Omni Genius

Chapter 1482: Instant kill six guards!

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The Qin side has always been an action faction. Since it has already made up its mind, it is naturally going to be put into practical action immediately.

Here, the bottom layer and the upper level of the Musashi River are clearly separated, so the neighborhood is relatively empty, but there are not many people.

The position of the following point is basically the bottom personnel of Musashiliu. Unfortunately, they have passed a **** wash of Qin Fang. Basically, they are dead and wounded. The rest are just some old and weak women and women who can’t use it... ...

And then going up, it is the high-level personnel of Musashiliu... At this moment, these people should have been watched by the people of Iga.

In this case, Qin Fang did not have so much scruples, and directly started the six black soldiers. Of course, he will not forget to change his appearance in advance.

It’s not that Qin Fang is afraid of being recognized by some people. It’s just a simple plan to dig some people... if there is a black soldier who survives!


The Qin side does not move, it is basically lurking there, no one can find his whereabouts, at least it seems that these late masters of the black Guardian did not have this strength.

In exchange for the peak power of the late Master level, it may be possible to see the flaws of the Qin side, but these people are not listed here.

But the Qin party’s move is totally different.

Although the snow-free body is quick and incomparable, it is also necessary to be inspired by the true spirit. Such a flow of true gas is quite easy for these murderous and solemn warriors, and immediately discovered an abnormality. The one with the strongest of the black guards immediately shouted.

At the same time, he himself quickly took out a knife and held it in his hand, and the other five people were quite right. They realized what they were almost at the first time. They all used one-handed twitching weapons, and then immediately someone was handy. A ninja dart shot in the sky with a starry rain... Some people even more simply, stealth into the stealth state directly!

"The response is really slow..."

Seeing that the six black guards were almost incomprehensible, they couldn’t help but nod their heads and admire them. These people can be famous, but they are not blown out by their mouths. They are absolutely real killings.

Six people, from the discovery of the Qin side, almost only two or three seconds before and after. All have their own actions.

Focusing on the strongest of the six people, everyone has their own division of labor and quickly completed the first counterattack!

To be precise, they are considered offensive, because the Qin side is not close, and their attack has already been killed.

"Unfortunately... you met me!"

Appreciating the reaction and cooperation of this black soldier is one aspect, but it is impossible for Qin Fang to have a slight softening of these people for this reason.

Seeing that these black soldiers have been attacked, it is impossible for Qin to remain in stealth. This indiscriminate weapon attack. It is the best way to break the stealth.

This is also in Fuso, because the number of ninjas is too much, these black soldiers have formed an instinctive reaction... Let Qin Fang is quite speechless.

If it is changed to other places, few people would like to use the hidden device, they prefer a real knife and a real battle.

However, Qin Fang did not care.

Stealth is not invisible, in fact, from the moment he absolutely does. It is no longer important, anyway, in the end, he always has to reveal his body shape, and it is impossible to remain invisible.


Although the ninja darts have been overwhelmingly hit, they have not found the specific location of the Qin side before, but they have been roughly sprinkled. They can really attack the Qin side, but not many.

Qin Fang gently waved his sleeves and suddenly swept these ninja darts. Then... Qin Fang made a decisive backhand and went back!


Compared with the black weapon tactics of the black Guardian, Qin’s hand-embroidery technique is somewhat different. There is almost no skill at all. It is simply simple and rude...

However, this effect is quite true, and these hidden weapons are more than when they are shot. The speed is faster and the sound that is brought up is much more sharp.


Seeing such a scene, the black guards couldn’t help but scream, and the ninjas who entered the stealth state were forced to appear, and quickly flashed toward the side.


However, the Qin side was originally in a fast approach, and now it is only three or five meters away from the black guards. This fast and incomparable hidden weapon is not so good to dodge.

A face-to-face effort, even if it encounters the strong blocking and parry of these black guards, the majority of the ninja darts shot by Qin Fang are shot down, but there are still so many netted fish, and some people are unfortunate. In the middle of the move...

