Omni Genius

Chapter 1502: Enemy!

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"This is only God knows...".

Qin Fang shrugged and shook his head. He said, "But it’s best that these two groups of people are all dead, and we will be much cheaper in the past..."

The strength of these two groups of people is very strong, and the gap is not very large, basically flat, so it is now a situation that is evenly matched.

To say which party can finally win, this is really very difficult to say, anyone is possible...

So many masters are in the scuffle, and there are many masters at the master level. If all of them are dead, it’s just a junk, and you can make a small fortune.

Of course, Qin Fang is certainly not so simple to make a fortune. The bodies of those people can also be used to make a big fuss.

It is as if Qin Fang took the corpse of the Northern Bird Xiaojilang and others, and his props box is a must-have artifact for cheating.

"Unfortunately, this is impossible!"

Of course, Qin Fang is quite clear. These two groups of people are now killed and killed. Many people have already been killed, but they will eventually stop.

Perhaps it is because the death and injury are too heavy to stop, perhaps the two sides have masters to suppress and stop, perhaps for other reasons, basically this killing is also to stop.

The purpose of Sapporo in these two holy places is for the trial of the priests. If the trial of the priests has not yet begun, the heirs of the two holy places will die first, then they will only be cheaper than other holy places. This stupid thing is naturally not Will do...

The reason why it is so fierce now is that it is just getting angry. Once it calms down, it is not completely impossible to sit down and negotiate.

Anyway, as the root cause of this incident, two people, Tian Chuanxiong and Kita, Kojiro, are already dead. Two strong masters of the master class, Shokura Ken has been hung up, and the other one has died soon. It’s equal to everyone’s death, no one is more disadvantaged...

"Old Qin, what are we doing next?"

Qin Fang naturally understands this very well, and they are somewhat confused about the next move.

Ji Xiang has already withdrawn from the Putian Shrine. He discovered that Tian Gangchun has led so many people to kill the mountain, which will be lurking back.

After they met, Qin Fang knew that they had actually directed such a good show... but this is the case. Their previous plan also had to be revised again.

Now the two groups of people are fighting in a big fight, and the killing is quite fierce. Qin Fang, they can only stay out of the way, and cheap is definitely not this time.

"What is the situation in the old season, the Putian Shrine?"

Qin Fang’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and the plan here was performed well, but then he did not make up his mind on how to act.

Hesitated for a moment, Qin couldn't help but turned around and asked Ji Xiang to inquire about the information.

"Tian Gangchunyi brought out the elite of the Putian Shrine more than half. There was only a small number of masters left behind... But there seems to be another master sitting in the town!"

Ji Xiang simply explained the information he was looking for. It is not particularly clear, but these are enough...

In fact, this inquiring news is not the merit of Ji Xiang alone, and there is a hacker Lai Wen who has been hidden behind the scenes to help.

The people of the Putian Shrine lived in the Beiyuan of the Liangye Hot Spring Hotel. Lai Wen secretly controlled all the monitoring of the hotel and naturally monitored the whereabouts of the masters of the Putian Shrine.

However, this kind of monitoring is just some pictures. And there are quite a few dead ends, and the defects are also obvious. Only the results of such analysis can be obtained.

"Then we will wait, wait for the master to come out..."

Qin Fang nodded. Although Ji Xiang was only speculative, he was also very admired. Even Igaliu sent a master-level powerhouse to protect the clothing department Jiucheng. It is said that the Putian Shrine and the Anping Shrine do not have such a master. Qin Fang did not believe it.

At the Anping Shrine, Qin Fang had given up directly because the identity of the old woman was too special. That is, Qin Fang does not want to be easily provoked.

What's more, the strength of that woman is also really terrible. It has already reached the peak of the guru level, even no worse than Miyamoto Musashi.

In particular, he cultivated the most secretive technique of the magical door, and although he did not make a shot, it was definitely not a simple character.

Since the Anping Shrine can't move, then Qin Fang naturally had to hit his mind to the other side of the Putian Shrine...

Tian Gangchunyi brought a lot of masters of the Putian Shrine, and there are some masters in the middle and late stages of the master class. However, the only masters of the master class did not show up, so they definitely stayed at the hotel.

Qin Fang they want to start with the Putian Shrine, then they can only choose when the master-level peak is not in the hands of the ... ... Otherwise, they are equal to the meat buns to beat the dog, never go back!

The master of the master class, Qin Fang has already killed two, but one is poisoned by Xiaolong, and the other is his own death... No one is Qin Fang hard hit frontal kill, and now it is the same.

"It’s so lively here, it’s time to come out...”

