Omni Genius

Chapter 1563: New skills - the beast!

"What about my holy things?"

Everett lamented the style of Qin Fang’s behavior, and slowly returned to the usual state. He looked at the body of the Holy See master not far away, which suddenly reminded me of a very important thing.

There is...

The sacred object that he and the master of the Holy See fight together to fight for, is now gone!

"I didn't see him take it~~~"

However, just a few of them were here, and Everder’s first thought was Qin Fang, but he was also somewhat puzzled.

"Oh, of course it’s in my hands..."

Of course, things went to the hands of Qin Fang. Even Everett was his younger brother. So what took the younger brother is nothing.

What's more, the treasures in this maze, who was the one who grabbed the hand, that is who... Everett did have grabbed it, but he almost lost his life, and the things were taken away by the Qin side. This is also reasonable. Things.

"Forget it, wait until you go back and clean up. Go to the Dragon Kingdom... I can't manage the things over the parliament. This holy thing remains in his hands, maybe it's still a good thing!"

Everett is also very open-minded, knowing that something must have fallen into the hands of Qin Fang, which is at least much better than falling into the hands of this Holy See, and he is not so entangled.

What's more, he will follow the Qin side in the future, maybe he can use this holy thing. Then there is not much difference with the return to the Dark Council.


Everett wanted to open it, Qin Fang naturally did not know, and he would not care about this... because he still has more headaches.

"Little guy, you won't make up your mind to follow me..."

Qin Fang looked helplessly at this chrysanthemum pig with four hooves to keep his calf tight. I really don't know whether to cry or laugh.

This little thing just seemed to be unsatisfied after the snacks that Qin Fang took out, and he followed a Qin Fang with a squint. Even so in the Qin side of the body does not come down.


It is a pity that the chrysanthemum pig is very intelligent, almost the same as a human, but it does not speak like a human, it only uses its voice to express its wishes.

But the problem lies in this. It is difficult for Qin to judge the meaning it wants to express from its cry... In addition to this chrysanthemum pig will use snoring to express anger, others seem to be all this 'momo' sound.

"Buddy. Don't you play it?"

Qin Fang looked at the chrysanthemum pig with a smile, it really did not take it...

This is the case for ordinary pets. Qin Fang can slap it and shoot it. Or walking or staying is easy to solve.

The problem is that although this chrysanthemum pig is not a real beast, it is the most powerful beast that Qin Fang has ever touched.

Even the three-eyed python that is about to become a full-fledged beast is weaker than the chrysanthemum pig.

Even the Qin Fang wonders, this chrysanthemum pig is nominally a pseudo-beast, but its strength may already be the level of the beast... It may be more powerful than the average beast!

I heard the words of Qin Fang. The chrysanthemum pig also came down from the legs of Qin Fang, and then walked to the front of Qin Fang.

then. Qin Fang saw the most comical scene since his life...

I only saw the chrysanthemum pig and learned the appearance of the person. With its body and four hooves, each meaning is carefully divided into several movements, and its meaning is expressed little by little.

That looks, the action, the gesture... Qin Fang looks in the eyes, there is really a feeling of watching a funny play, really want to laugh.

Unfortunately, he really can't laugh out... Because this chrysanthemum pig is really difficult to handle!

It stands to reason that such a powerful beast is next to him, Qin Fang should be happy... But Qin Fang is not a little happy, but has deep anxiety.

When this chrysanthemum pig just showed up, it exposed a strong murder to the Qin side, and it became so kind in a blink of an eye. In such a short period of time, its attitude has undergone an extremely reversal, and it is even more The Qin side has a feeling of being unable to control.

In view of the protection of himself, his friends and his loved ones, Qin Fang would rather stay away from this chrysanthemum pig and would not want to leave it with him.

"You mean, as long as I give you food, will you follow me as a thug?"

Looking at the chrysanthemum pigs there very seriously, Qin Fang feels that his head is not enough, but still carefully distinguish the meaning of this chrysanthemum pig!


When I heard the words of Qin Fang, the chrysanthemum pig was very happy and screamed, and happily called, while still holding up a small hoof.

If Qin does not understand the mistake, what it wants to express should be... a thumbs up!

Unfortunately, its hooves can't be like a human palm, you can erect a finger, and the action looks quite weird!

Weird is weird, but its action is already very clear to express its intentions...

