Omni Genius

Chapter 1828: Someone smashed the wall!

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"Forget it, think so much... Anyway, I don't lose myself!"

After considering it for a long time, Qin Fang did not think of any better countermeasures... simply gave up, at least for now, it seems that a move like Silkworm has nothing to do with the Qin side, and even There are so many benefits.

The silkworm absorbs the residual elements in Cao Yuan's body, but it needs to use the body of Qin Fang as a medium, and then slowly infiltrates into its mouth... This is like electricity transmission, more or less will have a little more Loss.

Naturally, these Sun Hao's fine elements are integrated into the body of Qin Fang...

Maybe it doesn't seem too eye-catching, but how much is a little bit cheaper!

As for saying that different kind of infuriating may have a slight impact on its own infuriating, there is almost no such problem in the Qinfang... The various instinct in his body is enough to be mixed, and it doesn't matter if it is more.

And when he is officially advanced, he will use medicinal herbs, elixir, etc. to baptize the infuriating body. Those infuriating infuriating will be handled properly, and will not cause anything to the Qin side. Harmful.

In this way, Qin Fang is too lazy to care about it...

Even pondering, this absorbs the essence, whether the silkworm can grow faster... Of course, the most important point is that the silkworm did not absorb the essence of the Qin side, which is enough to make the Qin side feel relieved.

A group of people all the way from Danxia Mountain, it took more than an hour to enter the city of Ninghai, which is considered to be the land of Qin Fang.

"Call~~~ may not be back some time!"

Looking at the familiar environment, Qin Fang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He has forgotten how long he has left Ninghai, three months, five months or more than half a year... Anyway, it has been quite a long time.

In retrospect, Qin Fang is still a college student, but he has only been admitted to Ninghai University. The time at school really seems to add up to two months. This is really not a "discountry"!

Of course. His prospective father-in-law, Governor Tang, had already greeted the school. Even if people don't come to class, it doesn't matter... After four years, the diploma and degree certificate will not be less, which can make Qin Fang feel more comfortable.

"Qin Shao, we will take these people away..."

Arrived in Ninghai, this is also home, Chen Da greeted, and led the wounded to leave ... Charlie they are now completely freed from the hands of the devil. Also followed Chen Da.

In Ninghai, Qin Fang has a secret base. There is absolutely no problem in arranging these people. It is not necessary for Qin to go to the mind.

"I don't know if Fifi came back from her trip?"

Calculating the time, it is now September, and the new school year has begun again. Qin Fang also changed from the original freshman to the current sophomore.

Now that I have already started school, Tang Feifei has gone out to travel with a few women. At this time, it is time to come back. Although I have occasionally had a phone call with Tang Feifei, they have exploded, but they have been separated for so long. Qin Fang also missed them a bit. of.

"Go to school and see..."

Thinking of this, Qin decided to go back to school and prepare to give Tang Feifei a surprise...

to this end. Qin Fang also went to the flower shop to buy a few bunches of delicate roses... no way. A few sisters, a bunch of flowers is not enough!

Chen Da, although they are gone. But still left a car for Qin Fang, although it is just a very ordinary Buick, at least Qin Fang will be more convenient to go back to school...

Ninghai in September is still so hot, the girls are still still in summer, short skirts, slings can be seen almost everywhere, and occasionally you can see some unrestrained sisters directly to the Qibi short skirt...

The university campus is basically the same as the outside, and the white legs are almost everywhere...

In the downstairs of the girls' dormitory, there are usually many boys who are squatting and waiting... There are some unconstrained parties who bring gifts and flowers directly.

When Qin Fang stopped the car and held a big bouquet of roses and went straight to the girls’ dormitory, he also wanted to make it eye-catching... From time to time, there were beautiful girls looking over him, just Qin Fangdu. I have ignored it.

"Hey, so many people?"

When Qin Fang rushed to the dormitory where Tang Feifei was located, he found that there were quite a lot of people gathered downstairs. There were men and women. It seems that they are watching things... This is the case on campus. Something can quickly attract a lot of people.

"Let's let one let, let one let..."

