Omni Genius

Chapter 1605: Blood sea enmity!

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"Son, we are next..."

After seeing Qin Fang’s interest rate adjustment, his face returned to normal. It was no longer as pale as before. Qin Tiannan was relieved a lot. At this time, he couldn’t help but ask for a sentence... After all, they are still at the bottom of the sea. .

"Leave the Devil Island... Return to the land!"

Qin Fang is also quite simple. Yang Tianlin has been completely irritated by him at this time. It is impossible to attack him again. After all, the strength gap between the two people is indeed too large.

The sneak attack is also useful for the first time. If you want to use the same trick for the second time, it is almost equal to death.

Qin Fang is not such a fool who has no brains. Of course, he will not do such stupid things.

Since the stay is also the 1605 chapter blood sea revenge! It is impossible to start with Yang Tianlin, so there is no need to wait for it. Leaving Devil Island directly and returning to land is the next goal... This is the original intention of Qin Fang on the Devil Island.

As for the others, such as trials, treasure hunt, etc., but it is done by the way, now you can give up.

"Okay, start..."

Qin Tiannan doesn't want to say anything more. For twenty years, he wants to leave this Devil's Island more than anyone else. He wants to see his wife and children more than anyone else... Now, he has seen his son and can even leave this. He has been imprisoned for twenty years and went to land to meet his wife.

"Little dragon, set off!"

Qin Fang naturally also readily accepted, immediately issued instructions to the dragon hidden in the dark, and even saw the blisters carrying Qin Fang and others moving quickly in the deep sea... The blisters did not have long legs, There is no tail, but it is like an invisible rope pulling it like it, moving all the way to the front.

This is naturally the masterpiece of Xiaolong, except that in addition to Qin Fang himself, several other people can only be stunned... It is impossible to describe the scene in front of the scene with words.

In the oceans as deep as hundreds of meters above the sea, the light is also the 1605 chapter blood sea revenge! It is getting more and more bleak, but Qin Fang and others are not aware of it at all. Everything around it is very real, including some coral groups, a large number of fish, etc...

Even when Qin Fang was bored, he also pranked to catch fish directly...

It is a pity that although there is enough air in the blisters, it is not suitable for barbecue inside, otherwise the smoke of the monks can kill them.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Qin Fang chose to move directly on the seabed. Although he could not see the shadows and shadows, it would be much calmer, at least not in the accidental weather.

Even in the sea, the storms and the waves are soaring, the deep sea below this kilometer is still calm and waveless. Only the Qin side is moving fast, without any hindrance, it is very convenient.

"Son, it seems that I have been away for a long time, probably where?"

At the bottom of the sea, even the sun can't see it. The time seems to be very slow. It feels that the past has been very long, but in fact it only has a few hours... mainly because there is no reference, plus too much. boring.

"It will soon enter the Fusang Sea..."

Qin Tiannan did not know the movement outside, but Qin Fang has always paid attention to it.

Considering that the sneak back to the Dragon Kingdom directly from Devil Island, the distance is too far away, and the middle is too boring, Qin Fang intends to land in Fusang, and then find a way to return to Longguo... Another reason is that Qin Fang’s The companions are still on the side of Fuso.


Hearing this name, Qin Tiannan’s face also showed some cold and murderous murder, as if he had remembered something.

"What's wrong? Daddy..."

Qin Fang also slightly stunned, some strange Qin Tiannan's reaction.

"Nothing... just thinking of an old rival in the past! I don't know how he is doing now?"

Qin Tiannan smiled and looked at Qin Fang. His eyes were full of pride, and then he said slowly.

"Fusang people?"

Qin Fang asked casually.

"Well, Fuso people... The reason why I was taken to Devil Island was that I had a great relationship with him! It can even be said that it was all thanks to him..."

Qin Tiannan gently nodded and said, but the words between the words revealed the cold murder, apparently this person is also abhorrent, and even want to smother his five horses, corpse corpse can be hateful.


Hearing this sentence, Qin Fang could not help but exclaim, and then his brow was also wrinkled, and there was a blazing flame in his eyes. "Daddy, who is that person? I want to smash him. Ten thousand paragraphs..."

The reason why Qin Fang’s family is so different for 20 years, is it because Qin Tiannan was taken to Devil Island and could not leave?

In this regard, Qin Fang has always had deep resentment, but there is not much to ask.

