Omni Genius

Chapter 1469: Fusang god!

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A shot hit, directly sent the master level master to see his Amaterasu god, after the Qin side is just a lightly left two words, deep possession and name!

"Oh, wasted..."

However, this is the way, but Qin Fang’s heart can’t help but drop blood.

In fact, there is no way for him to be forced by this master-level master to take this step. Otherwise, even he may have to suffer big losses.

The strength of the master-level master is higher than him. Although Qin Fang relies on deep skill to draw this distance, but the desperate master-level master, the strength of the outbreak is indeed far beyond the scope that Qin Fang may bear.

In particular, this kind of burning self-improvement to force self-improvement, so as to achieve the level of infuriating, this is already intended to go with the Qin side.

Whether it is in the protection of himself or the protection of Xiao Yan, Qin Fang naturally can not let him burst out completely, then he can only helplessly sacrifice this poor master who does not even know the name...

A headshot, hanging without suspense!

This master-level master is dead fast, but Qin Fang’s experience value has also lost more than half. This is the place where Qin Fang feels distressed.

After all, the strength of the Qin side is enough to kill the other side, but it takes a little bit of work... It can be planned to catch up with the change and come to this step. Qin Fang can only make this decision.

"Old Qin, you are too embarrassed..."

Although Qin Fang’s gun hit the silencer, the movements made here are naturally impossible to hold on to other people.

Ji Xiang, who hasn't been at least for a long time, was the first to discover the movements here. He couldn't help but scream.

This is also very understandable. After all, the three masters are now killed one, and Qin’s pressure is also abruptly reduced.

even. The people who were still quite nervous, Qin Fang made a lot of money here, and suddenly became a lot more affluent, especially the addition of Xiao Yan, it is even more powerful.

Huh ~~

At this time, Qin Fang just planned to join the battle circle of Ji Xiang and Wukong Monk, and prepare three people to join forces. When this master-level master was also killed together, there was a little movement next to it.

A figure quickly passed through the side lane. Drilled out from the darkness.

Service Department Sanzang!

This appearing figure is not someone else. It is a three-piece service.

"Where did you go now?"

Seeing the service department Sanzang, Qin Fang also took a look at it. Only then did he think that he should resist the three masters together with Ji Xiang, Wukong Monk and Song Qingshan.

When Qin Fang came over, the service department Sanzang was not here.

However, at the time of Ji Xiang’s situation, Qin Fang did not think much about it and intercepted his opponent for Ji Xiang. Just started playing.

Now the service department Sanzang suddenly came out from the side, and Qin Fang thought of him. Some of my face was not very good.

After all, the service department Sanzang is also considered to be together. However, at such a critical moment, it was a fleeing escape. It is really strange that Qin Fang can give a good look.

"Qin Shao, I am going to arrest people..."

Seeing that Qin Fang’s face is wrong, the service department’s Sanzang is also a vain explanation. He does not want to cause Qin’s dissatisfaction, so it’s really not good.

I quickly pointed to a figure that had just been thrown away by him in the dark corner. "The kid is called Domoto, who is a disciple of Kawada Musashi...that he brought these people!"


Qin Fang took a moment and took a quick look. The investigation skills were launched, and the conclusions reached were the same as those of the service department Sanzang.

"Forget it, don't say this... you go to help Aoyama! Hold the guy..."

Although it is known that these people are definitely attracted by Kawada Musashi, if they do not grasp the substantial evidence, Qin Fang has no suitable reason even if he wants to kill the door.

Of course, if Qin Fang really wants to kill, then there is no need to find any excuses or reasons. Directly several masters will enter the Musashi Stream, killing them from top to bottom and killing them.


"Kawada Musashi, if you don't have some use to keep you, I have already harvested this life..."

For the old fox of Kawada Musashi, Qin Fang is also quite uncomfortable, and the heart is also pondering how to clean up this guy.

There is still a need for Musashi Stream. Kawada Musashi should have integrated the Musashi Stream. If he is killed again, the Musashi Stream will inevitably fall into the civil strife again. This is not what Qin wants to see...

Otherwise, you can go straight to the Miyamoto Musashi and go straight to it. There is no need to cooperate with Kawada Musashi!

Now Kawada Musashi crosses the river and dismantles the bridge. He intends to kill the people by knife and give them all the Qin. Even though Qin Fang did not intend to destroy him, it is only... This death is punishable, but the crime is not escaped.

"A few brothers, add a lot of strength..."

Takumoto Yoshio was arrested by the Ministry of Service, and he was only a master of the late stage. It was worse than Kawada Masaru. Now he wants to escape and can’t escape. There is nothing to discard.

During the speech, Qin immediately reached the side of Ji Xiang and snorted and immediately jumped into the battle circle.

When Qin Fang joined, the Wukong monk immediately convened the crazy wand method to prevent accidental injury to his own people. After all, the crazy wand method is notorious for the famous enemy.

However, although the magic wand method has converged, the Qin and the Wukong monks joined forces, but the power is obviously much stronger than the previous Wukong monk's mad dance magic wand method.

The other master of the master class was dragged by the Wukong monk for so long. Both the infuriating and the physical strength have been depleted quite a lot. Although it is slightly better than the Wukong monk, it is comparable to the Qin side. That's too much difference.

Like the Wukong monk, Qin Fang came up with a big open attack, completely spreading his hands and violent attacks, and seemed to completely ignore his own loss.

I saw that the fierce attack once and for all rushed toward the other side, even without a pause in the middle.

