worse...

If you have a cheap one, then just like the big prize in the lottery, you will get rich overnight!

At the same time, many famous masters can't complete the task, so that they can complete such a small person. In addition to money, the fame is also improved in an instant, which is also a very common way to become famous overnight...

What's more, there is no limit to this kind of reward task. As long as you have the ability to grab it from countless people, this is a very powerful achievement... As for the process, who will care?

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