Omni Genius

Chapter 1607: Sato Takano!


"I understand, master..."

For Qin’s instructions, Qin Zi has always been very obedient.

However, from her twinkling eyes, it is not difficult to see that she must have had a plan for disposal of this matter... I thought that she was like someone in the family like a cargo. Abandoned.

If she was taken away by Qin Fang, perhaps she is a plaything of a rich man now... even the playthings of several people are uncertain.

Based on this, she has no sense of belonging to this family, and even only deep anger and hatred!

Of course, for some people in this family, she is not going to let go.

These circumstances, Qin Fang also knows, but he will not stop the action of Qin Zi, everything can be done by herself... Want to control the big Siling Group, the foreigner of Qin Fang is not suitable, Only Qin Zi is the best candidate.

In the previous Qin Zi, Qin Fang was worried that her heart was too soft, and she was afraid that she would not go to the key moment.

Her opponents will not be soft to her because of Qin Zi's soft heart. Qin Zi is only able to start with a hot enough, so that he can really control such a large group, and can help Qin to complete this difficult task...

Qin Fang gave her a strong enough cultivation, what is it that can make Qin Zi self-protection?

However, it is not enough to be able to protect itself, but also have enough attack power to shock the attack power of all opponents... For this reason, Qin Fang can never stop the development of Qin Zi.

Suddenly, Qin Fang directly handed over the dominance of this matter to Qin Zi, who believed that she would handle it very well and would not let him down.

And Qin Fang himself, naturally there are other more important things to do.

such as……

"Right, where is the service department and the father and son now living?"

Qin Fang immediately asked the Wukong monk next to him. After one month, the monk became more introverted. The cultivation was also deeper. It seems that the whole person has undergone tremendous changes.

"They live in Ligao..."

Wukong monk replied softly. After getting the notice from Qin, he immediately went to investigate. Basically, the news is still very accurate, and there should not be much difference.


When I heard the name, Qin Fang’s brow couldn’t help but wrinkle. Even Qin Tiannan’s reaction was almost the same. “It’s a little trouble...”

"This old devil has always been so cautious. I haven't thought that for twenty years, there is no change!"

Qin Tiannan couldn't help but sneer a sentence. Obviously, this person is quite worthy of looking at the clothing department.

However, a master-level master who is as strong as him is also very jealous for Ligao, even if he has been trapped in Devil Island for 20 years, he still knows the name of such a place... In fact, as long as In the martial arts, the masters who can mix and match the famous churches will not ignore the existence of Ligao.

Rikono is a very famous temple in Kyoto. It is also a famous holy place in Fuso Wulin, but it does not belong to Taoism, because their respective beliefs are different...

Taoism, hanging a word, it is said that this organization believes in Taoism, of course, the truth of the truth, then only the genius knows.

Since ancient times, Buddhism and Taoism have not been established, even in Fusang.

Taoism in Fuso can be described as a hand to cover the sky, controlling the strength of Fusang underground close to 90%, but even so, Ligao is still rooting in Fusang's land for hundreds of thousands of years and stand up...

Of course, this has a certain relationship with the style and purpose of Goofa. The monks in the temple can be regarded as ascetic, and they will hardly participate in the disputes in the underground world, and will not fight for power, except for practicing Zen in the temple. It is a simple practice of strengthening the body.

This point is very similar to the inner temple of Shaolin Temple, except that the temple in Shaolin Temple is hidden, but Ligao is hidden in the city... Almost Fusang believes in Buddhism, after coming to Kyoto, he will go there. Takano burned incense and worshipped Buddha.

However, Ligao can stand for thousands of years, and its strength and heritage are naturally profound... Although it is not comparable to Taoism, it is not comparable to the general Zongmen, Ninja genre, and hidden family!

At least, the Qin and Qin Tiannan fathers and sons dared to threaten to kill the patriarch of the Iga River, and they did not say that they went to Takano in the middle of noisy. Instead, they said that "some trouble."

"The trouble is a bit of a hassle, but there is always a way!"

It is quite a troublesome thing for the two departments to live in the high school, and it is quite unrealistic to force the high-field to kill people. But the Qin party is not discouraged, but it is more passionate.

"Actually, I have a way to lead them out..."

But at this time, Lin Biao couldn't help but swear.


