Omni Genius

Chapter 1539: Quasi-spirit!

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This result is quite a bit boring, and directly makes Qin Fang feel quite speechless.

Originally, he also planned to make another cheap one, but did not expect that things did not proceed according to his estimated script.

Even, this story has come to a **** turning point... The Qin party of the turning point wants to spray dozens of blood!

"give up?"

These two trials are a group of two people, both of whom are very strong, are masters of the master level, and are also transformation people.

If it is one-on-one, Qin Fang can confidently defeat any opponent, even if it is a reformer, there will be no change in the outcome.

But now that the two people are together, then things are not so simple... Qin Fang can certainly kill one of them, but another transformation person will definitely cause quite serious damage to Qin.

This is beyond doubt...

The strength of Qin Fang is indeed stronger than these trials, but it is only a few, but it is not strong enough to be very outrageous.

And these reformers have been strengthened in some way. They are already monsters that are inhuman, ghosts and ghosts. It is likely that like the strange fishes before, the fierceness is not afraid of death...

Such an opponent is the most unwilling to deal with Qin Fang. He would rather fight against those martial arts masters who are stronger than him, and are not willing to deal with these mad monsters who are desperate!

It is precisely because of this that Qin Fang is also somewhat hesitant in this heart. Do you wonder if you have to give up the killing of this fat sheep.

Fat sheep are there every day, but life-saving is even more important... The medicinal materials and the night pearl can continue to find, but it is really a strong killing of these two reformers, Qin Fang is likely to suffer losses of up to 70%.

"Not reconciled..."

However, it is true that Qin Fang gave up the fat sheep that is in front of him. Qin Fang’s heart is still quite unwilling. After all, the opportunity to get the medicine and the night pearl at one time may be this time.

As for the second half of the trial. Perhaps many other trials have had treasures and night pearls at the same time, but the competition at that time will be even more cruel, and the manpower is more chaotic.

Perhaps now, the Qin side only needs to deal with two trials at the same time. At that time, it will have to deal with three or four hundred and sixty-six...

"No, let's go and see it..."

Hesitated for a moment, Qin Fang felt that he should not give up for the time being, and he quietly followed the way.

"Strong killing is unlikely to succeed. But sneak attack... maybe there is a possibility of success!"

At the moment, Qin Fang’s heart is the idea of ​​playing this, and of course the only way to solve this troublesome thing in front of him.

only. as far as I can tell. Everything is still in the expectation of the Qin side, whether the subsequent development will once again turn like the same as before, then only God knows.

The speed of Qin Fang is very fast, and at this moment, the two reformers are not very far away. The two men joined together, and then they chatted a few words. Then I went in one direction.

Of course, this time is not coming to the Qin side. The "Fat Sheep" has already got two things in this direction, and naturally there will be no more reason to turn back.

Another transformational person is still empty. The two men are estimated to be joining forces to grab more treasures or night pearls...

This mountain maze is very large, and the passages are very complicated, and sometimes they are connected to each other, but sometimes they are sealed at one end.

In this way, if you want to find a completely correct road, you need to constantly explore the various routes...

After all, Qin Fang can use the small map advantage of investigative skills to slowly explore the nearby labyrinth floor plan, but others have no such ability.

In other words, Qin Fang can predict in advance which channel is connected, which channel is a dead end that can't get through...

The Qin side carefully followed the two reformers and slowly detected the past toward the front, and the map range was constantly expanding.

However, in the scope of such a large map, in addition to his Qin Fang and two reformers, there seems to be no sign of a fourth person...

In this way, Qin Fang still feels quite gratified. At present, he does not want other trials to come in and come in.

"If these two people are separated, it will be fine!"

Looking at the passage on the map, Qin Fang couldn't help but licked his mouth, but he knew it was very difficult to do so.

It is not so easy to get rid of these two transformational people... These two transformational people are also quite embarrassing roles.

Following the two reformers, he walked for almost half an hour, but he was never discovered by the other party.

With these two guys breaking the traps in front of them, it is quite easy for Qin to come over without worrying about accidents.

Many of the traps in this labyrinth are arranged using the skills of a thousand-door organs. Those who know the skills of the organs can easily pass through, and will not even trigger any institution.

But these two people from the transformation of the country are different, they are completely relying on their own powerful body, coupled with the violent strength to forcibly break through.

The advantage of violent breaking is that Qin can easily follow them, but they don't need to move their hands... The possibility of exposure is much lower.


