Omni Genius

Chapter 1636: Qin Fang vs Ando Sasuke!

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A fierce sword, from the bottom to the sky...

In the eyes of Qin Fang, it turned into a shimmering eye, which almost made him unable to open his eyes.

"Good swords..."

Feel this majestic sword, even if Qin Fang’s heart has long been quite wary of this opponent, but at this moment, he still feels a very strong crisis, almost let him change It has to be a lot tighter.

"come on!"

However, the Qin side was not vegetarian. Immediately, the figure was slightly moved. At the same time, the sacred sword was wrapped in a sword and the same violent sword, and immediately slammed the strength of Huashan.


Two people, two majestic swords, and the slamming impact, issued a series of low cracking sounds, as if a firecracker burst, in this area, immediately set off a violent The wind.

The swordsmanship of both of them was very sharp, and they hit together. It was wrapped in a shock wave. Then the remnant slammed against the stone wall next to it, and saw that the stone wall was like a **The little girl likes it, and it’s suddenly pitted.

The most unfortunate thing is not this stone wall without life, but... the unlucky giant poison spider.

It is unfortunate that the giant poisonous spider that was attacked by Qin Fangzhen was not scared away by the Qin side. Instead, it was a fierce outburst. It was striking along the stone wall and toward the Qin side... Almost half of the shock waves generated by Qin Fang and the swordsmanship of Ando Sasuke underneath are poured on the giant poisonous spider.


As a giant poisonous spider of the semi-spiritual beast, the body is much stronger than the average beast. Even if it is the sword of the Qin side, it can only break its outer shell, but it will not threaten its life... But now, the two masters' full-strength swordsmanship, after the impact has produced a short superposition effect, all fell on the giant poisonous spider, then the consequences are also imaginable!


The giant poisonous spider sent out a tragic scream, and the body was almost nailed into the stone wall by the swords of two people. It was completely embedded in it, and it was such a difficult, so helpless... ...

The poisonous spider Nai’s outer shell has been broken in the first round of the swordsmanship of the two masters... Although the power of the sword behind has weakened a lot, but the giant poison spider that lost the shell protection But it is a deadly kill.

After a series of poor screams, the life of this giant poisonous spider is also coming to an end. Finally, the low-pitched squatting, there is no sound completely... and Qin’s investigation skills also show the result... It’s already dead.

"poor child!"

Qin Fang also did not expect such a result... Just now he was also wary of the joint efforts of Ando Sasuke and the giant poison spider, which would bring him great threats, but did not expect this turning face, the giant poison spider It was the "joining" he and Sasuke Ando killed.

"It’s really amazing..."

In this regard, Qin Fang also smiled indifferently.

Losing the trouble of the giant poisonous spider, only Ando Sasuke is the enemy. The pressure of the Qin side is also reduced a lot in an instant, and the heart naturally becomes a lot easier.

"Gossip ~~~ Go to hell!"

However, the battle is still going on... The giant poison spider is just a little episode, and the real battle is still only the beginning. Ando Sasuke sees a miss, immediately slams, and the whole person turns into a fierce Jianguang came straight to the Qin side.

"Is the sword in one?"

Seeing the sword of Ando Sasuke, Qin Fang’s brows are also wrinkled tightly. Ando Sasuke is almost the whole person and his short sword in one hand, and is rapidly reaching the Qin side at a very high speed. This is coming here.

What makes Qin feel dangerous is that this sword seems to have completely locked Qin Fang. Qin Fang is already inevitable at this moment... almost can only resist this sword of the other side!

This move is very similar to the legendary body sword. The power is also quite horrible. Even if the sword is not reached, Qin Fang can already feel its power very clearly. Even he feels that he may not Can pick up this sword!

"Use swearing?"

In the face of this very dangerous sword, how to choose and respond is also a bit of a headache for the Qin side... This is a very difficult opponent. If you are not careful, the Qin side may fall into his hands.

However, the use of deaf people can certainly block the other side of the sword, but lost the opportunity to make Qin Fang become more powerful.

"This sword... I must be next!"

The strength is rising, and every life and death fight is an opportunity for progress. If you only stay in the greenhouse, the strength will always improve, but the chance of death will be higher and higher.

In this world, the realm of the world is bound to be invincible...