This is the disadvantage of the excessive strength gap. Qin Fang can forcibly take over the hidden weapons of these black Guards, but these black Guards did not take over the hidden weapons of the Qin side.


However, what makes these black soldiers feel the tragedy is that the black Guardian who was recruited immediately screamed and then fell directly to the ground.

In the position of his stroke, the original red blood, but at the moment it turned into black black blood, which looks extra trajectory.


The black soldier who was headed was also stunned. Obviously, the result was a bit out of their surprise.

Those hidden weapons are all shot by them. Naturally, they know that the hidden weapons have no poison at all, but after Qin’s hand, the ninja is poisonous... even directly poisoning one of their companions. It’s too weird.

The ninja is like this. In order to kill the opponent, basically all kinds of means will be used. It is more common to apply poison on the weapon.

But the problem is... This time the shot was too hasty, and these black guards were also killed by a surprise. Have not had time to apply poison.

It is precisely because of this that they can't figure out how Qin has put these hidden weapons on poison in such a short period of time...

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Qin Fang to tell them. In fact, the ninja darts he just played out are not the ones that the black martial arts shot at him, but the time when the Qin side directly cleaned the battlefield. Some of the poisoned ninja darts that have not been used yet...

Between the electric and the flint, Qin conveniently replaced this batch of ninja darts very simply. Then the sullen yin of these black soldiers.

In the inertia of thinking, these black soldiers did not expect these ninja darts have been replaced, this will be recruited when the defense is not enough!

"Gossip ~~"

Seeing that somebody was poisoned in the end, these black soldiers screamed. But quickly and quickly contracted the battle circle, forming a circular defensive formation.

It can be seen that the various cooperations of the Black Brigade are very tacit, and the psychological quality is quite good. Even in the case of losing one person, they still have the quickest response.

"It’s useless to call, you have to die today..."

Qin Fang did not care at all, with a faint smile on his face and a light drink. The attack was immediately launched.


Quite simply, Qin Fang quickly came to the front of these black guards with the snow-free body, and immediately launched his group attack skills.

Only when Qin Fangqi’s foot stepped out, suddenly a violent shock wave quickly spread toward the front, and the speed was amazing...

The black guards did not even think that there was such a strange attack in the world, and they were immediately hit by this shock wave.

Unlike the average master, these black guards are the most rigorously trained ninjas. Since Qin Fang’s group attack skills have not been able to fly them, they still stand in place.

Of course, these black guards are not intact. Their bodies have been swept by this shock wave. They suddenly feel that their bodies are completely stiff... they can't move together!

Such a scene directly led to the death of these black soldiers, and the deep cold eyes flashed deep surprise and fear.

However, it is too late to regret at this time. Because the Qin Fang’s killings are also coming along...

A silver light flashed in front of everyone, and the cold chill was that these few killing black guards could not help but feel a little cold and shudder.

However, at this time, it was too late to say that the silver light was shining more and more in their eyes, and it was getting closer and closer...


A few consecutive sounds, and you can see that several **** suddenly rise to the sky, but the bottom is a beautiful safflower... that is the spectacle of blood spewing.

Just a moment. The silver light quickly crossed the neck of the three black guards and harvested three lives... including the strongest one.

Then, Qin Fang’s body moved slightly, and the whole person was like the shifting position, and appeared in front of the two remaining black guards.


At this moment, the bodies of these two black Guards have also been slightly lifted, just moving, and immediately want to attack the Qin side.

Unfortunately, they just moved a bit and found that their neck was suddenly caught by a tough hitter, and a strong sense of suffocation quickly hit.


How did the master master fall into the hands of Qin Fang, still the same as ordinary people, he easily broke the neck bone, easily killed!

At this point, only a minute or so before and after, the six black soldiers sent by the service department Jiucheng, even a little decent attack, have become the soul of Qin Fang's knife... [watch the latest chapter of the book Please search 138 reading network ( no pop-up window reading] / / pro! If you think this site is good, please remember to help this site! This site!

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