Both Qin and his father and son are slightly stunned. It is very strange to look at Lin Biao. It seems that she did not expect that she would say so.

After all, Lin Biao just left the Devil's Island with the Qin side. They are very strange to everything outside. It is estimated that she is not clear about what Gao Nai is, let alone help.

"We have a thousand secrets that can be used to lure the enemy... However, I need to know some details of the other party, otherwise the success rate will be quite low!"

However, what surprised Qin and his father and son was that Lin Biao was not talking about playing. She did have a way to help, although this method also had certain conditions for use...


Qin Fang could not help but ask a sentence.

Thousands of doors have been passed down for thousands of years, and various mysteries have emerged in an endless stream. Don't look at the secrets that he has mastered many thousand now, but it is impossible to be fully proficient. I have never heard of it.

Lin Biao is from one of the five major families of Qianmen. It is not unusual to know some special thousand secrets. Maybe it can really help them.

"Well! Really..."

In the face of the doubts of the Qin side, Lin Biao is also very serious nod.

"Good! There is a way..."

Without waiting for Qin’s answer, Qin Tiannan couldn’t help but respond. “The old devil is the old one. I’m still quite clear about some of his things, although I don’t know if these habits have changed, but It’s fine to try it!”

Qin Tiannan and the clothing department Liangyi must have been very familiar opponents at the beginning. Otherwise, Qin Tiannan would not be so miserable by serving a part of the department... Similarly, Qin Tiannan is also very familiar with the service department.

The only thing that is a little worrying is that Qin Tiannan’s familiar service department is one of the 20 years ago. Now, whether the service department is still the same as the original one, but there is no way to judge it... at least it can be tried.

"Alright! Let's try and say... we will go to Ligao tonight!"

The Qin side is also quite simple.

It’s best to take the clothing and the father and son out of Ligao, and then it’s the best... Otherwise, their father and son can only wait for the opportunity again, but it’s not so easy to be prudent.

This time, the trial of the official is very important, and it is also very important. The service department will be able to personally run the son to serve the team for a long time. Otherwise, with his usual style, he will definitely continue to nest in the nest of Iga.

In addition to this opportunity, the next time I want to kill the Department of the Department of good one, it is estimated that only Iga can be attacked... Although this is much easier than the strong high-field, but it is not much different from the Longtan Tiger.

At night, Qin Fang, Qin Tiannan and others came to the periphery of Ligao.

Ligao is a large group of temples. It is quite large in size and much larger than the Hokkaido Shrine that Qin has seen. It is a holy place for Fusang’s domestic Buddhist temples, and it is also a dangerous place that cannot be underestimated.

Of course, the monks in this area are relatively softer. As long as they are not too much, they will not hurt people...

"There is a deep foundation..."

Qin Fang simply inspected near Ligao, and his face was quite dignified. At the same time, he was glad that they did not have a hard-nosed high.

Just now he walked this circle, and there were at least three top masters on the small map, and one of them reached the master of the late master class... although it was not comparable to the Devil Island. Masters, but also far beyond the scope of the Qin side they can compete.

What's more, Qin Fang only turned around a bit. He didn't go deep into it. There are still many masters of this level in Ligao, so there are really few.... Maybe the bottom of Takano is not weaker than Tangmen. Millennium sect!

It is not surprising that Ligao was said to have been founded by the sorghum that came from the sea in the Tang Dynasty. The history of the past is also a thousand years old, and Fusang is also the land of the projectile. It has never encountered too much war, and the foundation is profound. It is also very normal.

Although in recent centuries, the world has changed a bit, the environment has become more and more deteriorated, and martial arts has become quite difficult. However, the environment of Fusang is much better than that of the Longguo, and the aura of the aura is thicker.

In addition, the Fusang people have invaded the Dragon Kingdom for hundreds of years, but they have taken away a lot of good things... Although the Gaoyao monks seem to be born, the Qin side absolutely does not believe that they have not contaminated these treasures.

With so many years of accumulation and the support of certain treasures, it is even more reasonable to have such a heritage.

"Lin Biao, then I will see you...", the house is playing, and the house provides the book.

Hard murder is definitely not going to work. The strength of these people in Qinfang still needs to be checked a little. Then, you can only look at Lin Biao’s means. It will be possible to take a part of the father and son of the service.

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