Walking along, Qin Fang’s small map suddenly appeared a little different, but also made Qin Fang slightly surprised, but then Qin Fang’s face was also a joy, silently sighed, “The opportunity is coming. ......"

At this moment, the two reformers have already reached a place in the maze, but in front of them there are two strange roads that lead to different directions...

In such a maze, this was originally a very common thing, but these two roads are very different.

The ramp suddenly became a lot narrower. Each road can only allow one person to pass smoothly. If it is two people, it can only be entered one after the other.

"Hey, see which one do you choose?"

The Qin side silently followed, waiting for the two reformers to make a choice.

For their choice, Qin Fang does not care, because the two reformers no matter what choices they make, they are very powerful for the Qin side.

Either the two reformers will choose a path to go... So the Qin side is equivalent to waiting for two people to act separately.

One to one. Qin Fang is really not afraid of any of these two reformers, Qin Fang must be just taking advantage of this opportunity, first get this fat sheep.

Either two people choose a road, marching forward and backward toward the front... so that the Qin side can keep up, and then suddenly launch a sneak attack, killing a transformation person with the most violent tricks.

Kill one first, then there is only one separate one... and because of the position of the position. Qin Fang killed the latter, and faced the front. However, this reformer has no way to intercept or sneak attack on the Qin side...

As long as he was not attacked by the Qin side, he was attacked by himself... basically. The balance of this victory is inclined to the side of the Qin side!

Of course, the two trials can also choose which route does not go, and turn back directly... just like this, they will have to waste an hour or two.

Qin Fang believes that these two reformers should not make such a choice... they will not waste time like this.

What's more, the two narrow passages in front of us must be set by the maze. It is very likely that there are hidden treasures hidden in the depths of this martyrdom.

This point, Qin Fang can think of it. These two reformers have no reason to think of it.

"I don't believe it, this time you will not be tempted..."

Qin Fang smiled at the two transformation people. Waiting for them to make the final choice, and he himself is starting to make some preparations.

The transformation of people can not be more than the general flesh and blood, especially the Qin side of this road to follow, but also can be regarded as a little understanding of the body of these two transformation people.

These two reformers, one is a beastized person, the body should be a gene that incorporates some kind of cruel beast, and the power is infinite, and the speed is amazing.

If the Qin side did not estimate the mistake, the beastized person is now only in a normal state. When faced with danger, it may also make a beastly trick. At that time, it really turned into a cruel beast. The strength suddenly surges a lot.

The other seems to be a metal-like person like Wolverine. He has a terrible defensive power. The powerful arrow shot from the body is not able to shoot into his body. At most, it pierces his skin. And already...

At the same time, his attacking power is also very good. The wrist seems to carry some kind of extremely sharp, strong and sharp weapon. Even the hard stone wall next to it can't stand its thorn!

"I don't know if I am weaker than my sword."

Even Qin Fang couldn't help but feel so guilty in his heart, it can be seen how fierce this weapon is, but these two reformers really make Qin Fang feel great pressure.

"Divisional action..."

At this time, the two reformers seemed to have finally made a decision. They chose each one to choose a channel to go on.

This result is what Qin Fang hopes to appear. Now it is finally a dream come true. Of course he is very happy...

Perhaps these two reformers are also daring by the art high, and they have broken through so many institutional traps in a row, so that they are too confident about their own strength, and they choose to go all the way...

As far as Qin Fang personally estimates, these two roads are so narrow, the probability of having good things inside is very high, but the risks accompanying them are also very large.

If two people take care of each other, perhaps the risk can be reduced. If there is only one person, the risk will be much bigger.

Of course, such a narrow passage, two people are not very capable of being able to spread. If there is danger, two people may not be stronger than one.

Perhaps these two transformations are also considered in this way, and this will be a choice of one.

"Fat sheep brother, how do you run this time?"

Qin Fang can not care about what these two reformers think in the end. He saw that the cold and overheating reformers each entered a passage, and after slowly moving forward, Qin Fang’s face also showed a bright smile, and then smiled and chased the direction of the "fat sheep". .

The other reformer, the strength is actually a little bit worse than the "fat sheep" pursued by the Qin side, only the early stage of the master class.

Such an opponent, Qin Fang seems to be easier to kill... In fact, this strength seems to be the weakest transformation talent is the strongest. Because he is a beast!

The beastized person can use the animalization skill and completely transform into a beast. The strength can suddenly rise a lot. It is not necessarily impossible to directly enter the late stage of the master class from the early stage of the master class.

