Omni Genius

Chapter 1430: The traitor is slippery!

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"Do you actually know?"

When I heard the exclamation of Qin Fang, Miyamoto Musashi was slightly stunned, but it quickly responded. His face was smiling with a faint smile. "It’s also... you are a disciple of Tangmen. It’s not surprising to know it! ”

Miyamoto Musashi seems to be very easy, and seems to have forgotten the dozens of cow hair needles in his body, perhaps he feels that he can already see the terrible death of Qin Fang.

Qin Fang used the rainy pear huā, one of the ten hidden weapons of Tangmen. Miyamoto Musashi has already recognized it. Although he does not know which one the Qin side used, he can be sure that Qin Fang is from the middle of the dragon country. Tangmen's.

After all, the hidden weapon of Tangmen, except for the disciples of Tangmen, never will be left outside. Whoever makes Tangmen too overbearing, does not allow the hidden secrets of Tangmen to spread.

Tangmen is a world of poison and hidden weapons. Even Fusang knows it. He recognizes Qin’s Tangmen hidden weapon, so Qin can recognize the light blue liquid in his hand. Not surprising.

The face of Qin Fang is not very good-looking. He recognizes this light blue liquid, but it is not because he is a disciple of Tangmen. Even Tangmen disciples will not recognize this kind of light. The origin of blue liquid, it is estimated that only a handful of elders who are proficient in poison can know...

This light blue liquid is a highly toxic liquid called toxic dragon juice... It is said to be bile from the poison dragon.

Of course. The poison dragon here is not a dragon, but a very poisonous snake. The number of surviving animals is very rare, and it belongs to the type that is rare once in hundreds of years.

However, the understanding of Qin Fang. This poisonous dragon should be a kind of mutated snake, so the quantity will be so rare...

The toxicity of this poisonous dragon is very strong, not only the venom of the venom is abnormal. Its bile extraction is even more terrifying.

So this kind of bile extracted is called durin juice. Once known as the world's first strange poison...

Only later did people discover that this so-called first poison in the world has a fatal flaw... It must be released in the water to reach the strongest power!

If you put it on land, the power will be greatly reduced...

However, Qin Fang is now in the water, and the poisonous dragon juice almost enters the water, Qin Fang found that the clear pool water around is turning into a light blue at a very fast speed, that is the toxicity of the poison dragon juice is spreading!

Almost at the moment when Qin Fang spoke, the pool of water around him had turned pale blue. The speed is even faster than the reaction of the Qin side.

"Young people, blame you for being too confident..."

Miyamoto Musashi naturally saw this scene. He also took up the small jade bottle and re-plug it with a cork. The poison dragon juice was only slightly consumed, and it has already achieved such an effect. How strong is its toxicity? It can be seen.

"Miyamoto Musashi, do you really think that you can kill me with such a bottle of poison dragon juice? I didn't expect you to live so old. It would be so naive..."

However, the voice of Miyamoto Musashi has just fallen, and the Qin Fang, who should have been screaming in the water, has only refuted a sentence. He even wandered slowly in the water, and there were no signs of poisoning.

"Since you know that I am from the Tang Dynasty in Tangzhong, I should know that my Tangmen is in the world with hidden weapons and poison. If I am poisoned by poison, then I still have a fart... It’s an idiot!"

With such a good opportunity, Qin Fang will certainly not let go of it. Immediately facing the confident Miyamoto Musashi is a stink.


Miyamoto Musashi has a slight glimpse, and he is very surprised to see Qin Fang. It seems that he is a bit confused about why Qin Fang said this.

"Do you have a way to detoxify?"

Obviously, Miyamoto Musashi is not convinced. Duron juice is an extremely rare and unusual poison, especially in the water, it is even more unsolvable.

At least in the martial arts, no one has been able to solve the poisonous poison of the poisonous dragon juice. Basically, the middle is not saved, and all of them died in an instant.

However, the pool water in Fulongtan has indeed turned into a pale blue color. It seems that the toxicity is spreading. However, the Qin side is actually like nothing, and there is no sign of poisoning.