It’s not too unexpected to kill a leapfrog! At least Qin Fang started from the beginning and mixed, almost all of them were killed in the leapfrog... If you want to have such strength, you need to strengthen your courage, fighting consciousness and spirit of not being afraid of death.

No war before the squad... Even if the strength is strong, the possibility of being killed is very high.

"I am afraid that you will not be..."

Ando Sasuke is very terrible. He has almost the power to kill the Qin side. However, Qin Fang did not choose to retreat. He did not use the shackles at the bottom of the pressure box, but the true spirit of the body completely swayed. Prepare to harden Ando Sasuke for this violent sword.


Qin Fang’s sacred sword seems to have also sensed the powerful and incomparable warfare of the Qin dynasty. The sword body also trembled with it, and it made a burst of humming sounds. At the same time, the sword gas that swallowed was also instantly stronger than before. Minute.

"It’s a sword!"

Inspired by the changes in the flow of the sword, even the Qin side is slightly unexpected, but more still makes his warfare more violent.


Along with the roar of Qin Fang, there is a sword of Qin’s almost twelve successes. It’s also a slap in the face of Anda Sasuke who is on the way...

Ding! ! !

A crisp sound came to the extreme.

Everything around me seems to have been covered up by the impact of such a sword and sword...

At the same time, at the junction of the two swords, two hidden swords slammed into a point, and then... the eruption broke out!


A violent impact, released from the connection of the two swords, directly formed a sword curtain composed of sword gas, completely obscured everything around, even the trees, stone walls next to it... Can not stop this horrible sword.

This horrible sword, clearing everything on both sides of the sword, there is almost nothing to obstruct its footsteps... Any obstacles are directly cut by the swordless ruthlessness!


Qin Fang and Ando Sasuke, two people, were also shocked back by this violent sword, and each of them flew backwards for dozens of meters, which was able to stop...

To be precise, the two men flew directly out of the air, then squatted on the ground and rolled a few meters on the grass, which finally stopped... Poor two masters, almost It became two grass groups.

Kakaka ~~~

However, Qin Fang and Ando Sasuke, all of them did not fall down. Instead, they took the sword and held their bodies. They slowly stood up... The mouth was breathing heavily, and the expression on their faces was also It seems pale and terrible, and the blood of the mouth has already burst out.

It’s such a fierce fight, it seems that no one has been able to win it, maintaining a situation that is evenly matched!

In the middle of the two people, a gully deeper than half a meter, squatting there, stretched out for 20 meters, and directly cut the ground completely... even if it was just the stone wall of Qin Fang’s picking heart, it was also The horrible sword is cut into two halves.

It happened that the body of the giant poisonous spider was stuck in the middle position, and it was cut into two ends at the moment... However, it has been dead for a while, and the body is cut again, and it is no big deal.

However, the power of this sword is so powerful, but it is also clear at a glance... I am afraid that it is the confrontation of the master-level masters, but it is just that!

The two men’s moves have almost reached the strongest level at their respective levels. Under the collision of two or two, there has been a destructive force that has surpassed their current level...

"It’s not the three days of Fuso..."

Qin Fang erased the blood at the corner of his mouth and gasped and admired it.

"You are also very strong..."

Ando Sasuke’s face is not very good, and the atmosphere is also a lot of chaos. The look of Qin Fang’s eyes is also quite complicated... After all, his age is much larger than that of Qin Fang, but the strength of the two people seems to be different. A lot smaller.

"To each other..."

The Qin side responded indifferently, while quickly repairing the injuries in the body...

"Hey, in the end, it’s the top of the ranks of the masters. It’s not that I can compete now... If it’s late, it’s definitely a lot easier!”

On the surface, Qin Fang does not seem to weaken Ando Sasuke, but in fact Qin’s injury is heavier, but his body is very special, and the wound will heal faster, so he resisted his own. The pain was not seen by Ando Sasuke.

If it is a little later, Qin Fang can use the skill of bitterness to formally enter the middle of the master class, and even later, then it is much easier to fight against Ando Sasuke, the master of the master class... not even the possibility of killing each other. !

But now, Qin Fang wants to protect himself, he needs to make a little bit of a little... (unfinished. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support, that is me The biggest motivation.)

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