Omni Genius

Chapter 1622: Three camps!

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“Is it the legendary overseas Sanxian Mountain?”

Qin Fang is also so stunned in his heart.

He got a map of the secrets a long time ago, which is the map of the overseas Sanxian Mountain...

However, this map was divided into four parts and flowed overseas. They were finally held in the hands of the four schools of Fusang Ninja. Now Qin has already retrieved two maps of the secrets, and there are still two maps outside.

Originally, Qin Fang planned to have four maps, and he led a group of people to find the legendary secret.

But now, the appearance of this mysterious island relic, but the Qin Fang heart is somewhat instigated, wondering whether this relic will be the remains of the overseas Sanxian Mountain...

"No matter what, let's go and see..."

Although I don’t know much about the mysterious island relics for the time being, from the reaction of several sects on the small island, it seems that there is not much attention or no danger.

To a certain extent, this can also explain some of the ruins of this small island. At most, it is only some peripherals...

Even if this small island is really part of the overseas Sanxian Mountain, I am afraid that it is only a few marginal areas. The real core part is still hidden in the mysterious and huge array of methods.

The array of methods that can completely cover the vast overseas Sanxian Mountain, I think that it is so powerful and terrible, I am afraid that Qin Fang, in the secret that Fusang discovered, does not even have the qualification to give it shoes.

Nothing in the night.

Chen Liang and Ling Fei have already conveyed the news here to Fang Tianlin, who is far away from Tiannanzong in the southern part of the island. He described the latest situation here and will also meet the original contents of the Qin party.

Among them, it also includes the contradiction between Fang Lin and Qin Fang...

After Fang Tianlin knew it, the other party immediately gave the most severe punishment... After he returned to the division, he was forbidden and faced three years! If it is not for the relics here, Fang Lin will need to take the handle, Fang Tianlin intends to return Fang Fangyu to pick up.

Even Fang Tianlin personally contacted Qin Fang, and expressed sincere apologies and gratitude.

At the same time, it was also the hands of several people in Tiannan Zong, as well as some forces in charge of the North Taiwan side, all handed over to the hands of Qin Fang...

Of course, Fang Tianlin is also a little request, that is, to ensure the safety of Chen Liang, Ling Fei and Fang Lin as much as possible.

Two of these three people are Fang Tianlin's pro-disciples, and they are also the masters of Tiannanzong. There is also Fang Tianlin's own and only grandson... Fang Tianlin himself has no way to catch this adventure, and he has to They entrusted to the Qin side.

Even, he felt that he was handed over to Qin Fang, and he was more reliable than he personally came to take care of.

Heart to heart!

Fang Tianlin was so trusting to Qin Fang that Qin Fang was naturally not easy to evade, and he agreed to this request.

The expedition team soon gathered. According to the rules of the island, they would have to leave the island in these two days and went to the relic.

"Remember, avoid exposing my identity as much as possible..."

As a Tiannan Zongmen, Qin Fang is mixed with Chen Liang, Ling Fei and others, and also allows them not to reveal his identity.

Today's Tiannan sects are four generations. The master of the princely class is the first generation. Fang Tianlin is the second generation. Then Chen Liang and Ling Fei are the third generation. Fang Lin is the fourth generation. Up...

In the Qin Dynasty's age, even slightly smaller than Fang Lin, appeared in the Tiannan Zong's ranks. Almost everyone spontaneously thought that he was the fourth generation of disciples, although many people think he is strange.

The Qin side also masked most of his breath, only showing the early master's cultivation, slightly in line with his age, although still a bit conspicuous, but at least much worse than his real strength.

The expedition team gathered in a harbor in the northern part of the island. Basically, the informed Zongmen sent people to come...

However, the strength of these sects is strong and weak, and the people sent are also uneven. For example, Tiannan Zong and Yunhaizong are the two major sects of the island. The dispatchers are masters above the master level, and other times. The first-class Zongmen is based on the master class, with one or two quasi-master-level warriors... and weaker, even the master-level masters are gone.

"Chen brother, Ling brother..."

When Chen Liang and Ling Fei arrived, they immediately attracted the welcome of many people. The people who knew each other also took the initiative to say hello, and even faintly had the meaning of their horses.

Of course, this situation has also appeared in Yunhaizong.

