Omni Genius

Chapter 1583: Your mysterious wood is fake!

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This process came too suddenly, and even the masters of the middle class like Yang Rui almost had no time to react...

Xuanmu ordered that he was taken away and was also stunned by Yang Rui... He also had a palm in his hand there, and he did not seem to believe that Xuanmu had lost this fact.

However, he soon responded, and the shock on his face has not yet been turned, but it is the face of the Qin Fang opposite the face.

There is no reason for him. At this time, Qin Fang is holding the piece of blackwood and watching it carefully. It seems to confirm the true and false of this blackwood!

"you wanna die!"

Undoubtedly, Qin Fang’s act of looting is also completely angering Yang Rui. At this moment, Yang Rui is also roaring with anger.

"Kill him! Kill me for him..."

Losing the rational Yang Rui, but not so good conservation, this time is also roaring like a thunder, the direct command of these masters against the Qin side poisoned hands.


After hearing Yang Rui’s order, the nine masters under his command did not dare to hesitate. They immediately roared and formed a more powerful attacking method, killing them to the Qin side.

The masters of the nine master-level divisions have already been very horrible. In the case of one-on-one, they may not be much worse than Qin. Now nine people are joining forces, and the power is even more terrifying.

Coupled with the combination of the main method, even if it is just a random blow. Not weaker than the master of the master division level...

As soon as I got out of the hand, there was a sudden change in the atmosphere. The feeling of oppression suddenly became much stronger, and people were a little breathless.

"Come back?"

Such a strong offense, Qin Fang naturally can not ignore, he held that piece of black wood in his hand, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I really remember to eat and remember..."

For those guys who don't know how to live and die. Qin Fang’s temper is not particularly good, and there is some anger in faintness.

Yang Rui seems to have overlooked the fact that Qin Fang had easily broken the siege of the six-man battle. Although a few people have been added, the power is much stronger, but it may not be useful.

The nine masters combined. Sure enough, the power is extremely horrible, and a random blow is like a bomb exploding, and a hole is blasted on the ground.

However, at the moment, the Qin side has already disappeared from that position, and it has appeared in a safe area five meters away...

This kind of blow, not to mention touching the Qin side, even if it is a splash of stones, did not touch the Qin Fang even a piece of clothing.


Fortunately, these nine masters did not expect the first strike to directly kill the Qin side, really like that. Maybe they still can't accept it.

One hit, the nine masters immediately reintegrated the music formation, and once again killed to the Qin side, this time separated some, forming a nine-square house. It seems that it is intended to trap the Qin side in the middle, and then come to a smashing.

"The idea is good, but unfortunately... can't do it!"

The Qin side really sneered a little, and did not care about it at all, but the figure was constantly drifting in this cave.

Sometimes in this position, sometimes in that position. Almost no place in any place will stop and quickly move away.

The snow is running without a trace. Although the area of ​​the cave is not particularly large, it is better to be empty and there are not so many restrictions on the action.

In particular, the surrounding stone walls are not the kind of special light, and the footsteps can be easily swayed on the top, which gives Qin a large enough space to play.

The result of this is that Qin Fang is still very good and leisurely, and has not been hit by these nine masters... The nine masters are a bit tired.

They are not as flexible as the Qin party. Every action must be as uniform as possible for nine people. The number of attackers is a little worse, and there is even the possibility of counterattack by the Qin side. These people are not all fools. Of course, know how to choose...

Seeing such a scene, Yang Rui suddenly had the urge to vomit blood. Both of them, both in terms of number and strength, occupy an absolute advantage.

Unexpectedly, so many people, such a big advantage, is hard to be played by Qin Fang alone, it seems that the nine masters are likely to be dragged to death.

"A group of idiots... If you can't catch up with him, change people! Bring Lin Biao back to me..."

Seeing that Qin Fang had no sorrow, Yang Rui was also embarrassed, and immediately revised the order against the nine men, and moved the target to Lin Biao and Everett who were outside the scene at the moment.


After hearing Yang Rui’s new order, the nine masters suddenly turned a blind eye, and at the same time, they were slightly relieved. At least, it’s much easier to deal with Lin Biao and Everett than to deal with Qin’s muddy master...even The other party is probably the same as the hard bones.


