Omni Genius

Chapter 1551: The strange changes of the monks!

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This is what happened to the Qin side. He himself is not poisoned, he is not afraid of the poison of the sacred grass, and he will not be afraid of the poisonous rot.

There are even cockroaches in hand, and rot is afraid that Qin will not know what it is like...

Although he did not intend to refine the herb, the Qin side had not let go of these sacred grasses, and all of them were collected and thrown into the props box for use.

Herbicide is only one of the uses of sage, and it has other routes of medicine, but it is not as famous and overbearing as Baicao.

What's more, the sacred grass is extremely poisonous, and it is quite scary when it is used to deal with the place when necessary...

Even Qin Fang had fantasized about it. He held the sword of the shadow of the iron and the mud, and then wiped the grass juice of the sacred grass. Then, against the master of the master class, Qin Fang may not have the power of a battle!

弑神草 is too overbearing, once the master-level master is poisoned, even if you want to use force to force the suppression of poisoning is impossible...

Unless it is a decisive decision, directly cut off the location of poisoning, prevent the toxin from spreading further, and perhaps there is still a chance to live... otherwise, it must die!

"They are all packed up..."

After spending a lot of time, Qin Fang can count all the sacred grasses, and he is also looking for it to see if he can find the second snow bodhi.

It is a pity that the snow buddha itself is more rare than the sacred grass and the scorpion. It is possible to find out that one is already the luck of the Qin side, and then want to find the second one, it is simply a fantasy.

It’s normal to find that it’s not normal. It’s really necessary to find the second one. Qin may have to wonder if he has a leg with the goddess of luck...

"It should be withdrawn..."

After taking away the sacred grass, basically the purpose of the Qin side has been reached. It is already a dead end, and it is time to leave here.

"Right. These rots..."

However, Qin Fang just turned around and thought that there was still a large group of rots here, and Qin Fang’s face also flashed a trace of bad smile.

"Let you just think about me..."

Obviously, Qin’s bad idea is going to hit these poor and corrupt people.

As soon as the larvae of the larvae disappeared, these rotted scorpions swayed, and once they moved. It must have been the foreigner of Qin Fang.

Don't blame the Qin side for being careful, thinking that you may become a "pock face." It is no wonder that the Qin side has smashed the rot of these rots.

Still holding a cockroach on the hand. Gradually close to the rotted ethnic group... Qin Fang’s own heart is also slightly embarrassing.

The so-called rabbit is anxious to bite people, the dog is anxious and will jump to the wall, in case it is really urgent to give these rots, they may not be rebellious.

However, it turns out that Qin’s fears are superfluous...

When the Qin side approached, it seemed that the cockroaches were close to each other, and those rot were squatting on the stone wall, and they did not dare to move. Even the body was shaking, but did not dare to move.

I saw such a scene. Qin Fang’s heart was slightly relaxed, but a hand was extended. I squeezed a rot heart...

As before, this rotted heart did not dare to have a little resistance. The honestly allowed Qin Fang to pinch its body, even if it was assassinated by Qin Fang, it did not resist.

I have witnessed such a scene with my own eyes. Qin Fang’s heart is slightly strange, but I don’t care too much.

Even Qin Fang still did the same, one followed by one to smash the rot from the stone wall, and then tied with a silver needle one by one, and then thrown into the prop box, became the trophy of the Qin side.

At such a moment, Qin Fang did not have a bit of compassion. Corruption is rare, but it is a harmful poison. It has almost no benefit to human beings. If he is killed, he will not have a soft snack. .

"The suppression of this natural enemy is really terrible..."

It was not until the Qin side killed the rot of all the stone walls, and the props box was filled with a lot of equipment, and he stopped his hand.

At this time, he did not intend to kill him, but he broke his feelings and sighed...

With so many rots, if you don't have these four cockroaches to help you, you can kill them all by yourself, but the result is that Qin Fang himself becomes a "marijuana."

"It’s so good now... the purpose is achieved, but there is nothing to lose!”

But now, Qin Fang is the winner. He is still like that. He has not become a cannabis, and he has no loss of strength. But he has got hundreds of rotted bodies...

