Omni Genius

Chapter 1648: He is also the one who is the other!

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"Eh... this, we still don't go!"

When I heard that Qin Fang said this, Chen Liang and others were scared and stunned, and finally survived. Can not be ruined again, it is really not worth it.

"Not to mention... Ando Sasuke, one of the three great days of Fuso, is on the island!"

At this time, Qin Fang only added a sentence slowly.

Of course, Ando Sasuke is indeed inside the island, but it has already become a cold body, and even has been swallowed up by the squalor wolf... But this thing, only Qin Fang knows it, others It is not known.

Therefore, when Qin Fang said it at this time, it would be true to tell the truth. It was just a little bit of concealment, but it was also innocuous... Anyway, such high-end characters are not Chen Liang and they can be contacted.

"Ando Sasuke? Fuso's three great days... oh!!!"

Chen Liang's level is too low, and I haven't heard of the name of Ando Sasuke, but I still heard about Fusang's three great days... At least, the murderous madman Ichiro is one of the three heavens. .

The Supreme Spiritual Beast seems to be too far away from them, but they are still slightly in contact with the Fusang Ninja of the Tianren level. Far away, the one who was killed by the Qinfang is the master of the Tianren level, let them directly There is no one to fight back.

Even if the three of them exiled their lives, it is still impossible to be an opponent of any endurance... What's more, Ando Sasuke is still one of the three great days of Fuso, and is the strongest in the Tian Ren class. In minutes, you can kill dozens of them back and forth.

"If you don't want to die, let's go..."

The Qin Fang has already said that compared to Chen Liang, several of them already know how to make a decision... Of course, if they really are stubborn, then Qin Fang has nothing to say.

"Go, walk, go..."

Fortunately, these three guys were also frightened by the previous incident. At one time, half of the feet entered the gate of the ghost gate. It was hard to be rescued by Qin Fang. Where do you want to try again? They also all said that they can’t wait to fly back to Tiannan Zong.

"There is a boat over there, I hope that I have not been preempted..."

Qin Fang pointed out that he was pointing in a certain direction in the distance. When he was looking for Chen Liang and several of them, he found the trace of the ship. It’s only a long time now, whether it was taken away, it’s true. Not very good to say.

According to Qin’s estimation, the martial arts people on the island are afraid that they will still be alive until now, and they will be alone. Most of them are not killed in each other’s fights, but they are being lurked by the beasts. Killed, more is still being killed by the Fusang little devil.

However, Chen Liang can live happily, and does not mean that other people can not be as lucky.

In case someone found the ship and then took the boat out to sea and returned to the cruise ship that came over, it was not impossible...

"Not bad, the boat is still... get on board immediately!"

When the Qin party saw the boat, they also had a smile on their faces. The boat was still there and was not taken away... This is a very ordinary lifeboat, although not particularly large, but sitting The last three or five people still have no problem, even if they are squeezed, seven or eight people can barely make do with it.

And Qin Fang, they are now four people, this boat is enough...


"I am, it’s Song Fat..."

But when I said this, in less than ten seconds, I saw three people in the jungle, and I rushed to the ship. The three men immediately recognized the identity of these three people. It is the fat man from Song Zhiwei of Yun Haizong.

"It seems that they are not much better than us..."

At this moment, the three people of Song Zhiwei seem to be uncomfortable, and their body is ruined. Even the blade of the hand seems to want to abandon it. The general rushed to the lifeboat. Obviously, I also want to leave this island as soon as possible. of.


Because of the distance, Song Zhiwei had to board the lifeboat slightly earlier than the Qin side. They almost wanted to leave the boat immediately. They even saw Chen Liang and their four people, pretending not to see.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Liang suddenly hurriedly yelled...

"Chen Liang, don't blame my Song fat man's unfamiliar, this boat is so big, you can find another way!"

When boarded the ship, Song Fatzi suddenly calmed down a lot. Even when he saw Chen Liang's four people, his face showed a smug smile, and then directed his two identical boats to leave the island.

However, Song Fatzi himself is holding a long sword in front of Qin Fang and others, obviously refusing the request of Qin Fang and others to board the ship...