But Qin’s face was a bit gloomy, and he couldn’t help but express his words. “How do I believe in you? If you are tempted by others, you must not surrender immediately?”

The wisdom of this chrysanthemum pig is very high. It should not be weaker than ordinary human beings, and it can clearly know the meaning of Qin Fang. Then Qin Fang simply said that he refused.


The words of Qin Fang just said that the chrysanthemum pig was a figure, and turned into a rapid black shadow and quickly hit the Qin side...

Such a change, Qin Fang is almost instinctive to want to dodge, or even use killing tricks, but after noticing that this chrysanthemum pig is not a bit hostile, Qin Fang is also hard to resist.

With this kind of thinking, the chrysanthemum pig has already crossed the distance between the two sides and landed directly on the shoulders of Qin Fang.

Then he used his small head to sharpen the neck of Qin Fang, and even wanted to extend his pink tongue to the Qin side.

These are all acceptable, but this abominable chrysanthemum pig actually uses its blooming splendid "chrysanthemum"...

"Don't! Don't... come over, I will turn my face!"

As soon as I saw this action of the chrysanthemum pig, Qin Fang suddenly wanted to retreat... He Qin’s orientation is very normal, and he is not interested in chrysanthemum, let alone a pig chrysanthemum!

Understand the meaning of the Qin Fang, the chrysanthemum pig will also shrink the chrysanthemum, but still a well-behaved Ba Jie with the Qin side, it looks so cute.

"It’s useless to sell Meng... I don’t have any practical guarantees, I can’t promise it!”

However, Qin Fang is not so easy to loosen, and firmly killed this point... He must consider the safety of his own people.

The chrysanthemum pig was silent this time, and it seemed to be in deep thoughts on the shoulders of Qin Fang. For a time, both sides seemed very silent.

This silence and thought lasted for nearly ten minutes, and the chrysanthemum pig had a decision. There was a weird snoring in its belly, and then a mouth, a pink ball appeared. The Qin side is in front of you.


Qin Fang was very surprised to see this ball, it seems that he did not think of it at all. The chrysanthemum pig actually spit out his own inner dan.

Nei Dan is the most important thing of the beast, the quasi-spirit, and the pseudo-beast. It is the source of all power and the essence of all spirits.

Once Nedan has a problem, although it will not threaten the life of the beast itself, but the repair and strength will lose most of it.

When it is not a last resort, the spirit beast will never let his inner Dan come out, it is too dangerous...

However, the chrysanthemum pig now spit out its inner dan, this sincerity is really very sincere and valuable... even Qin Fang did not think of it.

"Blood on Nedan?"

Of course, the chrysanthemum pig spit out the inner Dan, but it is not to give his inner Dan to the Qinfang custody, but has other intentions.

Nedan, only in the spirit of the beast can play the strongest effect, once you leave the body of the beast more than a certain time limit, then you can no longer go back, and the effect will be discounted!

Therefore, if Qin Fang took the inner Dan of the chrysanthemum pig, the chrysanthemum pig was almost completely abolished... This pig is not stupid at all.

The chrysanthemum pig spit out the inner Dan because it has another solution...


Qin Fang understood the meaning of the chrysanthemum pig, and suddenly made it very emotional.

"Then I try it~~"

This method of chrysanthemum pigs reminds Qin of a very strange technique, a legendary technique of the beast.

However, this kind of sacred beast has long been lost, and Qin Fang has only vaguely heard of it, that is, the chrysanthemum pig himself raised it, and he suddenly remembered it.

However, Qin Fang was still very simple, immediately cut his finger, and squeezed a few drops of blood on the inner lily of the chrysanthemum pig.

I didn’t imagine how dazzling and gorgeous the scene appeared, only to see that the blood of the red was so easily infiltrated into the inner lily of the chrysanthemum pig...

Then, the eyes of the chrysanthemum pigs shot a glare of light, and they shot straight into the eyes of Qin Fang. After the pig and the pig looked at it for a while, there were some special things in the mind of Qin Fang. It is.

“Congratulations on learning new skills – the beast!”

Before Qin Fanger carefully understood the extra information, Qin Fang’s mind heard a voice he had not heard for a long time.

"I actually learned a new skill accidentally..."

This kind of change is really beyond the expectations of Qin Fang, but it is also very happy for Qin Fang... (to be continued)

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