Unexpectedly, there is such a hidden feeling in it, and it can even be said that it is related to the culprit of their family of three separated for 20 years... Then Qin Fang could not continue to calm down, and immediately took the fire.

"He called the service department a good one... 20 years ago, it was called the service generation family generation Tianjiao!"

Qin Tiannan is really a thousand and 10,000 satisfied with his son. Naturally, there will be no hidden concealment from Qin Fang. The name of this enemy is directly poured out... Of course, this is 20 years ago. The information is gone.

"It's him!"

However, when Qin Fang heard the name, the whole person became gloomy. His eyes were filled with the cold fire, but they did not violently. Instead, they became calm...

"What? Is he famous now?"

Qin Tiannan saw such changes in the Qin side. It was a bit strange when he was happy. After all, he was separated from the world for 20 years. He really didn’t know much about the changes in the outside world, let alone those families and The door is over.

"It's really famous! The service department is a good one... Now it should be called half-hidden!"

Qin Fang nodded with a smile, perhaps he was a little stranger to convince the name of the Department of Liang Yi, because he had changed his name.

"Oh! I didn't expect that he actually inherited the supreme power of the clothing family..."

When Qin Tiannan heard this, he was not surprised. He simply commented on it and seemed to have expected this.

"In that year, he was already the first talent of the service department family. Even in the Fusang martial arts, he was regarded as a superior character. After 20 years, he will only become stronger and stronger without any accident. Then the title of the semi-hidden clothing department is a matter of course..."

It seems that he also noticed the son's reaction. Qin Tiannan explained with a smile. "Since I can enter the ranks of the Grand Master in 20 years, then he is naturally also possible... After all, the resources of the service department family are not bad. !"

"Son, this opponent is mine... you can't intervene!"

Even Qin Tiannan has already thought of the idea played by Qin Fangxin, and also gave a greeting to Qin Fang in advance.

As for the reasons, it is actually very simple.

Twenty years ago, the Qin Fang family, who had suffered a good job, was separated. It was almost like a heaven and a human being. It was such a hatred that it was definitely deeper than the whole world... Qin Fang hated it like this, and Qin Tiannan’s party was naturally even worse.

What's more, Hattori has already inherited the title of half of the service department in the early morning, and the strength has reached the rank of master class. Qin Fang is not his opponent at present, and Qin Tiannan is naturally the most handy...

"Daddy, where do you want to go? The service department is one of yours... my opponent has someone else!"

Qin Fang smiled. He understood Qin Tiannan's thoughts. Of course he wouldn't stop it. He replied with a smile. "Twenty years ago, the service department was able to be called a generation of Tianjiao, but now his son is serving for a long time. It became the first genius of Fuso..."

When it comes to this, there is no need for the Qin side to go on, and the meaning is quite clear.

The same father and son, Qin Tiannan to deal with the older generation of the Department of clothing, a good one, and Qin Fang is planning to deal with his son serving Du Jiucheng...

"This can be!"

Hearing this sentence from his son, Qin Tiannan was also very happy to take a shot of Qin Fang’s shoulder, which is obviously very gratifying.

As a warrior, it is necessary to have such courage and mentality.

Being timid and cowardly, this is the most taboo thing of the military...

Whether it is a good one, or a long-term service, all of them are very powerful characters. Among their peers, they are regarded as one-of-a-kind characters. But Qin and his father and son are not afraid.

Even the father and son did not put the two fathers and sons in the eyes, even if they were the current owners of the service department, one was the identity of the double heirs of Iga and Asama Shrines... more likely to be Taoism The successor of the next great priest!

After sailing for a long time on the bottom of the sea, Qin Fang finally landed on the land... This is an island in Fuso, which is quite close to Fusang.

"The call is finally back to the land!"

However, several people returned to the land from the bottom of the sea, and all could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the blisters, although everyone does not feel suffocation, the environment is quite depressing. Although there are swimming fish around, even various kinds of marine life are swimming and colorful, but this is the same as before. Free land is completely incomparable...

"Daddy, I have contacted a few friends... We went directly to Kyoto in Fuso, and the enemies of our father and son are all there!" Baidu search, hand-playing, and download this book.

When Qin Tiannan was there to breathe fresh air, Qin Fang had already got in touch with Wukong monks. They knew something from them, and some of them related to their father and son's enemies...! ! !

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