Omni Genius

Chapter 1585: A thousand broken doors kill!


The words of Qin Fang are really too depressing to listen to, especially the situation of Yang Rui at this moment, it is like a fuel on the fire.

"Give me kill him..."

Yang Rui didn't want any grace at this time. Now he is biting his teeth, and he can't wait to let Qin Fangsheng swallow it, and directly ordered his own men.

Those who look at me, I look at you, and then look at the piece of blackwood in the hands of Yang Rui, it seems to be somewhat hesitant.

However, in the end, they still bite their teeth and immediately re-established a battlefield and quickly rushed to the side of the Qin side.


Seeing his men's hesitation, Yang Rui's face is already quite bad. He certainly knows what these people are thinking about.

Fortunately, these few people have not done too much, and decisively started to Qin, his face is slightly better.

However, his face just recovered, and he saw the piece of broken blackwood in his hand, which suddenly became a lot more gloomy.


It seems that it is also very angry. Yang Rui’s hand is working hard again. The piece of blackwood immediately turns into two pieces on his hand, which proves that this piece of blackwood is a fake.

The more so, the more Yang Yang gas is enough, the two pieces of the broken piece are thrown away, and it seems that I can't wait to throw it directly into the sea, so that the real eye is not seen.


only. Just when he completely cut off the piece of blackwood, Qin did not know when he took out his mobile phone, and he just captured such a shot.

Even, Qin Fang did not care about the masters of the five dragon villages that were killed around, specifically to wait for this moment.

"Oh... although I don't know how to punish the Thousand Doors in the Thousand Doors ban, but it should be very serious to think about it!"

Ignore the few masters who have killed them, and Qin Fang is still very good at talking with Yang Rui. However, there is no ridicule, but it seems to imply other meanings.

"What do you mean?"

Yang Rui’s face suddenly changed, and he vaguely guessed some of Qin’s ideas and plans. The fierce light is exposed in the eyes.

"Nothing else! Just let me estimate, even if I killed you here, no one should say that I am not..."

Qin Fang smiled. I didn’t care at all.

However, in this case, nothing reveals a murderous murder...

"It’s too much time to talk to you, it’s time to start..."

Immediately, Qin Fang did not cover up his own killings. From Yang Rui, they appeared, and Qin Fang did not intend to be good at it.

These few people say that nothing can stay, so that they will only expose their whereabouts completely...

Today, the Qin side has already attracted the masters of the Wulong Grottoes to search for it, and if there are people from Wulongzhai, they will join. Then a few of them will have a hard time survive on this Devil Island.

If Qin Fang has already found Qin Tiannan, then there is nothing to worry about, so the problem is here. Qin Fang does not know where Qin Tiannan is at this moment...

Because of this, Qin Fang can't be too polite to these people... only leave them completely. It is the best choice.

"Come on~~~ Let me see the true power of a thousand kills, don't let me be too disappointed!"

Looking at the nine masters, Qin Fang not only did not have a little fear, but even seemed quite excited, challenged these nine masters.

The thousands of killings formed by these nine masters evolved from the array of killings of thousands of gates. Then combined with the method of merging, formed a very powerful thousand killing.

The Qin side is also famous for such a killing, but it has not really seen it... After all, although he will also arrange some arrays, it is a single small array method, for this multiplayer combination The array method is not much understood, let alone arranged!

If you want to understand this kind of formation, then the most direct way is to experience it yourself. Qin Fang is doing this now.

Sure enough, these nine masters are not vegetarian. They quickly surrounded Qin in the middle, and they were quite unscrupulous about Qin.

Thousands of killings are very powerful, and the thousands of killers formed by their nine masters are even unable to hold on to the masters.

But Qin Fang is only a master of the district, but he has to say that he wants to challenge thousands of kills. How can they not feel angry and humiliated?

The result is very clear, the nine masters immediately gave up the strength of breastfeeding, but also want to completely kill the Qin side.

If it really fails, the faceless face is not their nine masters, even with a thousand killings will be looked down upon ... This kind of consequences is quite terrible!

Enclosed by the nine masters, Qin Fang did not panic, still quite calm, even if it felt a very terrible pressure, did not let Qin Fang have much worry.


