Omni Genius

Chapter 1581: Great destruction!

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This sentence said that the export basically announced that Qin Fang and several of them were completely exposed... The following are all masters, and it is impossible to hear this voice.

However, Qin Fang had not been able to take care of this at this time. Almost suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Everder’s neck and pushed him directly from the grotto.


Of course, along with the Qin dynasty, he himself followed closely and jumped out from the grotto.


Almost in the Qin Dynasty, when the two of them jumped out, there was a faint sound of a cracked dress, which seemed to have been cut by a sharp blade.

Everett was also very depressed. He was so good there, and suddenly he was pushed down by Qin Fang. The feeling was really uncomfortable.

However, when he felt the murder from behind him, he realized why Qin had done this, and he couldn’t help but feel cold on his back.

That is, the masters of about seven or eight meters are not too dangerous for the masters of these masters. Qin and Everett quickly landed on the ground.

At this moment, they are less than four or five meters away from Yang Jiu... but the eyes that look at him are very different.


The two sides of Qin Fang had just stood firm, and Yang Ji’s face on the opposite side showed a little yin cold smile, and then the two felt that the top of the head had uploaded a very fierce killing.

Lin Biao!

You don't need to look up, Qin knows where this killing comes from. It is awesome from their companion Lin Biao.

However, this is not Lin Biao's original intention... At the moment, she has been enchanted by Yang Ji's use of the confusing mantra. Almost everyone has been completely controlled by Yang Jiu.

Qin Fang did not pay attention to the murder from the top of his head, and did not even look up to see Lin Biao as a fierce eagle smashed down.


The Qin party snorted and one foot slammed down towards the ground, and a violent anger was released from him. Suddenly there was a strong wind blowing on the ground.

Efred stood beside the Qin side, and the feeling of this kind of strength is also the strongest, and a face is suddenly changed.

He knew before that Qin Fang’s strength was stronger than him. But the specific strength is not particularly clear to him... until this moment he only got a little understanding.

However, Qin Fang did not have the heart to ignore the reaction of Efred. His goal is the opposite of the Wulongzhai Yang Ji... He is the real enemy of Qin Fang!

As for the others, it’s just a few dogs and terriers. It’s not enough!

Opposite Yang Jiu, originally did not put Qin Fang in his eyes, but when this violent temper was tumbling, his thin face was also revealed with deep surprise.

Wind and sand mad, directly in this cave raised a layer of dark sand, even Lin Biao smashed in the air, seems to have lost his goal in this dust.

but. There is a person who is acting through such dust, and it is the Qin Fang... As for the goal of his actions, isn’t that Yang Jiu?


A silver light crossed the sand, and the sharp swordsman directly cut the sand and dust completely. Just went to the opposite Yang Ji and went.

The speed is extremely fast, the sword is even more unparalleled, almost one shot is a trick that will kill, Qin Fang simply does not want to give Yang Ji any chance to fight back!

"help me?"

It seems that I also expected my own crisis. Yang Ji did not care so much at this time, and immediately shouted at the people behind him.

Yang Jiu’s strength is actually not strong. It is also barely the mid-level of the master class, but he majored in the secret of thousands of doors, so there is not much interest in martial arts, even if it is now such a cultivation, it is also forced by various secrets If the promotion is up, the foundation is not strong, and the real strength is quite fragile.

Now, Qin Fang has been rushing to kill, Yang Jiu’s strength is not good, but the perception of danger is quite sensitive, and immediately feels that his xing life has been greatly threatened.

He couldn't contend with himself, and naturally he had to turn to the people behind him... Those people were originally trying to protect him and Yang Rui!

Yang Rui is still very safe at the moment, but he Yang Jiu... almost one life will be lost half! Qin Fang’s long sword only needs to move forward a little bit, and his life is really gone!


The masters of Wulongzhai did not seem to think that the Qin side would adopt such a countermeasure. They did not care about Lin Biao in the air, and forced Yang Ji, who was the weakest.

Yang Rui immediately had five or six masters, and formed a horrible murder. He forced the Qin side to come over here. The speed was quite fast, and the murder was looming. Even Qin Fang could not help but move.

"Thousands of killings are really powerful..."

How can Qin Fang be a thousand disciples, and these masters of Wulongzhai are countless thousands of real shackles, and the various arrays are used very skillfully.

