Omni Genius

Chapter 1545: Nedan! Snake beads!

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Over there, the beastized person naturally saw the treasures in the hands of Qin Fang, and immediately became instigated and roared, and immediately attacked the monks.

And the monks are slightly more compact than the beastized people, but they are standing there, and there is no such horrible momentum on the body...

However, the feeling of giving people is so indestructible, it is so strong, stalwart, and unyielding... It is not a living thing, it is naturally facing any enemy, it is always a look and reaction.


The beastized person is also angry. The sturdy body contains the energy of incomparable horror. Immediately waving his huge giant palm, he took it to the monk.

Although the former animalized people were quite strong, they were only a few more powerful than the average person, but now they are equivalent to a giant beast. The slap in the face is even bigger than the head of the monk. .

In addition, the wind that is swung up and brought up is all screaming, and the violent wind is so bad that the face is so painful, and how powerful it is, it is imaginable.

However, the monks still stand there, do not move, let the other side's palms come, there is no such thing as dodging or retreating.

The Qin side is not thinking about the battle over there. As long as the monks stand there, in such a narrow martyrdom, even if this beast is so powerful, don't expect to break through the defensive network.

As for the attack on the Qin side... If the beast has a long-range attack, then there is still one to say, but the problem is that this is a beast. Everything speaks with strength, then don't expect to meet Qin Fang.

Do not pay attention to the battle over there. On the other side of the Qin side, he collected the night pearl and the medicinal material, and then began to pick up the body of the three-eyed python on the ground.

The snakeskin is not used, and it has been cut into a small piece, even if it is used to make a wallet, it seems too small...

There is no interest in the snake meat Qinfang. This stuff actually contains poisonousness. If it is eaten, it is estimated that it will be a fart after eating!

Snake blood is a good thing, but unfortunately there are too many rogues. Didn't give Qin Fang a lot of money, Qin Fang will collect some of it... After all, it is the blood of the quasi-spiritual beast, and the effect is barely comparable to the juice effect of Lingyuancao!

Snakes are also quite good treasures, almost one hand. The Qin side does not care whether the above contains highly toxic. After cleaning it, it was swallowed directly, and suddenly I felt a strong spiritual force released from the mouth. Flowing past the limbs of the Qin side...

Just like a snake, Qin Fang feels that his strength has progressed a little further forward!

"Good, good, really good!!"

Feeling the strengthening of strength, the smile on the face of Qin Fang has become quite splendid, even if it is not for anything else, just for this snake, Qin Fang ventured into here. That's really not white, too worth it...

Of course. These are just simple preludes, and the real flesh can still be behind...

The shadow sword in the hands of Qin Fang is also a guest singer. He carefully cuts the body of the three-eyed python somewhere. The movement seems so delicate and careful, it seems to be touching the woman's body. Like, gentle like water...

Well, he doesn't have any special abnormalities. The reason why he does this is because... the inner dan of the three-eyed python is in this position.

The flow of the sword is too sharp, and a little inside the inner Dan, then this inner Dan will immediately burst!

Nedan is a sphere with some unidentified liquid objects, and these are the essence of all three-eyed pythons.

The layer of Danpi outside Neydan is not really strong, at least not with the level of its snakeskin's defense.

Even the snake skins of the three-eyed python can't resist the sword of the Qin Fang. This is even more fragile. The Danpi of Nedan is even better, and it will break when it hits!

Once Danpi broke, the inner essence of the inside was naturally flowing out...

This kind of thing, if Qin Fang used it to refine the medicine, there is no problem, but if you want to swallow it directly, then there is only one result... become a monster!

Even if you take Naidan refining, you need to add a lot of rare herbs to remove or neutralize some special ingredients in Nedan. Otherwise, even if the refining is successful, you may eat it. A little bit better...

It is precisely because of this that Qin Fang will be so cautious about taking out this inner Dan, for fear of a slight accident.

The Shadow Sword became a scalpel, carefully cutting the visceral tissues and organs of the three-eyed python around Nei Dan, and then slowly peeling Nedan from its body.

