Omni Genius

Chapter 1640: Seven Star Sword Grass!

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During the speech, Qin Fang also couldn’t take a closer look to see what good things Ando Sasuke had in the end. He could only throw it away and throw the explosives into the props box. Then Qin Fang himself was fast. Get up and escape quickly in one direction.

Almost the front and rear feet, Qin Fang just ran away without a shadow, a small pig rushed out from the jungle next to it, turned into a black phantom, quickly passed through here...

Poor Ando Sasuke, and he also had to be stepped on the face by the pig, and a head was almost kicked by the pig...

However, this pig obviously has no intention to pay attention to these, but quickly rushed from here, and then quickly disappeared in the position where Qin Fang just disappeared, the speed is almost the end, almost people can hardly capture it. The figure.


However, the pig escaped, but behind it was followed by a giant wolf with a bigger body... The mouth groaned in the mouth, and it quickly chased it over here, and the whole body was raging. The strength of the trees, even the surrounding trees seem to have been shaken and shattered by such strength.


However, the giant wolf seems to be angered, the atmosphere becomes quite violent, although the speed is very fast, but the fall of each foot is quite heavy.

The head of Ando Sasuke, who had just stepped on the piglet, was very unfortunate at the moment. He was directly photographed by a wolf claw of a giant wolf... I heard only a sound similar to the burst of watermelon, Ando Sasuke’s A head was directly smashed by the wolf claws.


However, the head of Ando Sasuke may not be useless. At least this sudden sound has scared the giant wolf, and the body has been slightly stagnant, subconsciously squatting down to the body. eye.

Just stunned, it forgot to continue to chase the little pig, because the attraction of this corpse on the ground is obviously much larger than a pig with enough teeth. ......

Naturally, I will stop chasing it, but stop and start to smash the body of Ando Sasuke... Living on this small island, all kinds of birds and beasts are pitiful, or they can’t eat at all. This giant The wolf has no idea how long it has not eaten meat.

Perhaps this is why, after discovering Qin Fang, it immediately rushed out of the small island to kill the Qin Fang. Unfortunately, the appearance of the little pig is a good appetite for it, this will all the way. Chase.

Now, there is a corpse on the ground, and the blood is still relatively fresh, and the meat is quite delicate. Where is this giant wolf going to chase the little pig, stop immediately and eat meat... As for Sato Sasuke The head has long been photographed as a broken bone, and it’s really not terrible to die.

The escaped pig, that is, the lazy pig in the Qinfang mouth, is naturally the pet of the Qin Dynasty. It is a pet chrysanthemum pig. However, this has always helped the Qin side to resist the windy wolf, but now it is very loyal. The road is running.

Running back to the road, but it is in the direction of its running, but it is coming to the side of the Qin side... This is quite pitted.

If it wasn’t for Qin’s killing of Ando Sasuke, the squalor wolf would come back and slap it, and it would be really troublesome... Don’t say that it’s killing Ando Sasuke, fearing that Qin Fang himself would also take his life into it.

Fortunately, this chrysanthemum pig is very unreliable, but this timing is not particularly difficult, but it has finally given Qin a little time... At least after Qin Fang killed Ando Sasuke, this is only Come over.

"I x, you are a dead pig..."

Qin Fang quickly fled in front of him, and soon the chrysanthemum pigs slammed up and ran wildly alongside the Qin side... This made the Qin Fang angry, and grabbed an ear of the chrysanthemum pig and gave it to him. It’s up, a bad rumor.


The chrysanthemum pig seems to be very proud, pointing to the direction behind the body, and then the four legs are kicking in the air, seems to want to express what it means, but Qin Fang is not too clear about it...

"Not coming?"

However, the chrysanthemum pigs have been drawn for a while, and Qin Fang has also perceived it. This is the meaning of the chrysanthemum pig. There is no breath of the sultry wolf behind him. It seems that he has not chased it.

When I heard this doubt from the Qin side, the chrysanthemum pig was also cheerfully nodding his head, and his eyes were also showing some smug colors. It seemed to be waiting for the praise and thanks of Qin.


"You are a dead pig... I almost killed me! Do you dare to be so stunned?"

It is a pity that it was a slap in the face of Qin Fangxuan and the angry anger of Qin Fang.

However, after blaming, confirming that the Yinfeng wolf did not come over, Qin Fang was also slightly relieved at this time... At least their safety has been guaranteed, and there is no need to flee.