Without moving the rot of the lucky ones, Qin is convenient to go back. The time has passed, and the battle between the beast and the monks is over...

The same is true, but when the Qin side is close to ten meters, there is a cold and clear, there is no sound at all, as if there is no one at all.

But Qin Fang is on the small map. It was discovered early that the monks still stayed there... As for the beast, they have disappeared on the small map.

This disappeared, either it has completely died, lost the breath of life, or escaped from the hands of the monks...

However, the Qin side is more inclined to the former... It has been hurt by the monks, and it has been sucked up, and it is almost impossible to escape!

This is Qin’s own experience of personal experience, not an unfounded guess.

"What happened to it?"

However, when Qin Fang gradually approached the monks, Qin Fang suddenly felt a little strange, vaguely felt that this monk had such a slight change.

"Maybe I have more heart?"

However, when I really walked to the monks, I found that the monks were still the same, and there was no change, like a statue standing there.

The beastized person has now changed back to the previous human form, and it has become a cold body...just this dead look looks a bit too bad, as if it was sucked up by the blood and turned into a It looks like a corpse, and it looks a little creepy.

Even Qin Fang couldn't help but guess in his heart, and he gently breathed a sigh of relief, is it that its body will become a powder flying around?

Fortunately, Qin Fang did not have such a good deed, and would not really do it. It was just a very meticulous retraction of this monk in the prop box, ready to leave here and continue his maze adventure.


However, what surprised Qin Fang was that the monks did not enter the Qin box in the props box and still stayed outside.

The monk stood still and looked like it was still dead, but did not heed the call of the Qin side. It was really weird.

"How is this going?"

This scene is really too strange, even Qin Fang is completely unexpected, the whole face is also full of surprise colors.

After so many things, Qin Fang thinks that his nerves have become quite large, and there are very few things that can make him unable to eat.

However, this monk in front of him suddenly made Qin Fang have a feeling of incomprehension... Even, instinctively, Qin Fang felt a trace of danger!

Almost after feeling this danger, Qin Fang immediately subconsciously retreated a half step, while the flow of the sword is also immediately in his own hands.

Although the Qin side is very clear, if the monk is really unfavorable to himself, the sacred sword can not stop it...

The material on the monk is too special, and you may not want to hurt it except for the top ten soldiers.

Even the sword of the hand of the Qin is no exception. At most, it leaves some slight scratches on its body. It wants to destroy it... that is impossible.

However, the things that Qin Fang expected did not happen. Although the monk still did not have a little bit of movement, the dangerous feeling was still so clear, but he did not start with the Qin party, and even did not move.

"What exactly is going on?"

Qin Fang’s heart is even more strange. He looks at this monk with a strange look. At the same time, the detection skills are constantly thrown out, and he also wants to find out the truth of the matter.

It is a pity that the results of the investigation skills of Qin Fangzong’s division level are backed up by a series of “????”, which are all question marks...

This is even more so that the Qin side does not know what happened. For a long time, this situation has occurred for the first time.

The investigative skills can't detect the result. There are several times this thing, but if you can't view it, it will also indicate that the level is not enough.

However, since Qin Fang has accumulated the proficiency of investigative skills to the rank of the master, there is hardly anything that can be concealed from him.

But now, this reality is quite a face-lifting. The situation that this monk appears is that Qin Fang is quite helpless, and even the investigation skills can not be detected.

“It seems... there seems to be a bit of life?”

However, when Qin Fangzi carefully examined this monk, Qin Fang suddenly found something incredible,

That is, this monk who was created by some kind of extraterrestrial iron and steel has a little life, which is really incredible.

"Hey, how come it disappeared?"

However, when Qin Fang was not excited or worried about his discovery, the monk returned to his previous state, and even that dangerous feeling disappeared at any time.

"come back!"

This discovery is also quite boring for the Qin side, almost subconscious, Qin Fang immediately summoned this monk.

"Really come back..."

I thought this time I will still fail, but I didn't expect this time to be successful. The monks disappeared from the eyes and have already returned to the Qin Fang's props box to be honestly waiting... (unfinished.)

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