Just as the nine masters were preparing to besiege Lin Biao and Everett, Qin Fang’s voice was slowly coming from the side.

"This is a duel between our men. There is no need to involve an innocent woman..."

I have to say that Yang Rui is indeed enough for this person. The sinister move is followed by one. Even at such a moment, there is no intention to give up.

Even the Qin side has a point to look down, and the tone has become more cold.


However, Yang Rui obviously has no ambiguity. This is a master who is unscrupulous for the purpose. How can there be remorse?

"Oh, forget you, can I still give you this thing?"

It seems that he also learned Yang Rui's singularity. Qin Fang also felt helpless, as if he wanted to compromise and said that his wrist was gently shocked, he saw a dark shadow running straight toward Yang Rui.

"I count you..."

Yang Rui naturally knows what the Qin side is talking about, and he wants to give the shadow to the next.

After all, it is a master in the middle of the master class. This strength is still there. The speed of Qin Fang’s shot is not very strange. Yang Rui grabbed the shadow when he reached out.


However, his tentacles suddenly seemed to be a scream of electricity. At the same time, Yang Rui’s body was also awkward and almost fell.

Fortunately, he stabilized his figure in time, and this did not bring a big face to the scene... However, obviously such a change has made him very faceless.

"You are tricky!!"

Yang Rui's face is gloomy and terrible. It is almost spit out in a word, showing how bad his mood is at the moment.

"to each other"

Qin Fang had a faint smile on his face. He did not put Yang Rui’s reaction on his heart, and responded with a smile.

That is to say, at this time, Lin Biao and Everett have already returned to the corner of the cave. Although they dare not say that they are completely safe, they are at least not so easy to be caught.

"It’s useless to not talk to you... I’ve just been so troubled by you, I finally remembered what happened to the blackwood order!”

However, Qin Fang did not let Yang Rui continue to say it, but suddenly retorted, "It turned out to be one of the most important tokens of Qianmen... No wonder it’s so familiar!"


Yang Rui, the fire that just had to come out, was hard to be returned by Qin Fang’s words, and he almost didn’t give him an internal injury.

He is not a fool. Qin Fang must have known the things of Xuan Muling, but deliberately said that he did not know... and also deliberately snatched the blackwood order in his hand.

Thinking of this, Yang Rui quickly looked at the Xuanmu order in his hand, fearing what was done by Qin Fang, but carefully checked it, it is indeed the original one, Yang Rui will be relieved.

Xuanmu Ling is a very important token of thousands of doors. There are only two pieces in each family. It is still easy for him to flick from his dad.

If Xuanmu ordered something to happen in his hand, even if he eventually killed Qin Fang and took Lin Biao back, he would not escape the punishment of the old man.

This kind of punishment is not easy, and it does not care whether he is the biological son of the Yang family's patriarch, and the end is definitely more than a hundred times more fierce than the death.

All said that the people on the Tao made a mistake and were punished with three holes and six holes... In fact, this punishment was passed from Qianmen.

However, the three-knife and six-hole is already a simplified version of the simplified version. The real original version is inside the thousand doors, and the means is absolutely unimaginable.

If in the hands of Yang Rui, Xuanmu makes a mistake, the punishment he is going to receive is the original version, and death may be considered a relief.

The problem is that he won't even have a chance to die. He will have to suffer from purgatory for at least ten years... The horrible thing, just think about it, Yang Rui can't help but shrink his body.

He once witnessed that a top master in a family was thrown into purgatory. In just one month, the once-high and fierce "thug" became a docile "little sheep". The more time After that, the master became more and more miserable, and even now the sound can't be released...

"Don't look at it, it's your original piece. It's the same how many times you check it!"

Seeing this action of Yang Rui, although Qin Fang did not know what Yang Rui was thinking about, he could not help but ridicule.


Yang Rui snorted and seemed to be reluctant to talk to the Qin side about these meaningless topics.

"However, I just looked at it carefully... You said that you have nothing to do with a fake blackwood to scare people to do it?"

However, without waiting for Yang Rui to attack, the following sentence from Qin Fang directly drove Yang Rui into the cold, sinister purgatory... . )

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