Omni Genius

Chapter 1721: Big brother breaks through!

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In the next few days, it was calm...

Qin Fang is also quite leisurely, accompanying the three women of Chu, Lin Biao and Xu Jiao to eat, drink, play and play in Jiangzhou... even went to several nearby cities for a stroll. It is also quite leisurely.

However, Qin Fang has always been paying attention to the situation in Jiangzhou...

For example, the movement in the Tang Dynasty...

It was reminded by the Qin side that Tang Cheng did not continue to cultivate the kind of exercises, but did not deliberately suppress the expansion of the infuriating in his body. I believe that within a few days, he could hit higher. The master level on the first floor.

As long as Tangcheng breaks through, the mysterious master should also appear... At that time, it was time for Qin to solve this trouble and hidden danger for Tangcheng.

Another example is Chen Lin’s movement...

Chen Lin is quite calm here, and it has rarely been seen recently, as if he has disappeared from Jiangzhou... However, Qin Fang knows that he and several other people in the six families are busy. Some hidden things seem to have reached a critical period, and this will rarely happen.

The elite team that Qin Fang got the hand to do is always staring at Chen Lin... but Chen Lin is also surrounded by a lot of masters, and there is no suitable for it. The chance of assassination.

That is, Tony once tried it for a while, hitting Chen Lin’s arm in one shot... It’s just a false alarm, just scratching the skin, there is no substantial harm, but also let Chen Lin became more cautious and careful.

There is the movement of the devil's hand...

Compared with Charlie's elite team, the other teams of the Devil's Hand are very hidden. Chen Da has explored it for a long time, and only found the existence of individual elite teams. As for the real core guard of the Devil's Hand, it seems that it has not come. Jiangzhou is like.

And Charlie, these elite teams did not get the task instructions, just let them stay in Jiangzhou... So, it is difficult for Qin Fang to know the true purpose of the devil's hand.

"These people, one is more mysterious than one..."

After two days of leisurely days, Qin Fang was a little idle. If it wasn’t for the things that had not been done yet, he planned to go back to Ninghai with the three girls of Chu and Chu... Tang Feifei and several of them went on a trip. It’s coming back soon, and he misses it.

However, such a leisurely day is still very soon passed.

"Qin Fang, you are coming over soon, I am going to be unable to suppress it..."

On this day, when Qin Fang was pondering what the Jinta should do, Tangcheng’s phone call came, and there was an anxious voice in Tangcheng. Then Tangcheng’s mobile phone could not bear the instigation of Tangcheng. The infuriating and bursting.

"It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here!"

Before Qin Fang was still chanting, he was fulfilled so quickly, and it made him quite hurt.

Therefore, Qin Fang made a move toward the location where Tangcheng was located, and also contacted several people over the phone...

The trial of the priests in Fusang is still in progress, but Qin Zi’s strength is already strong enough, and he has reached the peak of the master class. He may enter the rank of the master at any time, and naturally he does not need human protection. Several good brothers of the party are also back.

However, the Wukong monk returned to Shaolin, but he could not return for a moment or two. Naturally, he could not help;

Ji Xiang also returned to the Golden Triangle. It seems that something more important happened there. He needs to go back to sit down for the family and he can't help;

Naturally, there is only the old man who has the Song Qingshan kimono tri-sacred... but they are also masters of the master-level level, and they all have their own secret skills, but they can also help.

Then Lin Biao and Xu Jiao were also called, plus Qin Fang himself, and Tangcheng, which is about to break through, so that Qin Fang’s side is also a master of six master-levels. Including the Qin Fang, a master who is even more perverted than the peak of the master class.

"If you can't handle him like this... then you can only use the cockroach!"

Don't look at the Qin Fang's ease of saying to Tangcheng, but Qin Fang understands that the strength of this secret mysterious person is absolutely terrible. Although it has not yet entered the rank of a big division, but the strength is not necessarily the general master level. The master is poor.

Qin Fang has prepared so many people to join hands to deal with it, or is it intended to kill the other side as much as possible?

But if the strength of the other party exceeds one's own side... then Qin Fang can only use the big killer at the bottom of the pressure box!

Today, the three cockroaches that Qin Fang got, have already used two, only the last one... If it is not because Tangcheng is the big brother of Qin, he really does not intend to use this last one. Card!

The location of Tangcheng’s impact on the master class is actually in a mountain in southern Jiangzhou.

Qin Fang is not too strange to this place. At the beginning, he killed a lot of people here... In the rainy night, Qin Fang killed and did not know how many people, the blood completely dyed the rain.

But this time, Qin Fang came over not to see the scenery, but to kill!

