Omni Genius

Chapter 1561: Pseudo-beast! Tianlei pig!

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At the moment, Qin Fang is only a few meters away from the two Western masters. A relaxed turn has already arrived in front of these two people.

The fierce beast with the strength of horror seems to have really left, because Qin Fang looked at the past and did not see it.

At the moment, these two masters are also staring at Qin Fang, who is leaning over. The expression on his face is also quite wonderful...

Some helplessness, some sadness, more is still painful... Who made them suffer such a heavy injury, and the iron-clad man couldn’t really react at all.

"Thank you for the two helping out..."

When Qin Fang appeared, he said that he was holding a fist and the tone was quite polite. However, the sincerity in this smile... really is not much.

In such an environment, Qin Fang could not believe in these two individuals, and these two people naturally could not believe him.

It’s just like when Qin Fang appeared, he also shouted a slap in the face. The result was not the understanding of the two masters, but one made a big move.

This is also the strength of the Qin side is strong enough, coupled with luck is also quite good, this can survive ... For other people's words, most of them have been smashed into slag.

"This dragon country brother..."

When I heard the Qin party say this, the Holy See master immediately squeezed a little smile on his face and took the initiative to speak to Qin.


However, he just opened his mouth, but Qin Fang had a slight raise of his arm. A silver light was shot from Qin Fang’s hand and then stabbed directly from the heart of the Holy See master. It is directly through the chest!

"Sorry, I am not familiar with you!"

The Qin side is not much changed. Going to the side of the Holy See master, I watched the look of his eyes slowly dissipate, and the life of his body gradually disappeared. This slowly pulled out the shadow sword from the body of this Holy See master!

However, when killing and drawing swords, Qin Fang said while wiping the blood on the sword of the stream, while slowly speaking.

Such a scene is naturally unreservedly displayed in front of the orcs of this dark parliament, but his face is not much changed. It seems that this result has long been expected.

"just kill me……"

When Qin Fang’s eyes were transferred, he even squeezed out a few words from the gap between the teeth. Seeing his appearance, he seemed to be only dying.

"It is a man..."

Qin Fang said without a word. Then the arm is slightly raised. A black light flew away from his hand.

The orc was even more crisp, raised his neck directly and closed his eyes. The posture is like a martyr who is ready to be generous.

However, after waiting for a long time, Qin Fang’s sword did not penetrate his body... but also made this orc wonderless.

Slightly opened his eyes, he saw a smiling face, looking at him with a strange look, seems to be studying what it is like.


I was stared at by a big man. Although the orcs are from the West, they are a bit too much to eat. He is very sure that he is a straight man!

However, when he was just about to open his swearing swearing, he just opened his mouth, and Qin Fang stretched his hand and a thing was directly inserted into his mouth.

What surprised the orc was that the entrance of this thing immediately turned into a heat flow and quickly left along his esophagus.

At the same time, with the influx of this heat flow, his body began to undergo very strange changes, as if every cell in the body was releasing a strange energy, he even felt the pain of the body weakened. a lot...

"Don't pretend to die! Hurry and heal... Don't waste Laozi's elixir!"

However, when the orcs were still wondering what was going on, they felt that their chests had been smashed, and the squeaky voice of Qin Fang came from the ear!

"Eh...he is saving me?"

At this time, even a fool can understand, Qin Fang not only did not intend to kill him, but instead he was healed by the healing medicine, ready to save his life!

However, although this orc is seriously injured, it is not a fool. I didn’t think much, I sat down and started to recover my healing...

The Holy Spirit of the Holy See can speed up the healing of the wound. The practice of the Dark Council is not weak. It is also the ability. With the help of the Qin dynasty, the orc’s injury is heavy, but it may not be The possibility of recovery!

Seeing that the orc was healed, Qin Fang was naturally idle, and he was ready to pay attention to the small cloth bag that was thrown aside.

The orc just needed to be beastized, and most of the clothes on his body collapsed. This little cloth bag was naturally discarded.

