Omni Genius

Chapter 1574: Break the level suppression!

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"Good and strong..."

The knife's face is approaching quickly, and the violent instinct seems to be like a fist, and the face of Qin Fang is like a knife.

Only when Qin Fang shocked all his infuriating temperament, could he barely counter such a violent force, or he might have lost first without a fight.

However, Qin Fang’s face is not much worried. It seems to be very calm, and there is no place for anything wrong.

I just don't know if he is too late to react, or has been frightened... or really does not feel fear.

"I want to escape from my hands... the idea is good, but not practical!"

The face of the knife is getting closer and closer to the Qin side. Even such a sentence is like the one in the ear of Qin Fang. It is so clear.

"not necessarily……"

Just when the boxing face of the knife was about to hit the Qin side, he heard a cold drink from Qin Fang, and then a gentle light flashed up and was clearly transmitted to the face of the knife.

"not good……"

Seeing such a ray of light, although I didn’t know how it came from, I didn’t even notice anything special. I just felt vaguely felt that there was something wrong with it, but then he felt that something was wrong, and immediately he felt a little glimpse. The eyes are also clear and bright.

It’s almost immediate, and the knives are more violent, and it seems that I’m afraid of something unexpected...

The fists crossed, almost passing through the center of the Qin side. The horrible air machine completely shattered Qin’s body.


Knife and face are also feeding and feeding, but then I understand it... I lost my hand!

Qin Fang said that it is also a master of the master level, although the strength of the knife face is much stronger than the Qin Fang, but it is not enough to reach the level of the Qin Fang into pieces!

The only reasonable explanation is that he broke the only shadow of the Qin side... The real Qin Fang has already avoided it from the original place.


Knife and face did not think of it, as strong as his master-level master, facing a younger generation with a lower strength than him. There are also times when there is a miss.

This is almost impossible, but it happened...

"There are actually different treasures! It seems that I have underestimated you..."

but. Then the knife and the face reacted, and the surprise on the face disappeared, and the tone became a lot dull.

Master in the martial arts. Although there are very few different treasures, they are not completely absent...

Especially in the Qin Dynasty, just getting out of the maze, getting some rare herbs is normal, but there are also some lucky people who get different treasures!

It is estimated that the knife face is the lucky one to regard Qin Fang!


Qin Fang is still the same face, just a cold sigh, but for this strength beyond his many knives, but also very vigilant and careful.

Just a couple of tentative shots just now, almost let Qin Fangzhong move, the violent fist hits. If it is a hit, Qin Fang will only have half life without death.

Of course, Qin Fang tried the different treasures in his hand... that is, the white snake beads that came down from the three-eyed python, which made this master-level master unfortunately recruited!

Although there is a little unexpected factor, it is enough to show that this snake is so powerful...

"Kid. I thought that relying on a different treasure can compete with me? Don't be whimsical... The real masters rely on themselves, not foreign objects!"

Knife and face are not concerned, although the treasure is somewhat useful, but he is such a master, only need to be slightly wary, it will not have much impact.

and. He also noticed that the different treasures that Qin Fang had in his hand should have the effect of a certain kind of charm and psychedelic. He only needs to be alert and alert, and basically he will not be recruited again.

"Is there any use, do you know if you try?"

The Qin side was not moved.

Although he also recognizes the phrase of the knife and the face, the foreign object does not have much benefit for his own cultivation, but it will cause certain restraint.

However, the foreign object is an auxiliary function. At a critical moment, it is really necessary to assist these foreign objects to achieve very good results.

For example, now, if there is no such snake to help, then Qin Fang has already died in the face of a knife...

"Do more to say no benefit, try to know..."

Knife and face did not make too much argument with Qin Fang. After a cold drink, he shot again... The body was not moved, but the violent momentum was already fierce.

"The level of potholes is suppressed..."

The master class and the master class are different from each other. The Qin side can already overcome the level of the same level, but this kind of cross-level can not be excused, this time the knife is strong and the shot is even more so. The almost oppressed Qin Fang has a breathless breath!

"What about the masters?"

However, the more it is suppressed, the more resistance of Qin Fang is, the more powerful it is, the bite of the teeth, and the strong suppression of such a level, Qin Fang is also shocking all of its strength, bursting out the strongest force, ready to be hard Resist this knife and face.

