Omni Genius

Chapter 1444: Xuan Shui giant!

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" killed by people..."

A rusty iron sword was placed in the chest of the cheekbone, just inserted into the heart of the tibia, and it was tied to the ground.

The reason why it was judged to be killed is that the owner of the skeleton has a sword in his hand, which is impossible to commit suicide!

Seeing this skeleton, Qin Fang’s face was also slightly changed, and the head could not help but lift it up, and the eyes looked at the direction of the buildings.

It is a pity that he is already in the forest at the moment. Only the towering trees are in sight, but the buildings in the secret land are not visible.

"have some problem……"

Looking at this skeleton and watching his death, Qin Fang’s heart is a bit weird, but it is temporarily impossible to judge what is going on.

"Let's see it later..."

Such a secret place seems to have no one for many years. It seems to be ruined, but now it is such a skeleton in the secret land, or there is no sign of burying it. This is very problematic.

Thinking of this place, Qin Fang was even more afraid of it. People also returned to the road and rushed to the direction of the book...

Walking on the road, Qin Fang also saw some wild precious herbs, the years are not low, and several of them are more than 100 years old. It is definitely an excellent material for the deployment of medicinal herbs.

Although Qin Fang acted quickly at this time, he did not intend to let go of such materials. He directly used the medicine to quickly collect the herbs.

At this time, he didn't have time to sort out the other kinds of herbs. The herbs that were collected were thrown directly into the props box, and they were slowly resolved when they were waiting for it.


At this time, when the Qin side infinitely approached the building complex, the forest suddenly sounded gunshots, and immediately a group of flying birds fluttered their wings and flew up from the forest.

"No, something went wrong..."

Hearing this shot, Qin Fang’s face suddenly changed, and his heart was also awkward. He knew that he had an accident.

"It should be Ji Xiang... in that direction!"

They had four people in total, and only two people were playing Qin Fang and Ji Xiang. The Qin side was fine, but he heard the gunshots. It was obviously Ji Xiang’s accident.

As for whether it is a gun opened by people inside this secret land... From the age of this building, the possibility of people using modern weapons is too low.

"You must help him!"

Ji Xiang is a master-level peak, and his strength is very strong, especially after several hard battles. Already infinitely close to the half-step master.

This is the case, but it is still forced to move the gun, so how dangerous is it, Qin Fang is imaginable...

Ji Xiang is not a fool. If he didn't really meet the hurried, he would never take such a risk, which is equal to giving trouble to his companions.

But he has done this now, and his situation is absolutely very critical. Qin has almost no hesitation, and immediately got up and rushed in the direction of the gunshot.

The snow-free body is fully developed. Although the terrain is complex and the trees are numerous, there are many thorns blocking the road. However, Qin Fang is not taking care of it so much now, and he is trying his best to save his body and save the season!

Qin Fang's speed is very fast, although the two pieces of silk silk armor protect the chest, abdomen, back and other vital parts, but those thorns from time to time pumped on the Qin side, the damage is negligible, but the pain is It is quite powerful...

However, these can not stop the Qin party's mind. I rushed over to the other side.

Judging from the gunshots, Qin Fang estimated that Ji Xiang was about four or five hundred meters away from him, and he was still in a relatively remote position.

Such a distance is not far away. At the speed of the Qin side, it only takes a few minutes to arrive, and anxious to save people. The Qin side even gave up those rare herbs.

However, when Qin Fang is moving forward. However, he did not forget to beware of the surrounding. After all, Ji Xiang encountered a crisis, then he may also encounter Qin.

Being able to force Ji Xiang to shoot, then the Qin Fang also has a great threat, Qin Fang also had to be careful and vigilant.


Suddenly, a little strange voice came. Qin Fang's footsteps were slightly stagnation, and the body was also a stagnation. Then the foot suddenly made a force. The whole person smashed into a tree by the side of the road. He watched the direction of the sound with great vigilance and shouted coldly.

"Aoyama, is it you?"

The Qin side just made a sound, and there was a man in the woods and grass, and Qin Fang immediately screamed.

"it's me!"

The person who appeared was naturally Song Qingshan. He answered it with a calm voice, but his situation at the moment did not seem to be particularly good. His blood was almost red with the red blood, and it looked extraordinarily embarrassing.

"What happened, are you injured?"

Seeing Song Qingshan's blood, Qin Fang's face is not very good, almost immediately to come to Song Qingshan to treat the injury.

"This is not my blood! I am fine..."

However, Song Qingshan immediately said that he also reached out to wipe the blood of his body, and Qin Fang has also noticed this time, Song Qingshan is in good condition and there are no signs of injury.

"Nothing is fine, nothing is fine... We have to go to save Jixiang, and you will talk about what you have encountered on the road?"

Song Qingshan is fine, Qin Fang is also relieved, but the crisis in Jixiang has not been lifted. Just now I heard a gunshot, which shows the danger of Jixiang.

However, Song Qingshan obviously also experienced the battle, and these blood is the best proof...

"Don't mention it, I was almost eaten by a group of mice!"

Song Qingshan also nodded, while the Qin side continued to hurry to the side of Jixiang, while also very helpless smile.

"The mouse?"

Qin Fangyi, his face showed a very strange expression, and could not help but look at the blood of Song Qingshan, then I understand why this blood is everywhere.

"The paralyzed, this place doesn't know how many years people have lived, but the mice are like cats. They are going to be fine, and they come up together and almost yelled at me..."

Speaking of what happened just now, Song Qingshan seems to be extremely incomprehensible. It is really a faceless thing for those who are doing it.

Not only did he make blood on his body. The clothes also became armored and almost streaking straight.

"The mouse grows as big as a cat..."

