Omni Genius

Chapter 1588: Father and son reunion!

Qin Dang’s old Qin Tiannan’s location does not belong to the site of either Wulongzhai or Wulong Grotto, but is a very hidden place in this mountain.

To be precise, it is the only one that is hidden, but it is extremely dangerous...they have a very important responsibility.

Devil Island is a secret place and a world-famous murderous land. Many countries have tried to find out its specific location, but unfortunately it has not been successful.

However, for many years, these countries have never given up, and the constant dispatch of personnel mixed in the trial team to lurk in.

Also want to explore some hidden things in Devil Island, or explore a better and simpler way to enter Devil Island...

However, they have not been successful until now!

There are many reasons. In addition to the hidden nature of Devil Island itself and the strong protective force, there are Qin Tiannan, their true law enforcers!

Yes, it is indeed called a law enforcer...

There are a lot of masters on Devil Island, but only when the strength breaks through the ranks of the Grand Masters, they are qualified to become law enforcers... While having great power, they also bear extremely important guardian tasks.

The law enforcers are composed of Wulong Grottoes and Wulongzhai, respectively. They are both cooperative and at the same time in a competitive relationship...

Cooperation, naturally, guarding the island together, not being invaded by those outsiders. Once the spies are discovered, they will be arrested immediately, and if necessary, they can be killed directly on the spot!

competition. This is even simpler, both sides bear the task of guarding. Then whoever performs the task well and gets more achievements, then one party can get more resources.

As for the source of this resource, it is naturally from the maze of the mountain...

In fact, Qin Fang has only known until now that the area of ​​this labyrinth is very large, and there are many treasures in the interior. Many of them are cultivated for hundreds of years.

However, although these trials have entered the treasure hunt. But it has only entered the ordinary treasure area, and the real heavy treasure area has long been closed.

At this point, from the beginning, when Qin Fang was transmitted by the transmission team, it was already limited... Qin Fang is also known from Yang Rui.

Qin Tiannan, the old man of Qin Fang, is one of the law enforcers of Wulong Grottoes.

Last time. The **** hand painted three came to the Devil Island to test. In fact, Qin Tiannan has already entered the rank of master class, and has also been listed as a law enforcer.

This is also the reason why the **** hand can send some information of Qin Tiannan and bring out the trial token.

Where these law enforcers live. It is located on the mountainside of the highest mountain on Devil's Island, from which you can easily see the entire island.

This is mainly an alien intruder who can observe the island. As for the Devil Island, most of the area is covered by forests and trees, which is still very difficult to see.

If anything can be seen, then there is no secret between Wulongzhai and Wulong Cave.

"just in front……"

These things for law enforcement. Qin Fang was not in the mood to understand it carefully. He only wanted to find his old Qin Tiannan as soon as possible.

Strolled around the mountain. I have escaped several powerful masters, and Qin Fang is close to the destination.

This is somewhere on the mountain. It is not particularly far from the top of the mountain, but the mountain seems to have been suddenly cut by humans, forming a circular platform.

It is also a platform that allows law enforcement officials living here to see the entire periphery of Devil Island very clearly.

The home of the law enforcer is located on this platform, and far away, you can see a series of houses.

"How can I find this?"

Qin Fang did not dare to rely too close. In his field of vision, there are four or five houses standing there on the platform. There should be a master-level master in each building.

In this way, there are at least forty or more houses on the entire circular platform. If he did not guess wrong, his old man Qin Tiannan should be living in a house.

But the problem is also coming. Choose one of the four or fifty houses. This probability... is not too high!

"Right, there is a way..."

However, Qin Fang soon became brighter.

Immediately, his face changed quite a bit, and even his body changed a little. After a while, Qin Fang completely changed himself.

It’s awesome...

Qin Fang just remembered it. The reason why Knife’s face was to kill him was because of his relationship with his old Qin Tiannan.

However, because of the relationship between the two people, he could not start with Qin Tiannan, the old man of Qin Fang, and he had to poison the Qin side.

In this way, the knife face is at least the same as Qin Tiannan, so obviously it is also one of the law enforcers.

