Omni Genius

Chapter 1594: Camouflage into the Yang family!

Out of the hidden cave, Qin conveniently and quickly explored the direction of Wulongzhai... With his hidden skills, he can easily sneak in.

Of course, the premise is that Qin will not be discovered by the top players in Wulongzhai.

However, this matter is still relatively easy to handle.

Not long after sneaked into Wulongzhai, Qin Fang noticed that a relatively powerful one is already a relatively powerful master.

Then... Qin Fang stunned him!

The unlucky child was directly stunned, and the acupuncture technique closed his acupuncture point and let him enter a short-term dormant state.

And the person was thrown in a hidden corner of the room, Qin easily replaced his clothes, turned into his appearance, swayed out and went out.

"Yang family... thousand five families, hehe!"

The goal of Qin Fang this time is naturally the Yang family behind Yang Rui who is very uncomfortable with Qin. He knows some secrets about Yang family from Yang Rui.

Inside, it includes some messages from the treasure house of Yang Jia... Then Qin Fang is not necessary to be polite!

Speaking of it, this is really thanks to Yang Rui.

It was when he asked his old man to use Xuanmu Ling to force him to use it. This made him know the specific location of Yang Jiabao.

The average person who wants to open this treasure house must use a special key, and at the same time, through the technique of the institutional array...

Yang Jiake is one of the five major families of Qianmen. It is one of the birthplaces of the inheritance of the thousand arts. The way of the organization of the law is even more powerful.

Even the descendants of today, the ability in this respect is far less than the ancient ancestors, but it is also very powerful. There are some masters who are masters... even some individual masters!

The Yang family's treasure house is naturally one of the most important places of the Yang family. The application of the institutional array is undoubtedly the ultimate.

only. The treasure house that Qin Fang wants to steal is not the treasure house that Yang family has inherited for many years, but another small treasure house.

To be precise, it is the private treasure house of the Yang family.

The Yang family's big treasure house is not only very large, but also requires a lot of effort to open it once. Generally, it is not necessary to open it when it is not necessary.

It is also because of the convenience of doing things, the owner has a small treasure trove of his own. Commonly used, perhaps the treasures that are easier to use are stored in this small treasure.

Can not see it small, I think its value is not high ... exactly the opposite, the collection inside this small treasure. Perhaps the amount is not comparable to the big treasure trove. But the quality is not much worse.

Because Devil Island is completely blocked from the outside world, Wulongzhai has not been in contact with the outside world for many years, and naturally few people know it. Here is the true foundation of the thousand.

I don't know this, the treasures of the five major families are naturally very safe... even if it is the Wulong Grotto, it is quite powerful, but no one is counting on who is moving!

What's more, Wulongzhai's accomplishments in the number of organs, Qimen armor and various thousand-door art are very high, really must be hands-on. Wulongzhai's strong attack on the Wulong Grottoes may not be able to catch, but want to stick to it... even if it is sent to the bomber formation, it can't be beaten!

It is also such a blockade. The five major families of Wulongzhai also reduced the number of dangerous defenses. Just like the Yang family, they put a lot of very precious treasures in this small treasure house, which is convenient to use...

Similar to the treasures of Xuanmu, but there are quite a few in this small treasure!

The reason why Qin Fang ventured into Wulongzhai, is it for these treasures?

"Those things about thousands of doors, I am too lazy to take it... But if there are any precious drugs, ores, then I am welcome!"

Qin Fang’s ambitions are not particularly large. He also knows the serious consequences of moving a treasure house. He plans to see the situation and decide how to start.

If it is really a treasure house like Jinshan Yinshan, Qin Fang does not mind really emptying this treasure house...

Instead of leaving these treasures in the treasure house to feed the mice, it is better to use them by the Qin side... maybe it will benefit some human beings?

Can not underestimate the treasures of thousands of doors, we must know the development of human civilization... At least the development of ancient civilizations, but thousands of doors have played a great role in promoting them.

Those who think about the thousands of ancestors, even if they have passed away for thousands of years, their names still remain in people's hearts...

The reason is that without him, they have left a precious treasure for all mankind!

In today's world, technology has indeed developed to a very high level. Some of the skills of Thousand Gates seem to have fallen behind, but in fact... Thousands of doors still have many skills that cannot be solved by technology today!