"This place is good, it is very suitable for ambush!"

The location is also good, this is a relatively deserted valley, surrounded by trees, it is also a bamboo forest, it is also very suitable for hiding... With the hidden power of Qin Fang, after drilling in, it is estimated that it is difficult for a master-level master to discover his existence.

After a long time of hard work, the people called by Qin Fang were all in the same place. The simple coldness was a bit. Qin conveniently arranged the hiding place for everyone. Everyone immediately went to wait for the arrival of the mysterious person.

"Don brother, give it to us here, even if you rush yourself..."

In order to ensure the success of Tangcheng Chongguan, and there is no danger, Qin Fang specially took out a few drops of Jinlongyu to him, to prevent the lack of aura in heaven and earth... and also to enhance the personal life potential of Tangcheng.

For that kind of strange practice, Qin Fang has vaguely guessed something, but he is still afraid of accidents. This Jinlongyu is the defender's backhand!

"You have taken this thing, not really in a very crisis time, don't use it..."

In addition to Jin Longzhen, Qin Fang secretly stuffed something to Tang Cheng, and reminded him very quietly.

"what is this?"

Tang Cheng was very surprised to see this thing in his hand. It looked like an iron pipe, but it was very heavy and cold in his hand. There was also an inexplicable murder lurking in the vagueness. Stayed and asked.

"Tangmen's top ten hidden weapons, storm pears..."

Qin Fang looked around and looked at it, and then told Xiaocheng very quietly.

The strength of Tangcheng is definitely the weakest among the people in the place. Even the experience of fighting is very small. When it comes to fighting, it becomes the biggest flaw. Qin can’t let the mysterious man succeed. It is necessary to let Tangcheng have the power of self-protection.

Since the strength of Tangcheng itself is insufficient, it can only rely on external tools...

The power of the rain pear flower, Qin Fang had experienced it personally, the mysterious person may be very powerful, but as long as there is no breakthrough in the master class, there is no defensive body protection, then it is absolutely unable to stop the attack of the rain pear flower !

The fine needles of the torrential pears, which are specially designed to break the body and infuriate, are destructive to the body-protecting suffocation... These thousands of cow hair rollers are shot on one person, so it is absolutely undead and crippled. Understand.

"Hey~~~ Good guy, can you get this kid even with this stuff?"

Since the beginning of practicing martial arts, Tang Cheng has also consciously touched this chaotic river.

Naturally, the ten secrets of Tangmen are the secrets of Tangmen. They have always been treasured by Tangmen masters. Why have they been lost? But now, Qin Fang has shaken and put out this rainy pear flower, indeed Let Tangcheng feel surprised and shocked.

"Don't pull so much useless, your instinct has already gone, it has been completely suppressed..."

However, Qin Fang did not have time to work with Tang Cheng to learn how to get the rainstorm of the Tang Dynasty's top ten hidden weapons. He has clearly felt that the infuriating atmosphere of Tangcheng has begun to show signs of uncontrollableness. Punished, then all the soy milk is in vain, and even Tangcheng itself will be dangerous.

Tangcheng did not delay, hiding the torrential pear flowers on his side, but it was quite hidden, and the Qin side was retired from the mountains and hidden.

According to Qin’s estimation, the moment the Tangcheng breakthrough succeeds, the mysterious person will appear...

Only at this time, the infuriating body in Tangcheng is very majestic, but it is not solid enough, and it can be easily sucked away. As Tangcheng's instinct is more and more consolidated, the possibility of sucking away is getting lower and lower.

Even if Tang Cheng’s instinct is firmly established, his plan will be completely lost...

Therefore, this mysterious person will definitely come over!

Although I don't know where this mysterious man is at the moment, Qin knows that he must find a way to find it here!


The Qin side has just been hidden, and I heard that the Tang City there has made a roar of anger, and the infuriating body is like boiling water. It is completely swaying and boiling, and the whole person Like a violent bomb, it is possible to blow up people around the world at any time.

However, Tangcheng is not in a hurry...

Qin Fang and others have already taught him a lot of breakthrough experience. Although he is the first shock, he is also considered "experienced."

The inflamed instinct was completely released, and the constant operation, the group became more powerful, and then... quickly inhaled this instinct into the body and began to impact the barrier.

"It looks like there is no problem with the success rate of Don Brother!"

Qin Fang has been staring at the distance all the time. He noticed the degree of the infuriating arrogance of the group. He knew that Tangcheng’s breakthrough was shocking and natural, and naturally he was relieved.

The only thing that is missed is naturally the mysterious person. "I don't know when that person will appear?" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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