Omni Genius

Chapter 1650: 瓮中鳖鳖!

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"any solution?"

When Chen Liang heard these words, he immediately came to the spirit... All of them were like very well-behaved primary school students, who looked at their teachers with pity.

This is also the situation of their situation at this moment is very bad, if there is no better way, then their life is really difficult to guarantee, maybe even the post-worker's door is also a bleak end...

“It’s actually very simple, just do this...”

Seeing these three people is really scared, Qin Fang will no longer tease them, they will simply say something about their plans.

At the moment, Qin Fang feels like a trafficker who abducts a child. He is step by step yin* and Chen Liang is like three people walking with him... This feeling also really makes Qin Fang quite helpless.


When Chen Liang heard the way that Qin Fang said, they couldn’t help but exclaim, and the expression on their faces was cloudy and uncertain. Obviously, they were a little uncertain... at least a bit out of it. They were unexpected.

"Uncle Shi, is there no other way?"

Three people, look at me, I look at you, and then ask carefully, obviously this method of Qin Fang is a little bit unacceptable to them.

"At least I can only think of this method... If you have a better way, then you will solve it yourself!"

Qin Fang shrugged and said that he did not care too much.


The three people were dumbfounded. If they had a way, they would not become so helpless and impatient.

"Well, then let's listen to the uncle's arrangement..."

In the end, the three people can only choose to compromise.

If you want to live, it seems that you only have to listen to the arrangements of the Qin side. After all, their strength is too weak, but the enemies they are about to face are not generally strong. Without the blessing of the Qin side, they certainly cannot support it for a long time...

Even the Tiannan Zong, the teacher behind them, is just an ordinary small sect. Although there are also masters in the door, they face the powerful enemies, not to mention two masters. Even if it’s ten or eight, it doesn’t make much sense...

And with the previous things, Chen Liang knows that although Qin Shishu is very young, but the strength is terrible to the extreme, even the master level master can easily kill, the strength is absolutely master. It is very powerful inside.

Qin Fang has such a terrible cultivation at such a young age, it must have come out of those millennial sects... There are such mountains, backgrounds and details, Qin Fang bless them, and naturally they can keep their small Life.

Not to mention, Qin Fang and their lord Fang Tianlin have some friendships, and they also take care of them three on this road. They have no intentions for them. They are naturally more reliable than others and they are more trustworthy.

"That's fine. After I got back to the island, I immediately arranged for them..."

Qin Fang nodded, Chen Liang and other people's choices were considered in his expectations, and nothing strange, immediately said.

"Although the strength is a little worse, it is barely available..."

However, Qin Fang also whispered in his heart.

His method is actually not simple. He will directly change the appearance of Chen Liang’s three people, and then they will be taken from the island to the mainland of the dragon... There are many restricted areas of the power, and the general Zongmen rarely dare to reach in. So, it is no problem to protect their safety.

The three people of Chen Liang are masters of the masters. In the future, it is estimated that the masters are the masters of the masters. It seems that they cannot be seen in the eyes of the Qin Dynasty... but you can know that you can grow into masters. If you are weak, if you adjust your training, you may not be able to become a very good force.

Qin Fang did not expect how powerful these three people could provide him. He only needed to help them protect their own rear and secretly protect those women... This is enough.

After all, knowing the roots, Chen Liang three people should know the proportions, and will not make any irrational things...


"It’s almost, we should get off the boat..."

When Qin Fang was closer to the dock on the land, Qin Fang suddenly stopped the boat, and pulled Chen Liang and said three people.

"Er... this time, get off the boat?"

Chen Liang suddenly stopped and looked at the sea around him. It seems that there is still a short distance from the land. Even if they want to swim back to the land, it seems to be closer, let’s say at least a dozen. 20 kilometers away.

"I don't want to be caught in the crowd, let's abandon the ship now..."

Qin Fang looked at the distance and barely saw a little marginal land saying, "Do not worry, even if it is a boating, we can safely reach the land..."