In particular, these masters majoring in martial arts are more proficient in using all kinds of very powerful killing and guarding, and they are exceptionally extraordinary when they are shot.

At least, the killings formed by these five or six people, even Qin Fang did not dare to take a nap, and even had to make choices at this time.

Continue to start, Qin Fang can certainly kill Yang Jiuyong in front of him, but he himself has to bear the horrible blow of the five or six masters to form a killing.

This is equivalent to the full-scale blow of the master-level master, and the Qin Fang's current repair is unstoppable... even if Qin Fang wears two pieces of body-protecting silkworms, it still can't stand.

"Dead ~~"

However, at such a critical moment, it is obviously impossible for Qin Fang to shrink his hand. Looking at the six masters who came up from the momentum, Qin Fang’s face did not change at all. Instead, the tone aggravated a lot of shouting.


Almost immediately when the six masters came, Qin Fang’s body suddenly paused, and then suddenly stepped on the ground.

The whole ground seemed to be hit by a heavy object, and the whole mountain seemed to tremble.

The most responsive, it is close to the six masters of the Qin side, everyone feels that their heart seems to be slammed by such a vigorous slap.


Even if the six people joined forces to form a combined attack, the strength of the six people could be combined into one, and the attack power would be magnified to the extreme, but there would still be no such a heavy blow to the Qin side.

Six people, six masters, in the face of such a fierce and violent attack by the Qin side, all can not help but spurt a spurt of blood.

This blood spit out, the momentum of the six masters also suddenly weakened a lot, less than half of the previous one, or even a third.

Although their attack power is still very sharp, they still have a great threat to the Qin side... But at this moment, the Qin side has not put them in the eye.

With a slight movement, Qin Fang has already come to the side of Yang Ji, who has completely stood up. He stretched out the steel palm, and stuck in the throat of Yang Jiu, who hardly took him from the ground. Dragged up...

Yang Jiu, who also has a master-level level, is like a poor ant at the moment. Not only does he have no strength to counterbalance, but even his heart is completely captured by the violent momentum of Qin Fang.

The mind was taken away, and Yang Jiu’s thousand secret tricks were naturally forcibly cracked... Even a touch of red blood flowed from Yang Ji’s mouth.

Qin Fang did not use too much power for him. This is completely the damage caused by Yang Jiu's anti-pharyngeal surgery... His weak body is like losing half a life at this moment.

"I... What happened to me?"

The confusing mantra was cracked, and Lin Biao naturally waking up completely, but he knew nothing about what happened just now, and his eyes were full of sorrow.

Holding a cold dagger in his hand, this is a close-fitting blade, and it will only be used when it is very urgent.

But at the moment, this dagger is already in the hands of Lin Biao...

After paying attention to Yang Rui, Yang Jiu and others on the opposite side, and these strange things scattered on the ground, Lin Biao immediately understood what had happened.


Lin Biao is also one of the five major surnames of the Lin family. Although the enchanting mantra is not a secret, it is not unfamiliar.

Even she knows clearly that Yang Jiu of Yang’s family is a kind of secretive sorcerer... I think of the lack of this memory, and I don’t know what happened.

Lin Biao did not go to see Yang Jiu, but a cold face squatting Yang Rui hidden behind the crowd, the tone is also a martyrdom of incomparable disgust.


Yang Rui is a face change, and there is no rebuttal, but the tough cold response responded, it seems that he does not want to make more arguments.

This is a very proud but selfish man who can do anything to achieve his own goals.

Among the thousand gates, there used to be extremely demanding requirements. There was no permission to smuggle the people in the same door. Yang Jiu used the confusing mantra for Lin Biao, which is considered a violation.

Of course, Yang Rui naturally has his own reasons. Lin Biao is a rebel in violation of the family rules.

In this way, the use of the confusing spell on Lin Biao is not a violation of the rules...

However, although this reason is justified, but the practice is rather offensive, or even unscrupulous, it is even more so that Lin Biao's perception of Yang Rui is more abhorrent.

Relatively speaking, Lin Biao is even more admired by the Qin side, a man who rescued himself in times of crisis. The eyes of Qin Fang are also more soft.


However, Qin Fang did not look at her at this time, but the slightest force on the wrist, Yang Jiu’s weak body suddenly turned into a **** fog, completely disappeared from the world...

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