Omni Genius

Chapter 1625: Start with a strong hand!

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At this time, someone suddenly pointed to the sea in front and shouted, and then everyone’s attention was concentrated in that direction...


In the eyes of everyone, a small island with a large area appeared so suddenly on the sea... so many people couldn't help but take a breath.

Yes, it is really very abrupt!

It didn't come up slowly from the bottom of the sea, so there was an island out of thin air, as if it had been teleported from elsewhere.

"A good way to fight..."

Compared with other people's shocks, Qin Fang is more sighed by the strength of this array of methods, at least even his master-level array of methods, it is almost impossible to see the mysterious of this array of law...

"There is really a group of buildings... This island may really be a lost relic!"

"Fast, fast boarding the island..."

As I knew beforehand, when the people really witnessed this small island, they all became excited and instigated, even if Chen Liang, Ling Fei, and Fang Lin were no exception. Those who were small sects would Not to mention.

Even Qin Fang carefully observed the situation inside the island, and could not help but sigh a bit...

Although it is still not certain that this island has anything to do with the legendary overseas Sanxian Mountain, this small island is definitely a lost relic, and it is still a very high grade... the lowest is no better than Qin Fang. The secret that Fusang found was poor.

Of course, Qin Fang is talking about this small island, not the other island groups that this island may be connected to...

I don’t know which camp’s people had such a scorpion, and they saw a group of people quickly finding a lifeboat, and quickly rushed toward the island... The individual’s eager masters jumped directly into the sea, toward The island traveled over there.

Relatively speaking, this sea surface is still very calm, and at this moment their ship is more than three or five hundred meters from the top of the island. With the strength and strength of these masters, it is not difficult to swim through this small section of the sea. of.

Of course, the premise is that there will be no fierce sea beasts in this sea area... like the outer periphery of Devil Island, I am afraid that these people will never be able to live on this island.

"Uncle Shi, we should also set off..."

The island appeared, and some people have already taken the lead. Chen Liang is not far behind, and immediately whispered a reminder to Qin Fang.

"Well, start..."

When he heard Chen Liang say this, Qin Fang did not object, and nodded.

He has used small maps to detect the situation in the nearby waters, and has not found any particularly fierce sea beasts. The safety can still be guaranteed. Especially Chen Liang, they naturally prepare lifeboats, which is much safer than going straight to the sea. of.

However, thinking of this, Qin Fang also subconsciously glanced at the little devil.

These little devils are also preparing lifeboats at the moment, and it seems to be ready to go to the island, but... Qin Fang noticed that a little devil secretly put some kind of object into the sea before leaving the ship. In the water.

"Chen Liang, after a visit to the island, I will kill all the little devils when I have a chance..."

Qin Fang’s eyes shrank a little, and then immediately whispered Chen Liang and others.


Chen Liang gave a slight glimpse, looked at Qin Fang subconsciously, and looked at the little devil over there. There was a strange look in his eyes. "Uncle Shi, did you find something?"

At such a moment, Qin Fang suddenly said such a discourse. If there is no problem at all, it is absolutely impossible.

"This is not clear for a moment or two. Just do what I said..."

The little devil's little movements are only understood by Qin Fang himself. Now is not the time to say these things. Qin Fang just said a simple sentence, but did not mind to explain more.


Chen Liang also didn't ask much, but he and Ling Fei looked at each other and then they laughed and accepted it.

It is no wonder that they will react like this. Although there are many people who are small devils, they are all masters. Only three people in the Tiannan sect camp are stronger, but they are only the weakest.

Even if it is bullied by the public, it is very difficult to kill the other six masters in a short time...

However, from the look and tone of Qin Fang, Chen Liang and others have also guessed a little, and naturally they dare not violate.

The Qin side did not say much, but boarded the lifeboat. Together with several people in Tiannanzong, they slid toward the island and deliberately let their ship approach the lifeboats of the six little devils...

However, these little devils seem to have anticipated this situation for a long time. Seeing that Qin Fang’s ship leaned against it, he immediately speeded up and tried to open the distance between the two sides and prevent the ship of Tiannan Zong from leaning over.

"Don't care so much, rely on the past..."