"Hot ~~~ Time is almost the same, it's time to go back!"

Qin Fang looked at the sky, and looked at the distance, that is, the depths of the island. Finally, Qin Fang shook his head helplessly, denying the desire in his heart.

It is undeniable that the deepest part of the island is definitely the place with the most treasures. If you look at the rich aura of heaven and earth in the sky, you know that there is definitely more than one kind of elixir, otherwise you will never form such a rich world. Reiki.

It is a pity that there are spirits and beasts in addition to the elixir... and at least one of the beasts has reached the horror of the Supreme Court, which is far beyond the scope of the Qin party’s confrontation, and rushes in. If there is only one dead road.

"Hey, dead pig... what is in your mouth?"

However, when Qin Fang prepared to take the chrysanthemum pig from here and evacuate the core area of ​​the island, he suddenly found something in the mouth of the chrysanthemum pig. He immediately asked with surprise and then did not care about the dirty. Dirty, reaching out from the mouth of the chrysanthemum pig, and licking it out...

"this is……"

Qin Fang took this thing out and looked at it carefully. The expression on his face became quite dignified. He felt vaguely that this thing seemed familiar at first, but it was not very clear.

"Seven Stars Sword Grass?"

However, this does not matter. The Qin side has the ability to use the investigative skills. It will soon be clear to the origins of this thing, but it is also very surprising to Qin Fang... "Is this thing really there?"

This is a herb... It actually looks like a rock. It seems to have nothing to do with the grass, both in shape and texture. It is a herb, and it is still a very rare herb. Herbs that have completely disappeared on Earth.

The seven-star sword grass, which looks like a rock, looks gray and quite inconspicuous. The shape is like a sharp sword. If you look carefully, you can still distinguish the hilt and blade on the seven-star sword grass. Sword ridge, sword blade...

The most intriguing thing is the white spots dotted on the ridge of the sword. Simple counts, you will find that there are seven on each side of the seven-star sword grass, and each has its own light and shade. different.

Of course, this is just the singularity of the shape of the seven-star sword grass, and the reason why it is so famous, there is a very important reason... Legend has it that this seven-star sword grass inherently contains some kind of sword meaning, the master of the sword is holding Seven Stars and Swords and Grasses have a chance to comprehend the sword, the strength can be improved rapidly, and the power of the sword will be greatly improved.

However, this legend has been passed down to the present. No one can tell the difference between true and false. After all, the seven-star sword grass is almost non-existent, and the master who can really be called the swordsman is almost gone.

The result of this is naturally that the seven-star sword grass has become a legend completely... slowly will disappear into the long river of history.

If it is not Qin Fang’s investigative skills, if it’s not a chrysanthemum pig, it’s just right to get it. If it’s not Qin, it’s just on this small island... I’m afraid that this seven-star sword grass is like a common herb, and it turns into a chrysanthemum pig. A sputum, completely disappeared, disappeared!

Holding the seven-star sword grass in hand, Qin Fang’s mind slightly converged and silently explored an instinct and entered the seven-star sword grass. Qin Fang also wanted to feel and try to understand this. The sword is meant to witness whether this legend is true.

"Hey? It really has a sword..."

The result is that Qin Fang feels very surprised... his infuriating spirit has just entered the seven-star sword grass, and has not made any reaction. Qin can clearly feel that it is clear. Very strange power, easily cut off the connection between Qin's body and the infuriating gas he injected...

This result is also a bit uncomfortable for the Qin side... After all, every infuriating is hard to practice and integrate, although it is a little faster, but the process is full of hardships and dangers. of.

Such a powerful instinct, so inexplicably lost, Qin Fang also felt a bit of pain...

However, this strange and unpredictable force, Qin Fang can basically confirm that it is indeed the existence of a sword, and Qin Fang can also feel the sharpness and sharpness of that power just now... This feeling, The Qin side only felt in the body of the gods such as the Shadow Sword.

"Maybe, I can use this seven-star sword grass to comprehend the sword meaning..."

Holding this mysterious seven-star sword grass, Qin Fang’s mind could not help but be so stunned.

Qixingjiancao is a very rare herb. It is not a spiritual medicine in its own right. Even it has no medicinal value, but its real value is unmatched by many other elixir...

It’s not just that others think so, even the Qin side, it’s the same. This Qixing sword grass... Qin Fang even thinks it’s the biggest gain since it’s been on the island, even the two elixir Not comparable. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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