Omni Genius

Chapter 1602: New skills: gas explosion!

I went to travel with my wife for a few days, I am sorry to have broken it... I officially resumed today, and the update that I owe in front, I will make it up as soon as possible!

The first is sent, and the subscription, monthly ticket ~~~~

"How come this time prompted to upgrade?"

Qin Fang himself did not think of me. The whole person was a little bit smashed. For a moment, they forgot what they should do next. The attention was also focused on the system upgrade.

“Congratulations on your level up to level 7!”

“Congratulations on your item box upgrade...”

“Congratulations on getting a system reward skill book...”

As many upgrades as before, the general rewards are the same, and there is not much change. Qin Fang is already familiar with it and can no longer be familiar with it. The only thing that is depressed is that this upgrade is a bit too late. some.

It has been a few days before Qin Fang entered the master class, but his realm has been upgraded, but his personal level has always stayed at level 6, which is very different from previous upgrades.

Once, Qin Fang had a headache for this, but he has been in a state of tension recently, which will ignore this matter.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fang himself forgot, but the system has emerged at such a critical moment to upgrade, but it is really a bit of a dumb smile for Qin Fang... Fortunately this is a good thing, otherwise Qin Fang really wants to cry. .

"At the end of the 7th level..."

Needless to say, the Qin side has been staying at the 6th level for a short time. This upgrade is a matter of course, and there is nothing to be excited about. Instead, Qin Fang finally let a sigh of relief.

"The props box is upgraded again..."

The upgrade of the props box is not particularly important. Compared with the space that was once very tight, the current props box is more empty. Most of the space is vacant. Qin Fang does not have so many props that can be installed inside. .

So the upgrade does not upgrade, Qin Fang has not been as concerned as before, and now it is even more so...

"System rewards skill book... I hope I can have good luck!"

What really makes the Qin side more exciting is the skill book given by the system. This is the only way to get very rare skills... At least Qin has not had any other way to get rare skills books, the system brought by the upgrade. The reward seems to be unique.

Of course, even if you can occasionally get rid of it, you can get it, or you can comprehend yourself, etc., but these ways to get those skills, far from the skills of system rewards... such as investigative skills, such as deformation... and many more!

Inside the props box, there is a skill book that has not been identified yet. There is no special appearance in the appearance. Only after the identification can be known, Qin Fang is also somewhat urgent.

In response to this skill book, Qin Fang immediately threw out several investigative skills in succession. It seems that this can increase the probability of acquiring good skills... even if he already knows that only the first investigative skill can be drawn. As a result, losing a few more will still not change this fact!

"Air burst!"

Soon, this skill book flashed a little light golden light, and the cover of the skill book immediately revealed a few words. Qin Fang immediately opened his eyes and looked at it. He wanted to see more carefully. some.

"Air burst?"

Seeing these few Yu, Qin Fang’s brows are slightly wrinkled and seem strange. After all, such a skill seems to be a bit too confusing and a bit confusing.

"At least, not the skills you already have, you don't want to be too bad..."

Qin Fang patted the skill book and directly turned it into a streamer, flashing into the body of Qin Fang, while comforting himself in the heart... Compared to the faint past of the system that gave the riding skills, at least this Air blasting is a new skill.

Explosives, the ability to control the infuriating explosion... This is an extremely dangerous skill, use with caution!

However, when Qin Fang learned this skill, he immediately took a more detailed understanding of it. Just this sentence, let Qin Fang have a kind of ecstatic excitement, and almost could not help but wander. It is.

Without hesitation, Qin Fang immediately spent a huge amount of experience, directly from the primary, to the master level... If the experience of the remaining hands of Qin Fang is not much, he is really I want to pile up directly to the master level, even at a higher level!

Air blasting, to put it bluntly, is a real bomb...

The general bomb explosion, most of which is the use of gunpowder or other flammable and explosive gases to explode, generating tremendous power... The gas explosion is also the same principle, but the raw materials become the infuriating spirit of the military.