Qin Fang does not care about this, he only needs to ensure that the distance between the two sides is not too far away. With his light work, these little devils still have difficulty escape from his hands...

However, the feeling of this island to the Qin side is very mysterious. Although the island has been revealed because of the loopholes in the array, there is no other formation in the island, and the area of ​​the island is not It’s very small. When these dozens of people go in, they drop into a drop of water like the sea, and they can’t afford to drift.

Therefore, if you want to abolish these little devils, you must take the lead and never give the other side a chance to escape.

The distance of three to five hundred meters, but it can be reached in the blink of an eye, and soon the people of the three camps have boarded this mysterious island, and the lush greenery has come to a fairyland in the world, in the distance. The building complex has also become much clearer.


However, this was just on the island, and immediately there was a strange noise. Only when Chen Liang, a Tiannan sect, saw a Fusang ninja into two...


Ling Fei is also unwilling to lag behind, the short sword in his hand crossed the neck of a Fusang little devil, a head is also rising from the sky...


Even the relative strength is relatively weak Fang Lin, but also excited to pierce the sword in the heart of a Fuso ninja, and the other face is full of shock, but the eyes are full of shock, but even the power to fight back No.

The six little devils, almost a moment of effort, were killed by Tiannanzong on the side of the three, directly destroyed half, this scene is really not the **** and sharp.

"kill ~~"

On the other side of the Tiannan sect camp, it is not only a sect of Tiannanzong, but also several other subordinate sects with weaker strengths. Among them, there are some masters, and they immediately rushed to the rest at the fastest speed. The three little devils.


The master of the sect, who is similar in strength to Chen Liang, quickly killed the fourth little devil and expanded this overwhelming advantage once again.

"There are two left, kill ~~~"

At this time, Yun Haizong seemed to have some action on the other side. Song Zhi’s great drink, and immediately led the people to the only two little devils, the impetuous, the strong, the strong... even the Tiannan Several masters of this sect have been smashed by the people of Yunhaizong.

Almost all of these masters have been able to kill these two little devils, but they are destroyed by the people of Yunhaizong.


When the two little devils "killed" the people in Yunhaizong, they suddenly moved awkwardly and disappeared in front of everyone... The little devils were directly invisible!

"Yun Haizong..."

Chen Liang’s face was also ugly to the extreme. Seeing that they had to succeed, they did not expect Song Zhiwei to take a foot with Yun Haizong’s people and let their hunting plan only complete more than half...

The people present can mix this step, and there are few cowards who have no brains...

The number of Tiannan Zong is so small that they can kill four Fusang ninjas in a matter of seconds. Even the two are almost ready to succeed... Yun Haizong has more people, but even the devils. The shadows did not touch it, did not kill people, did not say, but also let the other side stealth escape.

If there is no greasy inside, it is estimated that only fools will believe it...


For this kind of entanglement between the sects, Qin Fang can only helplessly sigh.

These six little devils, in fact, have already been in the Qinfang’s calculations before the hands-on, and the body has appeared for a moment of stalemate... This is why Chen Liang, Ling Fei and others can easily kill each other, because the other party is At this moment, there is no power to resist or dodge.

But the remaining two, but because the people of Yunhaizong deliberately delayed the time, let the stalemate time pass, naturally escaped invisible...

The Qin side can certainly kill them, but the situation is not clear. The Qin side should not expose its actual strength, so there is no shot, let the two little devils escape...

As for the ideas of those who are playing in Yunhaizong, do not want to break the balance of the three parties, or have any ulterior motives with the little devils, it is not something that Qinfang needs to pay attention to.

"Uncle Shi, there are two left in the devil, it should be a threat..."

However, Chen Liang was angry and angry, but he was quite happy compared to the record. Instead, he expressed his relief to Qin Fang.

Qin Fang could only helplessly shake his head. He could not say that as long as the little devil did not die, then the follow-up reinforcements of the Ando family could find this island?

If the matter develops to the point where it is, then these people are afraid that it is not enough for the Ando family to sew...

"The bodies are all thrown into the sea..."

Qin did not say anything more. He just told the bodies of the four little devils to be thrown into the sea. Then he secretly sent Xiaolong to deal with these bodies, hoping to deceive the Ando family, as much as possible for this expedition. Fight for time... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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