Ji Xiang said with a smile,

As long as the master of the master class is not a fool, it is found that Tian Gangchun has not appeared yet, and the people of the Putian Shrine have returned to report the letter. If this is not the case, then it will really make a bigger thing.

Especially if any one of Tian Gangchunyi or Beiyuyifu has something to do, then the two holy places cannot be good.

"No, it really came out..."

And almost Ji Xiang’s sentence just finished, his cell phone rang, and Ji Xiang then raised his mobile phone and smiled.

Obviously, the news that was passed over by Lai Wen, who was responsible for monitoring the movements of the two holy places, was the old man who was suspected of being a top-ranking champion. After getting the news of his disciples, he immediately turned into a shadow and killed the mountain. coming.

Even in order to confirm this, Lai Wen specially sent this surveillance video to Jixiang’s mobile phone, and let Qin Fang make their own judgments.

"There are people out there at Anping Shrine..."

Almost every time, the video was sent out, but this time it was passed over by Anping Shrine, and there are also masters.

"It's done! Depart..."

Things are going to this time. Qin Fang’s face was also full of deep smiles, and he gave orders to everyone.

Thus, under the leadership of Qin Fang, a group of masters of the ranks of the masters immediately went from the path to the residence of Beiyuan and Putian Shrine of the Hot Spring Hotel.

"Brothers, one sentence, protect yourself, kill innocent!"

The master of the guru level left. The remaining strength of the Putian Shrine is much weaker, and the masters of the master level are only three or four. Others are some of the master level, not enough to worry about.

Qin Fang, as long as they focus on taking care of these masters, they can be neglected. Of course, they are mainly based on killing and killing targets. It is true that the masters of Kushida Shrine are killed as much as possible. The purpose is.

When I arrived at the station of the Putian Shrine, several people acted separately, before they separated. Qin Fang also simply confessed such a sentence.

Due to the time relationship, Qin Fang’s efficiency in separating them will be higher, but it is also more dangerous. After all, there are still some strong players.

The remaining masters of the master class can still cope with the early and middle stages. If you encounter the late master class, it will be quite troublesome.

"Small, you are always ready to respond..."

At that time, for this level of master, Qin Fang is not completely unable to do anything. There is also a quasi-spirit in his hand.


Unexpectedly, Xiaoxuan promised to agree, but he bargained with the Qin side, and a pair of small claws was also a void.

"Yes! As long as you complete the task satisfactorily, it is yours..."

Looking at Xiao Xiao's plan, Qin Fang was silent for a while before he understood it. His face immediately raised a little smile, which was very bold and promised.

What do you want?

in fact. What Xiaoxiao wants is that Qin Fang just got the hand, and the fruit of the Lingyuan grass is the fruit of the spirit...

Lingyuan fruit is the fruit of the elixir, which is the fruit. It is the essence of Ling Yuancao's centuries of cohesion, whether it is against the military. Still for the beast, there is a very strong attraction.

Nowadays, it is already a quasi-spirit, and as long as you cross that hurdle, you can basically formally enter the level of the beast.

Once you become a beast, it is officially stepping into the ranks of masters. The weakest is also the level of the master. If you are stronger, you can step into the realm of the great master. Even some extremely perverted beasts can reach Supreme...

For example, in the secret land that Qin Fang discovered, they lurked a fierce beast of supreme...

And the lifespans of such beasts and beasts are extremely long. The human beings are full of life, but they are only a hundred years old, but the beasts can easily live for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Maybe, I can really make a beast out..."

In fact, how to deal with this Lingyuan fruit, Qin Fang himself has no clue for the time being. Originally, he intended to use refining medicine, but once there is no suitable prescription, secondly, his strength is not enough, it is easy to cause spirituality. Waste of medicine...

Suddenly found that Xiao Yan actually asked for this Ling Yuan fruit, Qin Fang is also suddenly bright, and even a little bit of joy.

Since getting Xiaoyan, Qin Fang is also pondering how to let it cross the hurdle, but he knows nothing about it, and naturally he has no way to start.

However, Xiao Yan has already passed spirituality. He knows that he is asking for treasure, and that is definitely a craving for this Ling Yuan.

The effect of Lingyuan fruit is very large, but mainly the sap in it contains ample aura, but Qin Fang has a better mastery of the golden dragon in the hand, and Lingyuan fruit is a bit inconspicuous...

However, for the spirit beast, this kind of aura with a rich aura is actually much better than Jinlong, so Xiao Xiao is eager for Jin Longzhen, but the demand is not so strong, but it is to see this one. After the Lingyuan fruit, it suddenly moved.

Maybe it was because I was not very familiar with Qin Fang, so I didn't dare to ask Qin Fang, but now I have a chance, and it can't help it.

"Go can't miss your benefits!"