Hearing this, Qin Fang’s face could not tell the strangeness. His first feeling was that Song Qingshan was too exaggerated, but this thought was just denied by Qin Fang, because Song Qingshan was not the kind of person, he said Ten words are true.

However, things are over. There is no point in arguing about this. The first thing to do is to save Ji Xiang. The situation there is definitely dangerous.

"It’s another body..."

On the way they traveled, they found another body. This was not killed by a sword, but the neck bone was interrupted.

"I saw two bodies on the road... they were all killed!"

Song Qingshan couldn’t help but swear.


Qin Fang bowed and looked at the corpse, vaguely feeling that something was starting to appear in his mind...

However, Qin Fang’s attention was quickly attracted to other things, and the head was slightly lifted up, looking out over the top of his head.

"Monk, we are here..."

Then, Qin Fang shouted aloud to the top of the thick canopy.

Song Qingshan stunned. However, I quickly reacted and understood what the Qin side is doing.

It was almost the effort of the front and rear feet. A figure flew down from the canopy and quickly fell to the front of the Qin side.

This appearance is naturally Wukong monk, the Shaolin Temple esoteric biography of the river, although the grade is not as good as the Qin Fang's snow-free body, but a river crossing can easily fly in the canopy, here The terrain is more powerful for Wukong monks.

"Qin Fang. There is no time to chat, Ji Xiang has troubles over there... I just saw a big big python there!"

However, the Wukong monk did not have much time to say anything, but simply dropped such a sentence, and then once again flew the canopy, and then stepped forward to help.

"Fuck, let's hurry up..."

When he heard the Wukong monk, Qin Fang’s face changed slightly.

The giants are not terrible, at least the masters of the Qin Dynasty are not afraid of what the giants are.

It is like the golden-topped cockatoo that Qin Fang encountered at the beginning. At that time, Qin Fang was forced to be very miserable, but if it was encountered now, Qin Fang could absolutely kill it without any injury.

But now a giant scorpion can force the masters of Jixiang to be almost desperate, and that is very different.

Reminiscent of the astonished mouse of Song Qingshan, and the rich aura of the world. There are rare herbs growing everywhere, and Qin Fang suddenly understands something!

Those mice may not be perfect, but such a big python can not be perfect if it is not good... otherwise it will not force Ji Xiang to be so miserable.

"Hurry up……"

Thinking of this, Qin Fang did not dare to delay, and immediately went to the front with Song Qingshan. The Qinfang did not have any scruples at this time. The sword is in the hand and the sword will be blocked. The trees in front of him were cut off directly, and he and Song Qingshan directly ran rampage and rescued Ji Xiang in a straight line.



When there is about a hundred meters away from the battlefield there, Qin Fang can hear the obvious rumbling loud noise, and they can still hear the buzz of the beast. It may be that the giant python came out. !


Not only that, Qin Fang also heard the crisp gunshots, Ji Xiang is still shooting... I don’t know if it is for self-protection, or Wukong monk is here, killing the enemy with him!


The closer to the battlefield, the louder and louder the sound, the more deafening, and the ground is shaking.

Some trees have fallen for eight years, and they have been smashed and smashed. It looks so bad... and it’s all caused by that giant!

"Aoyama, be careful, it’s a big guy..."

When the distance gradually approached, Qin Fang’s small map showed the giant python, and when Ji Xiang and Wukong monks came over earlier, Qin Fang could not help but remind Song Qingshan.

"I rub... a big snake!"

That is to say, his voice has just fallen, and two people have already entered the battlefield, appearing in the vision of that giant.

Rao is Qin Fang has already estimated that this giant is very large and terrifying, but when he really saw it, Qin Fang couldn’t help but scream.

"Really... great!"

Song Qingshan couldn't help but swallow his mouth. At this time, he also understood why the strength is similar to him. Even Jixiang, who is even stronger than him, will be forced to work hard. The snake is in front of him... It is too big.

It is said that the giant clam is the waist of the bucket, but this one... This thick body, at least one meter in diameter, can not be embraced by an adult.

The length is even more terrifying. I took a glance at it. This giant python has at least the length of 30 meters or more. At this moment, the body is playing the most violent attack on Ji Xiang and Wukong monk...

The huge body is towering, how to look at the height of seven or eight meters, every top-down attack is almost like a thunderous, even if Jixiang and Wukong monks hide, the ground A huge incomparable hole was drawn by the snake head...

In this area, Qin Fang and Song Qingshan saw no less than ten such holes...

"What are you doing, come over and help!"

Over there, the Wukong monk saw the Qin party stunned, and immediately yelled at the mouth of the giant scorpion and attacked him. He yelled at the Qin side.


Qin Fang also reacted for the first time, and immediately replied with a sentence. At the same time, his foot suddenly made a force, and the snow-free body showed the ultimate. He held the sword and went straight to the giant.

Song Qingshan was not willing to show weakness, but also acted immediately, but he did not rush to the giant python, but went to Jixiang and Wukong monk.

There is no way, although Song Qingshan has both offensive and defensive, but his strongest attack is just Xuanyin's claws, but look at the hard and incomparable body of this giant, his Xuanyin's claws are more "tick", he also Just don't add this mess!

"Xuanshui giant 蟒 ... did not expect that there is still live!"

Qin Fang quickly vacated close to the giant python, and there was no fear or fear in his eyes. Instead, he was very excited, and he couldn’t help but swear.

Ji Xiang, Wukong Monk, Song Qingshan, and several of them may only be regarded as the giant python that is a bit of development.

However, Qin Fang’s investigative skills are clear to the ground of this giant scorpion. It is actually a mysterious giant that has been completely extinct hundreds of years ago...

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