Originally, Miyamoto Musashi thought that Qin Fang was a disciple of Tangmen and had strong resistance to acute poisoning. But now it seems that Qin Fang is not poisoned at all.

In other words, this poison dragon juice has no effect on the Qin side...


"How can this be?"

Soon Miyamoto Musashi was dumbfounded, because the light blue color on the water surface of Fulongtan was lightening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even now it is almost invisible.

Duron juice and even a very rare poisonous poison, the most toxic in water, and the coverage is about 30 centimeters above the water.

The water surface of this Fulongtan is not large, so the coverage is not very large. Just now he poured a lot of poison dragon juice, and the toxicity should be enough to kill all the creatures in this range.

But now the Qin side is still alive, but the poisonous dragon juice seems to be absorbed by what objects, and it is disappearing quickly... How can this not surprise him?

"Oh, this is it... you still have to guess it yourself!"

Qin Fang was slowly wandering in the water without any concern. There was no sign of poisoning, and there was no such thing as going to shore. It was such a sarcasm that mocked Miyamoto Musashi and took this old guy. A little bit of smoke.

Miyamoto Musashi's poisonous dragon juice was not specially prepared for the Qin side. It should be prepared for his enemies. It is not difficult to hear from the words of Miyamoto Musashi just now that there should be a group of water shadow ninjas in his enemies.

The Liusheng family are all masters of practicing swords, and basically can rule out this possibility, then the water shadow ninja should be the Ando family.

"Ando family, water shadow ninja..."

Qin Fang silently wrote down this matter in his heart.

Most of Fuso's ninjas are concentrated in the various ninja genres. But some families are actually ninja families. They were originally split from the major schools, but they have grown stronger and even surpassed the original sects...

If Qin Fang did not estimate the mistake. The Ando family should be such a family...

Fusang's water shadow ninja is not very strong, at least in the major ninja genres, it seems that no one is specializing in water shadow ninjutsu...

However, it is from the words of Miyamoto Musashi. It seems that the Ando family has such a group of water shadow ninjas, at least there is a water shadow ninja with strength at the master level.

if not. Miyamoto Musashi is not so jealous, even the rare poisons of the poisonous dragon juice are getting.

It is not surprising that Miyamoto Musashi is a fog-bearing ninja. Although the strength is incomparably strong, it is quite taboo for the Naruto.

The fog and forbearance has a congenital disadvantage for the water-bearing ninjutsu, although Miyamoto Musashi can rely on super strength to suppress each other, but if there are more such masters. Miyamoto Musashi will also suffer.

If you use poisonous dragon juice, then let's not say that it is a master-level water shadow ninja, even if it is a large-scale master of the water shadow ninja, it can not resist.

However, Miyamoto Musashi’s idea played well, but never expected that he could not wait for the Ando family’s water shadow ninja, but instead recruited Qin Fang!

The plan of Qin Fang is similar to that estimated by Miyamoto Musashi. However, the Qin side is not a water shadow ninja. Even the poisonous dragon juice carefully prepared by Miyamoto Musashi is useless to him. It is really quite passive to make the Miyamoto Musashi of the old tyrannical giants...

Miyamoto Musashi's face became quite ugly, standing sideways on the side of Fulongtan, quietly watching the Qin Fang in the pool. The eyes are also dark and unclear, and I don’t know what he is thinking about.

However, from his reaction, it seems that he is thinking about something, or waiting for something...

However, the poisonous dragon juice he relied on could not be poisoned by the Qin side. It also made him feel quite depressed. Now he has been ridiculed by the Qin side, which makes him angry and angry.

However, if you want to kill the Qin side, it seems that you can only jump into the water and fight with the Qin side. Otherwise, you can’t really put the Qin side like this...

"Miyamoto Musashi, if you just want to spend it with me, I don't mind at all, I am afraid that you can't stand it yourself... Don't forget, you have a lot of power in your body." Once your enemy arrives, I am afraid that I will not need to take it, and you will continue to live!"

At this time, Qin Fang was adding fuel and vinegar on the sidelines...

The reason why Miyamoto Musashi is willing to use such precious poisons as poisonous dragon juice is to kill the Qinfang at the fastest speed.