Tiannanzong and Yunhaizong are the giant gates of the small island martial arts. Although there are many differences between the dragons and the mainland, they are two major overlords on the island...

It is precisely because of the fact that one mountain cannot be divided into two tigers. The relationship between the two major sects has always been dealing with hostility. Even this time, the remains of the ruins are still the same. The two camps are also distinct.

"No wonder you have to worry about it... The other party’s capital is more than you are!"

He noticed that the people in the Yunhaizong camp, Qin Fang could not help but whispered a whisper to Chen Liang.

Tiannanzong side, although the strength is not weak, but the strongest is only Chen Liang, Ling Fei, and another small Zongmen's lord, three master-level late masters only...

However, there is a lot of strength in Yunhaizong, not only the masters of the late masters, but also a master-level peak, reaching the level of the half-step master... This gap is a bit too Big.

"This is the land of Yunhaizong. We can't be too high-profile in Tiannan Zong..."

Chen Liang also said with a smile.

Does Tiannan Zong have no such master?

Obviously not.

Although Fang Tianlin is the lord of Tiannanzong, his strength is not in the top three of the Tiannan Zonglian. Apart from the superficial elders of the master class, there are also three master-level peaks, and two of them have reached The half-step master level.

But this time, none of these masters came over, only sent two generations of disciples, Chen Liang and others.

"Chen Chen, I heard that this time, those little devils will also participate?"

Not only has the strength of one's own side been weakened, but it has also joined new competitors. Someone immediately asked and asked, and there was deep concern between the words.

The dispute between Yunhaizong and Tiannanzong, how is it also a dispute within the island, no matter which side wins, the ultimate cheaper is their own people...

However, the addition of these little devils is not the same thing.

"You said, is there a possibility for our two parties to cooperate?"

Some foreign enemies joined, and some people couldn’t help but ask about such a possibility, and they were afraid of being cheaper.

"Difficult! Hard! Very difficult..."

It is a pity that everyone understands that this possibility is really minimal.

This is the case with the Chinese people. The fighting is too powerful. Even if it is known that foreign enemies have joined, it is difficult to change the facts... Moreover, in recent years, the relationship between the islanders and the devils seems to be better than that of the inland. More close.

If this is not the case, how can such a hidden message be passed to the inland, but to the little devil?

"The little devil is coming..."

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

When everyone was talking about this matter, a group of people immediately came from outside. From their costumes, hair styles, and military blades, it is not difficult to see their origins and identities. It is from the Fusang Ando family. Those masters.


I noticed that these little devils entered the scene. No matter whether it was Tiannanzong or Yunhaizong camp, there were some people who took a breath and the expression on their faces became very dignified.

The number of little devils coming over is not too much. It is only five or six people. It is only slightly more than the average one. It is a poorer number than the two camps...

However, these five or six people, but none of them are masters, the strength has reached the master level later, although there is no metamorphosis of the master, the overall strength is even higher than the Tiannan sect camp.

In particular, these masters are all ninjas known for assassination, concealment, and metamorphosis. The strength of combat is afraid of even the master's peak, and even the half-step masters must be jealous... the number has reached five or six. That is even more terrible.

It was also discovered that Chen Liang and Ling Fei, who had already had some psychological preparations, were also suddenly changed their faces, and then their eyes were subconsciously rushing over to the Qin side. Naturally, they could only resort to the Qin side. It is.

The six ninjas who have achieved such a repair have indeed exceeded their expectations. Even if they found the Qin side to help, they have little confidence at the moment...


Unless the Qin side breaks through the master's embarrassment and achieves the master's level of cultivation, it may be possible to guarantee the safety of several of them.

However, is this possible?

Chen Liang and several other people also played a spirit in their hearts, but looked at Qin Fang helplessly.

"Standing on it..."

Qin Fang lost a look to Chen Liang, indicating that they should not have too much performance for the time being, even if the little devils came in, it was the same.

The strength of the Ando family is very strong. This has already been guessed by the Qin side beforehand. Otherwise, it is impossible to dare to assassinate Miyamoto Musashi, whose strength has reached the peak of the master class. Then, just send some master-level ninjas. It can be seen that they do not pay much attention.

From this point of view, the little devil is still relatively kind...

However, once it is confirmed that the remains of this small island are extremely strong and ancient secrets somewhere, such as the legendary overseas Sanxian Mountain secrets, then it is not just such a person to be dispatched here... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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