However, this time is not the time to bargain with Xiaoyan. Immediately sent out the small beggars, and with its spiritual nature can help them a lot.

"Get in!"

A few people simply assigned a bit, they immediately split into the hotel's Beiyuan, especially Jixiang, Qinfang, Qin Zi three most leisurely, directly to the deepest.

This is also understandable. Qin Fang and Ji Xiang are themselves killers of the Killer League. Latent killing is their strength.

Qin Zi is not a killer. But she is also a ninja, and she is still tolerant... The ninja profession is recognized as a natural killer. Their strengths are also lurking and killing.

Therefore, the three of them directly entered the deepest part of the group. The small group of the outside group was thrown to the relatively hard-working Song Qingshan, Wukong monk and the kimono department Sanzang.


The shadow of the sword in the hands of Qin Fang flashed the cold light of the people. This cold light passed through, and a warrior dressed in the costume of Putian Shrine was killed.

First, the blood directly smashed up to a height of three feet, which looks extraordinarily amazing. Unfortunately, Qin Fang is too lazy to take a look at it, and directly takes the sword away!

Of course. After encountering one or two warriors who were ninja professions, he also took the ninja tokens away with him... This ordinary token is not worth much, but it is better than nothing.

After all, there are still many people under the hands of Qin Fang. For example, the group of people of Da Ge, although they are all special forces, but the personal force is greatly limited. If they can reach the master level, they will be composed. An assault squad, that strength is definitely more powerful.

Even the Qin side is pondering to build them into a mercenary organization that can rival the devil's hand mercenary group.

and. Such an organization is more powerful... Naturally, it can have more voice in the underground world! This will be an important armed force on the throne of the Qin Dynasty's top killer!

However, at present, this is only a plan of Qin Fang. After all, the two ultimate tasks of Qin Fang are still in the initial implementation stage. These preparation forces are also slowly accumulated, but they do not need to be too anxious. !

Killing is still going on...

The party members of Qin Fang are all masters of the master level, killing people. It is really more than a heart, and the so-called non-family, its heart must be different, for these little devils. Qin Fang, they have no soft snacks at all!

Of course, Qin Fang is not a butcher who is completely addicted to killing. They killed all the masters of the Putian Shrine. For the ordinary people in the hotel, such as the waiters of some hotels, Qin Fang did not move.

Not only will not kill, but even avoid these people as much as possible. If they can't avoid it, they will directly stun them, but they will not harvest their lives.

Although they are killers, they are not butchers!

In this regard, they are more human than the original devils... They burned and looted in the Dragon Kingdom, but did not know how many dragons were killed!

"What are you guys?"

The people left by the Putian Shrine are not particularly large, mainly based on the middle and lower levels, most of which are master-level, and only a few are the masters of the master level.

Qin Fang killed them on this road, and it was really refreshing to kill them. With their current strength, masters are even more geniuses, but they can easily kill them with a single blow.

But after all, this situation can't last forever, and soon I came across a master-level master...

The other side of the situation, the Qin side is not particularly clear, but he is directly involved in a master-level master, and is still very close to the master of the master class!

"The person who killed you..."

Qin Fang did not want to talk nonsense with the other side, the movement of the sword, the rapid movement of the snow-free body, has already come to this master-level master.

The sharp attack and killing came instantly, almost making the other side even more prepared...


However, the master of the master class, there is no weak, immediately angered, the body's body is also immediately shocked, a strong incomparable suffocation immediately spewed out, almost let Qin have a little The heart trembled.

"Good! It's a master..."

Really, I feel this huge atmosphere, Qin Fang knows that he has encountered a hard-hitting child. The master in front of him is definitely a master who is even more powerful than Akasaka Akabane. Almost one foot has entered the guru. Late in the class... definitely the enemy of the Qin side!

"What about the late master class... let alone you are not!"

Qin Fang’s face became serious and his mind was solid. The look of this master was also quite calm and calm.

But in my heart, I also secretly remind myself that although the other party is very powerful, it is not completely invincible...

The master is overkill, the strength is on the one hand, but other things such as psychology, luck, etc., also need to be considered.

If you don’t fight before, then you will be defeated in the first place. Even if you insist on playing, you won’t change much...


Looking at this powerful master, Qin Fang also immediately agitated the whole body of the infuriating, almost all the strength is unreservedly displayed, he wants to fight with this strongest posture this quasi-master level late Master...

Every level of the realm is different, then the strength of the two sides will have a huge gap, which is almost the general rule of the martial arts!

However, there are always some perverted enchanting, but it is possible to ignore such a law. In a weaker posture, it is hard to kill the high-level masters...

Now, Qin Convenience is planning to fight a junior master in the current state...

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