After all, he himself is in the rainy pear huā needle, if you do not hurry to go back to retreat to force these fine needles of cattle, it will soon cause extremely serious internal injuries.

His previous embarrassment was pretending, but if it was caused by these fine needles, it would be no worse than the shackles.

At that time, when his enemies were killed, Miyamoto Musashi did not feel that he still had the ability to resist... After all, the strength of his enemies was rather weak.

Thinking of this, the first reaction of Miyamoto Musashi was to immediately kill the Qin Fang, and then immediately retreat to cultivate.

However, he just bought the water in the footsteps, but immediately shrank back. He immediately thought that he had just poured poisonous dragon juice into the pool.

Duron juice may not hurt the Qin side, but its toxicity is unquestionable. If it hurts himself, it is quite bad.


“Is it really toxic to him?”

Miyamoto Musashi has just entered the water on the tip of his toes, but he did not feel any slight abnormality. It is impossible to use the toxicity of poisonous dragon juice in water, unless it is... the toxicity of Duron juice is really Qinfang. Lifted!

Thinking of this, Miyamoto Musashi’s face became very ugly, ugly like a ghost...

"Oh... since you can't wait to find death, then the old man will be yours!"

The anger of Miyamoto Musashi has been suppressed by the Qin Fang’s repeated and repeated provocations. At this time, he finally turned real anger.

When it was said that it was late and fast, Miyamoto Musashi’s body shook a little, and the whole person disappeared without a trace. The fog and forbearance were naturally launched.

Qin Fang is still the same face, Miyamoto Musashi thinks that his hidden is relatively hidden, but in fact his whereabouts can not disappear from the eyes of Qin Fang.


Almost at this time, a certain sound was heard from a corner of the pond, and a black phantom appeared to the Qin side.

"Play with the Tangmen disciple, your head is burned..."

Seeing these hidden weapons, Qin Fang’s face immediately showed a very strange expression, while laughing and laughing, while on the other hand, it was a quick shot, and all the hidden weapons that were shot were taken away with lightning speed. Up...

Yes, it is indeed taken away!

Miyamoto Musashi shot a total of about a dozen hidden weapons. As a result, none of them could shoot the body of Qin Fang. Instead, they all fell to the hands of Qin Fang.

Although there are still a few blue light flashing on the hidden weapon, it shows that they carry a very strong toxicity, but Qin Fang is still in the hands of the light, there is no fear of a little bit.

However, Miyamoto Musashi does not seem to care very much about this. In the face of the ridicule of the Qin side, he actually pretends that nothing has happened, and there is not a little movement.

"Sounds to the West?"

The Qin side also slightly stunned. Just after Miyamoto Musashi shot the hidden weapon, the whole person immediately changed to a position. At this moment, it has been firmly settled on the stone wall not far from the Qin side, and even caused a little bit. Waves...

When the Qin side reacted, Miyamoto Musashi was turned into a faint white mist, and it quickly rushed toward the Qin side. The white mist passed over the water surface of Fulongtan, and the speed was very fast. Quite strange...

"Miyamoto Musashi, if I were you... I would never have sneaked at this time!"

Qin Fang naturally noticed such a scene, but he was not in a hurry, but suddenly turned his face and looked at the direction of Miyamoto Musashi stealth.

"What do you mean?"

Miyamoto Musashi’s glimpse, almost subconsciously asked, he did not know how Qin Fang saw his whereabouts, but Qin Fang has clearly discovered his existence.

At the moment, he is very close to the Qin side. As long as he stretches out his hand, he can catch the Qin side. Even if he reveals his own whereabouts, there is no big deal, so he will not take care of those.

"It doesn't mean anything...that means's going to die soon!"

Qin Fang said indifferently, the tone of his speech was quite slow. Until the end of this sentence, his face changed instantly and became very cold.

Almost the voice of the Qin side has not fallen, and you will see a strange layer of cockroaches suddenly appearing on the water surface of Fulongtan. Then there will be a huge and huge behemoth that instantly rushed out of the water and opened his **** mouth. Directly swallowed Miyamoto Musashi above it... (to be continued)! ~!

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