Omni Genius

Chapter 1395: The collision of the master's peak!






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And at the time of Kui Mingyu, I saw a black shadow flying quickly from the window into the living room...

This is a man with a tight-fitting leather coat that wraps up the perfect body shape. The beauty of that power can be seen by Kui Mingyu.

However, his head was wrapped in a black mask, except that a pair of eyes were exposed, and the rest were covered.

At this time, Kui Mingyu can see Sen cold's murder from his cold eyes... Of course not for his Kui Mingyu, it is clearly a killer who is hiding behind the sofa. Allen's!

Kui Mingyu is not the kind of idiot that has no brain at all. When he sees that the other party is not rushing to himself, he is afraid of it, but he does not want to trouble himself. He immediately does not dare to scream, for fear of recruiting himself to kill himself. disaster……

Don't look at his old man who is a big green gang, who controls the underground forces in Jiangzhou. But the problem is that in the face of this powerful, but no longer the master of the green control, his devil's deterrent immediately reduced to freezing point. .

Especially after the last Qin party incident, Kui Mingyu became a lot of low-key, and rarely provoked others... but he still couldn’t put down the stalk in his heart, and always wanted to kill Qin Fang for himself. Revenge!

It is precisely because of this that he will come together with this mysterious killer Alan... but now he has a little regret.

Killer Allen has not moved to Qin Fang until now. Instead, he himself recruited such a master...

The news that the young disciples who were in charge of the guards did not even have a message. Then how strong this person's strength is, you can see it.

In view of this, Kui Mingyu feels that it is better to keep things in front of him. He does not want to be implicated in this mysterious Allen.

"The killer alliance five-star killer...the gunman, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you really can't believe this fact!"

This incoming black man is naturally Ji Xiang, and the safety factor on the side he walked is relatively low, so he broke into the villa earlier than Qin.

The killer Allen, who Kui Mingyu knows, is actually the gunman who Qin Fang and Ji Xiang are going to kill. The name Allen is just used to fool Kui Mingyu.

The rules of the Green Gang are there. Basically, people in the underground world know it. If the gunman tells his own Japanese, he will not cooperate with him if he is courageous to Kui Mingyu...

"Oh is... night?"

I heard someone actually uttered his identity. The gunman hiding behind the sofa was also stunned. His identity has always been well hidden, but he did not expect to be seen.

But the Gunners can climb to this level, not only the horror of strength, but also the insights that are not comparable to those of Kui Mingyu.

After a short delay, the gunman also carefully looked at Ji Xiang wrapped in black, and then asked in a tone that was not very sure...

The reason why he is not so sure, mainly because the identity of the killer night is also the same mystery as him, almost few people have seen the real person. .

But with the current time, and the voices, tone, and so on, the gunman almost immediately thought of a prominent rising star in the Killer League...

"Sure enough, it is a gunman!"

Ji Xiang was also slightly surprised. He can know that this person is a gunman in front of him. It is Qin’s identity, photos, etc., which was confirmed after Lai Wen’s careful verification.

I didn't expect the gunman to see himself, but he could say his identity in one bite. It seems that he already knew him very well, but wouldn't he be surprised?

"To each other! I don't know what you are doing here?"

The gunman is quite modest, and his face is light, but it is not difficult to see from the tightness of his body that he is actually far from the calmness of his tone, and he has always been in a state of great vigilance.


Ji Xiang did not hide his intentions. Simply spit out these two murderous words, and the body's breath is also becoming violent, and even the ignorant Kui Mingyu can't help but tremble, the kind of breath is not his ordinary person. Can resist.


The gunman's brow suddenly wrinkled, although he had already guessed that Ji Xiang was not good. However, I did not expect that Ji Xiang had no intention of hiding the meaning of killing.

"The killer night, known as the man who is expected to become the king of the killer... has always been aiming at the pursuit of the strongest opponent! Good, good, good... I have to look at it today. Why do you kill me!"

But soon the gunman's brows were released, and the smile on his face became quite cold, and the tone of his speech was a bit yin and yang.

One thing is certain, the gunman seems to be very confident about himself, and does not put Ji Xiang too in the eyes... At least he does not think that Ji Xiang has the ability to kill him!

"Come on... let me see the true strength of the killer night!"

During the speech, the gunman immediately stood up from behind the sofa, and the breath of his body no longer converges. He also violently rushed out, releasing a horrible atmosphere that is not weaker than Ji Xiang, and this breath is cold and biting. People have a feeling of falling into the hail of freezing cold...