In such a narrow passage, Qin Fang’s body is difficult to display, and the advantage will be suppressed to a certain extent...

Although the beastized person will be suppressed, he is violently attacking. However, it will cause great damage to the Qin side... Qin Fang can still kill it, but the price paid may not be small.

not to mention. There is no one in this beastized person. That rare medicine and the night pearl are all on the "Wolverine".

If Qin Fang is going to chase the animal, it is a bit of a slap in the end...

Killing the enemy is not the purpose of Qin Fang. He only wants to harvest more treasures. After three days, he will leave safely from this maze!

Following this "fat sheep", Qin Fang also entered this martyrdom, following the footsteps of the former. Sneaked into the depths of the ramp.

However, when the Qin side disappeared into the depths of this narrow road. The animal who chose another martyrdom is slowly coming out from there. Then they got into the Qinfang’s martyrdom...

In other words, the same road that three people are now taking.

However, the original two reformers went together, Qin Fang followed in the back... Now it has become two reformers in tandem, and Qin Fang is in the middle position, becoming a sandwich biscuit!

Obviously, such a situation is quite unfavorable for the Qin side... Once the two reformers directly play a "sandwich biscuit", then the Qin side will be attacked by the enemy, and the situation is very critical!

However, at the moment, Qin Fang, obviously did not expect the arrival of the crisis, still like a cockroach, staring at the one in front of the "蝉"!

The three people kept a certain distance and walked slowly toward the depths of the ramp. However, Qin’s line of sight was always left in the body of the fat sheep. As for the beastized people behind him, because of the distance, Did not notice...

"Oh... he stopped!"

I didn't know how long it took, and Qin Fang suddenly moved to the front of the "Fat Sheep" and stopped moving. He also immediately came to the spirit.

With these two transformations for so long, knowing the two people's style of action, the organization traps nothing, only the treasures or the night pearl can make them pay attention.

Of course, similar to the fierce beasts of strange fish, they will certainly keep them alert...

"Fat Sheep" suddenly stopped, so it must have been discovered in front.

"Treasure? Night Pearl? Or what beast?"

Qin Fang’s heart also flashed through various possibilities quickly, and he himself carefully explored the past toward the front.

In order to ensure his own fighting power as much as possible, Qin Fang intends to sneak a black hand on this reformer, and naturally does not want to attract the attention of the other party.


However, when Qin Fang gradually approached the front and gradually discovered why the reformer would stop, he couldn't help but want to swear.

"This is...the beast?"

Not only is the transformation of people dumbfounded, Qin Fang himself is quite dumbfounded, can not help but swallow the swallow, the heart is also carefully stunned.

Not far from the transformation, in front of this martyrdom, there should be a snake creature, the body is not so large, but the breath of the body is very powerful.

This kind of powerful atmosphere, Qin Fang even felt that his snow fox that was about to enter the spirit beast level did not have it...

Of course, this kind of breath is very powerful, but compared with the powerful and inexplicable beast of Xiaolong, it can be neglected directly.

"No, this is the quasi-spiritous beast... the kind that will be advanced!"

But soon, Qin Fang's investigative skills feedback back the results of the investigation, and immediately let Qin Fang's mind glimps a little, vaguely a little bit of joy.

If it is a spirit beast, it is equivalent to a master at the master level, and may even be more ambiguous.

When you come across such a level of beasts, basically Qin and this reformer are incompetent, and don’t provoke it. Once you provoke it, you will die...

But this one, but not yet a real beast, should say that the step has already passed, but it has not been fully advanced.

This is a bit similar to the state before Qin... It is equivalent to advanced, but because of the lack of energy absorbed, this is stuck there, and only relying on the later consolidation is the official advanced!

"Good things! This is a great thing for heaven..."

Seeing this quasi-spiritual beast, Qin Fang’s eyes are green...

If you say that you have entered the Devil Island, you really feel the redness of the Qin side. It seems that this quasi-spiritual beast is the first one.

Others, such as the Nether Blood Pool and the Nether Ghost Lotus, are far from maturity, and they are not quite visible to the Qin side.

However, this quasi-spiritual beast is very eye-catching to the Qin side... This is a higher quasi-spiritual beast than the realm of Xiaoyan, and it can be advanced to the beast for almost a few days. Powerful existence!

"As long as you have smashed its inner dan, you can definitely advance to the real beast..." Qin Fang shouted in his heart! (To be continued.)

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