Omni Genius

Chapter 1848: Kunlun sword breeze!

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At this time, Qin Fang was also a little eager to wait for it. He immediately reached out to pick this "small medicine king", but even some environmental changes around him did not have any thoughts. He only had this strain in his eyes. Yaowang" Qiye Lingzhi Grass!


At this moment, a sharp sword rushed in, almost in the blink of an eye, it has already reached the side of the Qin side, the sword is rushing, and there is a vague sword overflow, which is even more dangerous. The ultimate feeling...

Dangdang! ! !

In the face of such a murder, Qin Fang will not sit still, and he will not be able to pick up the "Little Medicine King" first. The Shadow Sword immediately appears in his hands, and the body circulates, and immediately returns to the sword to fight back. Up...

The speed of the two sides' shots is quite fast and fast, and the sound of a series of long swords is quite pleasing to the ear, but each sword is dangerous to the extreme.

So between the electric and the Flint, the two men each had their swords hundreds of times, but they never succeeded in breaking through the defense of the other side, playing a close match...

"Good swordsmanship..."

Qin Fang is also considered to have seen a lot of kendo masters, Xu Jiao behind Xu Jiao, quite a lot of sword repair, many people's kendo repair is quite good, but Xu family majors in sword meaning, in swordsmanship It was a little worse on the top.

However, in front of this opponent, the sword seems to have just been realized soon, and the application is not particularly skillful. However, the swordsmanship method is that the Qin Fang can’t help but admire it. Qin Fang relies entirely on personal strength. The speed of the reaction, as well as the skill-assisted skills of one-handed weapons, can barely stop the opponent's offensive.

"You're good too……"

Hearing the praise of Qin Fang, the other party also stepped back, immediately jumped out of the battle circle, looked at Qin Fang coldly, and could not help but responded.

This scene is quite a bit of a hero.

"In the Qin Dynasty, I did not ask..."

Qin Fang was also very polite at this time. Introduced yourself. Also asked about the origin of the other party, of course, this time also do not forget to give the other party a reconnaissance skill in the past ... small maps can not be used, but the detection skills will not affect.

"In the lower Kunlun sword clear wind..."

However, before the return of Qin Fang’s investigation results, the other party is also collecting swords and holding fists.

"Kunlun disciple? That is really a big flood of the Dragon King Temple, the family does not know the family..."

When the other party took the initiative to report the door, Qin Fang’s investigation skills did not need to go deep. Instead, it was a bitter smile.

"What do you mean?"

The sword breeze was also awkward, and some asked in the unknown.

"I think, you saw this... you should understand it!"

I saw only a gentle touch after Qin Fang’s body, and then there was a cold sword in his hand...

"Oh, this sword..."

Seeing the sword in the hands of Qin Fang, Jian Qingfeng frowned. I looked at it carefully, but I felt a little familiar, but I couldn’t think of where I had seen it.


The Qin side is quite simple, and directly throws the sword in his hand to the sword breeze.

Although the sword breeze was somewhat unexpected, it still kept a lot of vigilance. I took the sword and took it carefully. I looked at it carefully and suddenly my eyes changed. The pupil is also shrinking a lot.

"Thousand feathers swords..."

Obviously. He already knew the origin of the sword and was silent for a while. He couldn’t help but exclaimed, "This is the sabre of Chu Tianji’s Chu Shishu..."

"Yes, it is indeed a thousand feathers..."

Qin Fang also nodded and accepted the road. "In the past, I had some friendship with the Chu predecessors. He handed this sword to my hand and let me hand over the sword to the Kunlun school when I met the Kunlun disciple. ......"


When I heard the words of Qin Fang, the first reaction of Jian Qingfeng was not to believe.

The Thousand Feather Excalibur is definitely a rare soldier in the world. The Chu Tianji of that year was the most outstanding genius master of the Kunlun School. It has already achieved extraordinary achievements at a young age, that is, holding a thousand feathers of Shenjian Weishen Wulin...

The name of the Thousand Feather Excalibur Chu Tianji is also from this...

However, after the disappearance of the thousands of feathers and the death of Chu Tianji, it was completely ruined in the martial arts. Many people have guessed whether Chu Tianji suffered any misfortune, which led to him and the thousands of feathers. Disappeared together.

To this end, there are many well-known sword masters in the rivers and lakes, trying to find this sword... Long Guogu really has a lot of famous swords, but it can reach the level of the thousand feathers, but it is There are only a handful of them, each one is precious.

It is a pity that these famous swords are either in the millennial sect, or they are listed as treasures of the world, and some are disappeared because of some accidents...