Do not say anything else, the monk in the hands of Qin Fang, which was made by the craftsman Lu Ban, has been around for thousands of years, but it still runs mysteriously!

And this, for today's technology, is a mystery... Even if it is a robot, it seems that it will not be able to run well for thousands of years!

Of course, Qin Fang does not expect to find such a great art from a small treasure house. He only wants to fish a little bit of good...

The unlucky child who was stunned by Qin Fang was surnamed Yang, called Yang Kun... It was one of the five major families of the Yang family.

Wulongzhai is the core of Qianmen. Basically, it is all five family members. Only a few of them are other surnames...

And the five major families are also intermarriage, which makes the relationship between the five major families more closely...

However, apart from the Wulong Cave, they are basically no foreign enemies. At most, there is a little contradiction inside. This relationship is tight or loose, but it is not a big deal.

Yang Kun is a child of the side branch. His position in the Yang family is not high, but it is much higher than the average servant. At least at the house of the Yang family, he is still free to enter and exit.

Even, Yang Kun’s relationship with a certain lady of Yang Jiaxuan is still very good... Even two people still have a less normal relationship.

The lady, who was a widowed sister of Yang Rui, lived in the inner house of the Yang family, but it was quite close to the small treasure house.

This is why Qin Fang chose to knock this guy out of the sap and then replace it with him... He can enter the Yang family's house without being suspected by others!

Yang Jia, as one of the five major families of Qianmen, is one of the most important areas of the Yang family. It is estimated that there are quite a lot of masters and the crisis is heavy...

Qin Fang alone rushed in, afraid that even the small treasures have not been found, they were first discovered by the masters of Yang family.

Of course, Qin Fang chose Yang Kun as a substitute, and because Yang Kun’s strength is similar to him, so that there would be no embarrassing things that Wu Liang had seen before!

"Yang Kun, you are here, I am going to find you..."

However, Qin Fang just arrived at the door of the Yang family's house, and saw an old man in his fifties rushed out and greeted him directly.

"What's wrong, Liu Guanshi?"

The Qin side is frowning, but it is still honest.

It is already the land of the Yang family. It is full of danger everywhere. There are many powerful and powerful players lurking in the house.

Take the old man in front of you, don't look at a lot of age, but the strength is quite powerful, has reached the peak of the master class, only one step can be entered into the rank of the division.

The identity of this old man is only a servant of the Yang family... To be precise, it is a director of the Yang family.

It stands to reason that Yang Kun is a Yang family, even if it is not a shackle, the status is not too low ... but in fact it is not the case, Yang Kun in front of this Liu Guan things, then it must be honest.

This is the way from the sidelines. It is far from the core circle of the family. There is not much difference between the status and the servant of the family. At most, it is a good name on the head.

Like Liu Guanwu, a higher-ranking servant, it is not comparable to Yang Kun. If there is a few words in the family system, Yang Kun’s sidelines are definitely not enough to take.

Although the young lady of Yang Kun and Yang Jiaxuan has a special relationship, it can be regarded as a face with a little white face, and there is no qualification for blowing a pillow!

"The second lady lost her temper..."

It seems that the relationship between Yang Kun and the young lady, Liu Guanzhi also knows, and I saw that the old and very resentful screamed Qin Fang.

"That... I am going?"

Qin Fang is also quite awkward in this heart, although I have long guessed that such a thing will happen, but I did not expect it to hit it just after arriving here.

Although the heart feels very awkward, but Qin Fang's face will not be a little unpleasant, but it is a polite inquiry, it seems to respect the opinion of Liu Guanzhi.

"You look at it yourself...but if you can't let Miss II out, you know what will happen!"

Liu Guanshi seems to be enjoying the "respect" of Qin Fang, and his face has improved slightly, but he still said very harshly.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Qin Fang is naturally a nod of nod. He has to give the front of his eyes to the past... No, no, no, there is a master-level master who is already eyeing him!

Then, under the eyes of Liu Guanwu and the master of the Grand Master, Qin Fang entered the house of Yang’s family and went to the residence of the second lady...

Qin Fang’s heart was quite greasy, but his face did not show up. The master-level master who had been behind him no longer noticed him, and he was relieved a little.

However, the Qin side soon mentioned the spirit, and the small map filtered the surrounding experts who might pose a threat to him...

Of course, the strength is really the master above the peak of the master class, a little weaker, the Qin side can easily kill, naturally not enough!

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