Almost every punch and every foot is the most violent hard-to-hard attack. The sound of the cymbals is endless, and people feel the **** feelings.

At this time, the Wukong monk played a small skill, and the attack was dominated by Qin. And he is sneaking around and looking for a chance to attack.

In this way, he can also use this opportunity to restore some physical strength, but also to ensure their own safety, but it can better preserve the living force.

As for Ji Xiang, he did not have an urgent shot, but slowly drifted away from the battle circle, it seems to be just an outsider.

However, the pressure he brings to this master-level master may even be greater than that of Qin or Wukong monks.


They are quite happy in the Qin Fang. But their opponents are obviously not happy.

Three companions have now been killed. This has given him considerable pressure to some extent. Now he is besieged by three masters of almost the same strength. It is even more dangerous. How can he not worry?

However, at this time, he wanted to get out of the way, and it became almost impossible... He could only helplessly find his dissatisfaction with a burst of sound.

As for finding the leader of the master-class mid-level master to save lives, it is impossible, and he also saw that there was also being dragged by people.

"Little guy. Hands-on..."

The more anger, the more anxious. The more prone to flaws, the Qin side is waiting for the emergence of this fatal flaw.

Until this master-level master was an accidental distraction. Qin Fang immediately turned his eyes and immediately issued instructions to the small cockroaches that had been hidden.


Almost Qin’s voice just fell, and Xiaoyan immediately turned into a black shadow, and the speed was almost as fast as a lightning bolt.


The strength of the master-level master is stronger than the one that was previously killed by the Qin side. Naturally, he can feel the threat of Xiaoyan.

Almost a small cockroach had just moved, he already felt its existence, and his face suddenly became very dignified, giving a slight surprise.


However, this person is also very human. In such a critical situation, this embarrassing face seems to reveal a very strange expression.

Then... this master-level master decisively found a dark little thing on his body and slammed it toward the ground.


Before they responded to the Qin party, the little thing exploded on the ground immediately, and a group of strong disgusts spread instantly.


Such a scene was also unexpectedly unexpected by Qin Fang, but Qin Fang immediately felt that something was wrong, and immediately screamed, and the whole person also rushed backwards behind him.

At the same time as the Qin side, Wukong monk also carried his crazy wand and launched a cross-river body, which was like a straight line and quickly retracted a few meters away.

Ji Xiang is not in the battle circle at all, and naturally there is no threat, but it is safer.

Only Xiaoyan, because the speed of the attack was too fast, although it was flexible, but it was too late to quit, and directly passed through the smog.


However, just as Xiao Xiao passed through the smoke, it made such a very unsatisfactory sound, as if it had encountered something terrible.

"what happened?"

When I heard that Xiao Xiao had such a movement, Qin Fang’s face changed slightly. After all, Xiao Xiao was not a Xiaolong. He could not pass everything he saw and felt to Qin Fang.

However, from the reaction of Otaru, there seems to be something in this smog that makes it feel fear and shudder...

"Old Qin, this smoke is very problematic..."

The movement of Xiaoyan, naturally, was also heard by other people. The face of Wukong monk also changed, and then the face was solemnly said to the Qin side.

Xiaoxuan is a snow fox, which is one of the most famous poisons in nature. There are few natural enemies.

But even the snow foxes are scared like this, then there is something hidden in this smog, and it is still very evil.

"Small, come back..."

Qin Fang also nodded gently, immediately greeted Xiao Yan, and saw Xiao Yan quickly returned to Qin Fang's shoulder.

However, at this moment, the body is slightly trembling, but the small eyes are full of horror, it seems really scared.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang’s face has become a lot more dignified, and his eyes are immediately staring at the smog.

This smog is obviously not the smoke bomb used by the ninja. At least the master-level master did not escape by the rise of the smog. Instead, he stood still and rested and rested.

However, this smog is not completely inseparable. The time is a little longer, the smoke slightly dissipates a little, and gradually reveals what is hidden inside.

The first thing that caught the eye of Qin Fang and others was a pair of green eyes that looked extraordinarily different and very curious.

Soon, the outline of a rough body is slowly showing up...

Not only that, but the unknown creature that gradually emerged seems to be absorbing the fog, and then the body is constantly growing, growing, and growing...

When these smokes were completely absorbed, this big guy was fully displayed in front of several people like Qin Fang...

The height is almost two meters or more, the body is very strong, the impact of that power is very clear... However, what makes people feel surprised is that this big guy’s head does not look like a human being, it is like a dog. Or a creature like a wolf!

"This... seems to be... the legendary god?"

Seeing this big guy who gradually emerged, Qin Fang and Wukong monks are full of fog, but what Ji Xiang seems to think of, his face is also very ugly.

In the end, Ji Xiang spent a lot of days in the international killer circle. He also heard about some evil things in this underground world.

In the underground world, when it comes to this East Fusang, in addition to the ninja, there is also a profession that is notorious, and there is a Yin and Yang division.

The Yin and Yang division is a special occupation of Fuso. They are said to have the ability to communicate with the legendary spiritual world. They can summon a powerful creature called the **** to fight.

The Qin dynasty had heard of such rumors before, but thought that it was just a legend, just like the gods in the ancient mythology of the Dragon Kingdom, it should not exist at all.

Unexpectedly, they actually saw a living god...

Ji Xiang said that there is nothing wrong with this. It seems that the big guy who suddenly appeared out of thin air is indeed a kind of god. This Qin Fang’s investigative skills have given a very positive answer!

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