"Song fat man, don't deceive too much..."

Seeing the movements of Song Fatzi, Chen Liang’s face also became very gloomy, almost gnashing his teeth.

"You and I are quite powerful. Even in the heyday, it is only half a catty. But now you and Ling Fei are both very serious. These two boys are even neglected. They are not the opponents of our brothers... I am bullying. How are you?"

Song Zhiwei is really despicable. It is obvious that this ship can bring everyone else, but this guy does not intend to let Chen Liang and others board the ship. Even the reason for this refusal is such a domineering exposure. The human eye is really not too big.


Chen Liang’s face was turned blue and purple, and it was all angered by this Song fat man.

"It’s useless to say anything... Our two masters are dead, this time we have a heavy loss, but... as long as you die on this island, all the losses are worth it! Hahahaha..."

Song Fatzi really did not hide his ambitions, and swept the four people, including Qin Fang, unscrupulously, and then he was ready to board the ship and leave here.


However, his laughter was really rampant, but it seemed to be like a duck that had been caught in his neck. The voice stopped abruptly.

Then, Song Zhiwei’s fat body is like a ball, and he was lifted by a hard-nosed man. The thick neck seemed to be slender in an instant... at least one section was very slender because there was a wrist there. .


Until this time, Chen Liangcai was extremely disdainful of irony, and then with Ling Fei, rushed to the lifeboat ... and the person who caught Song Zhiwei's neck, naturally is the Qin Fang who did not want much trouble.

Before Song Zhiwei did not put Qin Fang in his eyes, even if it is now the same... But when Qin Fang’s iron fist caught his throat, his whole person seemed to have suffered an electric shock.

Looking at the young, unspoken young man in front of him, Song Zhiwei really can't imagine how close he is to the master's peak. How could it be so weak, he was so easily restrained, and there was no resistance at all. force.


However, before he reacted, he felt that his body seemed to be transformed into a human shell. He flew straight out... and then hit the object heavily. The strong impact almost made His five internal organs and lungs trembled and almost didn't knock out his overnight meal.


However, when he hit something, he was accompanied by two screams, and the sound seemed to be familiar.


However, he soon fell into the water, and there were two other figures with him. It was his two younger brothers...the two who were just rowing.

It was so easy, the three Yunhaizong people were thrown into the sea, and Chen Liang and Ling Fei naturally took control of the lifeboat. The four people immediately boarded the boat and prepared to row back to the cruise ship.

"help me!"

Seeing such a scene, Song Zhiwei three people suddenly dumbfounded, and then swam to the side of this lifeboat, and shouted while swimming.

These three guys are not really stupid. Once Qin Fang’s ship leaves, they only have two choices. One is to return to the island and wait for the people of Yunhaizong to come to the rescue. The second is to swim a few kilometers in the sea and swim to the location of the cruise.

But what about the results of these two roads?

There are not only treasures on the island, but also ferocious beasts. Basically, they are not able to compete. Once they encounter it, it is definitely a dead end. Not to mention that Fusang Xiaozi is also on the island. Seeing them is also a killer.

Obviously, this first road is not going to work...

And their current location, at least a few kilometers away from that cruise ship, for their masters of master class, the waters that fly a few kilometers are nothing... The problem is that at such seas, they You can't see the location of the cruise ship at all. Once you are off-track, then they will be even more dangerous... If you don't have time to turn back, you can only drown in the sea.

What's more, this ocean is not very safe. It may be a bit of a fierce beast like a great white shark. They may be able to produce tigers and leopards on land, but in the sea... that would be too much. .

"Oh... what have you done early? If you are not in a bad heart... Is it so late?"

Seeing the encounter of three people by Song Zhiwei, Chen Liang could not help but sarcastically.

If you say the previous words, because everyone is suffering, you can abandon the portal. Everyone will ship together and leave here... So hello, I am good, everyone!

Can be fat, Song Zhiwei, this guy is in a bad heart, ready to take Chen Liang and other people seriously injured, forcibly possess this boat, and then Chen Liang and others are forced to die on this island... This kind of thinking, Chen Liang is now The other way is to give him a body. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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