It's not just infuriating, it's like energy that is similar to infuriating.

Imagine that if it was at a very dangerous moment, Qin Fang would be in the palm of his hand and infuse his own instinct into the other's body... Even if it is not in control, it can still control this. If you are inflamed, you may have an unexpected effect.


At this time, Qin Fang had not had time to test how powerful his own blasting technique was. There was a splash of water in the distance, and even saw a strong figure stepping on the water. water surface.

"Hey... can this be found?"

Undoubtedly, this master who rushed out of the water was amazed by Yang Tianlin, who was previously calculated by Qin Fang. At this moment, his hand is holding a blackwood order, which should be the one that Qin Fang just thrown out.

However, this Yang Tianlin is still quite overbearing. He just catches up and does not say it. He also took it to the sea before he completely sank into the seabed. This repair is really terrible.

"嘎嘎嘎嘎~~~ I don't think of it, Xuanmu has already arrived in the hands of the old man. Now I see what else you rely on?"

Regaining the Xuan Muling, Yang Tianlin is also very excited. On the one hand, the impetuous wave is coming, and the other side is also a gloomy shout. It is obviously intended to poison the Qin and others. He has already had enough Qin Fang’s teasing.

"That... you are sure that the piece in your hand is really mysterious?"

Several people in the Qin side have just been a bit nervous, but Qin Fang has responded slowly to Yang Tianlin, as he asked Yang Rui.


Yang Tianlin’s laughter suddenly seemed to be a duck that had been caught in his neck. He was stuck in his throat. The sound that came out was quite ugly, and his face changed suddenly. It seemed to be what he thought.

Didn't wait for the Qin party to remind him, Yang Tianlin's fingers were slightly forceful, and pinched the piece of mysterious wood in his hand...


As a result, the blackwood that should have been hard and hard, but suddenly burst into such a crisp sound, Yang Tianlin easily crushed the corner of the blackwood, from the mysterious wood, fell into the ocean under his feet. Up...



"It is actually a fake..."

This time, many people who have witnessed this scene, can not help but exclaimed, the presence of the front door master, Xuan Muling is a treasure of thousands of doors, but now Yang Tianlin this owner is so anxious The blackwood that came back, it would actually be a fake, naturally it is too much for many people to eat.

Xuanmu ordered that it was passed down for thousands of years. Although nearly half of it has been lost, all that can be passed down are intact. Even the sword is very difficult to hurt. How could it be so easily crushed? The only explanation, naturally, is that this blackwood is fake.

This piece of blackwood is fake, is it really mysterious?

"Sure enough, there is a father who must have his son... Your son Yang Rui is so stupid, I doubted that you must be smart when you are a son, but I did not expect that your father and son are so spring... Oh, admire!"

Qin Fang was a light face, still holding Yang Tianlin teasing.

"court death!"

Yang Tianlin was naturally furious. He knew that Yang Rui was so stunned by the Qin side. He just didn't see the whole process with his own eyes. Naturally, he couldn't understand the pains of Yang Rui... But now he understands it very well.

Comprehension is understood, but Yang Tianlin’s hatred of Qin Fang has reached the extreme. His eyes seem to be coming out of the fire. He almost roared and killed him to the Qin side. He directly used the big one. The masterpiece of the master class peaks ... will Qin Tiannan and others, all enveloped in his attack, is basically intended to kill all opponents with a blow, do not intend to give a half chance to struggle!

This is the foundation of Yang Tianlin as the strongest champion of the great division. It is far more powerful than the average master-level master. At least Qin Tiannan, a master-level master, feels deeply weak at the moment.

He can easily resist it, but he knows very well that he can't stop Yang Tianlin's attack..." Even if several of them joined forces, they still couldn't resist it... There was only one result of hard resistance, one dead end. !

"Want to kill us? Dream..."

However, in such a critical moment, Qin Fang is still very calm, looking at Yang Tianlin who is gradually getting closer, Qin Fang sneered and responded, then he finally shot...

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