The strong breath is oppressed, as if the Qin side is not the master of the nine peers, but once again facing the face of the knife.

No, it should be said that the pressure exerted by these nine people's combined killings is even stronger than the pressure of a knife and a face, almost comparable to the mid-level division.

"Surely sharp ~~"

Just this breath, it has already made Qin Fang feel that the killing of thousands of doors is amazing.


Immediately, the nine masters also immediately sent the hand, and the first shot is the killing, the horrible strength kept flowing around the body of Qin Fang...

The strength is like a knife. Although it is not directly placed on the skin of Qin Fang, it is also a clear feeling that they are sharp.

Rao is the repair of Qin Fang at the moment, but also has to be careful...

The snow-free body was fully unfolded, and it was almost at the edge of the sharp attack of the nine masters, almost every time.

At the moment, the Qin Fang is like a boat in a storm. It sails in a huge storm. With a little bit of carelessness, it will be completely overturned by huge waves and buried in the sea forever. Disappeared……

Of course, Qin Fang is not completely evasive. He is also wandering in this thousand-door killing, looking for a flaw in one place.

Killing is very powerful, but it is also flawed, and these flaws are the foundation of Qin Fangcai’s murder.

If the arrangement is impeccable, Qin Fang has already fallen under the other side’s killings... The nine masters’ masters combined, even if they are just random blows, are no less than the shots of the masters. It’s really a shame to drop a master at the master level of a district!

"Thousands of killings are powerful... Unfortunately, the level of people in the array is not good!"

This process lasted for a few minutes, and the Qin side still had no signs of being killed by the nine masters. Instead, it was more relaxed and comfortable in this killing.

In the heart of Qin Fang, he has already silently sighed like this...

These nine masters have indeed cultivated this thousand-door killing together, and it is more likely that they have already made some efforts, which will be able to explode such a powerful attack.

But there is also a very important question... These nine masters are purely military masters, but they are not masters of the battle.

Some simple common senses may be known, but if you go into the details of the specific operation of the array, you know nothing about it.

The reason why the array is so powerful, apart from its ever-changing, is that it can be adapted to different situations.

This is the real terrible place for the Dragon Kingdom to inherit thousands of years of martial arts... This is also the terrible place of the powerful Master.

The human warriors have cultivated this kind of killing, and they have practiced a lot of changes, but they can't adjust the array at any time according to various situations like the Master. At most, they use a fixed routine to flow... The array is running very smoothly, but the effect... this is really hard to say.

In a few minutes before and after, Qin Fang has already realized some of the essentials of this thousand-door killing. After all, he is now a master of the ranks of the master... This eyesight is still there!

Although Qin Fang also judged that there should be some essence in this thousand-door killing, it is a pity that these nine masters did not seem to be able to master it, which did not make it out...

"It’s almost like playing with you, and it’s time to break it...”

The nine masters can't attack for a long time, but they are also a bit of a sigh of relief. When they are about to launch the most violent attack, a word like Qin Fang is heard in the ear!

"Break the line? Are you also worthy?"

Hearing this sentence, the thoughts of the nine masters almost simultaneously appeared in the mind.

Thousands of killings are an ancient method of inheriting thousands of years. After thousands of generations of thousands of people, the constant revision and optimization have almost reached the peak of killing.

This kind of peak killing came out, almost impossible to find any flaws... But Qin Fang is a rumor to break, it is undoubtedly the face of these nine masters!

How can this prevent the nine masters from being angry?

The nine masters are completely angry, and the natural shots are even more sharp, and the violent temper seems to be a bit more fierce than before.

"The end of the strong..."

Qin Fang is in the center of the whirlpool, but there is not much worry, it is still so calm, but also briefly commented on the outbreak of the nine masters.

"It’s useless to struggle again..."

Coldly responded to a sentence, Qin Fang's body suddenly paused, and then the violent strength was also released from his body.

The whole person is also vacant in an instant... The nine masters are also quickly vacated, ready to hit the Qin Fang in the air!


However, the attack of the nine masters has not yet formed a share, but they themselves have ushered in the big feet of the Qin side, and they are on the faces of several of them... (to be continued)

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