Of course, it is impossible to peel off the inside of Nedan. There are some special tissues or meridians attached to it, but Qin Fang is not afraid to tear and destroy easily.

"It can be said that it has come out..."

Almost this Nei Dan was stripped out. Qin Fang didn't even dare to take a look at it and immediately threw it into the prop box...

But it is not the magic of Neydan, but the fear that his movements are slightly rough, you can break the inner dan or the veins connecting Nedan will reveal the aura in Nedan, and then quickly throw it into the prop box. inside.

Only in the props box, regardless of the internals, it is intact or damaged, and it is not the same as the quality of Nedan.

Anyway, this inner Dan is also used to give the snow fox to eat and absorb the spirit of the beast, and then take it out directly...

At least this Nei Dan is at hand, and Qin Fang’s heart disease is falling, and the whole person can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Since it is guarded by a quasi-spiritous beast like the three-eyed python, most of it will also have some kind of treasure, and it is very likely to be some kind of extremely precious medicine..."

Neydan got it, Qin Fang naturally shifted the target, and the line of sight gradually turned to the depths of the road.

As far as Qin Fang’s current small map is concerned, the front of this ramp is a broken road, which is a dead end.

If you want to get out of here, you can only go back and choose the other way you just made... Perhaps this is why the beastly person will come back here. He is likely to have discovered this.

If it is only a general dead end and a broken road, Qin Fang will leave the place immediately after turning his head. However, there are three eye-catching snakes, such as the quasi-spirit beast guarded here, then there will be a look at it...

Thinking of this place, Qin is convenient to take a step forward and walk toward the front. Anyway, there are guardians behind him. Even if the beastified person guesses what the Qin side wants to do, it can only blink.

The beastized and the monks are in a fierce battle. The power of the beastized person is enormous. Every slap in the palm of the hand is like a wind blowing, even if it is crossed on the stone wall next to the martyrdom. A deep finger mark...

For a while, the stone walls on both sides are like the little widows who have been devastated. They are all criss-crossing fingers, and even the width of the ramp seems to have been expanded.

The monk is still standing like a flash, and there is no such thing as a beastly person. For every attack of the beast, it is counterattacked with the most powerful force.

The two men are fighting in this most violent way... every time it seems to have set off a stormy wave.


This kind of sound is more than ever, every time is the most direct impact, punching to the meat... that is really violent.

Of course, it is impossible to decide the outcome in a short period of time. At least the Qin side has already discovered that the beasts and the monks have not yet used the real killings.

However, it would not be too long to want to come to this time...

After all, the time for the beastized person to be truly beastified is also limited. It is impossible to continue without limit. He will definitely make a big move in the final stage of the beastification!

And the monks, although it does not have any wisdom, but it is not a good role to deal with, Qin Fang has always felt that it still has some tricks at the bottom of the box! The reason why the threat is not enough is that the threat of the other party is not enough...

"Forget it, no matter what they are!"

Qin Fang shook his head and did not care about the battle between the monks and the beasts. He walked toward the depths of the martyrdom.


However, Qin Fang’s foot went out and he had not made two steps. The sound came from his feet and his feet were a little bit stunned.


Qin Fang looked down and couldn't help but be amazed. He found that the head of the three-eyed python was almost forgotten by Qin Fang. At this moment, he was quietly lying at the foot of Qin Fang. .

Such a snake head, Qin Fang naturally will not care, but the reason why Qin Fang's face will change, because the deformed snake head rolled out a white bead...

"This is... snake head?"

When Qin Fang came down, he carefully observed the origin of this white bead, but found that it was taken out from the third eye of the three-eyed python. It was that one. Eyes!

The same eyes, the other two eyes were stepped on by Qin Fang, but the two eyeballs still remain in the eyelids, although there are some deformations, but nothing changes.

Only this eyeball is directly rolling out of the eyelids...

What surprised Qin Fang was that this eyeball was not the same as the other two. It looked like a hard white jade...

"Is this the secret of the third eye?"

When Qin Fang used the investigative skills on this white bead, he couldn't help but feel awkward in his heart.

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