Ji Xiang didn't feel anything, at most, it was a little frowning. Every master has his own special skills. The gunman's coldness is only rare, but it is not a big deal...

However, Kui Mingyu on the side can be regarded as a shackle. He is just an ordinary person. The breath of the master's peak has made him feel soft and soft. Now this icy atmosphere is revealed. Suddenly he couldn't help but squat up, as if he had entered the cold winter.

"If you don't want to die, just go and go..."

Ji Xiang did not look at Kui Mingyu. It’s just a cold sigh. The eyes are straight hooked at the opposite gunman.

Obviously, this is an opponent whose strength is comparable to him. Two people are stubborn or weak, or an unknown number. Kui Mingyu does not have any threats. Staying here is just an innocent victim. It may be a bit of a hindrance. ......

Kui Mingyu had a very cold body at this time, but he had long wanted to leave here, but the two men did not dare to speak, but they were afraid that they would move, and they were killed by a knife!

But now Ji Xiang is speaking. The Gunners said that he was also his alliance. He should not be able to start with him. Kui Mingyu immediately rushed into the room next to him and quickly closed the door.

The reason why he did not choose to go out of this villa. Also worried that Ji Xiang is not happy, give him a hand... He has no doubt that Ji Xiang’s palm has the power to kill him!

Although Kui Mingyu is not a man of martial arts, he is an old man of Alai. He is a master of the master class, and he knows more and more in Kui Mingyu.

Take the Gunners and Ji Xiang, although Kui Mingyu does not know how many gaps between the two men and the old Alain, but from the perspective of momentum, it seems that it is not weak, and may even be stronger...

After all, it is impossible for the old man to show his full strength in front of Kui Mingyu. Kui Mingyu thinks that he may not be as good as the two.

"Call~~ finally safe!"

Kui Mingyu hid in the room. When he closed the door, he had secretly noticed that the two masters outside had begun to work.

"No, you have to find someone to save me..."

Although it is temporarily safe, I can think of the temperament of the two masters outside. Kui Mingyu is quite uneasy in this heart. I almost want to find out that the mobile phone has to call for help.



Kui Mingyu just took out the mobile phone. He just pulled out his old number and prepared to dial it out. He felt that his back had a sap in his head and his eyes suddenly turned black.

And this time. Qin Fang’s figure was slowly revealed from behind him...

"Idiot! It’s not yet time to ask for help..."

Kui Mingyu is an ordinary person. Qin Fang can easily stun with a little effort. The outside has already been beaten up. Qin Fang still doesn't want Kui Mingyu to make any mistakes at this time.

What happened here is of course to let the prince know, but only how to know. That is what Qin Fang has to do.

The green gang is working with the little devils, if this is the case. It’s absolutely unimaginable what the prince will have.

Since the prince is not authentic, then you can't blame Qin Fang for his teeth!

"These two strengths are not much different. There should be a little work..."

The Qin side did not open the door, but just listened to it, and already knew how the battle in the living room was outside. "It’s not too troublesome, or the flies are sent first..."

At the same time, however, Qin Fang also noticed that the remaining green guards outside the villa had already followed the sound, and he did not want to let these people add chaos.

Both the Gunners and Ji Xiang are the masters of the masters' peaks. These two people are all working hard, they are all very violent, and the noise is naturally not small.

The reason why Ji Xiang came in earlier than Qin Fang was because there was no obstacle in the way he went, and Qinfang wasted a little time to clean up the guards and the dark piles.

However, the guards of this manor are still quite a lot. Qin Fang is only cooking a part, and there are still a lot of guards left.

Now, these guards think that something happened on the villa side, and they have already quickly come to this side... But many of them are equipped with weapons and even heavy weapons!

Ji Xiang and the gunmen do not use hot weapons at present. The simple one is to see the level of martial arts, and at most it is to use the upper blade...

But once these hot weapons are added, it becomes quite tricky!

The gunman was killed. There is nothing wrong with it. Qin Fang does not want Jixiang to have any accidents. His butcher’s team can not lose the big boost of Jixiang.

Qin Fang did not manage the two Ji Xiang and gunmen who were in the midst of the fierce battle. They left the already fainted Kui Mingyu. The whole person turned into a shadow and flew out from the window of the room and went straight to those who were approaching. The green guards went away...

It is said that the strength of Ji Xiang and the Gunners can be said to be almost the same. Two people came to me to fight hundreds of tricks. But depressed, I found no one can tell the other party.

The gunman’s infuriating coldness is almost like a slap in the palm of his hand.