Most of the famous swords, these sword masters naturally do not have to count on them. Even if they are courageous, they dare not go to the millennium gates. Those who are secretly collected do not have to consider, all are hidden. Don't even think about finding it.

Only these famous swords that have flown because of some accidents are their goals...

Even if these famous swords may come from the millennial sect, it is at least not that they are robbed. Those sects are not allowed to grab the saga of their own sects. Even if they want to change back, they will pay. At a certain price, such as some medicinal herbs, weapons or cultivation cheats.

Whether it is a sword or some other cultivation resources, they are very interested...

Therefore, even if these people get these famous swords, they will try their best to make a profit for themselves... otherwise it will never be easy to return this sword!

However, Qin Fang now, even if he has not confirmed the identity of Jian Qingfeng, he took the initiative to send the thousands of feathers to the hands of Jian Qingfeng. Naturally, it is quite doubtful that the sword is clear... even some doubts about whether Qin is up or down in the sword. What is prohibited?

"If the sword brother is doubtful, you can bring this thousand feathers swords back to the Kunlun school, and ask the predecessors in the door to identify them..."

The Qin side thought that the sword breeze was doubting the true and false of this thousand feather swords, and could not help but say so.

This sword has been in his hands for a long time, and he has made a great contribution to him. So he sent it back. Qin Fang is also a bit sad...but he has promised Chu Tianji, and Chutian The machine has grace for him, the gentleman does something, and he does not do it. He is not greedy.

He does not lack good weapons. The sword of the stream is similar to the sword of a thousand feathers. Even he has collected enough materials to upgrade the sword of the stream, and he can recast a peerless sword at any time. .

Even if it is a slightly worse weapon, there are quite a few Qin Fangs. The Xujia got a **** sword, a few fish in the underground palace, and killed a few masters of the six major families, and other ways to get it. There are no ten, there are eight...

But what he really uses is only the shadow sword. Besides the sharp exception, it is also because of the habit...

"This is not necessary... this is indeed a thousand feathers!"

When I heard the words of Qin Fang, Jian Qingfeng also returned to God slightly, and it is definitely affirmative.

Although he himself was the first to see a thousand feathers, he can be sure of this... just take it in his hand and run the Kunlun sword with a little bit of it, you can already confirm it!

Even he can feel the existence of some residual instinct left by Chu Tianji...

Don't look at this sword, which has released quite powerful brilliance in the hands of Qin Fang and Qin Tiannan, but it can't erase the traces of Chu Tianji... The strength of Chu Tianji is too strong, and the second is because of some Kunlun. The relationship between the secret law.

"In this case, Qin Qin did not live up to the predecessors of Chu, the original thing was returned to Kunlun..."

With the words of Jian Fengfeng, Qin Fang also responded with such a smile.


He threw a back to the sword, and immediately began to pick this "small medicine king" seven leaves lingzhi grass.

Seeing this movement of Qin Fang, Jian Qingfeng could not help but lick his lips, revealing a trace of bitter smile, but in the end... he did not choose to do it.

As a disciple of the Kunlun School, the oldest martial art in the rivers and lakes, how can you not know that this plant of the seven-leaf ganoderma lucidum is the legendary "small drug king" that can live dead, meat and bones, and can be used as medicine?

It is precisely because of this that after discovering this "small drug king", he immediately launched the most terrible attack on the Qin side...not because the two people have any **** vengeance, but this "small drug" The value of the king is too great.

But now...he can't do it anymore!

The Thousand Feather Excalibur is a kind of treasure of the Kunlun School. Although it is far from being the most precious, the Qin Fang’s act of returning to the original is to sell the Kunlun School’s personal feelings... Now I want to grab it but I can't grab it. I can only watch the Qin Fang take away this little drug king!

Jian Qingfeng holds the one thousand swords in his hand at the moment, but there is really an impulse to cry in his heart... The heart is really bleeding!

Of course, after the fight, Jian Qingfeng also knows that he wants to **** the "Little Medicine King" from the hands of Qin Fang. It is not so easy... His strength has reached the rank of the Grand Master, and the swordsmanship is even more Quite quite, but I took Qin Fang, a young man who was a lot smaller than himself!

If you really want to grab it, who wins or loses, it’s really hard to say...

Instead of killing both of them, they may end up losing both, and being arrested by others, it is better to let the Qin side get rid of it now... This is also considered to be a part of his sword!

"Thank you for the sword brother to complete!"

The "small medicine king" seven-leaf ganoderma lucidum was picked and collected into his own bag. Qin Fang’s heart was completely settled. He couldn’t help but hold the fist in the sword and expressed his thanks. of!

Although Jian Qingfeng was tired in the heart at the moment...

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