However, this person has more than one, but it has blocked Qin’s way. In desperation, Qin Fang can only squeeze one side of the side, and also try to protect those flowers in his hands. ".

"Oh, someone is coming..."

"Haha, it’s more lively..."

Along with the discussion of the spectators around, they automatically gave up a way to let the Qin side enter the mouth more easily, which made the Qin side feel somewhat inexplicable.

After walking into this encirclement, Qin Fang discovered that it was relatively empty, only a few people in that area...

However, these few people have stood at a certain distance, and they still hold some small cards in their hands. They seem to have written words... Most of them are words of courting a girl, and Qin Fang is also You can make your own brain.

These young people are tall and handsome, and they seem to be very good at home. At least they can be seen from their simple wearing and accessories. But they are now squatting by you. I, I am staring at you, it seems to be very convinced.

So many people are on the lookout, afraid that they are waiting to see them fight a few...

"Hey, young is really good..."

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang also shook his head and sighed gently.

Although his age is similar to them, but he has experienced too much in the past year, his personality has matured a lot more than his eyes... Naturally, he has no intention to worry about these "children".

So he was ready to walk straight to the door of the girls' dormitory, and the flaming roses in his hand seemed quite eye-catching.

"Hey, who... send flowers, come over! Wait a minute for you... How come this?"

However, when Qin Fang just stepped out of this step, he saw that a young and handsome young man who was nearest to him immediately shouted a slap in front of him and walked quickly toward him.

"Send flowers?"

Qin Fang stunned, and his eyes looked a little confused, but he didn't think of it at all. He held the flower with great end, and it turned into a flower. The flower was given, but the woman gave it to himself. It is not a flower for the guests.

"I'm not……"

Qin Fang also smiled and shook his head to deny...

"Which is so much nonsense... money is here, spend it for me!"

But the young man seems to be too lazy to say more about this with the Qin side. He took a handful of money from the wallet and stuffed it into the hands of Qin Fang. He was too lazy to count, but how can he wait for three or five thousand? .

Although Qin Fang bought a few bunches of flowers, it only cost a few hundred dollars... Even if these roses are taken apart for sale, the money is enough to buy it.


"Oh, what? This flower I don't sell!"

Qin Fang is not selling flowers. Even if you give more money, it will be useless. He will not sell it at all. Besides, Qin Fang does not say that it is three or five thousand pieces, that is, thirty or five million. Throw it out, and don’t take your eyes.

Directly put this money back into the hands of the young man, and his face simply refused.

"Ha ha ha... Tao Wen, shame! Let's live..."

At this time, another young man came over and looked at the young man who was rejected by Qin Fang. He looked at it and seemed to be quite deflated.

"Man, what's new?"

Then, this young man is quite rude, and his direct arm is stretched over the shoulders of Qin Fang. It is very familiar and greeted.

"Er... what do you mean?"

Qin Fang stunned and looked around. It seemed that he should talk to him. He also asked some strange questions. It seems that...the two of them didn’t know it at all!

"Do you want to give this flower to Tang Feifei?"

The young man asked with a smile.

"Well! You know this?"

Qin Fang stunned, but there was still a strange question.


The young man stunned and his face became quite weird. "Man, don't be so funny... everyone is the same person, why bother to see it?"

"and many more……"

Qin Fang is even more strange. The expression on his face is quite weird. What seems to be thought of between the vagueness, "What do you say to the same person... You are not telling me, you are all looking for Tang Feifei. ?"

"Yes! Who can it be for?"

The young man also looked at Qin Fang with a look of eccentricity, but he was still more sincere and immediately admitted.


However, Qin Fang’s face was instantly weird, and he smashed other young people. It seems that they are watching him at this time, and their eyes are not too kind.

"I want to ask, are you... all newcomers?"

However, for these hostile eyes, Qin Fang will not be in the heart, just looking at the smiling young man in front of him.

"Eh... how do you know?"

This person couldn't help but slammed it. The hand on the shoulder of Qin Fang was also subconsciously put down, vaguely feeling a little wrong...

"If you are a sophomore or older, you should know me..."

Qin Fang patted the man's shoulder and smiled, and then directly took the rose and walked toward the female dormitory door.

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