Ji Xiang, his infuriating is the kind of **** type, although there is no fierce violent fire, but the explosion, the steaming, but this ice cold offset more than half, the rest Although a little bit has not been offset, it has not hurt Ji Xiang.

At the same time, Ji Xiang's power is quite violent. Every collision with the gunman was quite fierce. The gunner only felt the numbness of the collision part, as if it had to be broken... After eating a few losses, he no longer struggled with Ji Xiang. I started to fight with his ghostly steps!

Relatively speaking, the Gunners belong to that kind of dexterity, and Ji Xiang is the path of violent violent violent, two people just happen to be a soft one.

In this way, the two people have stood up to a relatively equal position. No one can help but who can't take advantage of who is cheap... The fierce battle between the two men has been deadlocked.

But two people have already played a real fire. No one wants to, and they are even more afraid to stop. They can only continue on the scalp...

The battle that was in a deadlock made the two people feel quite depressed, and they were all thinking about ways to get rid of each other. But the other party is really too difficult, and the source is wary, it is difficult to have a suitable opportunity.

"Hey, the legendary killer night is not so powerful... What is the king of the future killer?"

However, the gunman is obviously more cunning. Seeing that Ji Xiang can't do anything about himself, he can't help but scream.

Compared with the reputation of the killer alliance in the night, the gunman's reputation is much smaller and lower-key, and with the shameless style of the little devil, he immediately laughed at it.

"King of the killer? Hehe... I never thought about it!"

It’s just his thoughts, how can Ji Xiang not see it? Retorted at all, it seems that the words the gunners just said are just farting.

If it was not long ago, maybe Ji Xiang would care about this...

But now, definitely not!

The man who is going to be the king of the killer is definitely not him, because he has lost. Lost to the man who vowed to become the king of the killer.

The gunman’s tactics against Ji Xiang’s use of a little bit are not enough. Instead, he gave Ji Xiang a wake up. That is the Qin side must be hidden somewhere.

Ji Xiang and the gunmen played so busy in the villa, there was no movement on the side of Kui Mingyu, and there was no movement outside the green disciples. This is simply a very unreasonable thing...

However, if these things are connected with the Qin side, then this seems to be very reasonable!

Undoubtedly, the trouble has already let the Qin side secretly rule out, I am afraid that now the entire manor, in addition to him and the gunman, only the Qin side is still awake!

"Tell an unfortunate news... In fact, I have a companion!"

It is this understanding that Ji Xiang’s eyes show a little smile, accompanied by some irony, and then he makes a move while slowly speaking.


Sure enough, the gunman heard this sentence and his face changed slightly.

At this time, the gunman is also a little reaction, that is, the surrounding quiet is a bit too much, which is really unreasonable...

Kui Mingyu refused to help, this is what the gunmen expected, Ji Xiang from the beginning of the house, there is no hostility to Kui Mingyu, the murder is directed at him.

But Kui Mingyu is not so stupid, will be willing to put himself in danger, even if he will not help him to deal with Ji Xiang, at least will mobilize his people to protect himself.

But the young disciples who are responsible for guarding outside are not a little bit of movement, as if they are already asleep... This is very problematic.

Although these young cadres who are in charge of guarding are not likely to be trained compared with those who are regular soldiers, it is impossible to control the entire underground forces of Jiangzhou in a very small number...

But this is the case, but these guards are still not appearing. Combined with Ji Xiang’s words, the gunmen know that Ji Xiang really has a companion... As for one or a group, it is not known.

"What if there is a companion? I am killing today..."

However, the gunman seems to have a lot of reliance, not only does the face have not changed much, but suddenly it becomes extremely confident.

"Since I am looking for death, then I will let you see my true strength..."

The smell of the whole gunman suddenly became strange, and the coldness of his body became even stronger. Even the temperature in this large living room was rapidly declining.

"Must killing... Nether sneaking!"

Even when I saw the gunman suddenly volley volley, and then the body was in midair, suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only such a cold voice echoing in the living room of this villa.


A big living person suddenly disappeared strangely. This scene also really surprised Ji Xiang, but Ji Xiang was also a master who had been mixed in the underground world for many years, and immediately understood the hidden identity of the gunman.

It’s just that such a scene not only does not make Ji Xiang a little scared, but it can be seen that Ji Xiang’s face has a smug smile.

"Qin Shao, the cockroach shot..."

At this time, Ji Xiang's body moved slightly, and the whole person was quickly retreating, and quickly moved to the corner of the living room.

It’s just that Ji Xiang’s movement is at the same time, and it’s a slow talk to the empty villa living room, which makes people feel very inexplicable!

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