The Qin side became a knife and a face, and naturally it was possible to go to the other side... As a law enforcer, no one would doubt his identity.

As for saying that Qin Fang’s strength is insufficient, it may reveal the stuffing... This Qin side is slightly worried, but does not care.

Unless it is a peerless powerhouse with more strength than him, or a master with special abilities, the general master-level master can't really wear his disguise.

After becoming a knife and a face, Qin Fang did not have to hide, and immediately went slowly toward the platform.

He doesn't need to know where the knife is hiding, and he doesn't need to know the specific position of Qin Tiannan. He just needs to walk a little lap there. His old Qin Tiannan is not there at the same time.

Although the platform was manually excavated, but because of the fear of affecting the stability of the mountain, the width is quite limited, that is, the shape of thirty or forty meters, completely within the radiation range of the small map of Qinfang...

Sure enough, Qin Fang walked over and immediately felt the existence of one and another big division-level powerhouse. Some people even saw him, but they quickly moved.

In a few minutes, Qin Fang has already looked at nearly ten houses, but he has not found the whereabouts of Qin Tiannan, but it has not been discovered.

"Oh, here..."

However, soon Qin Fang was excited to discover the whereabouts of Qin Tiannan, and almost immediately passed to that house.

"What are you doing?"

When Qin Fang was preparing to enter this room, Qin Tiannan also just came out, just opposite Qin.

However, welcoming Qin Fang is not Qin Tiannan's happy smile, but a cold face and disgusted eyes...


When Qin Tiannan heard this, Qin Fang still stunned. It seemed that he did not expect it to be like this, but he immediately understood it and the bad was broken on his face.

"Cough and cough! It's me..."

After a few coughs, Qin Fang was also facing Qin Tiannan, and his face squirmed, revealing Qin’s own face, and also whispered.

However, it seems that someone has noticed the change on their side, and Qin Fang immediately changed his face back.


When Qin Fang’s face was seen, Qin Tiannan was also stunned. It seemed to be stunned, but he noticed that Qin’s eyes were immediately reacted and immediately snorted.

However, Qin Tiannan immediately turned back to his own house... Qin Fang then stepped in and went in.

"There is nothing wrong with you here, go out..."

Entering his own house, Qin Tiannan’s first thing was to send away a subordinate of the house like a servant.


The servant also looked at Qin Fang inadvertently, then walked out and closed the door from the outside.

Qin Fang also observed it for a moment. After discovering that the servant had closed the door, he immediately walked away. This was a little easier, and Qin’s face changed back to its original appearance.

Just now he deliberately checked it. There is no monitoring equipment installed here, and naturally there is no need to cover it up.


Upon seeing this face of Qin Fang, Qin Tiannan suddenly became very excited. The excitement was very loud, and there was a faint tear in his eyes.

As the saying goes, the man has tears and does not flick, just because he is not sad... Qin Tiannan is also true at this moment, but he is not sad, but happy!

"Xiao Bao?"

Qin Fang suddenly covered his face with black lines. Although he knew that this was his old man calling him, he could feel quite an egg hurt.

"That... my name is Qin Fang!"

For the old man who has never met in the past two decades, Qin Fang also wants to be angry and can't live. In desperation, he has to honestly say.

"Xiaobao is your nickname, you haven't been born yet, I will give it a good..."

Qin Tiannan was a brow, and he answered very seriously. "Oh, unfortunately, the world is getting people..."

But even after thinking about it, I have not been able to wait until my son was born, and I was taken to the **** Devil Island. This is twenty years.

"Forget it, how do you call it, how do you call it..."

Qin Tiannan's bitterness, Qin Fang is also understandable. The original resentment against him is much lighter. Especially after Qin Fang noticed Qin Tiannan's physical state, he was somewhat sad.

"How is your mother? Is she okay?"

Qin Tiannan didn't seem to want to just talk to his son. He didn't say much, and immediately shifted the topic.

This thing is obviously he is more concerned about, the tone of the inquiry is also a bit excited, but very worried.

"she's fine……"

When he thought that his mother had suffered for 20 years, Qin Fang could not help but ignite, but in the end he still resisted, and he could only respond with such a simple sentence. (To be continued)

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