Just now, the reason why this Holy See master did not continue to pretend to die was actually to take this thing in his own hands... It’s just that Qin Fang came too fast, and before he got his hand, Qin Fang would kill him first. It is.


Qin Fang came to the side of the small cloth bag. Before he had time to unpack the small cloth bag, he couldn’t help but take a breath because his position of vision was positive. There was a very cute little head lying there, and a pair of small eyes were staring at Qin.

"Without such a pothole..."

However, when I saw this small head, Qin Fang not only did not have a little bit of relaxation, but was surprised by a cold sweat...

There is no reason for him. He can already confirm that the owner of this small head in front of him is the beast that just chased him!

However, the beasts at the moment did not release a half-point murder to the Qin side, which made the Qin side not discover its existence in advance.

Until this time, Qin Fang had already seen his head with his own eyes, only to find that it had come to Qin Fang in silence.


Qin Fang looked at the little guy with a smile, then bitterly, extended his hand and greeted the little guy.

At such a close distance, Qin Fang’s snow-free body is magical, but there is not much chance of success from the little guy in front of him.

Moreover, this little guy did not kill these two Western masters under the wrath, and Qin Fang is also pondering that it is not killing, this will have this reaction!


I don't know if I understand the good intentions of Qin Fang, or what other reasons. This little guy who looks very similar to the pig responded to Qin Fang with its unique voice.

"I have nothing to do with you..."

However, this at least shows that the other party is not malicious, but also let Qin Fang slightly relieved, but also squeezed a little smile.

During the talk, Qin Fang also found some snacks from the props box, such as biscuits, chocolate, etc... even a few hot meat buns!


I don't know if this little guy is starving, or what happened. When Qin Fang took out these snacks and his body shape moved slightly, Qin Fang felt that his hands were loose and things were no longer in his hands.

Looking at it again, I found that the little guy was already holding a bunch of snacks and sat down on it...

This little guy is really very clever, the meat buns are directly smashed, those things like biscuits, chocolate, etc., it actually knows to tear open the bag...

"This... Is the spirit beast so smart?"

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang suddenly felt that his head was not enough. He quickly used the investigative skills on this little guy.

"Tianlei pig, also known as chrysanthemum pig, pseudo-spirit..."

The feedback back is also quite detailed, giving a very accurate annotation to the little guy in front of me.

Qin Fang also carefully observed the "pig" in front of him. At least in appearance, it is indeed a pig, but it is obviously different from ordinary domestic pigs and wild boars.

Its size is very small, just like a normal little pig, but its skin has a very strange pattern.

These patterns look like some kind of moiré, staring at them carefully, and even feeling that the moiré seems to be changing at all times.

And when the **** squats, it will find that its chrysanthemum really looks like a ... "Chrysanthemum", Qin Fang pondering the name of this chrysanthemum pig should be like this!

As for Tianlei... Qin’s vague feelings should have a great relationship with the strange and unpredictable moiré on it, but unfortunately Qin Fang can’t confirm it now!

"It's not a spirit beast..."

However, Qin Fang couldn't help but hurt the egg, because this little guy is not a beast!

"How ugly, how powerful is the beast..."

Qin Fang has always known that the beast is very powerful and terrible. Even the master of the human master is nominally the same level as the beast, but in fact the beast is more powerful.

However, Qin Fang has not seen a real spirit beast until now... Three eyes of the python can not be considered.

Even if the three-eyed python has already entered the door with both feet, but has not yet stood still, isn’t it also killed by Qin Fang?

However, this chrysanthemum pig was to let Qin Fang flee in the wind, almost at the beginning, let Qin Fang think it is a spirit beast...

But the result is that Qin Fang is very helpless and disappointed...

However, the chrysanthemum pig apparently did not have the heart to ignore the depression of the Qin side, but was happily dealing with the snacks that Qin Fang took out, which also made Qin Fang feel very strange.

Just now, I seriously injured two powerful Western masters. In a blink of an eye, it is like a pet pig with no danger and embarrassment. The difference between this is really too big...

If it is not the horror of the Qin Fang from its body, and the information back from the investigation skills as evidence, he really dare not put the two together...

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