"Oh, a little daring... it’s like the guy in Nantian!"

Noticing the changes in the Qin side, the knife face is also somewhat unexpected, but it is not too concerned, but it is to oppress all the momentum of the past.

Not only that, the knife and face also took the lead, and the direct punch hit the body of Qin Fang... The violent punch suddenly sprang up, and the Qin side flew out.

A blood arrow suddenly sprang from the mouth of Qin Fang, and crossed a beautiful arc in the air, which slowly fell on the ground.

As for the Qin Fang, it was only four or five meters away. This was awkward... But soon, Qin easily stood up and bitten his teeth.

"Sure enough, it is not a general tough!"

Qin Fang spit a blood, and his heart was silently sighed. The strength of the knife-faced face is indeed one or two grades higher than him.

"Come back..."

However, Qin Fang did not give up, but instead he bit his teeth and stood up again, and once again drummed up all his strengths.

"Oh... it’s useless for a few more times! Yeah, play with you... see what tricks you can play!"

The knife face is sneer, although he can't figure out what kind of purpose Qin Fang has. However, Qin Fang does not pose any threat to him. Naturally, he is happy to pack Qin Fang.

He is also speculating about the relationship between Qin Fang and Qin Tiannan. Although they did not expect that they would be fathers and sons, they are definitely very close.

He once had a big loss in Qin Tiannan's hand, and now he can't take Qin Tiannan anyway. Naturally, he has to vent some of his hatred on the Qin side.

Now Qin Fang is so proactive in finding faults. Of course, he is very happy with his face. In his view, killing Qin is just a matter of raising his hand, but to vent his hatred, then slowly torture the Qin!


Therefore, the tragic experience of Qin Fang began. The face of the knife is sincerely to take the Qin Fang to vent their anger. Every time the shots are quite hot, but they are absolutely dead, and they are determined to abuse the Qin Fang. The body and mind are happy...

Ordinary people, I am afraid that I can’t hold it anymore!

However, Qin Fang’s hard-growing teeth persisted, and even the shackles did not scream, and this endurance was somewhat admired.

at last……

Once again, after being hit by a knife and a slap in the face, Qin Fang was on the ground, breathing heavily, but it seemed to be exhausted. For a long time, he could not get up.

However, he did not die in this way. Instead, he squatted on the ground and made such a smirk. "Ha ha ha ha... level suppression, finally broken!"

After so many embarrassment, Qin Fang did not have anything to gain. Before that, the incomparable strong level of suppression, actually hard-boiled by Qin Fang.

Now, although the wounds of Qin Fang are painful everywhere, Qin’s physical condition is still good. The most important thing is that the knife-faced face’s suppression of the Qin side has almost disappeared...

Although there is still a little bit, it can already be ignored!

That is to say, at this time, Qin Fang finally got a smile, even though there is no pain in the whole body.

However, no matter how much pain, it is worth it...

In the future, when he meets the masters of the Grand Master level, Qin Fang does not have to worry about the other's level of suppression, so that he can exert his strongest fighting power, even if he can't kill the other side, it will not be too oppressed, and even have some The opportunity to escape...

"It seems that you also feel that you have enough... then I should send you on the road!"

At this time, Qin Fang was laughing, but the knife and face seemed to be a bit satisfying, and he did not intend to continue to entangle with Qin.

After talking indifferently, the momentum of the whole person has undergone tremendous changes, just like a fierce and brutal tiger has gone down the mountain.

Such a change, Qin Fang is naturally also clearly sensed, extremely difficult to climb from the ground, although the whole body is very painful, but his spirit is quickly restored to 70%!

Looking at the enemy opposite, at this moment, like a **** from hell, is slowly walking towards the Qin side.

The speed is not fast, every step is quite calm, but Qin Fang feels that a huge murder is like a sharp knife hanging over his head!

"The paralyzed, it seems that only the killer is smashed..."

Being beaten so badly, it is estimated that Qin Fang has been the first time in such a long time. Even if it was hard and bloody, it was not so fierce... At this moment, it is facing the threat of life! . . )

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