Then, despite the doubts of Chen Liang's three people, they directly took the three of them to the lifeboat and abandoned the yacht directly. The occupant's lifeboat went to the landing place.

To be exact, their lifeboats adjusted their way forward, deviating from the original route, and preparing to find other locations to land.

Because the ship is relatively large, it is not easy to get close to the land unless it is going to the port terminal. Otherwise, the lifeboat will be different. Even the messy gravel beach can be easily parked.

According to the estimates of the Qin side, I am afraid that there are people waiting for the port pier, waiting for the team to go out to explore...

"Good speed..."

Chen Liang’s three people could not understand at first. They always felt that Qin’s fear was a bit redundant. Even if they wanted to abandon the ship, there was no need to take a lifeboat. This is still a long way away. I don't know when I can log in.

However, these three guys are once again dumbfounded... The speed of the lifeboat is not much slower than the cruise ship, or even faster. In the high-speed driving on the sea, the sea breeze almost blows them. Going to the sea.

If Qin Fang did not pull them in time, I am afraid that all three people will now become chickens.


In this regard, Qin Fang only faintly spit out these two words, but it did not explain anything.

Some things can't be explained at all, just like the lifeboat in front of us, even if they don't go to the paddle, they can still keep a speed of more than one hundred speeds... The whole boat is almost flying by the waves.

However, the Qin side seems to be very calm, it seems that this is a normal thing, and there is nothing strange about it.

If it wasn't for Xiaolong's inconvenience, he even planned to take the three guys back to the land from the bottom of the sea below the sea... instead of letting Xiaolong drive hundreds of thousands of fish under the lifeboat. Their ship is moving fast.

It was at this speed, and after more than ten or twenty minutes, the land in front of them was getting bigger and bigger... and finally at their feet, they landed on a beach that was inaccessible.

Although the various reefs were scattered and rocky, and even the edges of the stone once broke their lifeboats, they did not stop the Qinfang from their footsteps and eventually landed on the land.

For ordinary people, this piece of water may be dangerously dangerous, and ships are not afraid to get close to it. However, for the Qin and their warriors, there is not much danger and they are easily conquered by them.

Port office.

It looks very prosperous here. The various vessels are moving in and out. The containers are constantly being lifted and lowered. On the other side of the tourist dock, boats of all sizes swim and everything is very calm.

However, if you look closely, you can also find that some hotels, hotels, various yacht clubs, etc. near the pier can see some very strange people walking around.

These people are very ordinary in dress and can't see anything unusual...but, pay attention to their movements, eyes, etc., but you can find the difference between them and ordinary people, not to mention that many people obviously carry " Guy".

Even in some places, you can also see the strange "ancient people" wearing ... wearing a robe, combing a bun, behind a sword!

"Fortunately, my uncle reminds us, otherwise..."

Seeing such a scene, Chen Liang and three people could not help but take a breath, and then looked at Qin Fang with admiration.

As martial arts people, they naturally understand the origins of these people. Many of them are very powerful characters...especially the old priests who found them in the robes, and they are very famous as the famous masters of the island. !

"Nanhai Lihua Island, Wankong Mountain, East China Sea Whales... Fusang Ninja!"

It was such a simple turn, Chen Liang and the three of them recognized the origins of many people, and they also couldn’t help but take a breath. It’s really too complicated to come here. Almost every major force has come over.

"If it is not that our appearance has changed, I am afraid..."

Chen Liang, they are also worried. Now they can wander around here in the port. It is Qin Fang who has changed their faces... even if they are old friends, if they are face to face, if they don’t speak, It is also difficult to recognize them.

It was because they couldn’t recognize it, they dared to come to the dock here... At the moment, they also completely believed in Qin’s words.

The news of the island is completely leaked out, and the number of masters who come over is quite large. They are all waiting for the first group of explorers to go to the island to come back, and then... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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